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Eka Sari Nurhidayati
Abstrak :
Penelitian di ekosistem mangrove Tanjung Lesung, Banten bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang struktur dan komposisi vegetasi; potensi produksi dan kecepatan dekomposisi serasah, dan produksi C,N, P; serta kemampuan menyimpan dan menyerap karbon mangrove. Struktur dan komposisi vegetasi diukur dengan transek kuadrat dengan total luasan pengamatan 3300 m2. Produksi serasah dihitung menggunakan perangkap serasah ukuran 1x1 m2. Laju dekomposisi serasah diukur selama 84 hari dengan pengamatan setiap 14 hari sekali. Cadangan karbon diestimasi dengan persamaan allometrik. Total spesies vegetasi yang ditemukan di areal penelitian adalah 7 spesies dari 6 famili. Vegetasi tingkat pohon dan belta didominasi oleh Lumnitzera racemosa dengan kerapatan 670 pohon/ha dan 2252 pohon/ha. Produksi serasah sebesar 1,571 ± 0,924 g/m2/hari, tersusun atas daun 1,563 ± 0,916 gr/m2/hari (99,50%) dan ranting sebesar 0,008 ± 0,048 gr/m2/hari (0,50%). Laju dekomposisi serasah sebesar 0,09 ± 0,07 gr/hari dengan persentase serasah daun yang terdekomposisi/hilang sebesar 47,9 ± 15,5%. Potensi unsur hara dari serasah daun sebesar 0,025 ± 0,002 g C/m2/hari; dan 0,001 ± 0,0006 g N/m2/hari; serta 0,0003 ± 0,00026 g P/m2/hari. Rata-rata unsur karbon yang terlepas dari serasah daun selama proses dekomposisi sebesar 5,36 ± 2,24%, sementara untuk nitrogen sebesar 0,009 ± 0,008%, dan total phosfat sebesar 0,0012 ± 0,00038%. Biomassa dan kandungan karbon di atas dan bawah permukaan tanah sebesar 24,29 ton/ha dengan 11,4 ton C/ha, kandungan karbon tanah sebesar 127,88 ton C/ha. Total cadangan karbon mangrove di Tanjung Lesung sebesar 139,296 ton C/ha, sebesar 91,8% cadangan karbon tersimpan dalam tanah. Kemampuan menyerap CO2 atmosfer sebesar 24,522 Ton CO2/ha untuk tingkat pohon dan 4,79 Ton CO2/ha untuk tingkat anakan
Research in mangrove ecosystem of Tanjung Lesung, Banten aims to obtain information of vegetation structure and composition; production, decomposition rates, nutrient contribution of mangrove litter; and potential carbon stocks. Structure and composition of vegetation measured by quadrant method, with total observation area is 3300 m2. Litter production was collected using the litter-trap (1 x 1m) during two months. Litter decomposition rates were measured for 84 days with observations every 14 days. Carbon stock are estimated by allometric equation.The diversity of mangrove vegetation consists of 7 species from 6 families. At the tree level and sapling, vegetation is dominated by Lumnitzera racemosa has the density around 670 tree/ha and 2252 tree/ha. Litter production is about 1,571 ± 0,924 g/m2/day, that consist of leaf 1,563 ± 0,916 gr/m2/day (99,50%) and stalk 0,008 ± 0,048 gr/m2/day (0,50%). Litter decomposition rate is about 0,09 ± 0,07 gr/day with the percentage of litter decomposed of 47,9 ± 15,5%. The potential of litter nutrient are 0,025 ± 0,02 g C/m2/day; 0,001 ± 0,0006 g N/m2/day; and 0,0003 ± 0,00026 g P/m2/day. Carbon average that was detached from litter during decomposition is 5,36 ± 2,24%, while for nitrogen is 0,009 ± 0,008%, and total phosphate is 0,0012 ± 0,00038%. Biomass and carbon stock above and below the ground surface are 24,29 ton/ha with 11,4 tons C/ha. Carbon stock of sedimen mangrove is 127,88 ton C/ha. Total carbon stock of mangrove in Tanjung Lesung, Banten is about 139,296 ton C/ha, where 91,8% of them stored in sediment mangrove. The ability to absorb CO2 in atmosphere is 24,522 tons CO2/ha for trees level and 4,79 tons CO2/ha for sapling
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
This book collects selected full papers presented at the International Symposium on Energy Geotechnics 2018 (SEG-2018), held on 25th – 28th September 2018, at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL). It covers a wide range of topics in energy geotechnics, including energy geostructures, energy geostorage, thermo-hydro-chemo-mechanical behaviour of geomaterials, unconventional resources, hydraulic stimulation, induced seismicity, CO2 geological storage, and nuclear waste disposal as well as topics such as tower and offshore foundations. The book is intended for postgraduate students, researchers and practitioners working on geomechanics and geotechnical engineering for energy-related applications.
Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eldia Anggidenia
Abstrak :
Penelitian mengenai potensi makroalga alami Sargassum polycystum dan makroalga budidaya Eucheuma cottonii dalam menyerap dan menyimpan karbon serta nutrien di Pulau Panjang, Teluk Banten telah dilakukan pada bulan Oktober hingga November 2014. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui laju penyerapan karbon, kandungan nutrien dan produktivitas primer dari makroalga S. polycystum dan E. cottonii. Lokasi penelitian terletak di bagian hamparan gosong karang dan berlumpur dengan kedalaman 0,5-5 m. Pengamatan pertumbuhan dan laju penyerapan karbon menggunakan metode penandaan thallus pada 30 sampel makroalga setiap hari selama 7 hari. Sampel makroalga selanjutnya dianalisis kandungan nutriennya. Hasil penelitian didapatkan estimasi laju penyerapan karbon S. polycystum dan E. cottonii adalah 0,0081 gC/hari dan 0,0083 gC/hari. Kandungan karbon, nitrogen dan fosfat di S. polycystum adalah sebanyak 6,84%, 1,72% and 0,009% sedangkan kadar karbon, nitrogen dan fosfat di E. cottonii adalah 5,99%, 0,67% dan 0,006%. Berdasarkan analisis statistik dengan uji t, terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada laju pertumbuhan, kandungan nitrogen dan fosfat S. polycystum dengan E. cottonii. Sedangkan untuk kandungan karbon tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara S. polycystum dengan E. cottonii. Selanjutnya, uji korelasi didapatkan bahwa adanya korelasi antara laju pertumbuhan S. polycystum dan E. cottonii dengan kandungan nitrogen masing- masing sedangkan antara laju pertumbuhan dengan kandungan karbon dan fosfat tidak terdapat korelasi. Produktivitas primer diukur dengan metode botol terang dan botol gelap yang dimodifikasi. Pengukuran produktivitas primer dilakukan pada kedalaman 0,5 m untuk S. polycystum dan 0,1 m untuk E. cottonii. Kandungan oksigen terlarut diukur dengan DO meter. Hasil penelitian didapatkan rata-rata produktivitas primer S. polycystum sebesar 512,99 ± 169,26 mgC/m3/hari dan E. cottonii sebesar 387,88 ± 219,93 mgC/m3/hari.
The research about the potency of wild macroalgae Sargassum polycystum dan cultivation macroalgae Eucheuma cottonii to absorb and store carbon also nutrient in Panjang Island, Banten Bay was held on October until November 2014. The research was aimed to estimate carbon sequestration, nutrient content and primary productivity from macroalgae S. polycystum and E. cottonii. Location of the research in the stretch of reef and muddy with a depth of 0,5-5 m. The observation of growth rate and carbon sequestration used thallus marking method in 30 macroalgae shoots everyday for 7 days. Macroalgae was analyzed its nutrient content. The results showed that estimation carbon sequestration by S. polycystum and E. cottonii were 0,0081 gC/day dan 0,0083 gC/day. The content of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae S. polycystum were 6,84%, 1,72% and 0,009% respectively while the content of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae E. cottonii were 5,99%, 0,67% dan 0,006% respectively. Based on statistical analysis by t test, there was found significant difference on the growth rate, nitrogent and phosphor content of S. polycystum with E. cottonii. While for the carbon content, there was no significant difference between S. polycystum with E. cottonii. Furthermore, correlation test showed that there was a correlation between the growth rate of S. polycystum and E. cottonii with nitrogent content respectively while between the growth rate with carbon and phosphor content, there was no correlation. Primary productivity were measured by the light and dark bottle method with modification. Measurement of primary productivity was held at a depth of 0,5 m from the surface for S. polycystum and 0,1 m from the surface for E. cottonii. Dissolved oxygen was measured by DO meter. The result showed that mean of primary productivity for S. polycystum was 512,99 ± 169,26 mgC/m3/day and E. cottonii was 387,88 ± 219,93 mgC/m3/day.;The research about the potency of wild macroalgae Sargassum polycystum dan cultivation macroalgae Eucheuma cottonii to absorb and store carbon also nutrient in Panjang Island, Banten Bay was held on October until November 2014. The research was aimed to estimate carbon sequestration, nutrient content and primary productivity from macroalgae S. polycystum and E. cottonii. Location of the research in the stretch of reef and muddy with a depth of 0,5-5 m. The observation of growth rate and carbon sequestration used thallus marking method in 30 macroalgae shoots everyday for 7 days. Macroalgae was analyzed its nutrient content. The results showed that estimation carbon sequestration by S. polycystum and E. cottonii were 0,0081 gC/day dan 0,0083 gC/day. The content of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae S. polycystum were 6,84%, 1,72% and 0,009% respectively while the content