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Ditemukan 51 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Dian Winarti
Pemeriksaan IMLTD merupakan pengolahan darah untuk memastikan darah yang diberikan telah aman. Darah reaktif harus diperiksa ulang dengan menggunakan reagen yang sama dan in duplicate. Jika hasil RR maka darah harus dimusnahkan. Donor diberitahukan untuk tidak menyumbangkan darah dan melakukan uji diagnostik di RS. Sering terjadi perbedaan hasil antara uji saring UTD dengan uji diagnostik. Konfirmasi diperlukan pada kasus dimana terjadi perbedaan hasil. Western Blot (WB) adalah uji konfirmasi untuk mendeteksi antibodi terhadap virus. Saat ini juga terdapat metode immunokromatografi yang memiliki spesifisitas sama dengan WB. Tujuan penelitian mengetahui uji konfirmasi metoda imunokromatografi menjamin keamanan darah terhadap HIV. Desain penelitian deskriptif analitik dan uji diagnostik dengan 77 sampel yang memenuhi nilai inklusi. sampel berupa darah lengkap dengan volume tiga ml sebanyak 6 tabung. Hasil menunjukkan perbandingan WB dengan immunokromatografi didapatkan 5 sampel reaktif WB maupun immunokromatografi, 5 sampel non reaktif WB dan reaktif immunokromatografi. 67 sampel non reaktif WB maupun immunokromatografi. Kesimpulan terdapat perbedaan hasil reaktif dari metode ChLIA dengan hasil pemeriksaan diagnostik menggunakan RDT, WB dan imunokromatografi dan diferensiasi Ab HIV 1 dan 2 dan ketepatan konfirmasi Imunokromatografi memiliki kesesuaian hasil HIV 1 dengan WB.

IMLTD examination is a blood treatment to ensure that the blood given is safe. Reactive blood must be re-examined using the same reagent and in duplicate. If the RR results, the blood must be destroyed. Donors were told not to donate blood and carry out diagnostic tests at the hospital. There are often differences in the results between blood centers test and the diagnostic test. Confirmation is needed in cases where there are differences in results. Western Blot (WB) is a confirmation test for detecting antibodies to the virus. At present there are also immunochromatographic methods that have the same specificity as WB. The aim of the study was to determine the confirmation test of the immunochromatographic method to ensure blood safety against HIV Descriptive analytic research design and diagnostic test with 77 samples that meet the inclusion value. samples in the form of complete blood with a volume of three ml as many as 6 tubes. The results showed a comparison of immunocromatographic WB with 5 reactive WB samples as well as immunochromatography, 5 non-reactive WB samples and immunochromatographic reactive. 67 WB non-reactive samples and immunochromatography. Conclusion there are differences in the reactive results of the ChLIA method with the results of diagnostic examinations using RDT, WB and immunochromatography and differentiation of Ab HIV 1 and 2 and the accuracy of confirmatory immunochromatography that matches HIV 1 results with WB."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York, N.Y.: AICPA, 1984
657.72 CON
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York, N.Y.: AICPA, 1984
657.72 CON
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Keizia Vitradijane Darmawan
"Laporan magang ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi prosedur audit yang dilakukan oleh KAP VYZ atas Prosedur Konfirmasi Eksternal pada Konfirmasi Bank dan Solicitor PT Bank LRD dan PT Bank MAD periode 31 Desember 2021 dan membandingkan praktik audit dengan teori dan standar audit yang berlaku serta pencapaian asersi atas prosedur konfirmasi eksternal. Aktivitas terkait untuk melakukan prosedur konfirmasi eksternal mencakup informasi yang diminta atau dikonfirmasi, memilih pihak yang tepat untuk dikonfirmasi, merancang permintaan konfirmasi dan mengirim permintaan, termasuk permintaan tindak lanjut, kepada pihak yang dikonfirmasi. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi, prosedur konfirmasi eksternal konfirmasi bank dan solicitor PT Bank LRD dan PT Bank MAD secara keseluruhan telah sesuai dengan teori yang relevan dan standar yang berlaku.
