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Ditemukan 11 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Abstrak :
Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui faktor - faktor yang berhubungan dengan motivasi keikutsertaan dalam edukasi antenatal. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah cross sectional terhadap 68 ibu yang tidak mengikuti edukasi antenatal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan motivasi ibu untuk mengikuti edukasi antenatal kategori tinggi (76,65 %), karakteristik ibu dan pengetahuan ibu tidak berhubungan dengan motivasi, variabel yang berhubungan adalah kebijakan rumah sakit dengan r = 0,460 dengan p-value = 0,028. Variabel yang menjadi faktor dominan adalah kebijakan rumah sakit dengan R Square 0,053, p-value 0,040.
The Correlation Analysis between Mother Characteristic, Her knowledge and Hospital Policy with All the Motivation in following the Antenatal Education at the Harapan KitaThe aim the research was to know all the factors that have a correlation with all the motivation in following the Antenatal Education. The research method was cross sectional design among 68 mothers that they have never been followed the Antenatal Education. The result showed mother's motivation to allow antenatal educational was high (76, 65 %). Mother characteristics and her knowledge has not any correlation with their motivation, but only the hospital policy showed a significant correlation with the motivation, r = 0,460, p-value = 0,028. The dominant variable was the hospital policy, R square = 0,053, p - value = 0,040.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2003
T 10250
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Zaini
Abstrak :
Dalam memenuhi kebutuhan pelayanan kesehatan karyawan dan keluarga PT Pusri, maka pihak RS Pusri diberi tanggungjawab memberikan pelayanan kesehatan bagi karyawan dan keluarga PT Pusri dengan sistem kapitasi. Sistem kapitasi adalah suatu cara pembayaran dimuka sebelum pelayanan diberikan dan sistem ini memerlukan informasi yang lengkap dan komprehensif terhadap tingkat utilisasi pelayanan kesehatan oleh karyawan dan keluarga PT Pusri. Pada pelayanan kesehatan yang dibiayai sering terjadi apa yang disebut moral hazard sehingga sering terjadi over utilisasi. Permasalahan pada penelitian ini adalah belum diketahuinya informasi tingkat utilisasi pelayanan kesehatan oleh karyawan dan keluarga PT Pusri dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor karakteristik karyawan dan keluarga PT Pusri yang berhubungan dengan tingkat utilisasi pelayanan kesehatan RS Pusri. Penelitian ini merupakan penetilitian deskriptif analitik dengan data primer didapat dari hasil wawancara dan data sekunder dari rekam medik. Karakteristik karyawan dan keluarga PT Pusri yang merupakan variabel bebas yaitu ; jenis kelamin, umur, pendidikan, jabatan, status perkawinan, jenis penyakit , persepsi terhadap RS Pusri, jarak tempat tinggal, jumlah anggota keluarga dan pengeluaran keluarga dengan variabel terikatnya tingkat utilisasi. Pada uji statistik chi square dengan nilai p = 0,05 didapatkan hanya 3 variabel bebas yaitu; jenis penyakit, persepsi dan jarak tempat tinggal yang mempunyai hubungan bermakna dan pada analisis multivariat regresi logistik didapatkan variabel jarak tempat tinggal merupakan faktor yang paling dominan dalam mempengaruhi tingkat utilisasi responden. Hasil uji korelasi diantara variabel-variabel bebas yang mempunyai hubungan bermakna ternyata mempunyai nilai korelasi yang rendah. Variabel jarak tempat tinggal mempunyai nilai korelasi yang paling tinggi dan negatif dibanding dari 2 variabel bebas yang lain. Dalam penelitian ini menyatakan secara tidak langsung bahwa tidak semua teori yang ada dapat sesuai dengan kondisi dari populasi yang dijadikan sampel penelitian terutama pada populasi dimana biaya pelayanan kesehatan ditanggung pihak lain. Saran dari peneliti adalah untuk dapat dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mengetahui tingkat utilisasi pada populasi dimana beban biaya pelayanan kesehatan ditanggung pihak lain sehingga dapat melihat seberapa besar terjadinya moral hazard dan derived demand.