of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae E. cottonii were 5,99%, 0,67% dan 0,006% respectively. Based on statistical analysis by t test, there was found significant difference on the growth rate, nitrogent and phosphor content of S. polycystum with E. cottonii. While for the carbon content, there was no significant difference between S. polycystum with E. cottonii. Furthermore, correlation test showed that there was a correlation between the growth rate of S. polycystum and E. cottonii with nitrogent content respectively while between the growth rate with carbon and phosphor content, there was no correlation. Primary productivity were measured by the light and dark bottle method with modification. Measurement of primary productivity was held at a depth of 0,5 m from the surface for S. polycystum and 0,1 m from the surface for E. cottonii. Dissolved oxygen was measured by DO meter. The result showed that mean of primary productivity for S. polycystum was 512,99 ± 169,26 mgC/m3/day and E. cottonii was 387,88 ± 219,93 mgC/m3/day.;The research about the potency of wild macroalgae Sargassum polycystum dan cultivation macroalgae Eucheuma cottonii to absorb and store carbon also nutrient in Panjang Island, Banten Bay was held on October until November 2014. The research was aimed to estimate carbon sequestration, nutrient content and primary productivity from macroalgae S. polycystum and E. cottonii. Location of the research in the stretch of reef and muddy with a depth of 0,5-5 m. The observation of growth rate and carbon sequestration used thallus marking method in 30 macroalgae shoots everyday for 7 days. Macroalgae was analyzed its nutrient content. The results showed that estimation carbon sequestration by S. polycystum and E. cottonii were 0,0081 gC/day dan 0,0083 gC/day. The content of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae S. polycystum were 6,84%, 1,72% and 0,009% respectively while the content of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae E. cottonii were 5,99%, 0,67% dan 0,006% respectively. Based on statistical analysis by t test, there was found significant difference on the growth rate, nitrogent and phosphor content of S. polycystum with E. cottonii. While for the carbon content, there was no significant difference between S. polycystum with E. cottonii. Furthermore, correlation test showed that there was a correlation between the growth rate of S. polycystum and E. cottonii with nitrogent content respectively while between the growth rate with carbon and phosphor content, there was no correlation. Primary productivity were measured by the light and dark bottle method with modification. Measurement of primary productivity was held at a depth of 0,5 m from the surface for S. polycystum and 0,1 m from the surface for E. cottonii. Dissolved oxygen was measured by DO meter. The result showed that mean of primary productivity for S. polycystum was 512,99 ± 169,26 mgC/m3/day and E. cottonii was 387,88 ± 219,93 mgC/m3/day., The research about the potency of wild macroalgae Sargassum polycystum dan cultivation macroalgae Eucheuma cottonii to absorb and store carbon also nutrient in Panjang Island, Banten Bay was held on October until November 2014. The research was aimed to estimate carbon sequestration, nutrient content and primary productivity from macroalgae S. polycystum and E. cottonii. Location of the research in the stretch of reef and muddy with a depth of 0,5-5 m. The observation of growth rate and carbon sequestration used thallus marking method in 30 macroalgae shoots everyday for 7 days. Macroalgae was analyzed its nutrient content. The results showed that estimation carbon sequestration by S. polycystum and E. cottonii were 0,0081 gC/day dan 0,0083 gC/day. The content of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae S. polycystum were 6,84%, 1,72% and 0,009% respectively while the content of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae E. cottonii were 5,99%, 0,67% dan 0,006% respectively. Based on statistical analysis by t test, there was found significant difference on the growth rate, nitrogent and phosphor content of S. polycystum with E. cottonii. While for the carbon content, there was no significant difference between S. polycystum with E. cottonii. Furthermore, correlation test showed that there was a correlation between the growth rate of S. polycystum and E. cottonii with nitrogent content respectively while between the growth rate with carbon and phosphor content, there was no correlation. Primary productivity were measured by the light and dark bottle method with modification. Measurement of primary productivity was held at a depth of 0,5 m from the surface for S. polycystum and 0,1 m from the surface for E. cottonii. Dissolved oxygen was measured by DO meter. The result showed that mean of primary productivity for S. polycystum was 512,99 ± 169,26 mgC/m3/day and E. cottonii was 387,88 ± 219,93 mgC/m3/day.]