......This internship report aims to evaluate the audit procedures carried out by VYZ Public Accounting Firm on External Confirmation Procedures on Bank and Solicitor Confirmation of PT Bank LRD and PT Bank MAD for the period December 31, 2021 and compare audit practices with applicable audit theory and standards as well as the achievement of assertions on the external confirmation procedures. The related activities to perform external confirmation procedures include specify requested or confirmed information, select an appropriate party to confirm, design a confirmation request and send requests, including follow-up requests, to confirmed parties. Based on the evaluation results, the external confirmation procedures bank and solicitor confirmation of PT Bank LRD and PT Bank MAD as a whole are in accordance with the relevant theory and applicable standards."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
I Made Eka Ariantana
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Faktor-faktor apa saja yang mendorongniat untuk membeli kembali di XYZ.com. Mengacu pada Business PerformanceReview kedua di tahun 2017, saat ini prioritas utama dari XYZ.com adalahbagaimana agar pelanggan melakukan transaksi secara berkelanjutan di XYZ.com.saat ini member yang pernah melakukan transaksi lebih dari satu kali hanya 34 dari seluruh jumlah transaksi. Selain itu lesunya industri ritel di indonesia membuatXYZ.com perlu mencari faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi pembelian kembali agarkonsumen tetap berbelanja di XYZ.com secara berkelanjutan. Data penelitian inidikumpulkan selama 4 minggu, analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakanpendekatan Structural Equation Model-PLS terhadap responden yang merupakanmember dari XYZ.com.
Hasil dari analisis penelitian ini, dapat diketahui faktorfaktoryang berpengaruh terhadap niat berbelanja kembali pada XYZ.com, yaitukualitas situs/website site quality, konfirmasi confirmation, kepuasan pengguna customer satisfaction , kepercayaan pengguna customer trust, penyesalan regret. Faktor kepuasan pengguna customer satisfaction, kepercayaan pengguna customer trust, dan penyesalan regret merupakan faktor yang memengaruhi niatmembeli kembali secara langsung. Kemudian, faktor yang tidak secara langsungmemengaruhi niat membeli kembali adalah kualitas situs/website site quality dankonfirmasi confirmation.
......This research aims to determine factors that driving repuchase intention atXYZ.com. Referring to the second Business Performance Review in 2017, the toppriority of XYZ.com is how to keep customers to repurchase in XYZ.com. currentlyonly 34 members from the total number of transaction who have purchase morethan one time. In addition, the sluggishness of the retail industry in Indonesia makesXYZ.com need to find factors that affect repurchase in order to keep consumersshopping at XYZ.com. This research data collected for 4 weeks, data analysis inthis research applies Structural Equation Model-PLS approach to respondents whoare member from XYZ.com.
The results of this research analysis, factors that affectthe Repurchase Intention at XYZ.com are site quality, confirmation, customersatisfaction, customer trust, regret. Customer satisfaction , Customer trust, andregret are factors that affect the Repurchase intention directly. Then, site qualityand confirmation are factors that do not directly affect to Repurchase intention."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anton Wibowo
"With the possibility of cross matching between input tax invoice and output tax invoice electronically, then manual input tax confirmation method has been leaved and replaced with electronically input tax clarification method using Taxation Information System Application (PK-PM Program through Computer).
It is different from manual confirmation method where the cross matching of input - output tax is conducted selectively on entrepreneur-imposed tax that is inspected in the event of PPN restitution in accordance with Distribution Letter of General Director of Tax No: SE - 35IPJ.5Il 989, in electronically input tax clarification method, the cross matching of input - output tax is not conducted selectively not only to the inspected entrepreneur imposed tax, but to all entrepreneurs imposed tax. This matter can be possible because the comparison electronically is easier, accurate, not spend much time and can be executed in any time.
The objective of this research is to recognize the importance of cross matching electronically conducted by the General Director of Tax on input tax reported by buyer with output tax reported by seller is in accordance with the decision of General Director of Tax No: KEP - 754/PJI2001. With cross matching electronically, besides it is easier, it is also aimed to decrease work burden of PPN and PTLL section, not need anymore to answer confirmation request from other work unit manually because cross matching process has been replaced electronically. Different from manual confirmation method, cross matching method electronically emphasizes on data recording tax Invoice mentioned in attachment of SPT PPN on time and accurately so that said objective can be realized. Besides, the cross matching method electronically also focuses on the existing follow up on confirmation response stating "exist and suitable with explanation" or response stating "not exist. Therefore the existing of said matters it needs to be conducted further investigation.
