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Yanit Wediarsih
Abstrak :
Menurut laporan MDG's tahun 2007, 30,7% masyarakat Indonesia tanpa akses sanitasi yang layak. Provinsi Banten memiliki masalah yang cukup besar terkait dengan masalah air, higiene dan sanitasi. Beberapa cakupan sanitasi dasar di Provinsi Banten merupakan cakupan terendah di Pulau jawa, seperti cakupan jamban keluarga pada tahun 2007 yang hanya 67,69 %. Kondisi sanitasi lingkungan yang buruk ini akhirnya menyebabkan masih seringnya terjadi KLB diare dan demam berdarah di Provinsi Banten. Selain itu kejadian demam tifoid dan malaria juga mengalami peningkatan dari tahun ke tahun. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui risiko dan dampak sanitasi lingkungan terhadap status kesehatan balita di Provinsi Banten dengan menggunakan data sekunder hasil RISKESDAS 2007. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain cross sectional. Populasi dan sampel dari penelitian ini adalah balita (12 - 59 bulan). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa balita yang pernah menderita sakit sebanyak 17,2%. Sedangkan faktor sanitasi lingkungan yang memiliki risiko terhadap status kesehatan balita adalah ketersediaan air bersih (OR = 1,6; 95%CI 1,2 - 2,3), sarana pembuangan air limbah (OR = 1,7; 95% CI 1,0 - 3,1) dan tempat penampungan air (OR = 1,9; 95%CI 1,2 - 2,9). Sarana pembuangan air limbah memberikan dampak yang paling besar diantara ketiga variabel yang berisiko, dimana jika di populasi, sarana pembuangan air limbah yang tidak memenuhi syarat diperbaiki, maka akan menurunkan kejadian sakit pada balita sebanyak 36,9%. Hasil penelitian ini menyarankan bahwa untuk mengurangi risiko dan dampak sanitasi lingkungan diperlukan upaya pengelolaan terhadap air, mulai dari air bersih sampai dengan air buangan. ......According to the MDG's in 2007, 30.7% of Indonesian people without access to improved sanitation. Banten province has a considerable problem associated with the problem of water, hygiene and sanitation. Some basic sanitation coverage in Banten Province is the lowest coverage in Java, such as family latrine coverage in 2007 is only 67.69%. Conditions of poor environmental sanitation is still ultimately lead to frequent outbreaks of diarrhea and dengue fever in the province of Banten. In addition to the incidence of typhoid fever and malaria also increased from year to year. The purpose of this study was to determine the risk and impact of environmental sanitation on the health status of children under five in Banten province by using secondary data from RISKESDAS 2007. This research is quantitative cross-sectional design. Population and sample of the study was a toddler (12-59 months). The results showed that infants who have suffered from as much as 17.2%. While environmental sanitation factors that have exposure to the health status of children under five are the availability of clean water (OR = 1.6, 95% CI 1.2 to 2.3), wastewater disposal (OR = 1.7, 95% CI 1, 0 to 3.1) and a reservoir of water (OR = 1.9, 95% CI 1.2 to 2.9). Wastewater disposal provide the greatest impact among the three variables is at risk, which if in the population, wastewater disposal are not eligible eliminated, it will reduce the incidence of illness in infants as much as 36.9%. Results of this study suggest that to reduce the risk and impact of environmental sanitation to water management efforts are needed, ranging from clean water to waste water.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erwin Santosa
Abstrak :
Program Promosi Kesehatan adalah suatu usaha untuk melindungi dan meningkatkan tingkat kesehatan pekerja yang bergantung pada komitmen management perusahaan dan peran sorta pekerja untuk peduli terhadap kesehatan mereka. Model program promosi kesehatan yang dikembangkan oleh Netherland Institute for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (NIGZ) terdiri dari 8 elemen dengan sub elemen didaiamnya, yaitu Kondisi Kontekstuai dan Kelayakan, Anaiisis Perrnasalahan, Analisis Psikologis, Perilaku dan Lingkungan, Kelompok Target, Penentuan Tujuan, Perencanaan Program, lmpiementasi Program dan Evaluasi. Setiap pegawai PT X setiap tahun wajib mengikuti Pemeriksaan Medis Tahunan (AMCU »- Annual Medical Check Up) yang dilakukan oleh klinik di Kantor Balikpapan maupun di Rumah Sakit. Pekerja yang masuk dalam kategori lit (berisiko rendah) wajib mengikuti program promosi kesehatan olah raga rehabilitasi. Apabila kondisinya tidak membaik sehingga membahayakan keselamatannya maka pegawai tersebut akan diminta untuk pindah ke Kantor Balikpapan sehingga memudahkan akses ke fasilitas medis yang lebih lengkap. Dari data keikutsertaan rata-rata di perusahaan PT X pada tahun 2006, diketahui terdapat perbedaan tingkat partisipasi dalam kegiatan Promosi Kesehatan Rehabilitasi yang dilakukan secara rutin setiap minggu antara pekerja Kantor(11%) dan di Iapangan (CPU : 25%, NPU : 42 % , CPA : 56%). Penelitian diiakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pelaksanaan elemen pengeiolaan program