Correlation Analysis between Characteristic of Employees and Families of PT Pusri with the Utilization Level of Health Service of the Pusri Hospital 2003 In fulfilling the needs for health service of the employees and families of PT Pusri, the Pusri Hospital is charged with the responsibility to provide health services for the employees and families of the PT Pusri with capitation system. The capitation system is a prepaid payment system before the service is provided and this system needs complete and comprehensive information toward the utilization level of the health service by the employees and families of PT Pusri. In the health service which is financed often occurred what is call moral hazard that often occurred over utilization. The problem in this research is the unknown information regarding the health utilization level by the employees and families of PT Pusri and the factors which affect it. This research is intended to identify the factors of the employees and families? characteristic which is related to the health service utilization level of Pusri Hospital. This research is a descriptive and analytic one, with the primary data obtained from the result of interview and secondary data from medical record. The employees and families characteristic of PT Pusri which independent variable, namely : sex, age, education, position, marital status, types of diseases, perception towards the Pusri Hospital, distance of residence, family size and family expenditure with its dependent variable: the utilization level. With the chi square statistical test with the p value = 0.05 we only obtained 3 independent variables, namely : types of diseases, perception and distance of residence that have significant correlation and the logistic regression multivariate analysis we obtained the variable of distance of the residence as the most dominant factor in affecting the respondents' utilization level. The results of correlation test between the independent variables which have significant relationship turned out to have low correlation value; the variable of residence distance has the highest correlation value and negative compared to the other 2 independent variables. In this research we found out indirectly that the not all of the available theories can be suitable with the population condition that become samples of this research, especially in the population in which the health service expense is financed by other parties. Suggestion from this research is that further research can he done to identify the utilization in the population in which the health service expense is financed by other parties that we can see the extent to which the moral hazard and derived demand.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2003
T 10923
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Supardi A.W.
Abstrak :
Dalam konvensi Gugus Kendali Mutu Asuhan Keperawatan pada tanggal 15 Oktober 1996 yang diikuti oleh 13 GKM, didapatkan hasil yang kurang memuaskan, tidak satupun GKM yang berketrampilan Baik Sekali. Oleh karena itu secara umum penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai Penerapan Pedoman Dasar Kegiatan GKM Askep dan Kegiatannya. Secara khusus penelitian ini menganalisis hubungan faktor-faktor dalam Pelaksanaan Kegiatan dengan Ketrampilan GKM Askep di RSUP Fatmawati. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif analitik dan bersifat cross sectional. Pengambilan data primer untuk variabel Penerapan Pedoman Dasar Pelaksanaan Kegiatan GKM Askep ditakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner yang dibuet berdasarkan metoda rating yang dijumlahkan atau model penskalaan Likert. Untuk variabel bebas Bimbingan Facilitator, diperoleh dari daftar hadir pada pertemuan Bimbingan Fasilitator. Data sekunder digunakan untuk variabel bebas Pertemuan Anggota dan Ketrampilan GKM Askep. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 13 GKM Askep yang mengikutri konvensi. Sedangkan responden penelitian ini adalah 65 anggota GKM Askep tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan : 1. Terdapat korelasi antara faktor-faktor Kerja Kelompok, Partisipasi Total, Bimbingan Facilitator, Dukungan Manajemen, Pengembangan Din dan Kesukarelaan dengan Ketrampilan GKM Askep. 2. Terdapat hubungan lemah, terbalik, antara Pertemuan Anggota dengan Ketrampilan GKM Askep, yang secara statistik tidak bermakna. 