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Dades Prinandes
"Pembangunan fasilitas sanitasi komunal berbasis masyarakat merupakan salah satu konsep penyelesaian masalah kebutuhan akses pada fasilitas sanitasi dasar yang layak bagi kalangan masyarakat miskin, dan keberhasilan program tersebut kebanyakan ditemui di perdesaan. Lokasi studi kasus yang menjadi obyek penelitian ini adalah Kelurahan Jatake, Kota Tangerang sebagai contoh kasus penerapan berhasil di perkotaan, Kelurahan Tegal Kunir Lor, Kota Tangerang sebagai contoh kasus penerapan tidak berhasil di perkotaan, serta Desa Gintung, Kab_ Tangerang sebagai contoh kasus penerapan berhasil di perdesaan sekaligus tipikal lokasi yang kebanyakan menjadi lokasi penerapan pembangunan berbasis komuniti. Dengan menggunakan studi kasus di tiga lokasi tersebut, penulis mengangkat permasalahan untuk mengetaliui faktor-faktor utama yang berpengaruh kuat dan signifikan dalam menentukan tingkat keberhasilan proses pembangunan dan pengelolaan fasilitas sanitasi komunal berbasis masyarakat di suatu lokasi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalarn penelitian ini adalah untuk pengumpulan data dilakukan metode pengumpulan kuesioner. wawancara mendalam dengan pihak-pihak terkait, dan pengumpulan data sekunder. Adapun untuk metode pengolahan data, dilakukan evaluasi terhadap tahap-tahap pemberdayaan masyarakat yang dilakukan berdasar wawancara mendalam, serta analisis uji signifikansi terhadap basil pengumpulan data kuesioner dengan menggunakan metode Pearson Product Moment, Dari temuan dan pembahasan penelitian ini didapatkan kesimpulan faktor-faktor yang memiliki pengaruh kuat dan signifikan dalam menentukan keberhasilan proses pembangunan dan pengelolaan fasilitas sanitasi komunal di 3 lokasi studi adalah faktor keberadaan lembaga lokal, faktor keberadaan pihak ekstemal yang terlibat, dan faktor kesanggupan masyarakat menjamin atau menjaga keberlanjutan. Selain itu ada satu faktor yang menentukan secara signifikan sehingga hares ada namun tidak berpengaruh kuat, faktor tersebut adalah faktor pelaku proses pembangunan dan pengelolaan (keterlibatan masyarakat dalam proses pembangunan dan pengelolaan).

Community based development on providing basic sanitation facilities has become an appropriate concept among other concepts, that is suitable to implement on the community level, since it has a pro-poor sound. So far, this community based development concept has been succeeded to implement in rural community. The basic concern of this research is to find out whether the community based development concept can also be implemented in the urban community. Three location have been taken as the case studies, the one in Kelurahan Jatake, Tangerang City, has been taken as the succeed implementation in urban community, another one in Kelurahan Tegal Kunir Lor, Tangerang City, has been taken as the failed implementation in urban community, and the other one in Desa Gintung, Tangerang Regency, has been taken as the succeeded implementation in rural community, which is common. Based on the searching within those three locations, the writer tries to recognize the problems which are needed to identify the main factor that took a significant role and strong influences in determining level of success on the development process and management efforts in providing basic sanitation facilities using community based development concept. The methods used in this research are data collecting and data processing. For data collecting, the writer use questionaire method, indepth interview method to all stakeholders, and secondary data collection. For data processing, the writer use evaluation every stages that have been taken on community empowerment action based on the interview results and "Pearson Product Moment" method to analyze the questionaire results. It can be conclude that the factors that took a significant role in the development and management of basic sanitation are concerned with three things. Those are the existence of local institution, the external participation from environmental surround, and the ability of the community to ensure the sustainability of the programs. Otherwise, the factor that should be include but does not have strong influence, is the community participation itself as the lead actor in the program."
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Susan Wandasari
"DKI Jakarta sudah mulai memperbanyak pembangunan ruang publik, terutama dengan munculnya program pembangunan Ruang Publik Terpadu Ramah Anak RPTRA. Menurut akademisi tujuan dibangunnya RPTRA adalah untuk membentuk pusat komunitas yang berbasis community based development CBD.
