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Bernido, Christopher C.
New Jersey: World Scientific, 2015
519.22 BER m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eddy Rifai
Abstrak :
Korupsi sebagai white-collar crime merupakan kejahatan yang tidak hanya merugikan keuangan negara, tetapi juga perekonomian masyarakat secara Iuas (extraordinary crime). Pendekatan integral kebijakan kriminal pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi mengunakan upaya penal (hukum pidana) dan non-penal (di luar hukum pidana), Serta keterlibatan elemerl-elemen lain di luar aparat penegak hukum pidana, yaitu masyarakat dan Komisi Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi (KPTPK). Dalam upaya penal, Kejaksaan sebagai the key administration office in processing of case dalm criminal justice system mempunyai tugas dan fungsi penyidikan dan penuntutan perkara korupsi dan dalam upaya non-penal melakukan gugatan keperdataan dan alternative dispute resolution (ADR), seharusnya berperan secara ideal sesuai dengan ketentuan normatif yang ada, tetapi karena kendala dari segi substansi, struktur dan kultur hanya mewujudkan peran faktual.

Hasil penelitian rnenunjuklcan kelemahan-kelemahan ketentuan normatif dalam upaya penal peran Kejaksaan adalah masalah penyidikan, mekanisme kontrol, ketentuan khusus UUTPK dan UU pidana yang terkait dengan korupsi serta UU Kejaksaan, sedangkarl kelemahan dalam upaya non-penal adalah tugas dan fungsi Kejaksaan sebagai Jaksa Pengacara Negara (JPN) yang bersifat ?fakultatif". Pelaksanaan peran Kejaksaan dalam pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan, yaitu mengadakan penyelidikan, penyidikan, penuntutan dan eksekusi putusan Pengadilan Serta melaksanakan fungsi dan tugas sebagai JPN dalam perkara perdata dan ADR. Untuk melaksanakan peran tersebut diperlukan adanya faktor-faktor pendul-Lung lainnya seperti peraturan pelaksanaan, manajemen penyelesaian perkara, sumber daya manusia yang profesional, biaya dan fasilitas yang mencukupi. Peran aktual Kejaksaan melakukan penegakan hukum pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi sebagaimana kenyataan adanya, yaitu Kejaksaan hanya dapat memproses sebagian penyelidikan ke tahap penyidikan, sebagian penyidikan ke tahap penuntutan, dan hanya sebagian saja yang berhasil dijatuhi sanksi pidna oleh Pengadilan. Demikian pula dalam pelaksanaan tugas dan fungsi JPN kurang berjalan sebagaimana mestinya karena adanya ketidaktahuan dan ?keengganan" instansi pemerintah menyerahkan penanganan masalah-masalah hukumnya kepada Kejaksaan. Profesionalisme jaksa terkait dengan keahlian dan keterampilan (expertise), kesejawatan (partnership), budaya kerja dan tujuan. Peran serta masyarakat untuk membantu upaya pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi telah cukup baik, hal itu tampak dari adanya laporan dan pengaduan masyarakat. Perspektif eksistensi KPTPK mempunyai tugas dan wewenang dalam melakukan koordinasi dan supervisi terhadap aparat penegak hukum dan lembaga dinas instansi Serta melakukan penyelidilcan, penyidilcan dan penuntutan perkara tindak pidana kompsi. Tugas dan fungsi KPTPK bersama-sama dengan Kejaksaan yang cukup penting adalah dalam bidang ?pencegahan? tindak pidana korupsi, yaitu melalui upaya mewujudkan good governance dan good corporate governance, budaya ?anti korupsi? di kalangan aparat pemerintah dan masyarakat.
Corruption as a white-collar crime is a crime which inflicts not only on state financial loss, but also largely public economic interest (extra-ordinary crime). The integral approach of criminal policy for tighting corruption criminal act has applied penal and non-penal legal action and the participation of other non-penal upholder elements besides legal enforcers and Commission for Fighting Corruption Criminal Act. In the penal action, office ofthe attomey as the key administration office in processing criminal cases in criminal justice systems has duty and function for doing investigation and prosecution against corruption cases. In the non-penal action, public prosecutor doing a civil suit and altemative dispute resolution should have an ideal role according to the normative mle of law in force, nevertheless factual role is created because of substantial, structural, and cultural problems.

The results of research showed that the weaknesses of normative rules in penal action for the public executor?s role were in cases investigation, control mechanism, specific rules of corruption, mles of criminal code related to corruption cases, and public prosecution law. While the weaknesses of non-penal action where the duty and fimction of public prosecutor acted as a ?facultative? state legal adviser. The application of the role of public prosecution in fighting corruption criminal cases was in line with criminal rule of legislations: doing investigation, examination, criminal indictment, and execution of criminal court verdict and implementing the duty and limction of public prosecutor in civil case and alternative dispute resolution. To implement the roles, it was needed some supporting factors, like the the rule of implementation of the law, the management of solving cases, professional human resources development, enough fiind and complete facilities. The actual role of public prosecutor was to enforce the law in fighting corruption criminal cases, but only a sum of investigations where proceeded into examination phase, a few of them where into criminal indictment phase, and only some cases where success into criminal sentence phase. In implementing the duty and function, public prosecutor was less in success because of ignorance and unwillingness of the government institutions to deliver the cormption cases for handling. The public prosecutors professionalism was matched with skill and expertise, partnership, work culture and goal-oriented. The participation of non-govemment organization in society for help fighting corruption criminal cases was done well. It was proved by the report and claim of community member. The perspective existence of Commission for Fighting Corruption Criminal Action (KPTPK) had duty, iimction, and the authority in coordination with and supervision to the law enforcers, institutions, departements officials, to do investigation, examination, and criminal indictment for corruption criminal cases. The duty and fimctions of KPTPK which worked together with public prosecution where prevention against corruption criminal cases by creating a good govemance and good corporate governance, and ?anti-corruption? culture in government officials and community.