3. Ditemukan 6 faktor penyebab yang perlu diperhatikan untuk peningkatan Penerapan Pedoman Dasar Pelaksanaan Kegiatan GKM Askep. Saran : 1. Kelanggengan penyelenggaraan konvensi GKM harus dipertahankan. 2. Kehadiran Direksi RSUP Fatmawati dalam konvensi GKM sangat dianjurkan. 3. Penyelenggaraan seminar tentang GKM untuk seluruh pejabat struktural dan fungsional. 4. Penyelenggaraan pendidikan dan pelatihan talon Facilitator GKM. 5. Menyatukan Pertemuan Anggota GKM dengan Bimbingan Facilitator 6. Membuat sistem penghargaan yang baik. Selanjutnya perlu diteliti faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi Kesukarelaan Anggota GKM. ...... In the convention occurred on October 15, 1996 which was participated by 13 Nursing Care Quality Control Circle (NCQCC), the result was found unsatisfying, none of them had excellent skills. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the conduct of NCQCC activities in Fatmawati General Hospital which consisted of voluntarism, total participation, self development, team work, management commitment, member's meeting and facilitators assistance. Specifically the objective of this study was to analys the correlation between the conduct of activities and the NCQCC skills. This study is a cross sectional analytic descriptive research. The primary data was taken for implementation of basic guide in conducting NCQCC activities variable, which was done by using questionnaire that was made based on the summated rating method, known as Likert scale method. For independent variable facilitator assistance was obtained from attend list on the facilitator assistance meeting. Secondary data was used for independent variable member's meeting and NCQCC skills. Samples of this study wire 13 NCQCC that joined the convention. Meanwhile the research respondents were 65 NCQCC members. This study shows : 1. There is a correlation between team work, total participation, facilitator assistance, management commitment, self development, voluntarism and NCQCC skills. 2. There is a weak reversed association, between member's meeting and NCQCC skills, which is statistically not significant. 3. 6 causing factors were found and need to be focused for increasing the implementation of basic guide in conducting NCQCC activities. Recommendation : 1. Continuity of holding the NCQCC convention should be upheld. 2. The attendance of top management of Fatmawati General Hospital in the NCQCC convention is very recommended. 3. Holding the seminar about QCC (Quality Control Circle ) for all the structural and functional officer. 4. Holding the education and training for the QCC facilitator candidates. 5. To unite QCC members meeting with facilitator guide. 6. To make a good rewarding system. Furthermore, the factors which influenced QCC voluntarism needs to be studied.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Edwin Suparman
Abstrak :
This research is a preliminary study that analyzes the impact of the US financial markets on Indonesian financial markets during the 2008 global financial crisis. It specifically investigates the occurrence of contagion effect in the Indonesian IHSG index and selected LQ45 stocks with the US S&P500 index by the measurement of correlation using simple correlation, EWMA, OGARCH, and DCC GARCH. It also attempts to discuss on the decoupling of Indonesian market and provide recommendations on dealing with future similar events.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dorothy Marsha Constantine
Abstrak :
Sungai Ciliwung merupakan salah satu sungai di Pulau Jawa yang tercemar oleh limbah dari aktivitas rumah tangga, komersial/industri serta pertanian. Pesatnya pertumbuhan penduduk akan memicu adanya perubahan tata guna lahan. Seiring dengan pertumbuhan penduduk dan perkembangan aktivitas manusia di berbagai sektor, pencemaran air sungai menjadi masalah serius yang dihadapi oleh manusia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan analisis spasiotemporal terhadap konsentrasi dan beban pencemar air Sungai Ciliwung serta korelasinya dengan tren perubahan tata guna lahan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor dominan yang memengaruhi beban pencemaran sungai tersebut. Analisis dilakukan terhadap parameter pencemar organik dan nutrien (BOD, COD, DO, TSS, NH3, NO2, NO3 dan Total Fosfat) dengan menggunakan data debit dan kualitas air Sungai Ciliwung dari BBWS Ciliwung – Cisadane. Secara spasial, konsentrasi dan beban pencemar organik