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Jarot Raharjo
Abstrak :
Simulasi pencampuran bahan-baku skrap aluminium yang berbeda, peramuan dan pemaduan serta peleburan diharapkan akan menghasilkan ingot yang sesuai atau mendekati standar aluminium coran. Pemanfaatan bahan-baku skrap mampu menampung bahan buangan yang menoemari lingkungan menjadi berguna. Telah dibuat ingot standar paduan aluminium coran BS 1490 seri LM4 dan LM13 dengan menggunakan bahan-baku skrap. Skrap aluminium yang digunakan diambil dari ind ustri kecil menengah pengecoran Iogam bukan besi di daerah Pasuruan Jawa Timur, terdiri dari skrap piston, kawat, plat, hanger Iistrik, roda gigi, blok mesin dan lain-lain. Pada peneiitian ini, bahan-baku skrap dipisahkan berdasarkan jenisnya, kemudian dianalisa komposisi kimianya dengan menggunakan Spektrometer. Perhitungan peramuan dan pemaduan secara komputerisasi dilakukan sebelum peleburan. Penambahan unsur-unsur paduan pada saat peleburan dilakukan agar komposisi target tercapai. Peleburan dilakukan dalam tungku krusibel dengan bahan- bakar kokas sampai temperatur 720°C. Logam cair hasil peleburan dituangkan kedalam masing-masing cetakan pasir dan cetakan Iogam yang telah disiapkan. Spesimen hasil peleburan kemudian dilakukan pengujlan mekanis berupa uji tarik dan uji kekerasan, juga dilakukan pengujian metalograti dengan mikroskop optik. Pembuatan ingot standar LM4 dan LM13 dengan bahan baku skrap telah berhasil dilakukan sesuai dengan komposisi standar yang dipersyaratkan. Kekuatan mekanis dan struktur mikro ingot dengan cetakan Iogam jauh lebih baik dibandlngkan dengan cetakan pasir. Porositas mempengaruhi kekuatan mekanis, ingot cetakan pasir dengan porositas yang tinggi menghasilkan kekuatan yang lebih rendah dari ingot cetakan Iogam dengan porositas rendah. Metode pengecoran dengan cetakan Iogam menghasilkan ingot dengan kekuatan mekanis meningkat rata-rata sebesar 30% dibandingkan metode pengecoran cetakan pasir. Dari struktur mikro ingot standar terbentuk fasa-fasa a (AI) dan eutectic yang telah sesuai dengan diagram fasa paduan biner AlSi. Peleburan ulang pada ingot menyebabkan pengurangan kandungan silikon sebanyak 30-40%.
Mixing simulation between differences feedstock of aluminium scraps, formulation, combination and then melting process were examined to obtain ingot, which has quality similar to that of aluminium casting standard. The utilization of scrap as a feedstock can minimize environmental problem and also obtain benefit value for waste products. The standard ingot from aluminium alloy BS 1490-LM4 and LM13 have made using scraps feedstock, which derived from waste products. Aluminium scraps, which contained piston scrap, wire, plate, electrical arch, gear, and machine block, were obtained from small size industries of metal non-iron processing at Pasuruan, East Java. ln this study, scrap feedstock were separated according to their types. Then, their chemical composition were analysed using spectrometer. Computerize calculation for formulation and fusion were carried out before melting process. Additional matters of fusion were conducted as melting process occurs to obtain a target composition. Melting was carried out in the crucible muffle using cokes as fuels at temperature of 72O°C. Liquid metal product was poured onto sand and metal moulds. Afterwards, these product were tested in order to find their mechanic strength and stiffness. Nletalographic analyses on these products were also carried out using optical microscope. The making of ingot standard LM4 and LM13 were successfully obtained in fulfilling the standard composition. The mechanic strength and micro-structure of ingot, produced from metal mould, has shown good performance than that of produced from sand mould. This examination shown that the porosity affected mechanic strength. ingot sand mould, which has high porosity, gave less strength compared to that of ingot metal mould, which has small porosity. The casting methode using metal mould produced ingot with increasing in mechanic strength by 30% compared to that of methode using sand mould. It was also found that or (Al) and eutectic phases were formed from micro-structure of standard ingot, which shown similar to that phase diagram binary fusion AlSi. It was also evidence that ingot remelting caused reduction in silicon concentration by 30-40%
