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Sugeng Ari Wibowo
Abstrak :
Kabupaten Gunungkidul mempunyai 46 pantai, jumlah terbanyak se-DIY. Namun, penelitian ini hanya mengambil 7 pantai yaitu Pantai Baron, Kukup, Sepanjang, Krakal, Drini, Sundak dan Pulangsawal/Indrayanti. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengukur nilai kesejahteraan (welfare) yang diperoleh wisatawan pada kondisi lingkungan Tujuh Pantai Dalam Satu Kawasan (TPDSK) di Gunungkidul saat ini yang diukur dengan nilai consumer surplus serta perubahan nilai kesejahteraan jika terjadi perubahan kondisi lingkungan TPDSK yang diukur dengan nilai compensating surplus. Metode yang digunakan adalah Travel Cost Method serta Choice Modelling. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah nilai consumer surplus pada kondisi lingkungan TPDSK saat ini sebesar Rp 303.236,00 per kunjungan. Perubahan welfare akibat perubahan kondisi lingkungan TPDSK yang menurun sebesar ? Rp 279.687,50 per kunjungan . Sedangkan kondisi lingkungan TPDSK yang meningkat menyebabkan perubahan welfare sebesar Rp 273.437,50 per kunjungan. Kebijakan yang dapat dilakukan oleh stake holder adalah 1) minimal mempertahankan kondisi saat ini/status quo, 2) melakukan prioritas program peningkatan kondisi lingkungan TPDSK yang terdiri atas jangka pendek berupa peningkatan kebersihan pantai, jangka menengah berupa peningkatan kuantitas dan kualitas fasilitas penunjang, jangka panjang berupa pengurangan abrasi pantai, 3) peningkatan harga tiket masuk dapat dipertimbangkan setelah dilakukan perbaikan kondisi lingkungan TPDSK.
Gunungkidul regency has 46 beaches, the highest number in DIY province. However, this study only took 7 beaches namely Baron, Kukup, Sepanjang, Krakal, Drini, Sundak and Pulangsawal/Indrayanti. The purpose of this study is to measure the welfare value that tourists obtained on TPDSK in Gunungkidul current environmental conditions as measured by value of consumer surplus and changes in welfare value if TPDSK environmental conditions change as measured by compensating surplus value. This study used Travel Cost Method and Choice Modelling. Conclusions of this study are consumer surplus value on TPDSK current environmental conditions is Rp 303,236.00 per visit and welfare changes due to changes in TPDSK environmental conditions decreased by Rp 279,687.50 per visit. Policies that can be done by stakeholders are 1) maintain the current condition/status quo, 2) conduct a priority program to improve TPDSK environmental conditions wich are in short-term is increasing beaches cleanliness, and in medium-term is increasing the quantity and quality of supporting facilities, while in long-term can be done by coastal erosion reduction, 3) an increase in the price of admission can be considered after the improvement of TPDSK environmental conditions.;Gunungkidul regency has 46 beaches, the highest number in DIY province. However, this study only took 7 beaches namely Baron, Kukup, Sepanjang, Krakal, Drini, Sundak and Pulangsawal/Indrayanti. The purpose of this study is to measure the welfare value that tourists obtained on TPDSK in Gunungkidul current environmental conditions as measured by value of consumer surplus and changes in welfare value if TPDSK environmental conditions change as measured by compensating surplus value. This study used Travel Cost Method and Choice Modelling. Conclusions of this study are consumer surplus value on TPDSK current environmental conditions is Rp 303,236.00 per visit and welfare changes due to changes in TPDSK environmental conditions decreased by Rp 279,687.50 per visit. Policies that can be done by stakeholders are 1) maintain the current condition/status quo, 2) conduct a priority program to improve TPDSK environmental conditions wich are in short-term is increasing beaches cleanliness, and in medium-term is increasing the quantity and quality of supporting facilities, while in long-term can be done by coastal erosion reduction, 3) an increase in the price of admission can be considered after the improvement of TPDSK environmental conditions.;Gunungkidul regency has 46 beaches, the highest number in DIY province. However, this study only took 7 beaches namely Baron, Kukup, Sepanjang, Krakal, Drini, Sundak and Pulangsawal/Indrayanti. The purpose of this study is to measure the welfare value that tourists obtained on TPDSK in Gunungkidul current environmental conditions as measured by value of consumer surplus and changes in welfare value if TPDSK environmental conditions change as measured by compensating surplus value. This study used Travel Cost Method and Choice Modelling. Conclusions of this study are consumer surplus value on TPDSK current environmental conditions is Rp 303,236.00 per visit and welfare changes due to changes in TPDSK environmental conditions decreased by Rp 279,687.50 per visit. Policies that can be done by stakeholders are 1) maintain the current condition/status quo, 2) conduct a priority program to improve TPDSK environmental conditions wich are in short-term is increasing beaches cleanliness, and in medium-term is increasing the quantity and quality of supporting facilities, while in long-term can be done by coastal erosion reduction, 3) an increase in the price of admission can be considered after