dan nutrien dari hulu ke hilir cenderung menunjukkan peningkatan dari hulu hingga ke hilir. Sedangkan secara temporal, konsentrasi pencemar organik (BOD dan COD) memuncak di tahun 2018 kemudian mengalami penurunan hingga tahun 2020. Kemudian, konsentrasi pencemar nutrien (NH3, NO3, T-P) dan TSS paling tinggi adalah pada tahun 2020. Tren beban BOD, NH3, NO2dari tahun 2016 – 2020 meningkat, sedangkan tren beban COD, TSS, NO3, dan Total Fosfat dari tahun 2016 – 2020 menurun. Bila dilihat dari tren perubahan tutupan lahan dan nilai koefisien korelasi, peningkatan persentase lahan permukiman menyebabkan meningkatnya beban pencemar. Hal tersebut ditunjukkan dari hasil uji korelasi yang positif kuat-moderat antara keduanya. Sedangkan hasil uji korelasi persentase lahan pertanian dengan beban pencemar menunjukkan korelasi negatif moderat dengan lahan pertanian. Dari hasil uji tersebut dapat diperkirakan bahwa limbah aktivitas pertanian secara kuantitas tidak lagi signifikan terhadap pencemaran di badan air bila dibandingkan dengan kegiatan domestik. Selain itu, rata-rata rasio BOD/COD didapatkan kurang dari 0,3 (bersifat non-biodgradable) sebagai indikator adanya pencemaran dari kegiatan non-domestik seperti kegiatan komersil/industri dan TPA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas antropogenik yang paling dominan memengaruhi beban pencemar organik dan nutrien di DAS Ciliwung dalam penelitian ini adalah kegiatan domestik (secara khusus akibat limbah greywater), serta limbah kegiatan komersil/industri yang tidak memenuhi standar yang ditetapkan namun langsung dibuang ke saluran air dan mengalir ke badan air. ......Ciliwung River is one of many rivers on the Java Island which is polluted by waste from domestic, commercial/industrial and agricultural activities. The rapid population growth caused changes in land use. Along with population growth and the development of human activities in various sectors, river pollution became a serious problem for humans. The purpose of this study is to conduct a spatiotemporal analysis of the concentration and pollutant load of the Ciliwung River and its correlation with the trend of land use changes to determine the factors that dominantly influence the river pollution. The analysis was carried out on the parameters of organic pollutants and nutrients (BOD, COD, DO, TSS, NH3, NO2, NO3 and Total Phosphate) using the flow and water quality data of the Ciliwung River from BBWS Ciliwung – Cisadane. Spatially, the concentration of organic pollutants and nutrients increased from upstream to downstream. Spatial variations in organic and nutrient pollutant loads also tend to show an increase from upstream to downstream. Meanwhile, temporally, the concentration and load of organic pollutants (BOD and COD) peaked in 2018 and then decreased until 2020. Then, the concentration and load of nutrient pollutants (NH3, NO3, T-P) and the highest TSS was in 2020. The trend of BOD, NH3, and NO2 loads from 2016 – 2020 increased, while the trend of COD, TSS, NO3, and Total Phosphate loads from 2016 – 2020 decreased. From the trend of land cover changes and the value of coefficient correlation, an increasing percentage of residential land caused an increasing pollutant load. This is indicated by the results of a strong-moderate positive correlation test between those two. While the results of the correlation test of the percentage of agricultural land with the pollutant load showed a negative correlation. From that results, it can be estimated that the waste of agricultural activity is no longer significant in terms of pollution in water bodies compared to domestic activities. In addition, the average BOD/COD ratio was found to be less than 0,3 (non-biodgradable) as an indicator of pollution from non-domestic activities such as commercial/industrial activities or landfill runoff. The results showed that the most dominant anthropogenic activities affecting organic and nutrient pollutant loads in the Ciliwung watershed in this study were domestic activities (particularly due to greywater waste), as well as the waste of commercial/industrial activities that did not meet the established standards but were directly discharged and flowed into a water body.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shafira Larasati, aurhor
Abstrak :
