Andhika Ihza Fadilla
Abstrak :
Studi ini melaporkan terkait gambaran pelaksanaan kombinasi intervensi ankle pumping dan breathing exercise yang dilakukan pada lansia dengan COVID-19 komorbid diabetes mellitus tipe 2, serta diagnosis keperawatan ketidakstabilan kadar glukosa darah. Metode yang digunakan dalam studi adalah case report untuk mengevaluasi kondisi hiperglikemia dan hiperkoagulasi, sekaligus mencegah kerentanan desaturasi oksigen akibat terlalu banyak aktivitas. Kriteria inklusi pada penelitian ini merupakan pasien lansia COVID-19 dengan komorbid hiperglikemia dan hiperkoagulasi, yang dalam hal ini terdapat pasien Tn. J berusia 66 tahun, dirawat di Ruang Rawat Inap COVID-19. Hasil laboratorium terkait hemostasis darah pasien menunjukkan kadar d-dimer yang tinggi, yaitu 886.47 ng/ml, namun nilai PT/APTT (Prothrombin Time/Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time) masih dalam batas normal. Selain itu, GDS (Gula Darah Sewaktu) pasien saat diperiksa menunjukkan hasil 191 mg/dl dengan interpretasi tinggi. Kombinasi intervensi dilakukan sebagai bentuk analisa efektivitas yang nantinya diharapkan dapat dilakukan sehari-hari. Evaluasi juga dilakukan dengan menggunakan tiga komponen, yaitu KGDH (Kurva Gula Darah Harian), kadar d-dimer, dan saturasi oksigen. Hasil yang dipaparkan menunjukkan bahwa kombinasi intervensi tersebut dapat direkomendasikan sebagai upaya atau metode profilaksis terhadap lansia penyintas COVID-19 dengan komorbid hiperglikemia dan hiperkoagulasi.
......This study reports related to description of the implementation of ankle pumping and breathing exercise interventions combination carried out in the elderly with COVID-19 comorbid diabetes mellitus type 2, as well as nursing diagnoses of instability in blood glucose levels. The method used in this study is a case report to evaluate the conditions of hyperglycemia and hypercoagulation, as well as to prevent susceptibility to oxygen desaturation due to too much activity. The case report starts from the results of assessment, nursing diagnosis, outcome criteria, and intervention results. The inclusion criteria in this study were elderly COVID-19 patients with comorbid hyperglycemia and hypercoagulation, in this case there was a patient Mr. J is 66 years old, being treated at the COVID-19 Inpatient Room. Laboratory results related to the patient's blood hemostasis showed a high level of d-dimer, namely 886.47 ng/ml, but the PT/APTT (Prothrombin Time/Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time) value was still within normal limits. In addition, the patient's GDS (blood sugar at the time) when examined showed a result of 191 mg/dl with a high interpretation. The combination is carried out as a form of effectiveness analysis that is expected to be carried out on a daily basis. Evaluation was also carried out using three components, namely KGDH (Daily Blood Sugar Curve), d-dimer levels, and oxygen saturation. The results shown indicate that the combination of these interventions may be recommended as an effort or method of prophylaxis for elderly COVID-19 survivors with hyperglycemia and comorbid hypercoagulation.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library