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Rendra Anandia Usman
Abstrak :
PT. XYZ tengah membangun gas plant dan ditargetkan on stream pada pertengahan tahun 2017. Saat detail engineering, studi - studi seperti HAZOP, HAZID, SIL telah menetapkan technical barrier namun tidak menetapkan organizational barrier, baik itu procedural maupun human yang turut menunjang keselamatan pelaksanaan startup dan commissioning gas plant. Sebelum dilakukan startup, setiap unit dalam gas plant seharusnya diperiksa dan dievaluasi secara menyeluruh untuk memastikan bahwa unit telah siap beroperasi dan terhindar dari potensi kecelakaan, khususnya ledakan dan kebakaran. Tujuan dari studi ini menganalisis ketersediaan dan kesiapan safety barrier dalam mencegah dan memitigasi konsekuensi dari hazardous event, yaitu kejadian flammable gas / liquid release. Studi ini meliputi identifikasi skenario initiating event atau threats yang dapat menyebabkan flammable gas / liquid release, mengevaluasi konsekuensi dan fungsi barrier. Bow tie diagram, digunakan untuk menggambarkan elemen barrier. Kinerja barrier dikaji berdasarkan 5 lima performance criteria availability, functionality, capacity, trigger event, dan response time. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 21 dari keseluruhan skenario memiliki unacceptable risk dan membutuhkan perbaikan. Beberapa rekomendasi diusulkan kepada PT. XYZ. ...... PT. XYZ is constructing a new onshore gas plant and targeted to be on stream by mid 2017. During detailed engineering, studies such as HAZOP, HAZID and SIL have specified technical barriers, but not organizational barrier, neither procedural nor human, which also contributing in safety implementation of startup and commissioning activities. Before startup, each unit within the gas plant should be thoroughly inspected and evaluated for its readiness and prevention of potential accidents, especially explosion and fire. The purpose of this study was to analyze the availability and readiness of the safety barrier in preventing and mitigating the consequences of the hazardous event, i.e. flammable gas liquid release. This study identified initiating event that could lead to flammable gas liquid release, evaluated consequences barrier functions. Bow tie diagrams were used to draw barrier elements. Performance of barriers were assessed by 5 performance criteria availability, functionality, capacity, trigger event, and response time. It was found that 21 of all scenarios were having unacceptable risk and need more improvement. Some recommendations were proposed.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pureun haneul lee
Abstrak :
PURPOSE: Claudin-4 has been reported to function as a paracellular sodium barrier and is one of the 3 major claudins expressed in lung alveolar epithelial cells. However, the possible role of claudin-4 in bronchial asthma has not yet been fully studied. In this study, we aimed to elucidate the role of claudin-4 in the pathogenesis of bronchial asthma. METHODS: We determined claudin-4 levels in blood from asthmatic patients. Moreover, using mice sensitized and challenged with OVA, as well as sensitized and challenged with saline, we investigated whether claudin-4 is involved in the pathogenesis of bronchial asthma. Der p1 induced the inflammatory cytokines in NHBE cells. RESULTS: We found that claudin-4 in blood from asthmatic patients was increased compared with that from healthy control subjects. Plasma claudin-4 levels were significantly higher in exacerbated patients than in control patients with bronchial asthma. The plasma claudin-4 level was correlated with eosinophils, total IgE, FEV1% pred, and FEV1/FVC. Moreover, lung tissues from the OVA-OVA mice showed significant increases in transcripts and proteins of claudin-4 as well as in TJ breaks and the densities of claudin-4 staining. When claudin-4 was knocked down by transfecting its siRNA, inflammatory cytokine expressions, which were induced by Der p1 treatment, were significantly increased. CONCLUSIONS: These findings thus raise the possibility that regulation of lung epithelial barrier proteins may constitute a therapeutic approach for asthma.