promosi kesehatan dan tingkat partisipasi peserta oiah raga rehabiiitasi pada pekerja Kantor dan Pekerja Lapangan (CPU. NPU dan CPA) di Perusahaan PT X pada Tahun 2006. Penelitian secara kualitatif dengan metode Grounded Theory diketahui bahwa elemen program yang memberikan hubungan kontekstual dengan tingkat partisipasi adalah elemen Kondisi Kontekstual clan Kelayakan dan elemen Analisa Permasa|ahan_ Elemen program yang memberikan hubungan pengaruh dengan tingkat partisipasi adalah elemen Anaiisa Psikologis, Perilaku dan Lingkungan dan elemen Kelompok Target. Elemen program yang merupakan hubungan strategi aksi/reaksi adalah elemen Penentuan Tujuan, elemen Perencanaan program dan elemen lmlementasi Program. E|Temen Program Promosi Kesehatan yang berhubungan Iangsung dengan tingkat partisipasi pekerja adalah interaksi antara Penentuan Tujuan, Perencanaan Program dan lmplementasi Program, sedangkan Kondisi Konstekstual dan Kelayakan, Analisis Masalah, Kelompok Target dan Analisis Psikoiogis, Perilaku dan Lingkungan berhubungan secara tidak langsung. Elemen Kondisi Kontekstual dan Kelayakan dan Elemen Perencanaan Program diduga memberikan pengaruh kepada tingkat partisipasi peserta program promosi kesehatan olah raga rehabilitasi di PT X pada tahun 2006. Disarankan agar perusahaan menerapkan waktu pelaksanaan program olah raga rehabilitasi yang fleksibel disesuaikan dengan kondisi di masing - masing lokasi, melibatkan kelompok penghubung dalam tahap-tahap pemilihan strategi program, menentukan target tingkat partisipasi yang diharapkan dari kelompok penghubung dalam proses penyusunan program, memasukan keberhasilan program promosi kesehatan olah raga rehabilitasi sebagai salah satu indikator ketercapaian program manajemen lini pemsahaan (KPI - key performance indicator).
Healt Promotion Program is an effort to protect and improve workers health status which builds upon company and management commitment and workers involvement in their health. Netherland institute for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (NIGZ) has developed a Health Promotion Program models which consists of 8 elemens and sub elements : Contextual Condition and Feasibility, Problem Analysis, Detemiinant of psychological / behavior problem and environment, Target Group, Objective, Intervention Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. All employee of PT X must undergo an Annual Medical Check Up at companys medical fasility or at the appointed hospital. Any employee whose health status categorized at any risk must follow rehabilitation sport program untill the condition is suitable with his/her workload, otherwise he/she shall be transferred to other site or to Balikpapan Base where medical fasilities are more complete. Data on average participation rate of rehabilitation sport program for the year of 2006 vary between Baiikpapan Base (11%) and operational sites. (CPU : 25%, NPU : 42 %, CPA : 56 %). Research was performed to find relation between implementation of health promotion elemen and participation rate of rehabilitattion sport program on employee working at Balikpapan Base and Operational sites (CPU, CPA, NPU) in year of 2006. Using Grounded Theory qualitative research method, it is found those elements which give a contextual relation to participation rate are Contextual Condition and Feasibility and Problem Analysis. Elements which give contribution relation to participation rate are Psychological/behavior Analysis and Environment and Target Group. Elements which give interaction relation to participation rate are Objective, Intervention Development and Implementation. Health Promotion Program elements which are directly connected to participation rate are Objective, intervention Development, and Implementation. While Contextual Condition and Feasibility, Problem Analysis, Psychological/behavior Analysis and Environment and Target Group are connected to participation rate ind irectly. Based on similar trend between participation rate and semi quantitative result of element assessment (NIGZ questionnaire, 2003) it is suspected that Contextual Condition and Feasibility and intervention Development as dominant contributing factor to participation rate of rehabilitation sport program at TOTAL E&P Indonesia in year 2006. It is suggested to management of PT X to be more flexible in setting the timing of sport activity that suitable with each location, to involve and set up target for intennediaries in Intervention Development, to include achievement of health promotion program as Key Performance Indicator of line hierarchy.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ima Hariyati
Abstrak :
Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh budaya organisasi dan status kesehatan terhadap kinerja dosen di Politeknik Kesehatan Kementerian Kesehatan Jakarta II. Penelitian dilakukan pada dosen tetap selama bulan Mei sampai Juni 2012. Berdasarkan evaluasi yang pernah dilakukan sebelumnya kinerja pada aspek pengajaran, penelitian, pengabdian masyarakat belum mencapai maksimal. Berkaitan hal tersebut maka perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui ada/tidaknya peningkatan kinerja. Merupakan penelitian kuantitatif menggunakan metode cross sectional dan pengambilan sampel secara proportionate stratified random sampling. Kuesioner dengan 20 pertanyaan untuk mengukur indikator profesionalisme, kepedulian, kondisi mental dan aktivitas berolah raga. Pemeriksaan langsung berat badan dan tinggi badan untuk mengukur BMI. Analisis data menggunakan SEM-SmartPLS. Sampel berjumlah 67 dosen yang diambil dari 103 dosen. Analisis dilakukan antara variabel eksogen dengan endogen pada model yang diajukan. Budaya organisasi mempengaruhi kinerja 11,4% dan status kesehatan memberi pengaruh 25,2% terhadap kinerja. Prediksi model penelitian 8,7%. Variabel budaya organisasi dan status kesehatan signifikan berpengaruh terhadap kinerja.
The objective of this research was to evaluate the influence of organization culture and health status to lecturer performance at Health Polytechnic Jakarta II Ministry of Health. Samples of this research were permanent lecturers at Health Polytechnic Jakarta II Ministry of Health in May-June 2012. Based on previous evaluation on lecturer performance at the same place for education, research and community perpetuation, the result had not reached maximum. That is why there should be another research to evaluate this lecturer performance. This is a quantitative cross-sectional research. Samples were collected using proportionate stratified random sampling. Questioner consisted on 20 questions for assessing indicator for professionalism, care, mental condition, and exercise activity. Direct examination was carried out on weight, height assessing BMI. Data analyses were done using SEM-SmartPLS. Samples were 67 lecturers from 103 lecturers. Analyses were carried out between exogenous and endogenous variables on proposed models. Organization culture influenced 11.4% and health status influenced 25.2% on lecturer performance. Prediction model on this research was 8.7%. Organization Culture and health status variables influenced lecturer performance significantly.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Deta Annisa Nalayani
Abstrak :
Peranan usaha kesehatan sekolah merupakan salah satu upaya dalam meningkatkan status kesehatan siswa. Siswa dengan tahap perkembangan remaja awal dan menengah yang sedang berada dalam tahap pencarian identitas diri, remaja cenderung untuk melakukan perilaku kesehatan berisiko yang dapat mengancam status kesehatannya pada saat ini dan di masa mendatang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif mengenai hubungan peranan usaha kesehatan sekolah dengan status kesehatan dilihat dari beberapa faktor. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian yaitu stratified random sampling dengan jumlah responden 77. Mayoritas responden berjenis kelamin perempuan sebesar 54,5 . Rata-rata responden memiliki tanda-tanda vital dan status nutrisi yang normal. Status kesehatan siswa sebanyak 57,1 memiliki risiko dan didominasi siswa laki-laki. Tidak ditemukan adanya hubungan yang signifikan hubungan antara peranan UKS dengan status kesehatan siswa, dengan nilai p sebesar 0,761 p>0,05 . Oleh karena itu, peneliti merekomendasikan promosi kesehatan yang penting untuk meningkatkan peranan UKS ...... The role of school health efforts is one of the efforts in improving the health status of students. Students with early and moderate stage of adolescent who are in the stage of identity searching, tend to engage in risky health behaviors that can survive their current and future health status. This research is a descriptive research about the relation of role of health school with health status seen from several factors. The sampling method used in research is stratified random sampling with the number of respondents 77. The majority of respondents is female of 54.5 . The average respondent has a normal vital signs and nutritional status. The health status of students 57.1 has risks and dominated by male students. No significant relationship was found between the role of UKS and students 39 health status, with a p value of 0.761 p 0.05 . Therefore, the researcher can improve student 39 s health status.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Astriani Rakhmadina Nurhapsari
