ABSTRAKPenelitian ini difokuskan untuk melihat penerapan CBT dalam meningkatkan keterampilan regulasi emosi pada anak usia sekolah dengan reactive attachment disorder (RAD). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian single-case dengan menggunakan teknik pretest-posttest. Subjek adalah anak perempuan berusia 10 tahun yang telah didiagnosa dengan RAD dan memiliki kesulitan dalam meregulasi emosi. Pengukuran dilakukan sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan intervensi melalui observasi, wawancara, dan penggunaan skala perilaku CBCL dan DERS. Sebelum program intervensi diberikan, subjek memiliki pemikiran maladaptif, keterampilan regulasi emosi yang kurang berkembang sesuai dengan usianya, serta memperlihatkan masalah perilaku internalizing seperti menarik diri dan cemas/depresi, masalah sosial, serta masalah pikiran. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa CBT efektif dalam meningkatkan keterampilan regulasi emosi dan mampu merubah pemikiran maladaptif pada anak. Hal tersebut terlihat dari meningkatnya keterampilan regulasi terutama dalam mengidentifikasi, mengevaluasi, dan menyalurkan emosi, serta menurunnya masalah perilaku internalizing, sosial, dan pemikiran. Subjek juga menunjukkan pemikiran yang lebih positif berkaitan dengan emosi.
ABSTRACTThis study examined the application of CBT in order to enhance emotion regulation skill in school-aged children with reactive attachment disorder. The research was conducted using single-case experimental design with pretest-posttest technique. Subject of the study is a ten-year-old female student who has been diagnosed with reactive attachment disorder and has difficulty in regulating her emotions. Measurements were taken before and after intervention program through interviews, observation, and behavior scale such as CBCL, and self report such as DERS. Before interventions were conducted, subject was unable to identify; understand or describe her own emotions and also tend to bury her emotions and feelings, particularly anger and sadness; and exhibit internalizing behavior such as withdrawan and anxious/depressed; social problems; and thought problems. Subject also appeared to have maladaptive thoughts which refer to a belief that she should not have negative emotions and children who express their emotions are bad and spoil children. The results of this study indicate that CBT is effective in order to improve the emotion regulation skill and to change cognitive distortion on children. It can be seen from the ability to regulate subject‟s emotions, especially to identifying, evaluating, and using emotion regulation strategies that have significantly improved as well as decreasing in internalizing behavior, social, and thought problems. The findings from the evaluations of the intervention also show the changes in cognitive distortions about her emotion and improve positive thinking related to emotions."