Suwon Korea: The Korean Academy of Asthma, Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2018
610 AAIR 10:1 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putu Inge Ruth Suantika
Abstrak :
The lack of interest from the public and health workers, such as nurses to carry out a pap test, is one of the triggers of cervical cancer cases. The purpose of this study was to identify the implementation of pap tests and barriers of nurses in Bandung, West Java. This study used a cross-sectional descriptive study design with a sample of 286 married nurses. Data collection was conducted during two months. The analysis was conducted by the Fisher exact test or chi-square test. The results showed that the level of education and religion had a significant relationship with the pap test behavior (p= 0,000; p= 0.031). The most perceived barrier was that respondents felt uncomfortable with the male examiners. So it was recommended to provide female examiners in the ob-gyn section in the hospitals and to improve the nurses' perceptions with pap test.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2020
610 UI-JKI 23:1 (2020)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alifiana Permata Sari
Abstrak :
Gasifikasi merupakan salah satu pemanfaatan batubara yang ramah lingkungan, tetapi masih memiliki kelemahan, yaitu menghasilkan partikulat. Penggunaan plasma pada gasifikasi diharapkan dapat mengatasi kekurangan gasifikasi dan dapat menghasilkan gas sintesis. Pada penelitian ini dirancang sebuah reaktor fluidisasi plasma untuk gasifikasi batubara dengan jenis plasma yang digunakan adalah dielectric barrier discharge. Reaktor dirancang dengan ukuran diameter 10 cm dengan tinggi ruang fluidisasi 40 cm dan tinggi total 66 cm. Dilakukan uji kinerja reaktor untuk gasifikasi batubara menggunakan gas CO2 dengan laju alir 20 liter/menit dan batubara jenis sub bituminus dengan tinggi unggun batubara 3 cm dan ukuran batubara 120-200 mesh. Hasilnya didapatkan konsentrasi hidrogen hingga 10,28 % dan CO adalah 28 ppm dengan produktivitas alat mencapai 0,00327 Liter/Joule. ......Gasification is one of the environmentally friendly use of coal, but still has a weaknesses, which produces particulate and less economical. The use of plasma gasification is expected to overcome the lack of gasification by producing synthesis gas. In this research designed a plasma reactor for gasification of coal fluidization with a type of plasma used is a dielectric barrier discharge. The reactor is designed with a diameter size of 10 cm, fluidization chamber with a height of 40 cm and a total height of 66 cm. Conducted performance tests using coal gasification reactor for CO2 gas with flowrate of 20 liters/minute and sub-bituminous coal with coal size 120-200 mesh and coal bed height of 3 cm. The results obtained up to 10.28% concentration of hydrogen and CO is 28 ppm with the productivity of the reactor reached 0.00327 Liters / Joule.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Juwita Permatasari Nuh
Abstrak :
Menurut Undang-undang Perbankan, fungsi perbankan adalah untuk menghimpun dan menyalurkan dana masyarakat. Salah satu bentuk usaha yang dapat dilakukan oleh lembaga keuangan perbankan adalah dengan memberikan penyaluran dana kepada masyarakat dengan memberikan Kredit Pemilikan Rumah atau KPR. Dalam pemberian KPR kepada nasabah, bank menetapkan beberapa persyaratan sebelum nasabah mendapatkan fasilitas KPR tersebut, salah satunya adalah dengan mensyaratkan nasabah memiliki asuransi yang mempertanggungkan jiwa nasabah tersebut. Untuk memudahkan pemilikan asuransi jiwa tersbut, maka bank melakukan kerjasama dengan perusahaan asuransi, yang juga dapat disebut dengan bancassurance. Dalam penelitian ini, Penulis mengangkat salah satu kasus persaingan usaha tidak sehat dalam penyelenggaraan asuransi oleh Konsorsium Bringin dan Heksa yang dipasarkan oleh BRI selaku penyedia fasilitas KPR. Perkara ini telah diputus oleh Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha (KPPU) dan BRI dinyatakan melakukan perjanjian tertutup dan melakukan entry barrier. Perjanjian tertutup merupakan salah satu perjanjian yang dilarang dalam UU No.5 Tahun 1999, sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 15 UU No.5 Tahun 1999; sedangkan entry barrier merupakan satu kegiatan yang dilarang, diatur dalam Pasal 18 huruf b UU No.5 Tahun 1999. Putusan KPPU ini kemudian dibatalkan oleh Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat. Dalam tulisan ini, Penulis akan memberikan kajian yuridis atas Putusan KPPU dan Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat. Penulis juga akan menganalisa dengan menggunakan ketentuan pada SEBI 12/35/DPNP, dan juga metode pendekatan yang digunakan KPPU dan Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat dalam proses pembuktian perkara ini, sebagaimana dikenal dalam Hukum Persaingan Usaha terdapat dua metode pendekatan yaitu pendekatan per se illegal dan pendekatan rule of reason. Pada akhirnya, tulisan ini akan memberikan pemahaman dan penerapan UU No.5 Tahun 1999 dalam prakteknya, khususnya dalam praktek bancassurance.