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini memmahas status kesehatan pasien prolanis di wilayah kerja BPJS Jakarta Timur pada Laboratorium Klinik Kimia Farma Duren Sawit. penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain kohort. Melihat terjadinya penurunan dan peningkatan terhadap hasil tahun 2017 dan 2018. Hasil penelitian menunjukan hasil HbA1c pasien mengalami penurunan. Hasil pemeriksaan kolesterol total terjadi peningkatan. Hasil pemeriksaan kolesterol HDL terjadi penurunan. Hasil pemeriksaan kolesterol LDL terjadi peningkatan. Hasil trigliserida menunjukan terjadi penurunan. Hasil ureum menunjukan peningkatan. Kreatinin menunjukan penurunan. Dan mikroalbumin urin menunjukan penurunan. Dari hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat diajadikan acuan untuk penelitian selanjutkan sebagai pengukur status kesehatan peserta prolanis. ......This study discusses health status of prolanist patients in the BPJS East Jakarta working area at the Kimia Farma Duren Sawit Clinical Laboratory. this research is a quantitative study with a cohort design. See the decline and increase in the results of 2017 and 2018. The results of the study showed that the HbA1c results in patients had decreased. The results of the examination of total cholesterol increased. The results of HDL cholesterol testing decreased. The results of LDL cholesterol testing have increased. The results of triglycerides show a decrease. Urea results showed an increase. Creatinine shows a decrease. And microalbumin urine shows a decrease. The results of this study are expected to be able to be used as a reference for research and then as a measure of the health status of prolanist participants.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Niken Ariati
Abstrak :
Penelitian tentang penduduk lanjut usia di Indonesia ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik sosial, ekonomi, dan kesehatan penduduk lansia di Indonesia serta mengkaji faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kondisi kesehatan penduduk lansia. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, penelitian ini menggunakan data Survei Sosial Ekonomi Nasional (Susenas) 1999 terhadap 63312 penduduk lansia di seluruh Indonesia. Yang dimaksud dengan penduduk lansia pada penelitian ini adalah mereka yang berumur 60 tahun keatas. Unit analisis dalam penelitian ini adalah penduduk lansia sebagai individu. Metode analisisnya menggunakan analisis deskriptif dengan menggunakan tabulasi silang antar variabel yang dianalisis, analisis faktor untuk membantu proses analisis inferensial, dan analisis inferensial dengan menggunakan model regresi logistik multinomial. Metode regresi logistik multinomial dianggap cocok, karena dalam penelitian ini variabel status kesehatan yang merupakan variabel terikat merupakan variabel dengan tiga kategori. Hasil penelitian tentang karakteristik sosial, ekonomi, dan kesehatan penduduk lansia berdasar Susenas 1999 secara deskriptif menunjukkan bahwa; (1) Jumlah penduduk lansia perempuan lebih besar dibanding pria dengan rasio jenis kelamin 89,9. Pendidikan penduduk lansia perempuan lebih buruk dibanding pria. Masih banyak penduduk lansia yang berstatus kawin (59,8%) dan berstatus sebagai kepala RT (58,2%). Fenomena penduduk lansia yang bekerja juga banyak ditemukan (46%); (2) Tingkat pengeluaran untuk kesehatan masih rendah dengan rata-rata Rp.34.156 per orang per tahun; (3) Kualitas lingkungan tempat tinggal penduduk lansia relatif buruk, dan secara umum kondisi lingkungan tempat tinggal penduduk lansia di kota lebih balk dibanding di desa; (4) Lebih dari separuh (58,1%) penduduk lansia mengaku bertubuh sehat, tidak mengalami gangguan apapun, sementara 26,3% mengaku mengalami keluhan kesehatan yang dapat mengganggu aktivitas, dan 15,6% penduduk lansia merasa keluhan kesehatan tersebut tidak mengganggu aktivitas sehari-hari mereka. Berdasarkan analisis inferensial didapatkan hasil sebagai berikut; (1) seluruh variabel yang mewakili faktor individu seperti jenis kelamin, status kawin, pendidikan dan aktivitas mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap status kesehatan penduduk lansia; (2) seluruh variabel yang mewakili faktor rumah tangga seperti living arrangement, hubungan dengan kepala RT, dan pengeluaran untuk kesehatan juga mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kesehatan penduduk lansia; (3) variabel lokasi dan kualitas Iingkungan memberikan pengaruh yang cukup signifikan terhadap status kesehatan penduduk lansia buruk dibanding balk, namun kurang signifikan terhadap status kesehatan sedang terhadap balk; (4) ketika variabel living arrangement diinteraksikan dengan variabel jenis kelamin ternyata walau sama-sama hidup sendiri tanpa pasangan atau anggota keluarga yang lain, temyata dalam memiliki kesehatan buruk, laki-laki berisiko lebih besar dibanding perempuan.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Albertus Rivelino Bouw
Abstrak :
[Tujuan : Mengetahui komponen manakah dari EQ-5D yang paling berhubungan terhadap kualitas hidup pasien rawat inap usia lanjut, menilai hubungan komponen EQ-5D terhadap kualitas hidup pasien rawat inap usia lanjut di RSUPNCM serta menilai hubungan antara usia lanjut yang bekerja maupun tidak bekerja terhadap penyakit seperti penyakit infeksi, kardiovaskular maupun penyakit lainnya. ABSTRAK