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rattan Lal, editors
Abstrak :
This book describes comprehensively carbon (C) cycle process in global ecosystems and the potential and co-benefits of recarbonization of the biosphere. An ever increasing human population is disposing increasing amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere by land use and land cover changes but most importantly by burning of fossil fuels. This process severely perturbs the natural global C cycles and Earth system processes. Recarbonization of the biosphere is a potential strategy to redistribute C among global pools, and to enhance ocean but most importantly land-based C sinks. Sustainably managed and protected must be, in particular, the large and sensitive C stocks in permafrost, wetlands, peatlands, tropical rainforests and savannas, grasslands, degraded/desertified lands, and croplands. Recarbonization requires long-term management because C stocks grow with a progressive improvement in ecosystem health. Protecting and enhancing land-based C sinks serves food security aside contributing to climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Dordrecht: [Springer, ], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rattan Lal, editor
Abstrak :
This book examines the carbon sink capacity of urban ecosystems, showing how judicious planning and careful management can offset human emissions using lawn and turf, urban forests, green roofs, parks, recreational and sports facilities and urban agriculture.
Dordrecht: [, Springer], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shania Imtiyaz
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji secara teknis dan ekonomi kegiatan penangkapan, transportasi, dan penyimpanan CO2 di Sumatera Selatan. Sumber CO2 ditangkap berasal dari hasil pembakaran bahan bakar dari PLTU, pabrik semen, dan kilang minyak, sedangkan pada pabrik amonia dan lapangan pengolahan gas bumi dari regenerasi pelarut dalam unit pemisahan CO2. Penangkapan CO2 akan dilakukan menggunakan pelarut MDEA/PZ, dehidrasi CO2 dengan TEG, dan transportasi CO2 dengan pipa disimulasikan dengan perangkat lunak Aspen HYSYS V11. Hasil simulasi penangkapan 98% CO2 menunjukkan bahwa beban reboiler untuk kilang minyak, pabrik semen, dan PLTU berturut-turut 8.091 kWh/ton CO2, 7.907 kWh/ton CO2 dan 7.047 kWh/ton CO2, sedangkan beban reboiler pada unit dehidrasi seluruh sektor adalah 4.100 kWh/ton H2O. Sumber CO2 kemudian dikelompokkan menjadi klaster 1 dari pabrik semen, PLTU, dan lapangan pengolahan gas bumi dan klaster 2 dari pabrik amonia dan kilang minyak, yang mana CO2 ditransportasikan pada fasa superkritis. Kebutuhan energi pompa booster pada klaster 1 dan 2 berturut-turut 220,17 kW dan 984,82 kW. Injeksi CO2 ke dalam depleted oil reservoir dilakukan dengan perangkat lunak IPM Prosper dan Reveal dengan memvariasikan tekanan, laju injeksi, dan jumlah sumur. Dari tiga skenario, injeksi melalui dua sumur pada tekanan maksimum 72,4 bar pada periode injeksi 1 dan laju 45 MMscf pada periode injeksi 2 berhasil menyimpan 50,12 MtCO2 yang telah ditangkap dan ditransportasikan ke dalam depleted oil reservoir. Keekonomian CCS dievaluasi menggunakan metode biaya levelized untuk biaya pokok dan arus kas untuk tarif SPC dengan model bisnis CCS operator dan integrasi vertikal. Biaya pokok CCS yang diperoleh berturut-turut sebesar $100/tCO2 dan $31/tCO2 berturut-turut untuk model bisnis CCS operator dan integrasi vertikal. Tarif SPC per tCO2 yang diperoleh dari model bisnis CCS operator untuk pabrik amonia, pabrik pengolahan gas, pabrik semen, PLTU, dan kilang minyak berturut-turut sebesar $2, $7, $17, $47, dan $77, sedangkan harga surat izin emisi per ton CO2 yang diperoleh dari model bisnis integrasi vertikal adalah $58. ......This study aims to assess the technical and economic aspects of CO2 capture, transportation, and storage in South Sumatra. Sources of CO2 include steam power plant, cement plant, and oil refinery, while in the ammonia plant and natural gas processing field, CO2 will be captured from AGRU. CO2 capture will be carried out using MDEA/PZ, CO2 dehydration with TEG, and CO2 