Research method used is descriptive analysis method, with giving questioner to employee running duty in PPN and PTLL section at two offices of tax servicing in Jakarta. Accompanying with library research, learning taxation regulation, report, electronic data recording result, cross matching data of tax invoice electronically, warning letter and follow up of confirmation response stating "Not Exist".
From the result of research can be concluded that cross matching of input - output tax electronically is very significant to decrease work burden in PPN and PTLL section as long as data recording of tax invoice mentioned at the attachment of SPT PPN is conducted on time and accurately. Factors influencing cross matching electronically is human resources, quantity and quality of entrepreneur imposed tax, time accuracy and the accuracy of data recording of input - output tax, as well follow up of confirmation response. Unfortunately, from the result of research also can be concluded that follow up on confirmation response stating "Exist and suitable with Explanation or response stating "Not Exist" is not conducted properly, data recording of input - output tax is not conducted on time, and the process of confirmation response need time more than previous method so that it causes the objective of cross matching of tax invoice electronically cannot be reached.
It is suggested that the objective of tax invoice cross matching electronically can be reached. It is also better to submit notice letter electronically (e-Filling) as determined in the decision of General Director of Tax No : KEP - 05JPJ12005 concerning way order of notice letter submitting electronically (e-Filling) through application service provider (ASP) can be implemented as soon as possible so that data recording of input - output tax in PPN and PTLL section can be removed_ Besides, the supervision on follow up of confirmation response stating "Exist and suitable with explanation" or response stating "Not Exist needs to be more increased with not only publishing warning letter to PKP sellers who have not settled their tax invoice as output tax, but also accompanied by publishing SKPKBISKPKBT or proposal for conducted inspection if it can be proved that tax invoice is not valid.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurma Ayu Wigati S. Subroto
"Perkembangan teknologi yang ada di perguruan tinggi di Indonesia memiliki peran dalam berkomunikasi dengan para penggunanya, salah satunya pemanfaatan situs virtual tour yang dipandang sebagai instrumen penting sebagai sarana promosi untuk menarik siswa melanjutkan perguruan tinggi. Virtual campus tour akan memberikan pengalaman berkesan bagi siswa. Pengalaman yang diberikan tentunya dapat dijadikan sebagai guidelines untuk meningkatkan keinginan siswa supaya dapat menggunakan kembali secara berkelanjutan. Dari semua visualisasi setiap virtual tour yang ditampilkan masih belum ada yang menyediakan fitur khusus yang mampu membaca informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh pengguna secara otomatis. Virtual campus tour yang ada saat ini belum memiliki tour guide yang mampu membantu para siswa melakukan pendaftaran atau mendorong mereka untuk melanjutkan pendidikannya di perguruan tinggi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan experience – confirmation theory. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini merujuk pada SDLC Waterfall process. Rancangan prototipe dengan analisis SUS menunjukkan hasil bahwa sistem yang dikembangkan dapat diterima dengan baik. Faktor cognitive experience dan intellectual experience memiliki dampak signifikan terhadap intention to enroll, sehingga direkomendasikan untuk penelitian selanjutnya dapat lebih meng-explore informasi berkaitan aspek experience yang berhubungan dengan lingkungan sekitar, misalkan lokasi tempat tinggal yang dekat dengan universitas.
