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Ditemukan 6 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Annisa Nur Ulandini
Abstrak :
Lansia adalah seseorang dengan usia 60 tahun atau lebih yang mengalami proses penuaan dan berdampak terhadap perubahan sistem metabolisme tubuh mereka, salah satunya sisstem kardiovaskuler. Salah satu penyakit yang banyak diderita oleh lansia adalah hipertensi. Di tingkat nasional, DKI Jakarta menempati urutan kesembilan mengenai prevalensi hipertensi yaitu 33,43%. Hipertensi merupakan keadaan peningkatan tekanan darah terhadap dinding arteri terlalu tinggi. Adapun manifestasi dari hipertensi tengkuk terasa tegang atau nyeri leher yang dapat mengganggu lansia dalam menjalankan aktivitas sehari-harinya. Penulisan ini dibuat dengan tujuan untuk menyajikan dan memaparkan hasil analisis Asuhan Keperawatan Penurunan Nyeri Tengkuk Pada Lansia di PSTW Budi Mulia 1 Cipayung dengan terapi manajemen nyeri non-farmakologis berupa kompres hangat warm water zack dan relaksasi napas dalam. Pemberian terapi dengan warm water zack untuk mengompres bagian tubuh yang sakit dan mengurangi keluhan nyeri. Hasil evaluasi pemberian intervensi selama tujuh hari menggunakan instrument Short-Form Mcgill Pain Questionnaire didapatkan skor nyeri menurun dari sebelum intervensi yaitu 16 dan sesudah intervensi menjadi 4. Respon subjektif yang didapatkan seperti klien sudah mengetahui cara mengurangi dan menghilangkan nyeri. Hal ini mengartikan bahwa kompres hangat warm water zack dan relaksasi napas dalam yang dilakukan dapat menurunkan nyeri tengkuk keluhannya. Terapi ini diharapkan dapat menjadi masukan bagi perawat dan staff lahan praktik untuk mengimpelementasikan sebagai salah satu intervensi mandiri perawat. ......The Elderly is someone aged 60 years or more who is experiencing the aging process and has an impact on changes in their body's metabolic system, one of which is the cardiovascular system. One of the most common diseases suffered by the elderly is hypertension. At the national level, DKI Jakarta ranks ninth regarding the prevalence of hypertension, which is 33.43%. Hypertension is a condition where the blood pressure against the artery walls is too high. The manifestations of hypertension are neck tension or neck pain which can interfere with the elderly in carrying out their daily activities. This writing was made with the aim of presenting and explaining the results of the analysis of Nursing Care for Reducing Neck Pain in the Elderly at PSTW Budi Mulia 1 Cipayung with non-pharmacological pain management therapy in the form of warm water zack warm compresses and deep breath relaxation. Giving therapy with warm water zack to compress the sick body part and reduce pain complaints. The results of the evaluation of the intervention for seven days using the Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire instrument showed that the pain score decreased from before the intervention, namely 16 and after the intervention to 4. Subjective responses were obtained such as the client already knowing how to reduce and eliminate pain. This means that Zack's warm water compresses and deep breathing relaxation can reduce his neck pain. This therapy is expected to be input for nurses and practice staff to implement it as one of the independent nurse interventions.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisa Nur Ulandini
Abstrak :
Lansia adalah seseorang dengan usia 60 tahun atau lebih yang mengalami proses penuaan dan berdampak terhadap perubahan sistem metabolisme tubuh mereka, salah satunya sistem kardiovaskuler. Salah satu penyakit yang banyak diderita oleh lansia adalah hipertensi. Di tingkat nasional, DKI Jakarta menempati urutan kesembilan mengenai prevalensi hipertensi yaitu 33,43%. Hipertensi merupakan keadaan peningkatan tekanan darah terhadap dinding arteri terlalu tinggi. Adapun manifestasi dari hipertensi tengkuk terasa tegang atau nyeri leher yang dapat mengganggu lansia dalam menjalankan aktivitas sehari-harinya. Penulisan ini dibuat dengan tujuan untuk menyajikan dan memaparkan hasil analisis Asuhan Keperawatan Penurunan Nyeri Tengkuk Pada Lansia di PSTW Budi Mulia 1 Cipayung dengan terapi manajemen nyeri non-farmakologis berupa kompres hangat warm water zack dan relaksasi napas dalam. Pemberian terapi dengan warm water zack untuk mengompres bagian tubuh yang sakit dan mengurangi keluhan nyeri. Hasil evaluasi pemberian intervensi selama tujuh hari menggunakan instrument Short-Form Mcgill Pain Questionnaire didapatkan skor nyeri menurun dari sebelum intervensi yaitu 16 dan sesudah intervensi menjadi 4. Respon subjektif yang didapatkan seperti klien sudah mengetahui cara mengurangi dan menghilangkan nyeri. Hal ini mengartikan bahwa kompres hangat warm water zack dan relaksasi napas dalam yang dilakukan dapat menurunkan nyeri tengkuk keluhannya. Terapi ini diharapkan dapat menjadi masukan bagi perawat dan staff lahan praktik untuk mengimpelementasikan sebagai salah satu intervensi mandiri perawat. ......The Elderly is someone aged 60 years or more who is experiencing the aging process and has an impact on changes in their body's metabolic system, one of which is the cardiovascular system. One of the most common diseases suffered by the elderly