Salah satu pemanfaatan limbah kelapa sawit adalah dengan penggunaan cangkang kelapa sawit sebagai pengganti batu pecah dalam campuran beton. Penulis akan meneliti korelasi kuat tekan beton cangkang sawit dengan bahan pengganti semen berupa silica fume menggunakan metode destructive test dan non-destructive test yaitu ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV). Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan benda uji sebanyak 16 kubus 15x15x15 cm dan 4 balok 15x15x60 cm. Pada umur beton 7, 14, dan 28 hari, benda uji kubus akan diuji tekan mengunakan compressive strength test machine serta pengujian DIC pada hari ke 28. Pengujian DIC dilakukan menggunakan kamera digital dan kemudian hasilnya akan diolah menggunakan softwareMATLAB dengan compiler Ncorr. Benda uji balok akan diuji menggunakan metode UPV untuk mengetahui cepat rambat gelombang ultrasonic pada setiap jam selama 24 jam pertama dan dilanjutkan sehari sekali sampai hari ke-28. Hasil pengujian UPV adalah hubungan logaritmik antara cepat rambat gelombang ultrasonic dengan umur beton dengan koefisien determinasi R2rata-rata = 0.85. Hubungan antara kuat tekan beton dengan cepat rambat gelombang ultrasonic menghasilkan persamaan Fc’ = 1,6237e7693xdengan R2= 0,5423. Hasil dari pengujian DIC berupa data dan diagram pergerakan deformasi yang kemudian diolah menjadi nilai stiffness dan poisson ratio. ......One way to overcome the increasing of oil palm waste is to intensify the use of palm oil waste as coarse aggregate for concrete mix. The author will examine the correlation of compressive strength of palm shells concrete with cement replacements in the form of silica fume using the common destructive test and also non-destructive test methods, known as ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV). The study is going to be conducted using 16 cube specimens of 15x15x15 cm and 4 beam specimens of 15x15x60 cm. At the age of 7, 14, and 28 days, cube specimens will be tested using compressive strength test machine and also DIC test on the 28thday. The DIC testing has been done using a Fuji Film XA-3 digital camera and the result was processed using MATLAB software with the addition of Ncorr compiler. Meanwhile, the beam specimens will be tested using UPV method that will occur every hour for the first 24 hour and will continue every day on the following days until the concrete reaches 28 days. The result of the UPV test is a logarithmic relationship between ultrasonic pulse velocity and concrete age with the average of coefficient of determination R2= 0.85. The relationship between the compressive concrete strength and ultrasonic pulse velocity produces the equation Fc’ = 1.6237e7693x with R2= 0.5423. The result of the DIC test are data and diagram of concrete displacement which then will be used to calculate stiffness and poissonratio of the concrete tested.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Malik Ibrahim
Abstrak :
Terbatasnya pelayanan PDAM Kota Bekasi, membuat mayoritas rumah tangga Kelurahan Jatirangga, Jatiluhur dan Sumur Batu Kota Bekasi memanfaatkan sumber air tanah menggunakan sumur bor dan sumur gali (self-supply) untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari hari. Penelitian ini meninjau hubungan mengenai dampak pemilihan jenis sumber air self-supply terhadap 1) aspek kesehatan: kejadian diare pada balita, 2) aspek sosial: ketimpangan gender dalam pengelolaan sumber air serta 3) ekonomi: life cycle cost (LCC) pengelolaan sumber air rumah tangga. Selanjutnya, sumber air tersebut akan ditinjau keberlanjutannya menggunakan sistem penilaian yang dikembangkan oleh penulis. Penelitian ini menggunakan data hasil kuesioner dan sampling air tanah terhadap 244 rumah tangga di Kelurahan Jatiluhur, Jatirangga, dan Sumur Batu Kota Bekasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara pemilihan jenis sumber air self supply terhadap kejadian diare pada balita. Sementara, terdapat hubungan yang sangat lemah antara pemilihan jenis sumber air self-supply dengan gender peran pembersihan sumur, namun tidak ada hubungan dengan peran pengatur konsumsi air, pembiayaan air, serta perawatan sumur. Selain itu, terdapat hubungan yang sangat lemah antara pemilihan jenis sumber air self-supply dengan life cycle cost yang harus dikeluarkan dalam pengelolaan sumber air. Lalu, berdasarkan hasil analisis keberlanjutan sumber air self-supply, didapatkan skor akhir sebesar 65 untuk sumber air sumur bor serta 62 dari skala 100 untuk sumber air sumur gali. Nilai tersebut tidak menunjukkan