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Eisenmann, Thomas R.
Boston: McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2002
384.3 EIS i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Sumari
Abstrak :
IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) merupakan gabungan dari beberapa teknologi yang terkait untuk mengirimkan program TV dengan koneksi broadband melalui Internet. Teknologi tersebut seperti software dan hardware yang masih terus dikembangkan. IPTV menjamin dikembangkannya fleksibilitas & skalabilitas teknologi IP untuk mengubah televisi dengan menyediakan akses terhadap lebih banyak content dengan kualitas yang lebih baik dibandingkan Broadcast TV tradisional yang dapat disesuaikan selera dan memungkinkan layanan interaktif [6]. Dengan IPTV tersebut memberikan peluang bagi TELKOM untuk mengembangkan jaringan internet broadband yang dimiliki yaitu Speedy menuju layanan IPTV dengan memanfaatkan infrastruktur jaringan dan customer base Speedy. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana model bisnis IPTV di TELKOM DIVRE II Jakarta dengan membandingkan (benchmark) bisnis model IPTV yang sudah diimplementasikan di PCCW Hong Kong dan France Telecom. Analisa model bisnis IPTV ditekankan pada aspek teknologi, aspek konten, aspek pasar (segmentasi, target dan posisi pasar), aspek tarif dan aspek keuangan. IPTV layak diimplementasikan di Telkom DIVRE II Jakarta berdasarkan analisa model bisnis menggunakan proyeksi jumlah pelanggan optimis sesuai data benchmark PCCW Hong Kong dengan hasil NPV sebesar Rp. 61,5 milyar, IRR sebesar 42,46% dan PP selama 3 tahun.
IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) refers to a group of related technologies delivering television programming using a broadband connection over internet. These are technologies as software and hardware are still being developed. IPTV promises to leverage the flexibility and scalability of IP technology to transform the television experience by providing access to more content of a superior quality that can be more personalized and interactive than traditional broadcast TV [8]. The IPTV gives opportunity to develop Speedy broadband internet network into IPTV services utilizing network infrastructure and customer base of Speedy. The purpose of this study is to know the business model of TELKOM DIVRE II Jakarta IPTV by benchmarking to PCCW Hong Kong and France Telecom IPTV. Analysis of IPTV business model was focused on technological, content, market (market segmentation, target and position), tariff and financial aspects. Business model analysis based on the number of optimist customer projection as a data benchmark of PCCW Hong Kong results on NPV is Rp. 61.5 M, IRR is Rp. 42.46% and 3 years of Pay Back Periode. This business model enables IPTV feasible to be implented in Telkom DIVRE II Jakarta.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Quantifying the social and economic value that geospatial information contributes to modern society is a complex task. To construct reliable and consistent valuation measures requires an understanding of the sequence of processes that starts with data acquisition, and leads to decision-makers' choices that impact society. GEOValue explores each step in this complex value chain from the viewpoint of domain experts spanning disciplines that range from the technical side of data acquisition and management to the social sciences that provide the framework to assess the benefit to society. The book is intended to provide foundational understanding of the techniques and complexities of each step in the process. As such it is intended to be assessable to a reader without prior training in data acquisition systems, information systems, or valuation methods. In addition, a number of case studies are provided that demonstrate the use of geospatial information as a critical input for evaluation of policy pertaining to a wide range of application areas, such as agricultural and environmental policy, natural catastrophes, e-government and transportation systems.
Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2018
338.4 GEO
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Contents : - Table of Contents by Author - Part I: The Business of Broadband - Part II: Broadband Access: A. DSL - B. Wireless - C. Ethernet - Part III: Broadband Applications and Services - Part IV: Operations , Security, and Quality of Service - Acronym Guide
Chicago: International Engineering Consortium, 2004
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Layanan Over the Top atau OTT content dan electronic money merupakan beberapa layanan yang dilirik operator telekomunikasi sebagai sumber pendapatan baru untuk mengisi kesenjangan yang disebabkan menurunnya pendapatan dari layanan percakapan dan SMS dan belum maksimalnya pendapatan dari layanan data. Pertumbuhan pendapatan dari kedua layanan ini saat ini belum cukup baik antara lain disebabkan belum diterapkannya model bisnis yang mampu memaksimalkan potensi pendapatan keduanya. Pengembangan model bisnis electronic marketplace yang diimplementasikan dalam bentuk pembuatan aplikasi electronic marketplace berbasis smartphone yang terintegrasi dengan layanan electronic money merupakan salah satu cara untuk meraih revenue gabungan dari sektor OTT content dan layanan electronic money. Keyakinan ini dikuatkan oleh beberapa fakta antara lain pertumbuhan pengguna smartphone serta pengunjung online marketplace yang cukup tinggi. Analisis kelayakan ekonomi, analisis skenario dan Simulasi Montecarlo akan digunakan untuk memprediksi tingkat pengembalian investasi dan jumlah revenue yang dapat diraih oleh model bisnis ini.