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Deny Hidayat Syamsurizal
Abstrak :
Akar kucing (Acalypha indica Linn) merupakan tanaman yang memiliki banyak kegunaan antara lain sebagai obat yang dapat menurunkan kadar asam urat dalam darah. Pemanfaatan secara luas dari tanaman ini harus didukung oleh data-data yang dapat membuktikan keamanannya secara ilmiah. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian rebusan akar tanaman akar kucing terhadap fungsi ginjal tikus. Penelitian ini menggunakan 40 ekor tikus yang dipilih secara acak menjadi 4 kelompok. Kelompok I sebagai kontrol normal yang diberi air 2 ml/200 g bb. Kelompok II, III dan IV diberi perlakuan rebusan akar A. indica masingmasing dengan dosis 13,5 g/kg bb, 27 g/kg bb, dan 54 g/kg bb. Frekuensi pemberian sekali sehari selama 90 hari. Pada hari ke-91 tikus diambil darahnya untuk dilakukan pengukuran kadar urea dan kreatinin plasma secara kolorimetri dan dibedah untuk pemeriksaan histologis ginjal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada gejala toksik pada tikus yang diberi rebusan Acalypha indica Linn ditinjau dari kadar urea dan kreatinin plasma serta gambaran histologis ginjal.
Akar kucing (Acalypha indica Linn) is a plant that has many usage such as for reduce uric acid consentration. The comprehensive usage from this preparation must be supported with data which can prove it is safety scientifically. Therefore an experiment is done to know the effect of giving the extract to rat renal function. This research used fourty rats which divided into four groups. Group I as normal control which were given water 2 ml/200 g body weight. Group II, III, IV were given water extract of A.indica roots doses 13,5/kg body weight, 27g/kg body weight, and 54 g/kg body weight. Frequency of exposure A. indica was once a day during 90 days. In the 91st day blood sample was collected from observed rats and measured their plasma urea and creatinine levels through colorimetry methods, and the surgery were done to the rats for the histological inspection of their kidneys. The results shows that no toxic effect of Acalypha indica to white rats seen from plasma urea and creatinine levels and kidney histology.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mills, C. Wright
New York: Oxford University Press, 1951
323.32 MIL w
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jia, Pingwa
Hunan: Hunan Wenyi Chubanshe Chuban, 2001
SIN 920.51 JIA ji
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
F. Aberle -- An inquiry into the nature of the family / Richard N. Adams -- Reduction of variants as a measure of cultural integration / Robert Anderson -- Shinto religion and Japanese cultural evolution / Richard K. Beardsley -- The study of natural selection and the ABO(H) blood group system in man / John Buettner-Janusch -- A formal analysis of definitions of 'culture' / Albert Carl Cafagna -- The concept of property among Shoshoneans / Stephen C. Cappannari -- The culture process / Robert L. Carneiro -- The classification of Yankee nomenclature in the light of evolution in kinship / Gertrude E. Dole -- Lewis H. Morgan in kinship perspective / Fred Eggan -- The cultural background of the Iroquois / Alfred K. Guthe -- The artist as a reflection of his culture / William G. Haag -- Behavior, culture, and symbolism / Frank E. Hartung -- The cultural position of the Dakota : a reassessment / James H. Howard -- The Yankton Dakota church : a nationalistic movement of Northern Plains Indians / Wesley R. Hurt -- Varieties of cross-cousin marriage and incest taboos : structure and causality / Barbara Savadkin Lane -- The law of cultural evolution as a practical research tool / Betty J. Meggers -- Toward and understanding of war / W.W. Newcomb -- Economic change and Japanese social organization / Edward Norbeck -- Cultural evolution and the psychology of peoples / Marvin K. Opler -- Habitat, culture, and archaeology / George I. Quimby -- Political power and the economy in primitive society / Marshall D. Sahlins -- Sociocentric relationship terms and the Australian class system / Elman R. Service -- The dimensions of archaeology / Albert C. Spaulding -- Archeological sampling : a problem of statistical inference / G.S. Vescelius -- Mathematics : a cultural phenomenon / R.L. Wilder.
New York: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1960
306 ESS
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kissinger, Henry, 1923-
Boston : Henry Kissinger, 1979
973.92 KIS w (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Namioka, Lensey
London: Tuttle, 1976
895.6 NAM w
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Mustofa
Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media Group, 2010
364.131 MUH k
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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