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Betri Anita
Abstrak :
Sindrom metabolik mempakan sekumpulan gangguan metabolik yang dialami seseorang, meliputi obesitas, dislipidemia (rendahnya kadar I-IDL kolestcrol dan tingginya kadar trigiliserida), gangguan metabolisme glukosa serta hipertensi, yang dapat meningkadcan risiko tcrhadap pényakit kardiovaskuler. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prevalensi dan hubungan antam karalcteristik individu, asupan makan dan faktor lainnya terhadap sindrom metabolik pada pegawai negeri sipil (PNS) yang mengikuti pemeriksaau kesehatan di Rumah Sakit Balcd Yudha Kota Depok. Studi potong lintang ini berlangsung pada bulan Mamet-Mei 2009, menggunakan data sekunder terhadap 164 responden dari RS Bakti Yudha, meliputi data kadar kolesterol total, HDL kolesterol, trigliserida diukur dcngan metode enzimatik colorimen-ik, kadar gula darah puasa menggunakan glucose dehydrogenase oxidize phosphate (GO D-PAP). Tekanan darah diukur dengan Nova Presameter air raksa (manual) can IMT mmggumim mocks BB/TB2 Bam badan dan finggi badan cliukur menggunakan alat Weighing Machine Mode? ZT-I20. Untuk data primer meliputi karakteristik responden, kebiasaan merokok, kehiasaan olahraga, dan riwayat penyaldt keluarga, diperoleh melalui wawancara menggunakan kuesioner. Asupan makan dan pola konsumsi makanan indeks glikemik tinggi diperoleh melalui wawancara menggunakan food recall lx 24 jam dan food jiequency questionnaire. Analisis data dengan uji kai kuadrat, uji T- independcn Lmtuk analisis bivariat dan regrcsi logistik ganda model prediksi untuk analisis multivariat. Hasil siudi menunjukkan prevalensi sindrom metabolik sebesar 23,8%. Hasil analisis multivariat model prediksi diperoleh ada hubungan antara umur (p value =0,027 95% CI l,l 1-5,55), kadar total kolestcrol (p value =0,o4s 95% Cl 1,01- 2l,48), kebiasaan olahraga (p value =0,010 95% CI 1,50-20,26) dan pola konsumsi makanan indeks glikemik tinggi (p value =0,009 95% CI 1,31-6,59) dengan kejadian sindrom metabolik. Faktor paling dominan berhubungan dengan sindrom metabolik adalah olahraga, dengan nilai OR = 5,5, dapat diartikan rcsponden yang tidak olahraga berisiko sebesar 5,5 kali uniuk rnengalami sindrom metabolik dibandingkan responden yang berolahraga setelah dikontrol oleh umur, kadar kolesterol total dan iiekuensi konsumsi makanan indeks glikemik.
The metabolic syndrome is a constellation of metabolic disturbances in persons, it typically includes obesity, dyslipidemia (characterized by reduced HDL cholesterol and elevated triglyceride concentration), elevated fasting glucose and raised blood pressure which increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. The objective of this study was to assess prevalence of metabolic syndrome and the associations between individual characteristic, dietary intake and the other related factors to metabolic syndrome among civil servant who attended health examination at Balcti Yudha Hospital Depok City. Cross sectional study conducted in March - May 2009. This study used secondary data fiom 164 subject at Bakti Yudha Hospital which included information of cholesterol total, HDL cholesterol, triglyceride concentration using the enzymatic colorimetric method, fasting glucose using glucose dehydrogenase oxidize phosphate (GO D-PAP). Blood pressure were measured with a standard mercmy sphygmomanometer and BMI expressed in weight/height (kg/mz). Weight and height was measured use Weighing Machine Model ZT-120. Primary data such as characteristic of study participants, smoking habits, physical exercise dan family history of disease, was obtained from interview by using questiormaire guidelines. Dietary intake and high glicemic index dietary habits data 'dom 24-h recall and food frequency questionnaire. Statistical analysis used were chi-square, independent T-test for bivariate analysis and multiple logistic regression prediction model for multivariat analysis. The results of study shows prevalence of metabolic syndrome was 23,8%. From multivariat analysis results, age (p value =0,027; 95%CI 1,11-5,55), total cholesterol (p value =0,048; 95%CI 1,01-2I,48), physical exercise (p value =0,0l0; 95%CI l,50~20,26) and high glicemic index dietary habits (p value =0,009; 95%CI 1,31-6,59) was assocciated with syndrome metabolic. Dominant factor was assocciated with syndrome metabolic is physical exercise and largest OR = S,5, means that the respondents who do not physical exercise have risk of 5,5 times for the metabolic syndrome than respondents do physical exercise, after controlling age, total cholesterol and high glicemic index dietary habits.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizkya Wida Pradini
