ABSTRAKLatar Belakang : Continous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) telah menjadi
alternatif selain hemodialisis untuk pengobatan penyakit ginjal tahap akhir. Fibrosis
peritoneum merupakan penyebab utama terjadinya kerusakan membran peritoneum.
Mekanisme fibrosis peritoneum belum diketahui secara pasti, namun ditengarai
transforming growth factor ? β (TGF ?β) berhubungan erat terhadap terjadinya fibrosis
Tujuan : Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh kombinasi ACE
inhibitor (ACEI) dan calcium channel Blocker (CCB) terhadap penurunan ekspresi TGF
? β dan fibrosis peritoneum tikus jantan yang telah dilakukan CAPD.
Metode Penelitian : Penelitian eksperimental, post test only control group design. Tiga
puluh tikus Dawley spraque dibagi menjadi lima kelompok yaitu kelompok kontrol
(kelompok 1) dan kelompok perlakuan dengan pemberian masing-masing cairan CAPD
4,25% (kelompok2) lisinopril 1,44 mg oral dan CAPD (kelompok 3) diltiazem CD 6,48
mg oral dan CAPD (kelompok 4) lisinopril 1,44 mg dan diltiazem CD 6,48 mg oral dan
CAPD (kelompok 5). Setelah 4 minggu tikus dikorbankan dengan cara dislokasi cervical
kemudian diperiksa ekspresi TGF ? β dan terjadinya fibrosis pada peritoneum tikus,
selanjutnya dibuat sediaan histopatologi dan diwarnai dengan hematoksilin eosin serta
imunohistokimia menggunakan antihuman TGF-ß.
Hasil : Dua puluh peritoneum tikus berhasil diperiksa. Rerata skor TGF-β kelompok
kontrol 1,8, kelompok CAPD 2, kelompok lisinopril dan CAPD 1,8, kelompok diltiazem
CD dan CAPD 1,8, kelompok lisinopril dan diltiazem CD dan CAPD 1,7 (p=0,959).
Rerata skor fibrosis peritoneum kelompok kontrol 1,1, kelompok CAPD 2,6, kelompok
lisinopril dan CAPD 1,2, kelompok diltiazem CD dan CAPD 1,3, kelompok lisinopril dan
diltiazem CD dan CAPD1,5 (p=0,268)
Simpulan : Kombinasi lisinopril dan diltiazem mempunyai kecenderungan menurunkan
ekspresi TGF ? β lebih baik dibandingkan lisinopril maupun diltiazem yang diberikan
secara terpisah tetapi tidak bermakna secara statistik. Kombinasi lisinopril dan diltiazem
mempunyai kecenderungan mengurangi fibrosis peritoneum tetapi tidak bermakna secara
statistik dan tidak lebih baik dibandingkan lisinopril maupun diltiazem bila diberikan
secara terpisah.
ABSTRACTBackground : Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) has been an
alternative other than hemodialysis for end stage kidney disease treatment.
Peritoneal fibrosis is the most serious cause of the damage in membrane
peritoneum. Mechanism of fibrosis peritoneum is not exactly known yet,
transforming growth factor ? β(TGF ? β) is closely related with the existence of
fibrosis peritoneum.
Purposes : The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of combination
between ACE inhibitor (ACEI) dan Calcium channel blocker (CCB) in reducing
expression of TGF ? β and fibrosis peritoneum in a male rat treated with CAPD.
Research Method : Experimental study, post test only control group design.
Thirsty Dawley spraque rats are divided into five groups control group ( Group
1), CAPD liquid 4,25% (group 2), lisinopril 1,44 mg oral and CAPD (group 3)
diltiazem CD 6,48 mg oral and CAPD (group 4) lisinopril 1,44mg + diltiazem CD
6,48 mg oral and CAPD (group 5). After 4 weeks, rats sacrificed. Expression of
TGF ? β and peritoneal fibrosis are conducted by histopatology with hematoxillineosin
staining and immunology with anti human-TGF-β.
Result : Twenty peritoneal of rats can be examined. Mean score TGF-β control
group is 1,8, CAPD group is 2, lisinopril and CAPD group is 1,8,diltiazem CD
and CAPD group is 1,8, lisinopril and diltiazem CD and CAPD group is 1,7
(p=0,959) .Mean score peritoneal fibrosis control group is 1,1, CAPD group is
2,6, lisinopril and CAPD group is 1,2, diltiazem CD and CAPD group is 1,3,
lisinopril and diltiazem CD and CAPD group is 1,5 (p=0,268)
Summary : Combination of lisinopril and diltiazem lower the expression of TGF
? β and fibrosis peritoneum better than lisinopril or diltiazem but statistically not
significant. Combination of lisinopril and diltiazem lower the peritoneal fibrosis
but statistically not significant and it doesn?t better than lisinopril or diltiazem.
Key words: ACE inhibitor, calcium channel blocker, TGF-β, peritoneal fibrosis.;Background : Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) has been an
alternative other than hemodialysis for end stage kidney disease treatment.