the improvement of TPDSK environmental conditions.;Gunungkidul regency has 46 beaches, the highest number in DIY province. However, this study only took 7 beaches namely Baron, Kukup, Sepanjang, Krakal, Drini, Sundak and Pulangsawal/Indrayanti. The purpose of this study is to measure the welfare value that tourists obtained on TPDSK in Gunungkidul current environmental conditions as measured by value of consumer surplus and changes in welfare value if TPDSK environmental conditions change as measured by compensating surplus value. This study used Travel Cost Method and Choice Modelling. Conclusions of this study are consumer surplus value on TPDSK current environmental conditions is Rp 303,236.00 per visit and welfare changes due to changes in TPDSK environmental conditions decreased by Rp 279,687.50 per visit. Policies that can be done by stakeholders are 1) maintain the current condition/status quo, 2) conduct a priority program to improve TPDSK environmental conditions wich are in short-term is increasing beaches cleanliness, and in medium-term is increasing the quantity and quality of supporting facilities, while in long-term can be done by coastal erosion reduction, 3) an increase in the price of admission can be considered after the improvement of TPDSK environmental conditions.;Gunungkidul regency has 46 beaches, the highest number in DIY province. However, this study only took 7 beaches namely Baron, Kukup, Sepanjang, Krakal, Drini, Sundak and Pulangsawal/Indrayanti. The purpose of this study is to measure the welfare value that tourists obtained on TPDSK in Gunungkidul current environmental conditions as measured by value of consumer surplus and changes in welfare value if TPDSK environmental conditions change as measured by compensating surplus value. This study used Travel Cost Method and Choice Modelling. Conclusions of this study are consumer surplus value on TPDSK current environmental conditions is Rp 303,236.00 per visit and welfare changes due to changes in TPDSK environmental conditions decreased by Rp 279,687.50 per visit. Policies that can be done by stakeholders are 1) maintain the current condition/status quo, 2) conduct a priority program to improve TPDSK environmental conditions wich are in short-term is increasing beaches cleanliness, and in medium-term is increasing the quantity and quality of supporting facilities, while in long-term can be done by coastal erosion reduction, 3) an increase in the price of admission can be considered after the improvement of TPDSK environmental conditions., Gunungkidul regency has 46 beaches, the highest number in DIY province. However, this study only took 7 beaches namely Baron, Kukup, Sepanjang, Krakal, Drini, Sundak and Pulangsawal/Indrayanti. The purpose of this study is to measure the welfare value that tourists obtained on TPDSK in Gunungkidul current environmental conditions as measured by value of consumer surplus and changes in welfare value if TPDSK environmental conditions change as measured by compensating surplus value. This study used Travel Cost Method and Choice Modelling. Conclusions of this study are consumer surplus value on TPDSK current environmental conditions is Rp 303,236.00 per visit and welfare changes due to changes in TPDSK environmental conditions decreased by Rp 279,687.50 per visit. Policies that can be done by stakeholders are 1) maintain the current condition/status quo, 2) conduct a priority program to improve TPDSK environmental conditions wich are in short-term is increasing beaches cleanliness, and in medium-term is increasing the quantity and quality of supporting facilities, while in long-term can be done by coastal erosion reduction, 3) an increase in the price of admission can be considered after the improvement of TPDSK environmental conditions.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sigit Dian Affandi
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperkirakan nilai manfaat ekonomi Kebun Raya Bogor (KRB) dengan Travel Cost Method (TCM) dan memperkirakan marginal willingness to pay dari setiap karekteristik KRB dan kenaikan harga tiket masuk dari skenario yang ditetapkan dengan Choice Modelling Method (CM). Survey dilakukan terhadap 414 pengunjung lokal. Hasil regresi linear TCM menunjukkan bahwa biaya perjalanan, jenis kelamin dan pendidikan signifikan mempengaruhi jumlah kunjungan ke KRB. Nilai Consumer Surplus sebesar Rp582.072,00 (US $ 40,90) dan nilai total manfaat yang diperoleh sebesar Rp728.825.156.754,00 (US $ 51,21 juta) pertahun. CM dirancang untuk menilai skenario pengelolaan KRB bedasarkan tugas dan fungsi KRB. Atribut jumlah jenis tumbuhan, informasi dan pendidikan lingkungan, layanan mobil wisata serta atribut moneter berupa tiket masuk. Hasil regresi Conditional logit menunjukkan bahwa pengunjung KRB memberikan nilai tertinggi pada atribut layanan mobil wisata gratis diikuti atribut informasi dan pendidikan lingkungan. Nilai compensating surplus diperkirakan sebesar Rp19.695,729 (US $ 1,38) dan nilai total manfaat sebesar Rp24.661.455.447,81 (US $ 1,732 juta) pertahun. Rencana kenaikan harga tiket masuk KRB wisatawan lokal diperkirakan sebesar Rp20.269,41 perkunjungan. Harga tiket masuk perlu ditingkatkan secara efisien untuk peningkatan pendapatan dan pendanaan KRB yang berkelanjutan.
