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Hasil Pencarian

Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Tagliaferri, Louis E.
New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1979
658.3 TAG s (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bambang Surjolelono
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 1986
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Detha Alfrian Fajri
Ebert & Griffin (2013) mengungkapkan bahwa transformasional
leadership berfokus pada pentingnya memimpin perubahan. Studi Herold et al.
(2008) menemukan bahwa transformasional leadership memiliki hubungan yang
lebih kuat terhadap Commitment to Change karyawan ketimbang kepemimpinan
perubahan (change leadership). Beugre et al. (2006) menyebutkan bahwa
transformational leadership tidak sekedar karakter personal pemimpin, namun
juga distimulus oleh lingkungan yang dihadapi organisasi. Sedangkan Studi Nasir
et al. (2014) menyebutkan bahwa faktor eksternal mempengaruhi Commitment to
Change karyawan. Terkait hal itu, penelitian ini ingin megetahui pengaruh
lingkungan perusahaan (task environment) terhadap Commitment to Change
karyawan dan bagaimana peran transformational leadership diantara keduanya.
Penelitian ini dilakukan pada PT. KAI Commuter Jabodetabek (PT. KCJ),
yaitu anak perusahaan PT. Kereta Api Indonesia yang menyelenggarakan
pengusahaan pelayanan jasa angkutan kereta api commuter dengan menggunakan
sarana kereta rel listrik (KRL) di wilayah Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang
(Serpong) dan Bekasi. Sebanyak 101 kuisioner dibagikan kepada seluruh
karyawan tetap pada level pelaksana (staff 2 s/d senior supervisor) PT. KCJ yang
berkantor di kantor pusat Stasiun Juanda, dan kuisioner yang kembali sebanyak
68. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa transformasional leadership memediasi
penuh hubungan tidak langsung antara task environment dengan ketiga dimensi
Commitment to Change (Affective, Continuance, dan Normative).

Ebert & Griffin (2013) argues that transformational leadership focuses on
the importance of leading change. Study Herold et al. (2008) found that
transformational leadership has a stronger relationship to the Commitment to
Change of employees rather than change leadership. Beugre et al. (2006) argues
that the transformational leadership is not just a personal character of a leader,
but also induced by the organisation environment. While a study by Nasir et al.
(2014) mentions that the external factors affecting employees Commitment to
Change. Correspondingly, this study aims to examine the relationship between
task environment and Commitment to Change of employees and the role of
transformational leadership as a mediator.
This study was conducted at PT. KAI Commuter Jabodetabek (PT. KCJ), a
subsidiary of PT. Kereta Api Indonesia which organize the operation of urban
railway services by electric train in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang (Serpong)
and Bekasi. Total 101 questionnaires were distributed to all permanent employees
(implementer level, staff 2 - senior supervisor) of PT. KCJ who are based at the
head office in Juanda Station, and 68questionnaires were returned. Results show
that transformational leadership fully mediates indirect relationship between task
environment andall dimension of Commitment to Change (Affective, continuance
and Normative).;Ebert & Griffin (2013) argues that transformational leadership focuses on
the importance of leading change. Study Herold et al. (2008) found that
transformational leadership has a stronger relationship to the Commitment to
Change of employees rather than change leadership. Beugre et al. (2006) argues
that the transformational leadership is not just a personal character of a leader,
but also induced by the organisation environment. While a study by Nasir et al.
(2014) mentions that the external factors affecting employees Commitment to
Change. Correspondingly, this study aims to examine the relationship between
task environment and Commitment to Change of employees and the role of
transformational leadership as a mediator.
This study was conducted at PT. KAI Commuter Jabodetabek (PT. KCJ), a
subsidiary of PT. Kereta Api Indonesia which organize the operation of urban
railway services by electric train in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang (Serpong)
and Bekasi. Total 101 questionnaires were distributed to all permanent employees
(implementer level, staff 2 - senior supervisor) of PT. KCJ who are based at the
head office in Juanda Station, and 68questionnaires were returned. Results show
that transformational leadership fully mediates indirect relationship between task
environment andall dimension of Commitment to Change (Affective, continuance
and Normative)., Ebert & Griffin (2013) argues that transformational leadership focuses on
the importance of leading change. Study Herold et al. (2008) found that
transformational leadership has a stronger relationship to the Commitment to
Change of employees rather than change leadership. Beugre et al. (2006) argues
that the transformational leadership is not just a personal character of a leader,
but also induced by the organisation environment. While a study by Nasir et al.
(2014) mentions that the external factors affecting employees Commitment to
Change. Correspondingly, this study aims to examine the relationship between
task environment and Commitment to Change of employees and the role of
transformational leadership as a mediator.
This study was conducted at PT. KAI Commuter Jabodetabek (PT. KCJ), a
subsidiary of PT. Kereta Api Indonesia which organize the operation of urban
railway services by electric train in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang (Serpong)
and Bekasi. Total 101 questionnaires were distributed to all permanent employees
(implementer level, staff 2 - senior supervisor) of PT. KCJ who are based at the
head office in Juanda Station, and 68questionnaires were returned. Results show
that transformational leadership fully mediates indirect relationship between task
environment andall dimension of Commitment to Change (Affective, continuance
and Normative).]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nainggolan, Marolop Alfred
"Pengujiaan ini merupakan salah bentuk pengujiaan pasar efisien setengah kuat (semi strong form) pada pasar di Indonesia yaitu Bursa Efek Jakarta, tujuaan utamanya adalah untuk melihat pengaruh informasi berupa rumor saham terhadap pergerakan harga saham. Pergerakan disini meliputi abnormal retun, likuiditas dan reaksi investor. Metodologi penelitian yang digunakan adalan metodologi event study yang berfokus pada abnormal return untuk melihat besarnya pengaruh dari suatu event dan metodologi pengujiaan t lest: paired two-sample means untuk melihat apakah terdapat perbedaan rata antara sebelum dan sesudah event.
Dari hasil yang didapat berdasarkan metodologi diatas ternyata menunjukaan bahwa terdapat perubahan CAR (Cumulative Abnormal Return), AAR (Average Abnormal Return), CAAR (Cunulatve Average Abnormal Return) dan likuiditas saham yang searah dengan isi dari rumor yang diberitakan dan juga terdapatnya reaksi dari investor berupa peningkatan volume dan frekuensi perdagangan. Hal ini tentu sangat menarik bagaimana rumor dapat mempengaruhi proses pengambilan keputusan atau menjadi dasar keputusan bertransaksi para investor di Bursa Efek Jakarta, jika kita lihat karakteristik dari rumor itu sendiri yaitu informasi yang tidak jelas kebenarannya. Inilah yang membuat rumor menjadi sebuah fenomena dalam dunia informasi, bagaimana sesuatu yang tidak jelas kebenarannya dapat mempengaruhi proses pengambilan keputusan.