Metode : Desain observasional potong lintang deskriptif. Penelitian dilakukan pada 150 responden yang didapat secara konsekutif, berusia ≥ 60 tahun dan memenuhi kriteria penelitian. Penilaian kualitas hidup dengan kuesioner European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions (EQ-5D), pemeriksaan fungsi kognitif menggunakan formulir Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), penilaian aktivitas kehidupan sehari-hari dengan Barthel Index, pemeriksaan depresi menggunakan formulir Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), serta penilaian kondisi kesehatan responden hari itu dengan menunjukkannya pada Visual Analog Scale (VAS). Hasil : Penilaian kualitas hidup menggunakan EQ-5D menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar responden tidak ada masalah atau nilai 1, kecuali pada komponen rasa kesakitan / tidak nyaman sebagian besar responden yaitu sebanyak 97 responden (64.7%) memperlihatkan beberapa masalah atau nilai 2. Semua responden memiliki nilai MMSE yang normal dengan nilai tengah 27 dimana nilai minimumnya 25 dan maksimum 30. Pada penilaian Barthel Index didapatkan nilai tengah 17 dengan nilai minimum 5 dan maksimum 20 serta modus 19 (32%). Pada pemeriksaan menggunakan GDS didapatkan nilai tengah 3 dengan nilai minimum 0 dan maksimum 9 serta modus 2 (37,3%). Penilaian kualitas hidup menggunakan EQ VAS didapatkan nilai tengah 70 dengan nilai minimum 50 dan maksimum 100 serta modus 70 (30,7%). Nilai tengah usia 68 tahun (berkisar 60-88 tahun). Kesimpulan : Komponen EQ-5D yang paling berhubungan terhadap kualitas hidup pasien rawat inap usia lanjut di RSUPNCM adalah komponen rasa kesakitan / tidak nyaman. Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna dengan korelasi negatif antara semua komponen EQ-5D terhadap kualitas hidup pasien rawat inap usia lanjut di RSUPNCM. Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara usia lanjut yang bekerja maupun tidak bekerja terhadap penyakit seperti penyakit infeksi, kardiovaskular maupun penyakit lainnya.
Objective : To determine which of the components of the EQ-5D are most related to the quality of life of elderly hospitalized patients, assessing the EQ-5D relations component of the quality of life of elderly inpatients in RSUPNCM and to assess the relationship between the elderly who work or do not work against the disease such as infectious diseases, cardiovascular and other diseases. Methods : A cross-sectional descriptive observational design. The study was conducted on 150 respondents who obtained consecutively, aged ≥ 60 years and met the study criteria. Assessment of quality of life questionnaires European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions (EQ-5D), examination of cognitive function using the Mini Mental State Examination form (MMSE), assessment of activities of daily life with the Barthel Index, the examination form of depression using the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), as well as evaluating the health condition of respondents day by showing it to the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). Results : Assessment of quality of life using the EQ-5D shows that most respondents do not have a problem or a value of 1, except for the components of a sense of pain / discomfort most respondents as many as 97 respondents (64.7%) showed some problem or the value 2. All respondents had a MMSE score normal with mean 27 where in the minimum value of 25 and a maximum of 30. In the Barthel Index assessment middle values 17 obtained with a minimum of 5 and a maximum value of 20 as well as the mode of 19 (32%). On examination using GDS obtained mean of 3 with a minimum value of 0 and a maximum of 9 and mode 2 (37.3%). Assessment of quality of life using the EQ VAS score is the middle values 70 with a minimum of 50 and a maximum value of 100 as well as the mode of 70 (30.7%). The median age of 68 years (range 60-88 years). Conclusion : EQ-5D component that is most related to the quality of life of elderly inpatients in RSUPNCM is a flavor component of pain / discomfort. There is a significant relationship with the negative correlation between all the components of the EQ-5D of the quality of life of elderly inpatients in RSUPNCM. There is a significant association between advanced age who work or do not work against diseases such as infectious diseases, cardiovascular and other diseases.;Objective : To determine which of the components of the EQ-5D are most related to the quality of life of elderly hospitalized patients, assessing the EQ-5D relations component of the quality of life of elderly inpatients in RSUPNCM and to assess the relationship between the elderly who work or do not work against the disease such as infectious diseases, cardiovascular and other diseases. Methods : A cross-sectional descriptive observational design. The study was conducted on 150 respondents who obtained consecutively, aged ≥ 60 years and met the study criteria. Assessment of quality of life questionnaires European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions (EQ-5D), examination of cognitive function using the Mini Mental State Examination form (MMSE), assessment of activities of daily life with the Barthel Index, the examination form of depression using the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), as well as evaluating the health condition of respondents day by showing it to the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). Results : Assessment of quality of