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putri Marastuti
Abstrak :
Saat ini telah terjadi penambangan sumber daya alam bahan baku beton secara berlebihan. Dilihat dari sisi lain, banyak terdapat limbah beton yang hanya menjadi limbah di tempat pembuangannya. Penelitian ini akan menggunakan agregat kasar daur ulang sebagai agregat pada beton. Komposisi benda uji terdiri dari 0%, 20%, 40%, dan 60% agregat kasar daur ulang dari limbah beton mutu K350-K400. Pengujian meliputi, yaitu pengujian kuat tekan, kuat lentur, dan susut pada beton. Kuat tekan dan kuat lentur beton dengan komposisi 20% agregat kasar daur ulang meningkat 14,961% dan 12,5% dari kuat beton normal pada umur 28 hari. Susut beton dengan komposisi 60% agregat kasar daur ulang mempunyai nilai susut tertinggi dibandingkan dengan campuran lainnya.
Nowadays, there is a natural resource mining of concrete forming materials excessively. On the other hand, there are a lot of concrete waste in concrete waste dumps. This study will use recycled coarse aggregate as aggregate in concrete. The composition of the test object consisting of 0%, 20%, 40%, and 60% recycled coarse aggregate from concrete waste K350-K400. Testing includes, compressive strength test, flexural strength, and shrinkage in concrete. Compressive strength and flexural strength of concrete with 20% recycled coarse aggregate increased by 14.961% and 12.5% of the normal concrete at 28 days. Shrinkage of concrete with a composition of 60% recycled coarse aggregate has the highest shrinkage value compared to other mixtures.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sharon Cecilya Surjadi
Abstrak :
Sebagai negara maritim, Indonesia memiliki total keseluruhan kapal mencapai 63.000 kapal dengan 60 persen diantaranya berusia lebih dari 20 tahun, hal ini membuat besarnya potensi jumlah keberadaan kapal tua yang sudah tidak layak beroperasi dan harus di daur ulang. Selain itu, terlepas dari besarnya prospek pasar internasional green ship recycling yang terus meningkat khususnya berhubungan dengan European Union Ship Recycling Facility (EUSRF), Indonesia masih kalah bersaing di pasar internasional dalam industri green ship recycling, dibuktikan dengan adanya 23 kapal berbendera Indonesia dari 630 kapal komersial dan unit lepas pantai yang terjual untuk ditutuh di luar Indonesia menurut NGO Shipbreaking Platform 2020, serta ditambah masih terdapatnya kebutuhan baja dalam negeri yang terus meningkat. Hal tersebut terjadi karena kondisi industri green ship recycling Indonesia yang masih jauh dari kondisi ideal yang mendesak untuk diwujudkan menjelang akan berlakunya Hongkong Convention pada 26 Juni 2025. Kondisi Ship Recycling Facility di Indonesia masih banyak menggunakan metode beaching yang merusak lingkungan dan tidak memperhatikan aspek keselamatan, keamanan, dan kesehatan pekerja akibat dari minimnya pengaturan mengenai aspek teknis, prosedur, dan fasilitas. Maka dari itu dilakukan penelitian ini dengan tujuan menghasilkan strategi pengembangan Green Ship Recycling Facility sesuai keadaan di Indonesia serta memenuhi ketentuan internasional dan mencapai kepentingan ekonomis. Dalam penelitian ini dihasilkan rekomendasi kombinasi alternatif sistem dan teknologi yang optimal untuk digunakan di ship recycling facility melalui metode Analytical Network Process (ANP) dan in-depth interview terhadap stakeholders (praktisi, regulator, dan pakar) di industri ship recycling Indonesia dengan hasil yaitu: LPG/oxy-acetylene sebagai cutting technology, sandblasting sebagai decoating technology, landing/wet-basin sebagai docking system, mobile crane sebagai material handling technology, dan randomized storage system sebagai storage system. Lalu dilakukan pula kajian untuk menghasilkan rancangan prosedur dan tata letak area beserta fasilitas, rancangan pemilahan limbah per ketegori material berbahaya (HAZMAT), rancangan prosedur identifikasi material selama proses ship