Ditemukan 11 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Orwell, George, 1903-1950
New York: Mariner Books, 2015
946.08 ORW h
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Sanchez, Rafael Torres
This book offers a new slant on the relations between warfare and state construction. Historians looking at how war funding impinged on state development, and how state growth made wars more demanding affairs, have tended to downplay the role of military provisioning entrepreneurs. Written off as corrupt and selfish, these entrepreneurs conflicted with the received view of a rationally growing and modernizing state. This book (or the Spanish case during the eighteenth century) shows that ...
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
Reinhardt, Nicole
This study analyses how the link between politics and conscience was articulated and shaped by confessors as counsellors to monarchs throughout the seventeenth century. Against the backdrop of the momentous intellectual, theological, and political shifts during this period, it examines comparatively how ethical challenges of political action were confronted in Spain and France and how questions of conscience became a major argument in the hegemonic struggle between these competing Catholic powers. Counsel of conscience was ...
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
Penelitian ini akan menjelaskan dan merkonstruksi bagaimana pemberitaan media massa olahraga Marca dalam menyuarakan kemerdekaan Catalan sesuai dengan sikap politik pemerintah Spanyol. Dengan menggunakan analisis wacana kritis penelitian ini membongkar pesan dibalik teks-teks yang dimunculkan oleh Marca sebagai media massa olahraga dalam pemberitaan mereka terkait isu kemerdekaan wilayah Catalan, serta referendum yang terjadi pada 1 Oktober 2017. Bagaimana pemberitaan yang muncul di media massa olahraga Marca dipengaruhi juga oleh keadaan serta situasi yang terjadi di ...
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Ainul Hikmah
Skripsi ini mendeskripsikan tentang kekuasaan Abdurrahman bin Muawiyah di Spanyol pada 756_788. Peristiwa pembantaian keluarga Umayyah menjadi babak baru bagi Abdurrahman untuk tetap mempertahankan kekuasaan Umayyah. Spanyol menjadi tempat tujuannya untuk mempertahankan kekuasaan itu. Di Spanyol Abdurrahman menjadi pendiri Emirat Umayyah di Spanyol. Kekuasaan Abdurrahman diliputi oleh konflik-konflik yang terjadi dari dalam negeri maupun serangan dari luar negeri. Kebudayaan Arab juga mulai diperkenalkan dalam kurun waktu tersebut. Pada penulisan skripsi ini penulis menggunakan teori Miriam ...
UI - Skripsi Open Universitas Indonesia Library
Manuel Gallego: Birkhäuser, 1998.
720.92 MAN
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
A.A. Bagus Surya Widya Nugraha
Pasca terjadinya serangan 9/11, angka serangan teror yang berasal dari kelompok
teroris transnasional mengalami peningkatan. Menurut data Europol dari tahun 2006-
2012, Inggris, Spanyol dan Perancis mengalami serangan teror yang lebih dominan
jika dibandingkan dengan negara Uni Eropa yang lainnya. Namun dari data tersebut,
Inggris merupakan negara dengan angka rata-rata serangan teror terendah. Tesis ini
membandingkan upaya Inggris, Spanyol dan Perancis dalam menanggulangi
ancaman terorisme menggunakan kerangka analisa strategi penggentaran. Data
mengenai penanggulangan terorisme di ketiga negara dianalisis secara kualitatif
menggunakan tiga elemen ...
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Roura, Eudald Carbonelli, editor
The aim of this book is to provide a new insight on Neanderthal behaviour using the data recovered in level J of Romaní rockshelter (north-eastern Spain). Due to the sedimentary dynamics that formed the Romaní deposit, the occupation layers are characterized by a high temporal resolution, which makes it easier to interprete the archaeological data in behavioural terms. In addition, the different analytical domains (geoarchaeology, lithic technology, zooarchaeology, taphonomy, anthracology, palaeontology) are addressed from a ...
Dordrecht: [, Springer], 2012
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
Premo, Bianca
This book demonstrates that ordinary, often illiterate colonial subjects of the Spanish empire were among the Enlightenments most adept practitioners. Broadly situated within postcolonial debates about the Enlightenment and modernity, it employs approaches from comparative social science, intellectual history, and legal history to demonstrate that, at end of the 1700s, colonial Spanish Americans began to sue one another with a zeal unseen on the peninsula. Part I examines how and how many lawsuits were generated ...
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
Malcolm, Alistair
This book presents a study of the later years of the reign of Philip IV from the perspective of his favourite (valido), don Luis Mendez de Haro, and of the other ministers who played a role in the government of the Spanish Habsburg Monarchy. It offers a positive vision of a period that is often seen as one of failure and decline. Unlike his predecessors, Haro exercised the favour that he enjoyed in a discreet ...
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library