Peritoneal fibrosis is the most serious cause of the damage in membrane
peritoneum. Mechanism of fibrosis peritoneum is not exactly known yet,
transforming growth factor ? β(TGF ? β) is closely related with the existence of
fibrosis peritoneum.
Purposes : The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of combination
between ACE inhibitor (ACEI) dan Calcium channel blocker (CCB) in reducing
expression of TGF ? β and fibrosis peritoneum in a male rat treated with CAPD.
Research Method : Experimental study, post test only control group design.
Thirsty Dawley spraque rats are divided into five groups control group ( Group
1), CAPD liquid 4,25% (group 2), lisinopril 1,44 mg oral and CAPD (group 3)
diltiazem CD 6,48 mg oral and CAPD (group 4) lisinopril 1,44mg + diltiazem CD
6,48 mg oral and CAPD (group 5). After 4 weeks, rats sacrificed. Expression of
TGF ? β and peritoneal fibrosis are conducted by histopatology with hematoxillineosin
staining and immunology with anti human-TGF-β.
Result : Twenty peritoneal of rats can be examined. Mean score TGF-β control
group is 1,8, CAPD group is 2, lisinopril and CAPD group is 1,8,diltiazem CD
and CAPD group is 1,8, lisinopril and diltiazem CD and CAPD group is 1,7
(p=0,959) .Mean score peritoneal fibrosis control group is 1,1, CAPD group is
2,6, lisinopril and CAPD group is 1,2, diltiazem CD and CAPD group is 1,3,
lisinopril and diltiazem CD and CAPD group is 1,5 (p=0,268)
Summary : Combination of lisinopril and diltiazem lower the expression of TGF
? β and fibrosis peritoneum better than lisinopril or diltiazem but statistically not
significant. Combination of lisinopril and diltiazem lower the peritoneal fibrosis
but statistically not significant and it doesn?t better than lisinopril or diltiazem.
Key words: ACE inhibitor, calcium channel blocker, TGF-β, peritoneal fibrosis.;Background : Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) has been an
alternative other than hemodialysis for end stage kidney disease treatment.
Peritoneal fibrosis is the most serious cause of the damage in membrane
peritoneum. Mechanism of fibrosis peritoneum is not exactly known yet,
transforming growth factor ? β(TGF ? β) is closely related with the existence of
fibrosis peritoneum.
Purposes : The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of combination
between ACE inhibitor (ACEI) dan Calcium channel blocker (CCB) in reducing
expression of TGF ? β and fibrosis peritoneum in a male rat treated with CAPD.
Research Method : Experimental study, post test only control group design.
Thirsty Dawley spraque rats are divided into five groups control group ( Group
1), CAPD liquid 4,25% (group 2), lisinopril 1,44 mg oral and CAPD (group 3)
diltiazem CD 6,48 mg oral and CAPD (group 4) lisinopril 1,44mg + diltiazem CD
6,48 mg oral and CAPD (group 5). After 4 weeks, rats sacrificed. Expression of
TGF ? β and peritoneal fibrosis are conducted by histopatology with hematoxillineosin
staining and immunology with anti human-TGF-β.
Result : Twenty peritoneal of rats can be examined. Mean score TGF-β control
group is 1,8, CAPD group is 2, lisinopril and CAPD group is 1,8,diltiazem CD
and CAPD group is 1,8, lisinopril and diltiazem CD and CAPD group is 1,7
(p=0,959) .Mean score peritoneal fibrosis control group is 1,1, CAPD group is
2,6, lisinopril and CAPD group is 1,2, diltiazem CD and CAPD group is 1,3,
lisinopril and diltiazem CD and CAPD group is 1,5 (p=0,268)
Summary : Combination of lisinopril and diltiazem lower the expression of TGF
? β and fibrosis peritoneum better than lisinopril or diltiazem but statistically not
significant. Combination of lisinopril and diltiazem lower the peritoneal fibrosis
but statistically not significant and it doesn?t better than lisinopril or diltiazem.
Key words: ACE inhibitor, calcium channel blocker, TGF-β, peritoneal fibrosis.;Background : Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) has been an
alternative other than hemodialysis for end stage kidney disease treatment.
Peritoneal fibrosis is the most serious cause of the damage in membrane
peritoneum. Mechanism of fibrosis peritoneum is not exactly known yet,
transforming growth factor ? β(TGF ? β) is closely related with the existence of
fibrosis peritoneum.
Purposes : The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of combination
between ACE inhibitor (ACEI) dan Calcium channel blocker (CCB) in reducing
expression of TGF ? β and fibrosis peritoneum in a male rat treated with CAPD.
Research Method : Experimental study, post test only control group design.
Thirsty Dawley spraque rats are divided into five groups control group ( Group
1), CAPD liquid 4,25% (group 2), lisinopril 1,44 mg oral and CAPD (group 3)
diltiazem CD 6,48 mg oral and CAPD (group 4) lisinopril 1,44mg + diltiazem CD
6,48 mg oral and CAPD (group 5). After 4 weeks, rats sacrificed. Expression of
TGF ? β and peritoneal fibrosis are conducted by histopatology with hematoxillineosin
staining and immunology with anti human-TGF-β.