Studi-studi sebelumnya telah membahas tentang manfaat pusat komunitas dan keterlibatan komunitas dalam mencapai keberhasilan program CBD. Studi ini akan membahas mengenai pembangunan pusat komunitas yang tidak hanya melihat peran masyarakat tetapi juga peran pemerintah, bisnis, dan akademisi pada proses pra-pembangunan, pembangunan dan implementasi.
Argumentasi peneliti adalah untuk membangun pusat komunitas berbasis CBD perlukan peran dan keterlibatan keempat stakeholder yang dikenal dengan istilah quadruple helix pada tiga tahap pembangunan tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan di RPTRA Sungai Bambu, Jakarta Utara dengan pendekatan kualitatif.
Hasil dari studi menunjukkan bahwa keempat stakeholder ikut berperan dalam proses pra-pembangunan dan pembangunan. Namun pada tahap implementasi terdapat ketidakselarasan antara peran pemerintah dengan akademisi sehingga menimbulkan terbatasnya peran dan keterlibatan komunitas dan juga akademisi

DKI Jakarta has started to increase the development of public space, especially with the emergence of the Integrated Child Friendly Public Space RPTRA development program. According to academics, the purpose of RPTRA is to establish community center based on community based development CBD.
Previous studies have discussed the benefits of community centers and community involvement in achieving the success of the CBD program. This study will discuss the development of community centers that not only look at the role of society but also the role of government, business and academia in the process of pre development, development and implementation.
The researcher's argument is to build CBD based community centers for the roles and involvement of all four stakeholders known as quadruple helix at the three stages of development. This research was conducted at RPTRA Sungai Bambu, North Jakarta with qualitative approach.
The results of the study show that the four stakeholders participate in the pre development and development process. However, at the implementation stage there is a lack of synchronization between the role of government and academia, resulting in limited role and involvement of the community as well as academics.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This study looks to understand more on the possibility of improving the quality of housing environment based on community initiative that sustain residents' effort to accomodate changes or their surroundings, by observing housing-rnvironment at jalan gagak-Bandung as an area for case study...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andry Dromicho
Undang Undang Dasar 1945 sebagai peraturan tertinggi di Indonesia telah mengatur bahwa hak atas pendidikan merupakan salah satu hak asasi manusia yang harus dipenuhi Secara rinci jaminan pemenuhan hak warga negara akan pendidikan tertuang dalam Pasal 31 ayat 1 UUD 1945 yang menyebutkan bahwa Setiap warga negara berhak mendapat pendidikan Permasalahan krusial dalam bidang pendidikan di Indonesia adalah hak atas akses pendidikan yang tidak sepenuhnya diterima oleh masyarakat terutama masyarakat miskin Salah satu upaya pemerintah mengatasi masalah tersebut yakni pembentukan Pendidikan Non Formal PNF Upaya tersebut memberikan peluang kepada masyarakat maupun pihak swasta non pemerintah untuk menyelenggarakan pendidikan sendiri secara bertanggungjawab yang diatur selanjutnya dalam Undang Undang tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional Keterlibatan masyarakat dalam mengatasi masalah pendidikan tersebut diharapkan agar kebutuhan akan pendidikan oleh masyarakat benar benar tepat sasaran dan menjadi tolok ukur atas kebutuhan masyarakat akan pendidikan itu sendiri Namun sayangnya tujuan baik tersebut justru membawa masalah baru terutama masalah prosedur dan tujuan penyelenggaran kegiatan PNF itu sendiri Ketimpangan prosedur seperti kegiatan tanpa izin pemerintah dan berada dalam ruang publik yang tidak tepat merupakan salah satu bentuk penyimpangan yang terjadi di lapangan Oleh karena itu penelusuran motif penyelenggaraan PNF yang menyimpang oleh masyarakat tersebut adalah langkah utama dalam menganalisis akar masalah sebenarnya Sehingga mendapatkan suatu kesimpulan dan menjadi upaya perbaikan bersama bagi pemerintah dan masyarakat Dari hasil penelitian PNF yang dilakukan oleh kelompok masyarakat yakni komuniti peduli pendidikan di Kolong Tol Jembatan Tiga Penjaringan Jakarta Utara ditemukan bahwa ketimpangan tidak hanya dari segi prosedur penyelenggaran PNF tetapi juga ketidaksesuaian model dan konsep pendidikan serta jaringan komuniti perspektif community based development sebagai landasan teori dari penerapan kegiatan pengembangan masyarakat dalam bidang pendidikan Kemudian dari penelitian kegiatan PNF dalam ruang publik oleh komuniti tersebut diperoleh suatu kesimpulan bahwa motif penguasaan ruang publik adalah sebagai tameng ldquo penyelamatan diri rdquo dari berbagai permasalahan ketimpangan yang telah ditemukan di atas Motif demikian jika mengacu pemikiran oleh Erving Goffman merupakan bagian dari strategic interaction dalam konsep intelligence organization.