......Technological developments in higher education have a role in communicating with users, they are virtual tour sites which are seen as important instruments as promotional tools to attract students to continue their studies. Virtual campus tours will provide a memorable experience for students. The experiences provided can of course be used as guidelines to increase students' desire to be able to reuse them in a sustainable manner. All of their visualizations, there is still no one that provides special features that are able to read the user’s information automatically. The current virtual campus tour does not yet have a tour guide that is able to help students register or encourage them to continue their education in higher education. This study uses the experience - confirmation theory approach. The methodology in this study refers to the SDLC Waterfall process. The prototype design with SUS analysis shows that the developed system is well received. Cognitive experience and intellectual experience factors have a significant impact on intention to enroll, so it is recommended for further research to be able to explore information related to other experience, like where they live around in university."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anatasya Dwijayanti Chang
"Digitalisasi pembayaran yang semakin meningkat menyebabkan sistem pembayaran cashless semakin banyak digunakan, salah satunya adalah PayLater. Peningkatan penggunaan PayLater juga disebabkan karena rendahnya penetrasi penggunaan kartu kredit di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui dan melihat perbedaan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi niat keberlanjutan penggunaan pada Shopee PayLater, Gojek PayLater, dan Traveloka PayLater dengan menggunakan IS success model, expectation confirmation model (ECM), dan self-control theory. Pendekatan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah mixed method dan kualitatif. Pengumpulan data kuantitatif dilakukan melalui survei online oleh 480 responden Shopee PayLater dan 198 responden Gojek PayLater dan diolah menggunakan metode partial least squares SEM (PLS-SEM) dan independent t-test. Pengumpulan data kualitatif dilakukan melalui wawancara pada masing-masing lima narasumber Shopee PayLater, Gojek PayLater, dan Traveloka PayLater. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa niat keberlanjutan penggunaan Shopee PayLater dan Gojek PayLater dipengaruhi oleh satisfaction, individual performance, debt attitude, dan impulsive buying. Selain itu, hasil penelitian Traveloka PayLater menunjukkan bahwa niat keberlanjutan penggunaan Traveloka PayLater tergantung oleh kebutuhan, diskon, dan sistem PayLater.
......The increasing digitization of payments has led to more use of cashless payment systems, one of which is PayLater. The increase in the use of PayLater was also due to the low penetration of credit card usage in Indonesia. This study aims to investigate and see the differences in the factors influencing the continuance intention of Shopee PayLater, Gojek PayLater, and Traveloka PayLater using the IS success model, the expectation confirmation model (ECM), and the self-control theory. The approach used in this research is mixed method and qualitative. Quantitative data was collected through an online survey by 480 respondents of Shopee PayLater and 198 respondents of Gojek PayLater and processed using the partial least squares SEM (PLS-SEM) and independent t-test. Qualitative data was collected through interviews with five interviewees of Shopee PayLater, Gojek PayLater, and Traveloka PayLater. The results of this study indicate that the continuance intention on Shopee PayLater and Gojek PayLater is influenced by satisfaction, individual performance, debt attitude, and impulsive buying. The results of this study also show that the continuance intention to use Traveloka PayLater depends on the urgency, discounts, and PayLater system."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tari Trinatha
"Perkembangan teknologi telah mengeksplorasi berbagai sektor di kehidupan termasuk
sektor pembelanjaan, seperti e-commerce. Penetrasi internet dan peningkatan penggunaan
smartphone membuka potensi keberlangsungan dan perluasan ranah e-commerce
termasuk ragam media belanja yang semakin beragam, salah satunya live streaming. Live
streaming pada e-commerce atau dikenal pula sebagai aktivitas live shopping
menjembatani aktivitas pembelian tradisional secara tatap muka dengan pembelian online.
Shopee sebagai salah satu e-commerce terbesar di Indonesia memperkenalkan fitur live
streaming bernama Shopee Live pada 6 Juni 2019. Seiring tren kemunculan live
streaming pada e-commerce di Indonesia, penting untuk mempelajari perilaku konsumen
melalui media tersebut sebagai channel pembelian, salah satunya impulsive buying.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pemodelan expectation confirmation model (ECM) untuk
mengetahui bagaimana konfirmasi memengaruhi persepsi pengguna dan kemudian
memicu dorongan perilaku impulsive buying dengan menganalisis perceived value berupa
utilitarian (visualization dan interactivity), hedonic (entertainment dan best deal), dan
social value (self-esteem, status, dan homophily). Selain itu, penelitian ini juga
menganalisis pengaruh faktor customer situation (time availability dan money
availability). Hasil analisis membuktikan bahwa confirmation berpengaruh positif
terhadap perceived value dan satisfaction, perceived value berpengaruh positif terhadap
satisfaction dan impulsive buying, satisfaction berpengaruh positif terhadap impulsive
buying, serta time availability dan money availability berpengaruh positif terhadap
impulsive buying. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat mengisi celah penelitian terdahulu serta
dapat memberikan manfaat terhadap industri live streaming commerce di Indonesia.