Result : Twenty peritoneal of rats can be examined. Mean score TGF-β control
group is 1,8, CAPD group is 2, lisinopril and CAPD group is 1,8,diltiazem CD
and CAPD group is 1,8, lisinopril and diltiazem CD and CAPD group is 1,7
(p=0,959) .Mean score peritoneal fibrosis control group is 1,1, CAPD group is
2,6, lisinopril and CAPD group is 1,2, diltiazem CD and CAPD group is 1,3,
lisinopril and diltiazem CD and CAPD group is 1,5 (p=0,268)
Summary : Combination of lisinopril and diltiazem lower the expression of TGF
? β and fibrosis peritoneum better than lisinopril or diltiazem but statistically not
significant. Combination of lisinopril and diltiazem lower the peritoneal fibrosis
but statistically not significant and it doesn?t better than lisinopril or diltiazem.
Key words: ACE inhibitor, calcium channel blocker, TGF-β, peritoneal fibrosis.;Background : Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) has been an
alternative other than hemodialysis for end stage kidney disease treatment.
Peritoneal fibrosis is the most serious cause of the damage in membrane
peritoneum. Mechanism of fibrosis peritoneum is not exactly known yet,
transforming growth factor ? β(TGF ? β) is closely related with the existence of
fibrosis peritoneum.
Purposes : The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of combination
between ACE inhibitor (ACEI) dan Calcium channel blocker (CCB) in reducing
expression of TGF ? β and fibrosis peritoneum in a male rat treated with CAPD.
Research Method : Experimental study, post test only control group design.
Thirsty Dawley spraque rats are divided into five groups control group ( Group
1), CAPD liquid 4,25% (group 2), lisinopril 1,44 mg oral and CAPD (group 3)
diltiazem CD 6,48 mg oral and CAPD (group 4) lisinopril 1,44mg + diltiazem CD
6,48 mg oral and CAPD (group 5). After 4 weeks, rats sacrificed. Expression of
TGF ? β and peritoneal fibrosis are conducted by histopatology with hematoxillineosin
staining and immunology with anti human-TGF-β.
Result : Twenty peritoneal of rats can be examined. Mean score TGF-β control
group is 1,8, CAPD group is 2, lisinopril and CAPD group is 1,8,diltiazem CD
and CAPD group is 1,8, lisinopril and diltiazem CD and CAPD group is 1,7
(p=0,959) .Mean score peritoneal fibrosis control group is 1,1, CAPD group is
2,6, lisinopril and CAPD group is 1,2, diltiazem CD and CAPD group is 1,3,
lisinopril and diltiazem CD and CAPD group is 1,5 (p=0,268)
Summary : Combination of lisinopril and diltiazem lower the expression of TGF
? β and fibrosis peritoneum better than lisinopril or diltiazem but statistically not
significant. Combination of lisinopril and diltiazem lower the peritoneal fibrosis
but statistically not significant and it doesn?t better than lisinopril or diltiazem.
Key words: ACE inhibitor, calcium channel blocker, TGF-β, peritoneal fibrosis., Background : Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) has been an
alternative other than hemodialysis for end stage kidney disease treatment.
Peritoneal fibrosis is the most serious cause of the damage in membrane
peritoneum. Mechanism of fibrosis peritoneum is not exactly known yet,
transforming growth factor – β(TGF – β) is closely related with the existence of
fibrosis peritoneum.
Purposes : The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of combination
between ACE inhibitor (ACEI) dan Calcium channel blocker (CCB) in reducing
expression of TGF – β and fibrosis peritoneum in a male rat treated with CAPD.
Research Method : Experimental study, post test only control group design.
Thirsty Dawley spraque rats are divided into five groups control group ( Group
1), CAPD liquid 4,25% (group 2), lisinopril 1,44 mg oral and CAPD (group 3)
diltiazem CD 6,48 mg oral and CAPD (group 4) lisinopril 1,44mg + diltiazem CD
6,48 mg oral and CAPD (group 5). After 4 weeks, rats sacrificed. Expression of
TGF – β and peritoneal fibrosis are conducted by histopatology with hematoxillineosin
staining and immunology with anti human-TGF-β.
Result : Twenty peritoneal of rats can be examined. Mean score TGF-β control
group is 1,8, CAPD group is 2, lisinopril and CAPD group is 1,8,diltiazem CD
and CAPD group is 1,8, lisinopril and diltiazem CD and CAPD group is 1,7
(p=0,959) .Mean score peritoneal fibrosis control group is 1,1, CAPD group is
2,6, lisinopril and CAPD group is 1,2, diltiazem CD and CAPD group is 1,3,
lisinopril and diltiazem CD and CAPD group is 1,5 (p=0,268)
Summary : Combination of lisinopril and diltiazem lower the expression of TGF
– β and fibrosis peritoneum better than lisinopril or diltiazem but statistically not
significant. Combination of lisinopril and diltiazem lower the peritoneal fibrosis
but statistically not significant and it doesn’t better than lisinopril or diltiazem.
Key words: ACE inhibitor, calcium channel blocker, TGF-β, peritoneal fibrosis.]"