This thesis is one of test of semi-strong efficient market hypothesis on Jakarta Stock Exchange (JSX). We used two methodology to analyses rumor on stock market: the event study methodology and the analysis t test: paired two sample means. Event that is used in this thesis is market rumor from investor daily and website investor indonesia. We used 198 rumors that we divided into 151 rumors positive and 46 negative rumor from January 2004 to June 2005. Focus of this thesis is to analyze effect of the market rumor (positive and negative) can the abnormal return movement (CAR, AAR and CAAR) and stock liquidity. We also analyze stock market reaction to the new information in form rumor.
Our result shows that CAR, AAR, CAAR and stock liquidity changes is move along with rumor content and follows with increasing in volume and trading frequency. This is very interesting how rumors can influence decision-making process or foundation to make decision that can influence stock return. This result is phenomenal because in information without good source can influence process of decision-making.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pioniarita Feriarsi
"Penelitian tesis ini dilakukan di kantor PT XYZ, sebuah perusahaan farmasi terhadap Medical Representative (Medrep), dengan responden sebanyak 73 orang. Rendahnya jumlah Medrep yang konsisten mencapai target penjualan, mempengaruhi hasil kinerja dan profit PT XYZ. Sehingga diperlukan suatu intervensi yang mempengaruhi perilaku penjualan yaitu kompetensi dalam hal learning goal orientation, performance goal orientation, adaptive selling skills serta penggunaan dan pemanfaatan teknologi melalui aktivitas knowledge sharing. Intervensi ini disusun secara bertahap dengan difokuskan pada Technostructural Intervention, dan Human Resources Management Intervention. Aktivitas knowledge sharing ini dilakukan oleh change agent yaitu Medrep Top Performers dengan menggunakan pendekatan SECI dan double loop learning.
This research was conducted at PT XYZ, a pharmaceutical company for medical representatives, with 73 respondents. Lower number of sales people who were consistent in achieving sales target, influenced to sales performance and profit of PT XYZ. It needed an intervention that impacted to selling behavior i.e competencies in learning goal orientation, performance goal orientation, adaptive selling skills and ICT use through knowledge sharing. Intervention was planned and focused to Technostructural and Human Resources Intervention. Knowledge sharing activities will be done by change agent i.e. Medrep Top Performers through SECI approaches and double loop learning."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library