This study aims to estimate Bogor Botanical Gardens (BBG) economic benefit value with the Travel Cost Method (TCM) and to estimate the marginal willingness to pay of each BBG characteristic and the increase in the entrance ticket price from the scenario determined by the Choice Modeling Method (CM). The survey was conducted on 414 local visitors. The linear regression results show that travel cost, gender and education significantly affect the number of visits to BBG. The value of Consumer Surplus amounted to IDR582.072,00 (US 40,90) and the total value of benefits obtained was IDR728.825.156.754,00 (US $ 51,21 million) per year. CM is designed to assess BBG management scenarios based on the tasks and its functions. Attributes to the number of plant species, information and environmental education, tourist car services and monetary attributes in the form of entrance tickets. Conditional logit regression shows that BBG visitors provide the highest value on the attributes of free tourist car services followed by information and environmental education. Compensating surplus was estimed at IDR19.695,729 (US $ 1,38) and the total value of benefits is IDR24.661.455.447,81 (US $ 1,732 million) per year. The planned increase in the ticket prices for local tourist is estimated at IDR20.269,41 (US $ 1,42) per visit. Entrance ticket prices need to be increased efficiently for increased revenue and sustainable BBG funding.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahayu Handayani
Abstrak :
Permintaan air di daerah perkotaan meningkat sebagai dampak peningkatan konsumsi air manusia dan industri. Di sektor industri, pasokan air merupakan kebutuhan penting untuk menjamin kelangsungan aktivitas industri. Air daur ulang telah menjadi solusi alternatif yang telah diterapkan di beberapa negara. Dalam perencanaan implementasi air daur ulang, perlu adanya kajian sosial ekonomi dan lingkungan. Oleh karena itu, studi ini bertujuan untuk mengukur tingkat penerimaan air daur ulang, mengestimasi Willingness to Pay WTP beserta faktor yang memengaruhinya, dan mengestimasi penghematan air di sektor industri di Kawasan Industri Jababeka, Bekasi. Penelitian ini akan menggunakan Metode Choice Modelling CM untuk mengelisitasi WTP sektor industri yang bersedia membayar air daur ulang sebagai sumber alternatif dan skala likert 1-5 poin akan digunakan untuk mengukur tingkat penerimaan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis model logit, diperoleh model WTP industri untuk pemanfaatan air daur ulang adalah Udu-Ueks=3,322087-1,171408?X1 - 0.60417?X2. dimana ?X1 adalah selisih atribut kualitas, dan ?X2 adalah selisih atribut tarif yang ditawarkan. WTP dari sembilan sektor industri terhadap air daur ulang adalah maksimal sebesar Rp. 5.500,-. Variabel kualitas bernilai negatif disebabkan variabel yang digunakan adalah konsentrasi BOD pada air daur ulang, yang artinya jika konsentrasi BOD menurun maka kualitas air daur ulang meningkat dan akan meningkatkan pula WTP air daur ulang. Delapan perusahaan menerima air daur ulang untuk bilas toilet sedangkan satu perusahaan dari plastik tidak menerima air daur ulang. Perusahaan dari sektor kimia memiliki penghematan air tertinggi mencapai 93%. ......Water demand is increasing due to excalated water consumption both by domestic and industries. In several countries, water recycling has become an alternative solution in industrial sector to ensure the sustainability of its activity. Prior to water reuse implementation, it is needed to conduct socioeconomic and environmental studies. Therefore, this study aims to measure recycled water acceptability, estimate the Willingness to Pay WTP and its factors, and assess water savings by industries in Jababeka Industrial Estate, Indonesia. Choice Modeling CM method is applied to elicite industry rsquo s willing to pay for recycled water as an alternative source and Likert scale 1 5 points is used to measure acceptance levels. Based on logit analysis, utility model of industrial WTP is Urec Upiped 3,322087 1,171408 X1 0,60417 X2. where X1 is the difference of the quality, and X2 is the difference of the tariff. WTP of nine industry types of recycled water is when the maximum diffrence of price between recycled water and actual clean water price is Rp. 5.500. The negative sign in quality variable is caused due to the utilization of BOD concentration in the recycled water, which means if the BOD concentration decreases then the recycled water quality increases and the WTP will also increase. Eight companies accept recycled water for toilet flushing while one company from plastic manufacturing sector does not accept recycled water. Company in chemical sector has the highest water saving which reach up to 93%.
Jakarta: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library