Act 1945 as the highest rule in Indonesia has arranged that the right to education is one of the human rights that must be met In detail guarantee the fulfillment of the rights of citizens for education set out in Article 31 paragraph 1 of the 1945 Constitution which states that Every citizen has the right to education Crucial issues in the field of education in Indonesia is a right of access to education that is not fully accepted by society especially the poor society One of the government 39 s efforts to overcome the problem namely the establishment of the Non Formal Education PNF Such efforts provide an opportunity to the public and the private sector non government for education alone are responsible for further stipulated in the Law on National Education System Community involvement in addressing the issue of education is expected so that the need for public education by actually right on target and the benchmark on the education needs of the community itself Unfortunately the good cause it brings new problems mainly a matter of procedure and the delivery destination PNF activity itself Inequality procedures such activities without government permission and are in a public space that is not right is one form of irregularities that occurred in the field Therefore search patterns motive the PNF organized by the community is a major step in analyzing the root of the real problem So get a conclusion and become joint improvement efforts for government and society From the results of research conducted the PNF organized by the community in Kolong Toll Jembatan Tiga Penjaringan North Jakarta found that inequality not only in terms of the delivery procedures PNF but also discrepancy model and the concept of education as well as networking community perspective community based development as the basis for community theory of the application of community based education activities in the field Then from the research activities of the PNF in the public space by the community in conclusion that motive is the mastery of public space as a shield escape from problems of inequality that have been found above Thus motive when referring to the thought by Erving Goffman is part of the strategic interaction in the concept of intelligence organization Key Words inequality non formal education community based development strategic interation intelligence organization , ABSTRACTAct 1945 as the highest rule in Indonesia has arranged that the right to education is one of the human rights that must be met In detail guarantee the fulfillment of the rights of citizens for education set out in Article 31 paragraph 1 of the 1945 Constitution which states that Every citizen has the right to education Crucial issues in the field of education in Indonesia is a right of access to education that is not fully accepted by society especially the poor society One of the government 39 s efforts to overcome the problem namely the establishment of the Non Formal Education PNF Such efforts provide an opportunity to the public and the private sector non government for education alone are responsible for further stipulated in the Law on National Education System Community involvement in addressing the issue of education is expected so that the need for public education by actually right on target and the benchmark on the education needs of the community itself Unfortunately the good cause it brings new problems mainly a matter of procedure and the delivery destination PNF activity itself Inequality procedures such activities without government permission and are in a public space that is not right is one form of irregularities that occurred in the field Therefore search patterns motive the PNF organized by the community is a major step in analyzing the root of the real problem So get a conclusion and become joint improvement efforts for government and society From the results of research conducted the PNF organized by the community in Kolong Toll Jembatan Tiga Penjaringan North Jakarta found that inequality not only in terms of the delivery procedures PNF but also discrepancy model and the concept of education as well as networking community perspective community based development as the basis for community theory of the application of community based education activities in the field Then from the research activities of the PNF in the public space by the community in conclusion that motive is the mastery of public space as a shield escape from problems of inequality that have been found above Thus motive when referring to the thought by Erving Goffman is part of the strategic interaction in the concept of intelligence organization Key Words inequality non formal education community based development strategic interation intelligence organization ]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library