is hypertension. At the national level, DKI Jakarta ranks ninth regarding the prevalence of hypertension, which is 33.43%. Hypertension is a condition where the blood pressure against the artery walls is too high. The manifestations of hypertension are neck tension or neck pain which can interfere with the elderly in carrying out their daily activities. This writing was made with the aim of presenting and explaining the results of the analysis of Nursing Care for Reducing Neck Pain in the Elderly at PSTW Budi Mulia 1 Cipayung with non-pharmacological pain management therapy in the form of warm water zack warm compresses and deep breath relaxation. Giving therapy with warm water zack to compress the sick body part and reduce pain complaints. The results of the evaluation of the intervention for seven days using the Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire instrument showed that the pain score decreased from before the intervention, namely 16 and after the intervention to 4. Subjective responses were obtained such as the client already knowing how to reduce and eliminate pain. This means that Zack's warm water compresses and deep breathing relaxation can reduce his neck pain. This therapy is expected to be input for nurses and practice staff to implement it as one of the independent nurse interventions.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Boangmanalu, Enny Selawaty
Abstrak :
Pendahuluan: Pasien fraktur akan berisiko mengalami konstipasi. Teknik pijat Swedish merupakan intervensi yang dapat mengurangi konstipasi, dimana pijat perut ini akan memberikan tekanan lembut pada permukaan jaringan sehingga dapat memperbaiki sirkulasi, melancarkan peredaran darah, menambah kenyamanan dan memperbaiki masalah sistem pencernaan. Air hangat dapat memberikan rangsangan pada sistem pencernaan sehingga feses menjadi lembek dan mudah untuk keluar. Dalam penelitian ini komsumsi air putih yang diberikan sebanyak 500 ml di pagi hari sesaat setelah bangun tidur. Tujuan: Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi perbandingan efektivitas dari komsumsi air putih hangat dan pijat perut teknik Swedish terhadap skor konstipasi pada pasien post operasi fraktur ekstremitas bawah. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain Quasy eksperimental pre post test design dengan randomized control group pre post test design. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik simple random sampling. Perhitungan sampel dengan mengggunakan perhitungan komparatif numerik dengan total sampel minimal adalah 30 sampel dan instrumen pada penelitian ini menggunakan Constipation Assesment Scale (CAS). Hasil: Penelitian ini melaporkan bahwa konsumsi air putih maupun pijat perut teknik Swedish secara signifikan menurunkan skor konstipasi (p-value 0,00; α < 0,05). Namun, berdasarkan hasil uji statistik karakteristik responden jenis kelamin, usia dan jenis analgetik didapatkan hasil tidak signifikan terhadap skor konstipasi (p-value 0,71; 0,22; 0,57; α < 0,05). Terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan secara statistik antara skor konstipasi dengan rerata skor pada kelompok intervensi konsumsi air putih hangat 3,8 dan pada kelompok intervensi pijat perut teknik Swedish 6,5. Uji statistik menggunakan  pair t-test (p-value 0,00; α < 0,05). Kesimpulan: Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa intervensi konsumsi air putih hangat maupun pijat perut teknik Swedish secara signifikan dapat menurunkan skor konstipasi pada pasien fraktur ekstremitas bawah. ......Introduction: Fracture patients will be at risk of experiencing constipation. Swedish massage technique is an intervention that can reduce constipation, where this abdominal massage will apply gentle pressure to the surface of the tissue so that it can improve circulation, improve blood circulation, increase comfort and improve digestive system problems. Warm water can stimulate the digestive system so that the stool becomes soft and easy to pass. In this study, the consumption of water was given as much as 500 ml in the morning right after waking up. Objective: The purpose of this study was to identify the comparative effectiveness of warm water consumption and Swedish abdominal massage technique on constipation scores in postoperative patients with lower extremity fractures. Methods: This study used a Quasy experimental pre posttest design with randomized control group pre posttest design. The sampling technique used simple random sampling technique. Sample calculation using numerical comparative calculation with a total minimum sample of 30 samples and instruments in this study using the Constipation Assessment Scale (CAS). Results: This study reported that both water consumption and Swedish abdominal massage significantly reduced constipation scores (p-value 0.00; α < 0.05). However, based on the results of statistical tests of respondent characteristics of gender, age and type of analgesic, the results were not significant on constipation scores (p-value 0.71; 0.22; 0.57; α < 0.05). There was a statistically significant difference between constipation scores with a mean score in the warm water consumption intervention group of 3.8 and in the Swedish abdominal massage intervention group of 6.5. Statistical test using pair t-test (p-value 0.00; α < 0.05). Conclusion: This study shows that the intervention of warm water consumption and Swedish abdominal massage can significantly reduce constipation scores in lower limb fracture patients.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Halimatul Nurhikmah