Electronic money and OTT content are some of the services selected by telecom operators as a new revenue source to fill the gap caused by declining revenues from voice and SMS services , and the low revenue from data services. Currently, revenue growth from both of these services are still low due to the implementation of current business model that has not been able to maximize their revenue potential. The development of new electronic marketplace business models by creating an emarketplace apps which integrated with e-money services believed as an alternative to generate new revenue from both of the services. This expectation are supports by the growth of smartphone users and online marketplace visitors at the same time. A series of analysis and simulation will be conducted to prove that this business models are economically accepted by presenting high revenue and high internal rate returns on their investment.
Jakarta: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
James Marisi
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan suatu model bisnis yang dapat digunakan untuk menjalankan bisnis PLTSa pembangkit listrik tenaga sampah dengan memperhatikan faktor donasi dari masyarakat khususnya bagi masyarakat Kota Depok yang merupakan wilayah proyek PLTSa dalam penelitian ini. Sistem pengolahan sampah yang dilakukan pada tesis ini menggunakan sistem Landfill Gas yang menggunakan membran bioreaktor yang dapat mengolah sampah organik untuk menghasilkan gas metana CH4 . Gas metana yang dihasilkan tersebut dapat digunakan sebagai penggerak turbin PLN untuk menghasilkan listrik. Oleh karena itu, pemanfaatan sampah sebagai energi waste to energy merupakan suatu pengolahan sampah yang sangat menguntungkan. Model pembiayaan dan operasional PLTSa tersebut menggunakan skema pendanaan dari masyarakat. Selanjutnya, bentuk organisasi atau bisnis entitas yang akan dibangun untuk menjalankan proyek ini yang akan dinilai dari sumber pendanaan, metode pengumpulan donasi, regulasi dan perundang-undangan mengenai TPA PLTSa, regulasi dan perundang-undangan mengenai badan organisasi bisnis entitas .
This research is intended to determine an business model that can be used to run the PLTSa business by taking into account the donation factor from the Public of Depok City which is the PLTSa project area in this research. Waste processing system conducted in this thesis using Landfill Gas system that uses Membrane Bioreactor which can be organic waste to produce methane gas CH4 . This produced methane gas can be used as a driving turbine for electricity. Therefore, the utilization of waste as energy waste to energy is a very profitable waste treatment. The PLTSa operational and operational cost model uses the scheme from public participation. Then, the form of organization or business of the entity to be built to undertake this project which is part of business activities, regulations and legislation on TPA PLTSa, regulations and legislation concerning to the organizational body.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bayu Anindito
Abstrak :
Kemacetan lalu lintas Jakarta yang parah mendorong akan dibutuhkannya moda transportasi publik yang baru dan memadai. Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta telah menetapkan PT MRT Jakarta untuk membangun, mengembangkan, mengoperasikan, memelihara, dan mengelola bisnis di area sekitar koridor MRT dengan tujuan mengatasi masalah kemacetan Jakarta yang semakin kronis. PT MRT Jakarta telah didirikan sejak 2008 dan pekerjaan konstruksinya tengah berlangsung, dimana diharapkan akan memulai operasinya pada Maret 2019. Menjelang penyelesaian proyek ini, perlu dikembangkannya sistem tiket MRT Jakarta yang baik. Saat ini, MRT Jakarta merencanakan penggunaan e-ticketing sistem untuk operasinya. Dengan telah dimulainya proses pengembangan sistem tiket ini, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengulas dan menganalisa kesiapan proyek MRT, khususnya mengenai model bisnis sistem e-tickting nya dengan kemungkinannya untuk berintegrasi atau interoperabilitas dengan moda transportasi publik lainnya di wilayah Jakarta.