perbedaan signifikan antara kedua sumber air self-supply serta termasuk dalam kategori “sedang”. ......Lack of piped-water service from their local water company, forced majority of Jatirangga, Jatiluhur and Sumur Batu urban village’s households in Bekasi City using groundwater from borehole and dugwell (self-supply) as their main water source to provide day-to-day needs. Therefore, this research aims to identify the correlation of choosing types of self-supply water and its impact on household’s 1) health: diarrhoea on toddlers, 2) social: gender inequality on water management, and 3) economics factor: life cycle cost (LCC) on water management. Then, each types of self-supply water were analyzed for their sustainability using scoring system developed by author. This research use data from questionnaire and water sampling performed at 244 households in Jatirangga, Jatiluhur and Sumur Batu urban village. The results show there is no correlation between types of self-supply water and diarrhoea on toddlers. While there is a slightly correlation between types of water supply to gender that responsible for well cleaning, but no correlation between types of self-supply water to gender who responsible for water consumption management, water payment, and also water source maintenance. Also, there is a weak correlation between types of self-supply water to life cycle cost on household’s water management. Otherwise based on sustainability scoring performed by author, concluded that borehole is more sustainable than dugwell with sustainability score 65 and 62 each from 100 scale. Thus, each types of self-supply water categorized as “Medium Sustainability”.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Manggala Prasidha
Abstrak :
Salah satu upaya perusahaan untuk berkompetisi dalam era globalisasi dan perdagangan bebas tersebut ialah dengan cara meningkatkan mutunya. ISO 9001:2000 merupakan sistem standar (sertifikasi) proses yang dapat memberikan jaminan proses produksi yang semakin cepat dan tepat dalam melayani kebutuhan konsumen. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mencari tahu pengaruh dari penerapan ISO 9001:2000 terhadap daya saing perusahaan jasa konstruksi di Indonesia serta mengidentifikasi klausul dari ISO 9001:2000 yang berpengaruh terhadap kinerja daya saing. Metode analisis yang digunakan ialah analisis korelasi Spearman Rank. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan dari sepuluh indikator daya saing hanya lima yang dipengaruhi oleh penerapan klausul ISO 9001:2000.
One of the company's efforts to compete in the globalization era is by improving the quality product. ISO 9001:2000 is a standard system (certification) that can provide assurance to make production process faster and more appropriate in serving the needs of consumers. The purpose of this research was to find the influence of the implementation of ISO 9001:2000 for competitiveness construction services company in Indonesia and identify the ISO 9001:2000 clauses that affect the competitiveness performance. Analysis method that use in this reaserch were Spearman Rank and Regresion correlation analysis. Results in this research show that competitiveness were affected by the implementation of ISO 9001:2000.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
She Dong Ren
Abstrak :
Low carbon design is a process of contradiction coordination, which involves multiple factors and necessitates abundantdesign knowledge and rules. We proposed the method that integrated the case based reasoning CBR method and extension theory to achieve low carbo design for products. In this paper, our work is on analyzing the design constraints, and carbon design for products. In this paper, our work is on analyzing the design contraints, and constructing the parameters modeling for representation of product cases. Firstly, we discussed the correlation among factors, and mapped the requirement onto the detailed physical structure. Secondly, we integrated the improved activitybased costing and carbon method and the indirect calculation method to estimate the carbon footprint and cost of each phase in product life cycle. We adopted the basic element model to represent the product cases and used the dependent function to discriminate the extent of compliance with the requirement. In final, the applicability of proposed method was demonstrated through a case study of a screw air compressor.