life using the EQ-5D shows that most respondents do not have a problem or a value of 1, except for the components of a sense of pain / discomfort most respondents as many as 97 respondents (64.7%) showed some problem or the value 2. All respondents had a MMSE score normal with mean 27 where in the minimum value of 25 and a maximum of 30. In the Barthel Index assessment middle values 17 obtained with a minimum of 5 and a maximum value of 20 as well as the mode of 19 (32%). On examination using GDS obtained mean of 3 with a minimum value of 0 and a maximum of 9 and mode 2 (37.3%). Assessment of quality of life using the EQ VAS score is the middle values 70 with a minimum of 50 and a maximum value of 100 as well as the mode of 70 (30.7%). The median age of 68 years (range 60-88 years). Conclusion : EQ-5D component that is most related to the quality of life of elderly inpatients in RSUPNCM is a flavor component of pain / discomfort. There is a significant relationship with the negative correlation between all the components of the EQ-5D of the quality of life of elderly inpatients in RSUPNCM. There is a significant association between advanced age who work or do not work against diseases such as infectious diseases, cardiovascular and other diseases. ;Objective : To determine which of the components of the EQ-5D are most related to the quality of life of elderly hospitalized patients, assessing the EQ-5D relations component of the quality of life of elderly inpatients in RSUPNCM and to assess the relationship between the elderly who work or do not work against the disease such as infectious diseases, cardiovascular and other diseases. Methods : A cross-sectional descriptive observational design. The study was conducted on 150 respondents who obtained consecutively, aged ≥ 60 years and met the study criteria. Assessment of quality of life questionnaires European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions (EQ-5D), examination of cognitive function using the Mini Mental State Examination form (MMSE), assessment of activities of daily life with the Barthel Index, the examination form of depression using the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), as well as evaluating the health condition of respondents day by showing it to the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). Results : Assessment of quality of life using the EQ-5D shows that most respondents do not have a problem or a value of 1, except for the components of a sense of pain / discomfort most respondents as many as 97 respondents (64.7%) showed some problem or the value 2. All respondents had a MMSE score normal with mean 27 where in the minimum value of 25 and a maximum of 30. In the Barthel Index assessment middle values 17 obtained with a minimum of 5 and a maximum value of 20 as well as the mode of 19 (32%). On examination using GDS obtained mean of 3 with a minimum value of 0 and a maximum of 9 and mode 2 (37.3%). Assessment of quality of life using the EQ VAS score is the middle values 70 with a minimum of 50 and a maximum value of 100 as well as the mode of 70 (30.7%). The median age of 68 years (range 60-88 years). Conclusion : EQ-5D component that is most related to the quality of life of elderly inpatients in RSUPNCM is a flavor component of pain / discomfort. There is a significant relationship with the negative correlation between all the components of the EQ-5D of the quality of life of elderly inpatients in RSUPNCM. There is a significant association between advanced age who work or do not work against diseases such as infectious diseases, cardiovascular and other diseases. , Objective : To determine which of the components of the EQ-5D are most related to the quality of life of elderly hospitalized patients, assessing the EQ-5D relations component of the quality of life of elderly inpatients in RSUPNCM and to assess the relationship between the elderly who work or do not work against the disease such as infectious diseases, cardiovascular and other diseases. Methods : A cross-sectional descriptive observational design. The study was conducted on 150 respondents who obtained consecutively, aged ≥ 60 years and met the study criteria. Assessment of quality of life questionnaires European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions (EQ-5D), examination of cognitive function using the Mini Mental State Examination form (MMSE), assessment of activities of daily life with the Barthel Index, the examination form of depression using the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), as well as evaluating the health condition of respondents day by showing it to the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). Results : Assessment of quality of life using the EQ-5D shows that most respondents do not have a problem or a value of 1, except for the components of a sense of pain / discomfort most respondents as many as 97 respondents (64.7%) showed some problem or the value 2. All respondents had a MMSE score normal with mean 27 where in the minimum value of 