According to the Banking Law, the banking function is to collect and distribute public funds. One form of business that can be done by banking is to provide the distribution of funds to the community by providing housing loans. To grant of housing loans to customers, the bank establishes several requirements before customers get the facilities, one of which is to require customers to have life insurance that guaranty the customer's life. To facilitate the ownership of life insurance serve targeted, then the bank cooperating with an insurance company, which can also be called bancassurance. In this study, the authors raised one case of unfair competition in the administration of insurance by the Consortium Bringin and Heksa marketed by BRI as the provider of mortgage facilities. This case was decided by the KPPU and BRI declared doing exclusive dealing and make entry barrier. Exclusive dealing is one agreement prohibited under Law No. 5 of 1999, as provided for in Article 15 of Law No. 5 of 1999; whereas the entry barrier is an activity that is prohibited under Article 18 letter b Law No. 5 of 1999. The Commission's Decision was later canceled by the Central Jakarta District Court. In this paper, the author will give a juridical study on the Commission's Decision and the Decision of the Central Jakarta District Court. The author also analyzes using the provisions of SEBI 12/35 / DPNP, and also the method used KPPU and the Central Jakarta District Court in the process of proving this case, as it is known in the Competition Law, there are two methods of approach is the approach per se illegal and approaches rule of reason. In the end, this paper will provide an understanding and application of Law No. 5 of 1999 in practice, especially in bancassurance practice.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Febrian Harry Andaru Wicaksono
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas mengenai analisis efektifitas dari proses investigasi tradisional terhadap kecelakaan kerja yang mengakibatkan cedera pada tubuh pekerja yang memerlukan tindakan lebih lanjut dari pertolongan pertama. Analisis ini dilakukan di PT. XYZ Indonesia dengan data yang diambil untuk periode kecelakaan tercatat selama lima (5) tahun. Pendekatan yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analisis. Sebanyak dua puluh tiga (23) kecelakaan kerja tercatat dianalisa. Berdasarkan analisa penelitian ini, PT. XYZ Indonesia disarankan untuk melakukan kombinasi proses ataupun hasil  dari pelaksanaan investigasi tradisional yang merupakan implementasi dari Safety-I dan pelaksanaan learning team yang merupakan implementasi dari Safety-II. ......The aim of this study is to analyze the effectivity of traditional investigation process to the recordable incidents which resulted an injury to workers that lead to medical treatment beyond first aid case. This analysis was conducted at PT. XYZ Indonesia with data taken for five (5) years. Approaches used in this study is a descriptive analysis. Twenty-three (23) recordable incidents were analyzed. Based on the study result, PT. XYZ Indonesia is recommended to perform either combined process or result from traditional investigation, which is the implementation of Safety-I, and from learning team, which is the implementation of Safety-II.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Reza Dhamayanto
Abstrak :
Latar belakang penulisan penelitian karya akhir ini di timbulkan oleh rasa ketertarikan penulis terhadap kepuasan Pelanggan, kesetiaan Pelanggan terhadapsuatu merek atau produk dan faktor- faktor yang mempengaruhi loyalitas konsumen seperti kepuasan pelanggan dan swithing barrier. Sejak hadirnya jasa on-line recruitment pada tahun 1994 dan selanjutnya menyebar secara cepat ke seluruh dunia, sekarang ini sudah sangat maju, canggih, ditandai dengan kemajuan demi kemajuan layanan teknologi ditawarkan, yang mana tentunya semua itu tidak terlepas dari permintaan pasar yang tinggi. Kebutuhan akan loyalitas konsumen sebagai keunggulan kompetitif di industri ini cukup vital.