recycling, rancangan ketentuan fasilitas penanganan dan penyimpanan material berbahaya (HAZMAT), serta studi kasus pengembangan fasilitas yang dilakukan terhadap salah satu ship recycling facility semi modern di Cilegon, Indonesia, mencangkup gap analysis, rekomendasi pengembangan, dan design layout berdasarkan kajian rancangan yang telah dilakukan. ......As a maritime country, Indonesia has a total of 63,000 ships, with 60 percent of them being over 20 years old. This creates a significant potential for the existence of old ships that are no longer operational and need to be recycled. Additionally, despite the growing prospects of the international green ship recycling market, particularly in relation to the European Union Ship Recycling Facility (EUSRF), Indonesia still places behind in the international market in the green ship recycling industry. This is evidenced by 23 Indonesian-flagged ships out of 630 commercial ships and offshore units being sold for dismantling outside of Indonesia, according to the NGO Shipbreaking Platform 2020. Moreover, there is a continuous increase in domestic steel demand. This happened because the condition of the green ship recycling industry in Indonesia is still far from the ideal conditions that are urgently needed to be realized, especially with the upcoming implementation of Hong Kong Convention on 26 June 2025. Ship Recycling Facilities in Indonesia still extensively use beaching methods that damage the environment and disregard safety, security, and workers' health aspects, primarily due to the lack of regulations concerning technical aspects, procedures, and facilities. Hence, this research aims to develop a strategy for Green Ship Recycling Facility based on the Indonesia’s condition, while complying with international regulations and achieving economic interests. The study resulted in recommendations for an optimal combination of alternative systems and technologies to be used in ship recycling facilities, using the Analytical Network Process (ANP) method and in-depth interviews with stakeholders (practitioners, regulators, and experts) in the Indonesian ship recycling industry. The recommendations include LPG/oxy-acetylene as cutting technology, sandblasting as decoating technology, landing/wet-basin as the docking system, mobile crane as material handling technology, and randomized storage system as the storage system. Furthermore, the study also conducted an assessment to generate designs for procedures, layout areas, and facilities, waste categorization procedures for hazardous materials (HAZMAT), material identification procedures during the ship recycling process, requirements for handling and storing hazardous materials (HAZMAT), and a case study on the development of a facility in one of the semi-modern ship recycling facilities in Cilegon, Indonesia. This case study covers gap analysis, development recommendations, and design layout based on the conducted design assessment.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rifqy Aldianto Pratama
Abstrak :
Proses ship recycling kapal memerlukan prosedur yang efektif dan efisien untuk memastikan pemilahan dan penanganan material serta perlengkapan kapal berjalan dengan baik, sesuai dengan regulasi yang berlaku, dan ramah lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan memberikan rekomendasi yang dapat mengembangkan prosedur pemilahan dan penanganan hasil daur ulang kapal pada ship recycling facility di Indonesia. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan kajian regulasi nasional dan internasional terkait, serta perumusan rekomendasi untuk prosedur pemilahan dan penanganan hasil kegiatan daur ulang kapal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemilahan material berdasarkan jenis dan kondisi fisiknya sangat penting untuk memaksimalkan nilai daur ulang dan meminimalkan limbah berbahaya. Rekomendasi prosedur yang dihasilkan mencakup langkah-langkah detil mulai dari identifikasi material, identifikasi proses penanganan, dan rekomendasi proses pemilahan dan penanganan material dan perlengkapan kapal. Implementasi prosedur ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan efisiensi proses daur ulang kapal, mengurangi risiko terhadap lingkungan dari HAZMAT, serta memberikan panduan praktis bagi industri terkait. ......The ship recycling process requires effective and efficient procedures to ensure the sorting and handling of materials and ship equipment are conducted smoothly, in accordance with applicable regulations, and environmentally friendly. This research aims to provide recommendations that can develop sorting and handling procedures for ship recycling facilities in Indonesia. The study reviews national and international regulations related to ship recycling activities and formulates recommendations for sorting and handling procedures. The research findings indicate that sorting materials based on their type and physical condition is crucial for maximizing recycling value and minimizing hazardous waste. The recommended procedures include detailed steps from material identification, handling process identification, to recommendations for sorting and handling materials and ship equipment. Implementing these procedures is expected to enhance the efficiency of ship recycling processes, reduce environmental risks from hazardous materials (HAZMAT), and provide practical guidance for related industries.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ferdy Yacobus Santoso
Abstrak :
Berdasarkan Konvensi Hong Kong, kapal dengan usia lebih dari 25 tahun harus dilakukan proses ship recycling. Hal tersebut dinilai dapat merusak lingkungan karena pemakaian kapal dengan jangka waktu lama memiliki efek negatif yang dapat dikeluarkan kapal tersebut. Namun industri ship recycling di Indonesia masih belum maksimal. Industri ship recycling masih terbilang sedikit dalam jumlah dan juga belum menerapkan ship recycling yang ramah terhadap lingkungan. Potensi industri ship recycling di Indonesia terbilang besar karena jumlah kapal tua di Indonesia sangat banyak. Selain itu daerah sekitar Pelabuhan Kamal merupakan sentra industri galangan ship recycling terbesar di Madura bahkan di Indonesia. Tetapi galangan tersebut masih belum memiliki regulasi yang jelas. Pemilihan lokasi diharapkan dapat memudahkan dalam proses pemindahan galangan ship recycling yang berada di sekitar Pelabuhan Kamal untuk menempati lahan bekas Pelabuhan Kamal. Penelitian ini telah menghasilkan desain usaha galangan green ship recycling dengan memanfaatkan lahan bekas Pelabuhan Kamal di Madura. Rancangan desain ini dibuat berdasarkan studi literatur dari penelitian yang ada, peraturan-peraturan, wawancara secara langsung dengan pemilik usaha ship recycling, serta memanfaatkan aplikasi AutoCAD 2020 dan aplikasi SketchUp 2020. Maka didapatkan hasil desain untuk mendukung operasional green ship recycling. Selain itu penelitian ini juga menghasilkan kapasitas fasilitas-fasilitas dari desain usaha galangan green ship recycling. ......According to Hong Kong Convention, ships older than 25 years old must be following the ship recycling process. The long usage of a ship can damage environment. However the industry of ship recycling in Indonesia still not maximum. There is still a low number of ship recycling industry in Indonesia and most of it still not environmentally friendly. Indonesia has a big potency in ship recycling industry because of the big number of old ships. Kamal port surrounding area is the biggest ship recycling shipyard in Madura even in Indonesia. However the shipyard does not has the clear regulation yet. This research is to proposed the change location and simplify the moving process of ship recycling shipyard from the kamal port surrounding area to former kamal port location. This research has found the result green ship recycling business design at former kamal madura port. This design is being made by literature studies from the existing researches, regulations, direct interview with one of the ship recycling business owner, utilize softwares like AutoCAD 2020 and SketchUp 2020. The result of this design is to support the operation of green ship recycling and also this research conclude the capacity calculations of the facilities from green ship recycling business design.


Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Achmad Iqbal
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Setiap tahun jumlah limbah organik padat selalu bertambah dengan pesat seiring dengan bertambahnya jumlah penduduk, peningkatan pendapatan, perkembangan industri dan kegiatan-kegiatan lainnya. Limbah organik tersebut beium bisa ditangani karena dari waktu ke waktu terus meningkat jumlahnya, sementara lahan tempat penampungannya semakin terbatas. Berbagai upaya untuk mengatasi menumpuknya limbah padat, cair dan gas serta cara penangananya masih terbatas. Penanganan limbah organik padat pada umumnya didasarkan pada tiga sistem yaitu pembuangan, pembakaran dan pengomposan. Dari ketiga cara tersebut, yang paling baik dan secara teknis memang sangat cocok untuk menangani limbah organik padat adalah melakukan daur ulang dengan cara pengomposan. Mendaur ulang sampah dengan cara pengomposan akan dapat mengurangi jumlah sampah di perkotaan, dengan demikian biaya pengangkutan pun akan berkurang. Dalam proses pembuatan kompos, cacing tanah juga dapat digunakan dalam membantu proses perombakan bahan-bahan organik. Sebagai akibat dari perombakan secara biologis yang dilakukan oleh cacing tanah dan mikroorganisme adalah dihasilkannya casting yang mempunyai kandungan unsur hara. Untuk mengetahui seberapa jauh peranan cacing tanah dalam proses dekomposisi bahan organik, maka dilakukan penelitian yang secara umum bertujuan untuk mengetahui karekteristik casting hasil pengomposan, dan secara spesifik bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan antara limbah organik padat dari pasar (sisa sayuran) dengan limbah RPH (isi rumen) yang optimal agar proses pengomposan dengan menggunakan cacing tanah berjalan baik dan casting yang dihasilkan mengandung unsur hara yang tinggi. Bahan-bahan yang digunakan dalam percobaan adalah kombinasi antara limbah pasar (sisa sayuran) dengan limbah RPH (isi rumen) yang dibuat bervariasi dalam volumenya dalam 250 gram cacing tanah, yang terdiri dari: (1) PRi - perbandingan antara limbah pasar dengan limbah RPH 100 . 0 dalam 250 gram racing tanah. (2) PR2 = perbandingan antara limbah pasar dengan limbah RPH 75 : 25 dalam 250 gram cacing tanah. (3) PR3 = perbandingan antara limbah pasar dengan limbah RPH 50 : 50 dalam 250 gram cacing tanah, (4) PR4 perbandingan antara limbah pasar dengan limbah RPH 25 .: 75 dalam 250 gram cacing tanah dan (5) PR5 = perbandingan antara limbah pasar dengan limbah RPH 0 100 dalam 250 gram cacing tanah. Rancangan yang digunakan dalam percobaan adalah rancangan acak lengkap ORAL) yang diulang tiga kali. Limbah arganik padat dari pasar (sisa sayuran) dan limbah RPH (isi rumen) serta campuran antar keduanya dapat dirombak oleh cacing tanah menjadi casting. Limbah Organik padat yang telah berubah menjadi casting dicirikan oleh berubahnya limbah menjadi massa yang remah, berwarna caklat kehitaman, sulit dikenali lagi dari bahan asalnya dan terjadi perubahan sifat-sifat kimianya. Dilihat dari strukturnya, pada perlakuan PR1, PR2 dan PR3 casting yang diperoleh mempunyai struktur remah sedang pada perlakuan PR4 dan PR5 strukturnya padat. Sifat-sifat biologi limbah yang telah difermentasikan selama dua minggu tetapi belum diberi racing tanah menunjukkan bahwa jenis mikroorganisme yang terdapat pada limbah pasar terdapat juga pada limbah RPH, namun jumlah totalnya berbeda. Sedangkan hasil panen cacing tanah menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan percobaan memberikan pengaruh yang nyata, dan perlakuan yang memberikan bobot cacing tanah paling tinggi adalah pada perlakuan campuran antar limbah pasar dengan limbah RPH dengan perbandingan 50:50. Sifat-sifat kimia casting yang ditunjukkan oleh kandungan logam beratnya menunjukkan bahwa pada semua perlakuan menghasilkan casting yang mengandung logam berat sangat rendah, jauh di bawah standar lingkungan hidup yang diterapkan di Amerika Serikat (EPA Standard). Demikian juga terhadap kandungan unsur-unsur hara makro (N,P,K.) dan mikro (Fe, Mn, Al, Cu dan Zn) semua perlakuan memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap semua variabel yang diamati, kecuali terhadap unsur nitrogen.