25 and a maximum of 30. In the Barthel Index assessment middle values 17 obtained with a minimum of 5 and a maximum value of 20 as well as the mode of 19 (32%). On examination using GDS obtained mean of 3 with a minimum value of 0 and a maximum of 9 and mode 2 (37.3%). Assessment of quality of life using the EQ VAS score is the middle values 70 with a minimum of 50 and a maximum value of 100 as well as the mode of 70 (30.7%). The median age of 68 years (range 60-88 years). Conclusion : EQ-5D component that is most related to the quality of life of elderly inpatients in RSUPNCM is a flavor component of pain / discomfort. There is a significant relationship with the negative correlation between all the components of the EQ-5D of the quality of life of elderly inpatients in RSUPNCM. There is a significant association between advanced age who work or do not work against diseases such as infectious diseases, cardiovascular and other diseases. ]
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lestari Ambar Kirana
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi pengaruh penggunaan media sosial ibu terhadap kesehatan balita yang diproksi kedalam 3 hal, yaitu: status kesehatan, status pemberian ASI Eksklusif, dan status pemberian imunisasi dasar lengkap. Potensi endogenitas dalam penggunaan media sosial diatasi dengan penggunaan variabel instrumen berupa keberadaan BTS Base Transceiver Station dan kekuatan sinyal. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berasal dari Survei Sosial Ekonomi Nasional Susenas Tahun 2015 dan Pendataan Potensi Desa Podes Tahun 2014. Dengan menggunakan regresi biprobit bivariate pobit sebagai metode estimasi, hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa keberadaan BTS dan sinyal terbukti valid sebagai instrumen untuk media sosial, sementara pengaruh media sosial terhadap kesehatan balita berbeda-beda. Penggunaan media sosial berpengaruh negatif terhadap status kesehatan balita selama seminggu terakhir. Sementara jika pada status eksklusifitas pemberian ASI balita tidak dipengaruhi oleh penggunaan media sosial oleh Ibu, pengaruh positif penggunaan media sosial justru berpengaruh pada status kelengkapan imunisasai dasar balita di Indonesia. ......This study aims to explore the effect of mother 39 s social media usage on child health indicators. These indicators are health status, exclusive breastfeeding status, and complete basic immunization status. To account the potential endogenity in social media usage. I used the presence of BTS Base Transceiver Station and signal strength as the instrumental variables. The data used in this study are derived from the National Socioeconomic Survey Susenas of 2015 and Village Potential Data Collection Podes of 2014. Using the biprobit regression bivariate pobit as the estimation method, the analysis results show that the presence of BTS and the proven signals are valid instrument for social media, while the influence of social media on the three children health are various. The use of social media negatively affects the health status of children under five during the past week. Meanwhile, the status of exclusivity of breastfeeding infants is not influenced by the use of social media by Mother. Finnaly, the positive effect of social media found on the status of completeness of basic toddler immunization in Indonesia.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Meningkatnya jumlah pekerja menunjukkan nilai positif yaitu bertambahnya tenaga produktif, tetapi peningkatan tersebut tidak dibarengi dengan kualitas hidup yang baik pula sehingga berdampak pada penurunan produktivitas kerja. Tujuan penelitian adalah konfirmasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kualitas hidup pegawai di Rumah Sakit ?X? Makassar Tahun 2010. Penelitian cross sectional melibatkan 389 pegawai, cara ukur dilakukan dengan pengisian sendiri terhadap kuesioner yang tersedia. Variabel dilihat berdasarkan teori yang dikembangkan Lawrence Green dan Kreuter (1999), menyatakan bahwa kualitas hidup berkaitan dengan status kesehatan. Status kesehatan dipengaruhi oleh perilaku dan lingkungan, dimana perilaku dan lingkungan ditentukan oleh faktor predisposing, reinforcing dan enabling. CFA digunakan untuk menguji validitas dan reliabilitas indikator, model fit (GFI=0.77, PGFI=0.70, RMSEA=0.067, AIC=2763.03, CAIC=3259.38). Hasil penelitian didapatkan faktor yang berperan tidak langsung terhadap kualitas hidup adalah predisposing (0.71) dan enabling (0.58). Faktor yang mempengaruhi kualitas hidup adalah faktor perilaku (0.25) dan status kesehatan (0.73). Tidak ditemukan bukti faktor reinforcing berpengaruh terhadap perilaku, lingkungan tidak berpengaruh terhadap status kesehatan dan kualitas hidup. Kesimpulan adalah tidak semua faktor saling berhubungan mempengaruhi kualitas hidup. Disarankan Rumah Sakit ?X? membuat strategi internal yaitu sistim koordinasi dalam pelaksanaan tugas. Pegawai saling koordinasi dan saling memotivasi. Menanamkan perilaku hidup sehat bagi pegawai melalui regulasi dan motivasi dari pimpinan.