Abstrak :
Kasus HIV/AIDS dan tuberkulosis banyak diderita masyarakat perkotaan. Penyakit pada masyarakat perkotaan berkaitan dengan karakteristik lingkungan dan gaya hidup masyarakat perkotaan. Kasus HIV biasanya disertai dengan berbagai infeksi oportunistik. Infeksi opportunistik yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah tuberkulosis, diikuti dengan kandidiasis oral, dan diare. Masalah keperawatan utama pada pasien dengan tuberkulosis adalah ketidakefektifan bersihan jalan napas berhubungan dengan retensi sputum. Penulisan karya ilmiah akhir ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis intervensi mandiri keperawatan berupa kombinasi antara anjuran minum air putih hangat, postural drainase, dan batuk efektif untuk mengatasi masalah bersihan jalan napas tidak efektif. Intervensi dilakukan pada pasien HIV/AIDS dengan tuberculosis di ruang rawat penyakit dalam RSCM. Hasil dan evaluasi dari intervensi yang dilakukan yaitu berkurangnya penumpukan sputum pada jalan napas pasien, sehingga pasien tidak merasakan sesak seperti sebelumnya dan bisa bernapas lebih lega. Perawat diharapkan dapat melakukan intervensi mandiri keperawatan berupa kombinasi antara anjuran minum air putih hangat, postural drainase, dan batuk efektif tersebut untuk membantu memperbaiki status pernapasan pasien.ABSTRACT Cases of HIV / AIDS and tuberculosis affects many urban communities. Diseases in urban communities are related to environment and lifestyle characteristics of urban communities. HIV cases are usually accompanied by a variety of opportunistic infections. The most common opportunistic infections is tuberculosis, followed by oral candidiasis and diarrhea. The main nursing problems in patients with tuberculosis is the ineffectiveness of airway clearance related to the retention of sputum. This final scientific thesis aims to analyze the independent nursing intervention in the form of a combination of the recommendation to drink warm water, postural drainage, and cough effectively to address the problem of ineffective airway clearance. The intervention was conducted in HIV/AIDS patient with tuberculosis in medical ward RSCM. The result of interventions was reduced sputum buildup in the airway of the patient, so the patient did not feel crowded as before and could breathe more easily. Nurses are expected to conduct independent nursing interventions in the form of a combination of the recommendation to drink warm water, postural drainage and effective coughing to help improve patient's respiratory status. ;Cases of HIV / AIDS and tuberculosis affects many urban communities. Diseases in urban communities are related to environment and lifestyle characteristics of urban communities. HIV cases are usually accompanied by a variety of opportunistic infections. The most common opportunistic infections is tuberculosis, followed by oral candidiasis and diarrhea. The main nursing problems in patients with tuberculosis is the ineffectiveness of airway clearance related to the retention of sputum. This final scientific thesis aims to analyze the independent nursing intervention in the form of a combination of the recommendation to drink warm water, postural drainage, and cough effectively to address the problem of ineffective airway clearance. The intervention was conducted in HIV/AIDS patient with tuberculosis in medical ward RSCM. The result of interventions was reduced sputum buildup in the airway of the patient, so the patient did not feel crowded as before and could breathe more easily. Nurses are expected to conduct independent nursing interventions in the form of a combination of the recommendation to drink warm water, postural drainage and effective coughing to help improve patient's respiratory status. ;Cases of HIV / AIDS and tuberculosis affects many urban communities. Diseases in urban communities are related to environment and lifestyle characteristics of urban communities. HIV cases are usually accompanied by a variety of opportunistic infections. The most common opportunistic infections is tuberculosis, followed by oral candidiasis and diarrhea. The main nursing problems in patients with tuberculosis is the ineffectiveness of airway clearance related to the retention of sputum. This final scientific thesis aims to analyze the independent nursing intervention in the form of a combination of the recommendation to drink warm water, postural drainage, and cough effectively to address the problem of ineffective airway clearance. The intervention was conducted in HIV/AIDS patient with tuberculosis in medical ward RSCM. The result of interventions was reduced sputum buildup in the airway of the patient, so the patient did not feel crowded as before and could breathe more easily. Nurses are expected to conduct independent nursing interventions in the form of a combination of the recommendation to drink warm water, postural drainage and effective coughing to help improve patient's respiratory status.