......Technological developments have explored various sectors in life including the shopping
sector, such as e-commerce. Internet penetration and increased use of smartphones open
the potential for the continuation and expansion of the realm of e-commerce including an
increasingly diverse variety of shopping media, one of which is live streaming. Live
streaming in e-commerce or also known as live shopping activities bridges traditional
face-to-face purchasing activities with online purchases. Shopee, as one of the largest e
commerce companies in Indonesia, introduced a live streaming feature called Shopee
Live on June 6 2019. As the trend for the emergence of live streaming on e-commerce in
Indonesia, it is important to study consumer behavior through this media as a purchasing
channel, one of which is impulsive buying. . This study uses the expectation confirmation
model (ECM) to find out how confirmation influences user perception and then triggers
impulsive buying behavior by analyzing perceived value in the form of utilitarian
(visualization and interactivity), hedonic (entertainment and best deal), and social value
(self- esteem, status, and homophily). In addition, this study also analyzes the influence
of customer situation factors (time availability and money availability). The results of the
analysis prove that confirmation has a positive effect on perceived value and satisfaction,
perceived value has a positive effect on satisfaction and impulsive buying, satisfaction
has a positive effect on impulsive buying, and time availability and money availability
have a positive effect on impulsive buying. It is hoped that this research can fill in the
gaps of previous research and can provide benefits to the live streaming commerce
industry in Indonesia."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nabila Rizkiandini
"Digitalisasi pembayaran yang semakin meningkat menyebabkan sistem pembayaran cashless semakin banyak digunakan, salah satunya adalah PayLater. Peningkatan penggunaan PayLater juga disebabkan karena rendahnya penetrasi penggunaan kartu kredit di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui dan melihat perbedaan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi niat keberlanjutan penggunaan pada Shopee PayLater, Gojek PayLater, dan Traveloka PayLater. Penelitian ini menggabungkan IS success model, expectation confirmation model (ECM), dan self-control theory. Pendekatan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah mixed method dan kualitatif. Pengumpulan data kuantitatif dilakukan melalui survei online oleh 480 responden Shopee PayLater dan 198 responden Gojek PayLater dan diolah menggunakan metode partial least squares SEM (PLS-SEM) dan independent t-test. Sementara itu, pengumpulan data kualitatif melalui wawancara dilakukan pada masing-masing lima narasumber Shopee PayLater, Gojek PayLater, dan Traveloka PayLater. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa niat keberlanjutan penggunaan Shopee PayLater dan Gojek PayLater dipengaruhi oleh satisfaction, individual performance, debt attitude, dan impulsive buying. Selain itu, hasil penelitian Traveloka PayLater menunjukkan bahwa niat keberlanjutan penggunaan Traveloka PayLater tergantung oleh kebutuhan, diskon, dan sistem PayLater. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat mendukung penelitian sebelumnya dalam konteks yang berbeda dan memberikan kontribusi bagi Shopee PayLater, Gojek PayLater, dan Traveloka PayLater untuk mengembangkan layanan mereka.
......The increasing digitization of payments has led to more use of cashless payment systems, one of which is PayLater. The increase in the use of PayLater was also due to the low penetration of credit card usage in Indonesia. This study aims to investigate and see the differences in the factors influencing the continuance intention of Shopee PayLater, Gojek PayLater, and Traveloka PayLater. This study combines the IS success model, the expectation confirmation model (ECM), and the self-control theory. The approach used in this research is mixed method and qualitative. Quantitative data was collected through an online survey by 480 respondents of Shopee PayLater and 198 respondents of Gojek PayLater and processed using the partial least squares SEM (PLS-SEM) and independent t-test. Qualitative data was collected through interviews with five interviewees of Shopee PayLater, Gojek PayLater, and Traveloka PayLater. The results of this study indicate that the continuance intention on Shopee PayLater and Gojek PayLater is influenced by satisfaction, individual performance, debt attitude, and impulsive buying. The results of this study also show that the continuance intention to use Traveloka PayLater depends on the urgency, discounts, and PayLater system. This study is expected to support previous studies and contribute to Shopee PayLater, Gojek PayLater, and Traveloka PayLater to develop their services."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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