Jakarta rsquo s severe congested traffic has urged the presence of new modes for its public transport. Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta establish a PT MRT Jakarta to build, develop, operate, maintain, and manage the business around the MRT corridor in order to overcome Jakarta rsquo s most chronic traffic congestion. PT MRT Jakarta has been established since 2008 and its construction already underway and expected to begin their operation in March 2019. Toward the project completion, the ticketing system of MRT Jakarta need to be develop in a firm fashion. At current state, MRT Jakarta rsquo s ticketing will be utilizing e ticketing system. With the system is already took place for its development, this study review and analyze the readiness of the MRT Project, especially for business models for its e ticketing systems with the possibility to integrate or interoperability with other public transportation modes in greater Jakarta.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sukma Enggar Pratiwi
Abstrak :
Domain Holdings Australia Limited (DHG) unggul di sektor real estat Australia sebagai entitas transformatif, terutama berdasarkan laporan keuangan tahunan pada 2022. Model bisnis inovatif DHG mengintegrasikan kemajuan teknologi dan wawasan berbasis data untuk menciptakan ekosistem digital yang komprehensif untuk transaksi properti. Dengan tenaga kerja lebih dari 900 orang, platform utama DHG, Domain.com.au, mendukung berbagai layanan termasuk pinjaman rumah, perantara asuransi, dan utilitas perumahan, yang melayani baik konsumen maupun agen. Segmen bisnis DHG memenuhi beragam kebutuhan pasar, dari media real estat digital hingga publikasi cetak. Portofolio merek perusahaan, yang menampilkan nama-nama seperti Domain, Allhomes, dan MarketNow, menyediakan solusi pemasaran yang disesuaikan untuk berbagai jenis properti. Pada tahun 2022, kinerja keuangan DHG menunjukkan arus kas negatif akibat akuisisi strategis IDS Group dan Realbase Group, yang bertujuan untuk memperluas kehadiran pasar dan meningkatkan penawaran layanan. Akuisisi ini sangat penting untuk strategi pertumbuhan jangka panjang DHG. Pertumbuhan penjualan perusahaan yang luar biasa pada tahun 2021 dan 2022, didorong oleh akuisisi strategis, transformasi digital dan inovasi produk yang kemudian menegaskan posisi pasar yang kuat. Valuasi DHG, menggunakan 2 jenis model yaitu Discounted Free Cash Flow (DCF) dan Residual Operating Income (ReOI), menunjukkan harga saham sebesar $2,41, yang kontras dengan harga pasar sebesar $3,74. Ketidaksesuaian ini menyoroti ketidakpastian dalam proyeksi pertumbuhan dan asumsi manajemen biaya, menyarankan investor untuk mempertahankan saham DHG mereka saat ini sambil memantau kondisi pasar dan kinerja keuangan DHG untuk pengambilan keputusan yang tepat. ......Domain Holdings Australia Limited (DHG) stands out in the Australian real estate sector as a transformative entity, especially highlighted around its 2022 annual results. DHG’s innovative business model integrates technological advances and data-driven insights to create a comprehensive digital ecosystem for property transactions. With a workforce of over 900, DHG's primary platform, Domain.com.au, supports a wide array of services including home loans, insurance brokerage, and residential utilities, catering to both consumers and agents. DHG's business segments—Core Digital, Consumer Solutions, and Print—address diverse market needs, from digital real estate media to tangible print publications. The company’s brand portfolio, featuring names like Domain, Allhomes, and MarketNow, provides tailored marketing solutions for various property types. In FY22, DHG's financial performance showed a negative Free Cash Flow (FCF) due to strategic acquisitions of the IDS Group and Realbase Group, aimed at expanding market presence and enhancing service offerings. These acquisitions, while financially demanding, are pivotal to DHG's long-term growth strategy. The company’s remarkable sales growth in FY21 and FY22, driven by strategic acquisitions, digital transformation, and product innovation, underscores its robust market position. DHG's valuation, using models like Discounted Free Cash Flow (DCF) and Residual Operating Income (ReOI), indicated a share price of $2.41, contrasting with the market price of $3.74. This discrepancy highlights uncertainties in growth projections and cost management assumptions, advising investors to hold their current DHG shares while monitoring market conditions and DHG’s financial performance for informed decision-making.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rayes, Ammar
Abstrak :
This textbook presents an end-to-end Internet of Things (IoT) architecture that comprises of devices, network, compute, storage, platform, applications along with management and security components with focus on the missing functionality in the current state of the art. As with the first edition, it is organized into six main parts: an IoT reference model; Fog computing and the drivers; IoT management and applications ranging from smart homes to manufacturing and energy conservation solutions; Smart Services in IoT; IoT standards; and case studies. The textbook edition features a new chapter entitled The Blockchain in IoT, updates based on latest standards and technologies, and new slide ware for professors. It features a full suite of classroom material for easy adoption.
Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
This volume consists of 52 peer-reviewed papers, presented at the International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing (SDM-19) held in Budapest, Hungary in July 2019. Leading-edge research into sustainable design and manufacturing aims to enable the manufacturing industry to grow by adopting more advanced technologies, and at the same time improve its sustainability by reducing its environmental impact. The topic includes the sustainable design of products and services; the sustainable manufacturing of all products; energy efficiency in manufacturing; innovation for eco-design; circular economy; industry 4.0; industrial metabolism; automotive and transportation systems. Application areas are wide and varied. The book will provide an excellent overview of the latest developments in the Sustainable Design and Manufacturing Area.
Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library