ABSTRACT Solid Organic Waste Utilization Into Casting Through CompostingEvery year the amount of solid organic waste always increase rapidly parallel with increased number of resident, income improvement, industrial development and other activities. Organic waste mentioned can not yet be handle because from time to time always rises its amount, while its receiver site land is more and more limited. Various attempt for overcoming accumulated solid waste, liquid and gaseous waste its handling manner is still limited. Solid organic waste its waste in general is based on three system i.e disposal, burning and composting. Whereas from the three manner mentioned, so the best one and technically is really very suitable for handling of solid organic waste namely making recycle by way of composting. Recycling waste by means of composting will be able to reduce the amount of waste in urban, thus its transport cost will also decrease. In the compost making process, earthworm can also be used in helping the organic matters 'process of decomposition. So the result of biological decomposition that is made by earthworm and microorganism namely produced casting which has nutrient element content. To identify what extent is the role of earthworm in the organic matter process of decomposition, then it is made a research which in general aims to know the characteristic of composting product casting, and specially aims to know the ratio between solid organic waste from market (vegetable remnant) to butcher's waste (rumen content) that is optimal so that process of fertilization by using the earthworm runs well and casting that is produced contains high nutrient element. Materials used in the experiment is the combination between market waste (vegetable remnant) with butcher's waste (rumen content) that is made various in its volume The biological properties of waste that has been fermented during two weeks but not yet given earthworm indicate that type of microorganism which occurs on the market waste occurs also in butcher's waste, yet its total number differs. While earthworm harvest indicates that trial treatment gives obvious effect, and treatment which gives the highest earthworm is in the mixed treatment between market waste and butcher's waste with ratio 50 : 50. The chemical properties of casting that is indicated by its heavy metal content indicate that in all treatment it produces casting that contain very low heavy metal, far under life environment standard that is practiced in the United States (EPA Standard). Similarly on the macro (N, P, K) and micro (Fe, Mn, Al, Cu and Zn) nutrient elements content all treatments give obvious effect to all variables observed, except to the nitrogen element. in 25 grams earthworm, which consists of : (1) PR1 = the ratio between market waste to butcher's waste 100 : 0 in 250 grams earthworm; (2) PR2 = ratio between market waste to butcher's waste 75 : 25 in 250 grams earthworm; (3) FR3 ratio between market waste to butcher's waste 50 : 50 in 250 grams earthworm; (4) PR4 = ratio between market waste to butcher's waste 25 : 75 in 250 grams earthworm and (5) PR5 = ratio between market waste to butcher's waste 0 : 100 in 250 grams earthworm. The design used in experiment is completely Randomized Design (CRD) that is repeated three times. Solid organic waste from market (vegetable remnant) and butcher's waste (rumen content) and the mixture between both can be decomposed by earthworm into casting. Solid organic waste that has changed into casting is characterized by changed waste into crumbed mass, blackish brown in color, hard to be known again from its original material and it occurs the change of its chemical properties. Observed from its structure, in the treatments PR1, PR2 and PR3 casting that is gain has moderate crumb structure and in the treatment PR4 and PR5 its structure is solid or compact.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1995
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Worrell, Ernst
Abstrak :
Winner of the International Solid Waste Association's 2014 Publication Award, Handbook of recycling is an authoritative review of the current state-of-the-art of recycling, reuse and reclamation processes commonly implemented today and how they interact with one another. The book addresses several material flows, including iron, steel, aluminum and other metals, pulp and paper, plastics, glass, construction materials, industrial by-products, and more. It also details various recycling technologies as well as recovery and collection techniques. To completely round out the picture of recycling, the book considers policy and economic implications, including the impact of recycling on energy use, sustainable development, and the environment.