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Esther Lita Yohana
Abstrak :
Penuaan menyebabkan adanya perubahan struktur maupun fungsi pada sistem kardiovaskular lansia. Perubahan sistem kardiovaskular tersebut membuat lansia rentan mengalami hipertensi atau risiko ketidakstabilan tekanan darah. Salah satu intervensi keperawatan yang dapat dilakukan untuk menurunkan tekanan darah adalah terapi rendam kaki dengan air hangat. Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan hasil intervensi keperawatan pada lansia dengan hipertensi melalui terapi rendam kaki dengan air hangat terhadap penurunan tekanan darah. Intervensi dilakukan selama 5 hari berturut-turut dengan durasi 15 menit dan menggunakan suhu air hangat dalam rentang 400C -40,50C. Hasil menunjukkan adanya penurunan tekanan darah sistolik sekitar 2 – 5 mmHg dan 2 – 12 mmHg pada tekanan darah diastolik. Terapi rendam kaki air hangat merupakan intervensi yang sederhana, aman yang dapat menimbulkan sensasi kenyamanan dan relaksasi untuk masalah penyakit jantung sehingga membantu mengurangi keluhan hipertensi pada lansia. ......Aging causes structural and functional changes in the cardiovascular system of the elderly. Changes in the cardiovascular system make the elderly vulnerable to hypertension or the risk for unstable blood pressure. One of the nursing interventions that can be done to reduce blood pressure is foot soak therapy with warm water. This case study aims to describe the results of therapy soak feet with warm water in changing blood pressure which conducted in the elderly with hypertension. This intervention performed for 5 consecutive days in 15 minutes duration and using warm water temperatures in the range of 400C -40,50C. The results showed the blood pressure has decreased, in systolic around 2 - 5mmHg and 2 - 12mmHg in diastolic. Warm water foot soak therapy is a simple, safe intervention that can cause a sensation of comfort and relaxation for heart disease problems so that it helps reduce complaints of hypertension in the elderly.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nunung Nurjanah
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas pemberian kompres normal salin, air hangat, dan alkohol terhadap derajat flebitis pada anak yang dilakukan pemasangan infus di Rumah Sakit Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian quasi eksperimen dengan menggunakan pendekatan the reversed-treatment nonequivalent control group design with pretest and posttest. Hasil penelitian membuktikan terdapat pengaruh kompres normal salin, air hangat dan alkohol terhadap penurunan derajat flebitis, akan tetapi tidak terdapat perbedaan rerata derajat flebitis diantara ketiga jenis kompres dan tidak terdapat pengaruh karakteristik anak terhadap derajat flebitis. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian direkomendasikan bahwa kompres normal salin, air hangat, dan alkohol dapat digunakan untuk menurunkan derajat flebitis. ......The purpose of this comparative study is to identify the effectivity of compress of normal saline, warm water, and alcohol over phlebitis grading scale of children on infusion at Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital of Bandung. The design of this research was quasi experiment with the reversed-treatment nonequivalent control group design with pretest and posttest. The result indicated that compress of normal saline, warm water, and alcohol have influences on the decrease of phlebitis grading scale, yet there was no mean difference between the compresses, and the child?s characteristic has no contribution to decrease the phlebitis grading scale. The research suggested that compress of normal salin, warm water, and alcohol can be used to decrease phlebitis grade scale.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library