The writer was intrigued by switching customer, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty, in relation with the dynamic of a product or a brand and the factors which effecting customer loyalty and other factors which also support customer loyalty, such as customer satisfaction and switching barrier. Since the online recruitment appearance at 1994 and then spreading very fast throughout the whole world, nowadays technologies are highly advance, sophisticated, progress-by progress the technology they offer, obviously all of that are related from the high demand from the market. The needs for customer loyalty as competitive advantage are vital in this industry.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Matutu, Andi Agung
Abstrak :
Seiring dengan perkembangan kemajuan teknologi, semakin banyak aplikasiaplikasi yang membutuhkan divais dengan kecepatan operasi tinggi. Dioda Schottky sebagai sebuah divais dengan kecepatan operasi tinggi banyak dipakai dalam aplikasi-aplikasi seperti power converter, RF detectors dan mixers. Dioda Schottky yang dipakai sekarang ini masih menggunakan bahan semikonduktor konvensional seperti Silikon sebagai material dasarnya. Pada skripsi ini dilakukan desain dan simulasi sebuah dioda Schottky yang menggunakan Carbon Nanotube (CNT) sebagai pengganti Silikon sebagai material semikonduktor dalam dioda Schottky tersebut. CNT yang digunakan adalah semiconducting CNT dengan chirality tertentu. Setelah dioda Schottky didesain, dilakukan simulasi menggunakan CNTBANDS 2.0 untuk mengetahui parameter-parameter yang digunakan dalam perhitungan dan analisis. Dari hasil perhitungan yang didasarkan pada parameter-parameter yang didapatkan melalui simulasi dengan CNTBANDS 2.0, didapatkan hasil kecepatan operasi dioda Schottky CNT yang mencapai skala terahertz, yaitu sebesar 8.1 THz untuk chirality (7,0) dan 0.42 THz untuk chirality (32,0). Kecepatan operasi dioda Schottky CNT ini bergantung pada parameter chirality dari CNT yang digunakan dalam divais. Dengan pertimbangan penggunaan CNT untuk divais yang ada sekarang ini terutama dari segi diameter maka diambil CNT dengan chirality (26,0) yang memiliki diameter sebesar 2.03 nm sebagai bahan untuk dioda Schottky CNT.
Along with technology development nowadays, more of applications need devices with high operation speed. Schottky diode as a high operation speed device is mainly used in aplications such as power converter, RF detectors and mixers. The current Schottky diode is still using conventional semiconductor material such as Silicon for the material. The goal of this research is to design and simulate a Schottky diode which using Carbon Nanotube (CNT) to replace Silicon as semiconductor material in Schottky diode. The type of CNT which is used in this research is semiconducting CNT with certain chirality. After designing Schottky diode, simulation is performed using CNTBANDS 2.0 to get the parameter of the CNT which is used in calculation and analysis. From the calculation based on the parameters obtained from simulation with CNTBANDS 2.0, we obtain CNT Schottky diode with terahertz scale operation speed, range from 8.1 THz for chirality (7,0) to 0.42 THz for chirality (32,0). The operation speed of CNT Schottky diode depends on chirality of the CNT used in the device. Due to application of CNT in the devices reason especially from the diameter of CNT parameter, we choose CNT with chirality (26,0) that has 2.03 nm of diameter as a material for CNT Schottky diode.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
The Specifiers' Handbook for Inclusive Design series comprises a set of design guides which look in detail at the technical aspects of key building elements.
London : [RIBA , ], 2005
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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