Philadelphia: Taylor and Francis, 2018
658 JIPE 35:7 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arthania Retno Praida
Abstrak :
Knowledge sharing merupakan interaksi sosial yang melibatkan pertukaran pengetahuan, pengalaman, dan keterampilan pegawai dalam suatu organisasi. Knowledge sharing capability adalah kemampuan individu untuk berbagi pengalaman, keahlian dan pengetahuan dengan karyawan lain dalam organisasi. Kegiatan knowledge sharing di Pusat Komunikasi Kementerian Luar Negeri (Puskom Kemlu) masih belum optimal, sehingga perlu diidentifikasi faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi kemampuan berbagi pengetahuan (knowledge sharing capability) pegawai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi kemampuan berbagi pengetahuan (knowledge sharing capability) pegawai dalam hal ini Pejabat Komunikasi (PK) di Puskom Kemlu. Metode pengumpulan data adalah pendekatan kuantitatif menggunakan metode survei dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada 180 PK di Pusat Komunikasi Kementerian Luar Negeri maupun Perwakilan RI di luar negeri. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah statistik deskriptif, analisis korelasi, analisis regresi linier sederhana dan analisis regresi linier berganda. Model penelitian ini mengajukan 13 (tigabelas) faktor yang terbagi kedalam 4 dimensi yaitu individu, budaya organisasi, struktur organisasi (dimensi nonteknis) dan teknologi (dimensi teknis). Hasil dari penelitian ini didapatkan 5 (lima) faktor yang secara nyata dapat mempengaruhi kemampuan berbagi pengetahuan (knowledge sharing capability) PK di Puskom Kemlu. Kelima faktor tersebut adalah job satisfaction (dimensi individu), social network (dimensi budaya organisasi), work process (dimensi struktur organisasi), ICT infrastructure dan end user focus (dimensi teknologi). Dari hasil analisis regresi linier berganda didapatkan nilai koefisien determinasi yang disesuaikan sebesar 0.463 yang menyatakan bahwa proporsi variasi keseluruhan variabel dependen (knowledge sharing capability) yang dapat dipengaruhi oleh kelima faktor tersebut adalah sebesar 46.3%, sedangkan sisanya 53.7% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak dijelaskan dalam model ini. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa dalam model regresi ini, kelima faktor yang dihasilkan cukup baik digunakan untuk menjelaskan variabel dependennya.
Knowledge sharing is a social interaction that involves the exchange of knowledge, experience, and skills of employees in an organization. Knowledge sharing capability is the ability of individuals to share experiences, expertise and knowledge with other employees in the organization. Knowledge sharing activities in the Communication Center Ministry of Foreign Affairs is still not optimal, so it is necessary to identify the factors that influence the ability to share knowledge (knowledge sharing capability) employees. This study aims to identify the factors that may affect the ability to share knowledge (knowledge sharing capability) employees in this regard Communications Officials (PK) at the Centre for Communication Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Data collection method is a quantitative approach using survey method by distributing questionnaires to 180 Communications Officer at the Communication Center Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Indonesian Representative abroad. The data analysis technique used is descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, simple linear regression analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. The research model proposes 13 (thirteen) factors were divided into four dimensions: individual, organizational culture, organizational structure (non-technical dimensions) and technology (technical dimensions). The results of this study found five (5) factors which can significantly affect the knowledge sharing capability of Communications Officials at the Communication Centre Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The fifth factor is job satisfaction (individual dimension), social networks (dimensions of organizational culture), work process (dimensions of organizational structure), ICT infrastructure and end user focus (technological dimension). From the results obtained multiple linear regression analysis adjusted coefficient of determination value of 0.463 which states that the proportion of the overall variation in the dependent variable (knowledge sharing capability) that can be affected by five factors amounted to 46.3%, while the remaining 53.7% is influenced by other variables that are not explained in this model. It shows that in this regression model, five factors produced quite well used to explain the dependent variable.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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