transport with pipeline are simulated with Aspen HYSYS V11 software. The simulation results of 98% CO2 show that the reboiler duty for oil refinery, cement plant, and steam power plant are 8.091 kWh/ton CO2, 7.907 kWh/ton CO2, and 7.047 kWh/ton CO2, respectively, while the reboiler duty at the dehydration unit for each sector is 4,100 kWh/ton H2O. CO2 sources are then grouped into cluster 1 from cement plant, steam power plant, and natural gas processing field and 2 from ammonia plant and oil refinery, where CO2 is transported in supercritical phase. The energy requirement for booster pumps in clusters 1 and 2 are 220.17 kW and 984.82 kW, respectively. CO2 injection into the depleted oil reservoir is carried out using IPM Prosper and Reveal software by varying the pressure, injection rate, and number of wells. From three scenarios, injection through two wells at a maximum pressure of 72.4 bar in the 1st injection period and a rate of 45 MMscf in the 2nd injection period succeeded in storing 50.12 MtCO2 which had been captured and transported into the depleted reservoir. CCS economics is evaluated using levelized cost for the base price and cash flow method for the SPC tariff under the CCS operator and vertical integration business model. Base price of CCS obtained is $100/tCO2 dan $31/tCO2 for CCS operator and vertical integration business model, respectively. The SPC tariff per tCO2 obtained from the CCS operator business model for ammonia plant, gas processing plant, cement plant, steam power plant, and oil refinery are $2, $7, $17, $47, and $77, respectively, while the emission permit price per tCO2 obtained from the vertical integration business model is $58.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mark S. Ashton, editor
Abstrak :
The book has value to the reader to better understand : a) carbon science and management of forests and wood products; b) the underlying social mechanisms of deforestation; and c) the policy options in order to formulate a cohesive strategy for implementing forest carbon projects and ultimately reducing emissions from forest land use.
Dordrecht: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nicko Ronny Gardono
Abstrak :
Tesis ini menelaah sebuah kebijakan publik yaitu Perpu 1/2004 yang berisikan tentang ijin kepada tiga belas perusahaan tambang untuk melakukan kegiatan pertambangan di hutan lindung. Alasan kegentingan memaksa karena krisis ekonomi patut yang melatar belakangi kebijakan publik ini patut dikritisi dengan melakukan kajian kebijakan dengan menggunakan analisa kronologis keluarnya Perpu 1/2004 dan dengan metode cost benefit analysis. Kajian kronologis keluarnya kebijakan menunjukan tidak ada transparansi dan akuntabilitas kepada publik dengan tidak diakomodasinya masyarakat sekitar hutan yang merupakan pihak yang akan terkena langsung dari kebijakan ini, secara materiil Perpu 1/2004 ini bertentangan dengan peraturan yang mempunyai kedudukan lebih tinggi seperti UUD' 45 pasal 28h dan pasal 33, UU No 10/2004, UU Na. 5/1990 pasal 19, UU 41/1999 pasal 24 dan pasal 38 serta UU 5/1994, secara formil perubahan bentang alam yang mempunyai fungsi khusus seperti hutan lindung sangatlah beresiko di tengah terjadinya deforestrasi di hutan Indonesia. Kajian menggunakan metode Cost & Benefit Analysis menunjukan bahwa secara jangka pendek kegiatan pertambangan memberikan keuntungan lebih tinggi daripada nilai intrinsik hutan lindung dan secara jangka panjang akan cenderung merugikan. Tampak perlu cara pandang baru dalam memandang sumber daya alam ini dengan lebih memperhitungkan nilai intrinsik alam yang selama ini diabaikan. Dengan cara itu akan timbul sikap humble economy, yang berarti tidak memandang kepentingan ekonomi sebagai satu-satunya alasan yang sah dalam konteks pembangunan yang berkelanjutan maka rencana penambangan di hutan lindung tampaknya memerlukan kajian lebih mendalam dan dilihat secara kasus per kasus di setiap lokasi. Perhitungan alih fungsi lahan hutan menjadi areal pertambangan perlu ditelaah nilainya dalam kerangka analisis cost-benefit dalam jangka panjang.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library