The increase in the number of workforce has indicated a positive implication in terms of increase in productivity. However such increase is not reinforced by the high quality of life which consequently has impacted on the reduced work productivity. The objective of the research is confirm the factors that affect the quality of life of staff in the X Hospital Makassar in 2010. Cross sectional research involved 389 staff and employed self-filled out questionnaire for its method. The variables researched are based on theory developed Lawrence Green and Kreuter (1999), postulated that quality of life has a correlation with health status. The health status is affected by behavioral and environment factors and these factors are determined by the predisposing, reinforcing and enabling factors. CFA is employed to evaluate validity and reliability of the indicator, model is to be fit (GFI=0.77, PGFI=0.70, RMSE=0.067, AIC=2763.03, CAIC=3259.38). The research has found that factors that indirectly affect the quality of life are predisposing (0.71) and enabling (0.58). Factors that affect the quality of life are behavior (0.25) and health status (0.73). There is no evidence that shows reinforcing factor affects behavior and environment does not affect the health status and quality of life. The research has concluded that not all factors are connected to affect the quality of life. It is suggested that the X Hospital develop an internal strategy in a form of system of coordination for implementing tasks and duties. It is expected that the staff will have a better coordination, cooperation and motivation. As a result staff behavior will be improved with the implementation of regulation and support from top level management.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wiwin Haryati
Abstrak :
Percobaan merokok pemula yang dilakukan remaja terjadi pergeseran lebih muda usianya < 15 tahun. Perokok pemula pernah mencoba merokok di sekolah menengah pertama, sebagian lainnya pernah mencoba merokok di sekolah dasar. Remaja merokok karena bujukan teman dan ketertarikan untuk mencoba merokok. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah ingin mengetahui efektivitas Model KERIKO dalam meningkatkan kontrol diri, status kesehatan sehingga perilaku merokok remaja dapat dikendalikan. Perilaku merokok dapat diatasi dengan Model intervensi Keperawatan Kendali Perilaku Merokok (KERIKO). Penelitian ini menggunakan desain riset operasional melalui 3 tahap penelitian yaitu: Tahap I: identifikasi pengalaman merokok remaja, persepsi dan upaya yang dilakukan remaja dalam mengendalikan rokok; Tahap II: pengembangan Model KERIKO; Tahap III uji coba Model KERIKO di sekolah menengah pertama di Kota Banda Aceh. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Model Intervensi Keperawatan KERIKO efektif dalam meningkatkan kontrol diri, status kesehatan sehingga perilaku merokok remaja dapat dikendalikan pada 3 dan 6 bulan sesudah intervensi. Simpulan: Model KERIKO efektif meningkatkan kontrol diri, status kesehatan dan pengendalian perilaku merokok. Model ini dapat dijadikan salah satu model intervensi untuk pengendalian perilaku merokok sesuai program pemerintah tentang Kawasan Tanpa Rokok. ......Adolescent smoking trials revealed a shift in smokers younger than 15 years old. Beginner smokers began smoking in junior high school, while others began smoking in elementary school. Teenagers smoke as a result of peer pressure and a desire to begin smoking. The goal of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the KERIKO Model in developing self-control and health status in order to manage teenage smoking behavior. The Smoking Behavior Control Nursing Intervention Model (KERIKO) can help people quit smoking. This study employed an operational research design across three research phases: Phase I: identification of adolescent smoking experiences, perceptions, and efforts made by adolescents to control smoking; In phase II of the KERIKO Model's development and phase III trials of the KERIKO Model in Banda Aceh City junior high school at 3 and 6 months of intervention, the results demonstrated that the KERIKO Nursing Intervention Model was helpful in boosting self-control and health status, allowing adolescent smoking behavior to be controlled. Conclusion: The KERIKO model improves sel-control, health status, and smoking bahavior control. According to the government's Smoking Free Areas initiative, this model can be utilized as an intervention model to control smoking behavior.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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