Waltham, MA: Elsevier, 2014
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bayu Anugerah Pratama
Abstrak :
Menurut Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (BKI), 1.404 kapal di Indonesia berusia lebih dari 25 tahun dan kapal-kapal ini perlu diremajakan dalam waktu dekat. Namun, tidak ada pemahaman & infrastruktur yang tepat untuk industry penutuhan kapal di Indonesia. Studi ini membahas desain untuk industri green ship recycling. Kawasan industri ini akan mengikuti peraturan IMO, pemerintah Indonesia tentang kawasan industry, dan peraturan nasional lainnya yang terkait. Desain ini akan berlokasi di Kabupaten Tanggamus, Provinsi Lampung, Sumatra, Indonesia. Pemilihan lokasi desain ini didasarkan pada kebutuhan akan lahan yang masih tersedia untuk merancang kawasan industri green ship recycling. Studi ini juga mencakup kebutuhan infrastruktur yang terintegrasi dengan industri green ship recycling. jenis infrastruktur akan dibagi menjadi komplek industri pendukung dan infrastruktur sosial pendukung.
According to the Indonesian Classification Bureau (BKI), 1,404 ships in Indonesia are more than 25 years old and these vessels need to be recycled in the near future. However, there is no proper understanding & infrastructure for Ship Recycling in Indonesia. This study discusses the estate design for green ship recycling yard. this estate will be following the IMO, Indonesian government regulations on industrial estate, and others national regulation related to it. This design will be located in Tanggamus Regency, Lampung Province, Sumatra, Indonesia. This design location selection is based on the need for land that is still available to design the new green ship recycling industrial estate. this research also covers infrastructure needs that are well integrated with the green ship recycling yard. the type of infrastructure will be divided into supporting industries and social infrastructure.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini adalah meningkatkan tingkah laku mendaur ulang sampah domestik ibu-ibu rumah tangga di Tambun Kabupaten Bekasi. Intervensi dilakukan dengan manajemen komunitas, pelatihan dan insentif. Target intervensi adalah ibu-ibu rumah tangga di RT 09 RW 41 Perumahan Griya Asri 2 Tambun Bekasi. Intervensi manajemen komunitas dengan membentuk organisasi pengelola sampah rumah tangga terbukti meningkatkan tingkah laku mendaur ulang warga dari 3 warga menjadi 41 warga. Intervensi pelatihan diikuti 20 peserta yang dilakukan dalam satu hari dan dilanjutkan monitoring setelah 1 minggu dan 3 minggu yang disertai insentif. Pengukuran dampak intervensi 3 minggu setelah pelatihan membuktikan adanya 7 peserta telah mendaur ulang sampah domestik.
ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to improve the behavior of domestic waste recycling household mothers in Tambun, Bekasi Regency. The intervention is done by the community management, training and incentives. Targeted interventions are mothers of households in RT 09 RW 41 Griya Asri 2 Tambun, Bekasi. Management interventions in communities by establishing the management organization of household waste is proven to increase recycling behavior of citizens of the three residents to 41 residents. Training intervention attended by 20 participants conducted in a single day and continued monitoring after 1 week and 3 weeks with incentives. Measurement of the impact of interventions 3 weeks after the training proves the 7 participants had to recycle domestic waste.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tze Fong Go
Abstrak :
End-of-life Vehicle (ELV) recovery is a promising strategy to minimize the environmental impact of automotives on environmental sustainability. This study aims to assess the community?s knowledge from a socio-technical perspective on ELV. A survey was conducted in Japan and Malaysia to assess public perception on ELV recovery. The results showed that the communities in both countries have basic knowledge and a reasonably good level of awareness on environmental issues and recovery strategies such as recycling. However, there is a high level of uncertainty on the concept of ELV reuse and remanufacturing, as more than 50% of respondents were unsure of their willingness to participate in ELV initiatives. The respondents agreed that the industry and government should take the necessary steps to support the reuse strategy. The paper concludes with suggestions from a socio-technical perspective, which aim to ensure an effective implementation of ELV recovery through reuse and remanufacturing.
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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