Abstrak :
Kebugaran kardiorespiratori rendah berhubungan dengan risiko penyakit kardiovaskular dan hipertensi. Kebugaran kardiorespiratori pekerja masih rendah. Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya perbedaan status kebugaran kardiorespiratori berdasarkan Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT), Persen Lemak Tubuh (PLT), asupan gizi, aktivitas fisik, status merokok, dan kualitas tidur melalui Tes bangku 3 menit YMCA. Penelitian dilakukan pada karyawan PT Pos Indonesia Regional IV Jakarta pada April 2016. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah cross sectional dengan sampel 124 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 44,4% karyawan tergolong tidak bugar. Uji chi square dan uji T-independent digunakan dalam analisis penelitian ini. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa IMT, PLT, asupan gizi energi, karbohidrat, dan zat besi/Fe memiliki perbedaan bermakna dengan kebugaran kardiorespiratori. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, karyawan disarankan untuk memantau IMT dan PLT secara berkala, meningkatkan aktivitas fisik, dan pola makan gizi seimbang. ...... Low cardiorespiratory fitness is associated with the risk of cardiovascular disease and hypertension. Cardiorespiratory fitness in workers is still low. This research aims to determine the difference in cardiorespiratory fitness status based on the Body Mass Index (BMI), body fat percentage, dietary intake, physical activity, smoking status, and quality of sleep. Cardiorespiratory fitness is measured by YMCA 3 minutes Step Test. The research was conducted on the employees of PT Pos Indonesia Regional IV Jakarta in April 2016. Study design that used in this research is cross sectional in 124 employees. The results showed 44.4% of employees are classified as unfit. Chi-square and T-independent test are used in analysis. The analysis showed that BMI, body fat percentage, dietary intake of energy, carbohydrates, and iron give significant differences to cardiorespiratory fitness. Based on these results, employees are advised to monitor BMI and body fat regularly, increasing physical activity, and nutrition balanced diet.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zaimah Z. Tala
Abstrak :
Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui profil lipid dan kadar Apo-B serta hubungannya dengan asupan makanan dan faktor lain. Tempat : Kecamatan Mampang Prapatan, Jakarta Selatan Bahan dan cara : Penelitian desain cross sectional pada 105 subyek berusia≥ 35 tahun yang dipilih secara simple random sampling dari sampel MONICA III-Jakarta. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi data sosioekonomi subyek, asupan makanan, antropometri serta pemeriksaan laboratorium untuk kolesterol total, HDL, LDL, trigliserida dan Apo-B. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah uji X2, Fisher dan Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Hasil dan kesimpulan : Subyek penelitian terdiri dari 49 laki dan 56 perempuan, dengan rerata umur 54,39 ± 10,72 tahun. Rerata kadar kolesterol total 209 ± 40,5 mg/dL, Nilai tengah kadar LDL 137,0 (58,0 - 223,0) mg/dL; kadar HDL 40,0 (23,0 - 77,0) mg/dL; kadar trigliserida 130,0 (27,0 - 340,0 mg/dL) dan kadar Apo-B 106,0 (44,0 - 172,0 mg/dL). Prevalensi kadar kolesterol total abnormal (≥ 200 mg/dL) sebesar 55,2%; kadar LDL abnormal (≥ 130 mg/dL) 60%; kadar HOL abnormal (< 40 mg/dL) 43,8%; kadar trigliserida abnormal (≥200 mg/dL) 13,3% dan kadar Apo-B abnormal ditemukan 25,7%. Dari hasil analisis bivariat didapat hubungan bermakna antara (I) kadar kolesterol total dengan jenis kelamin dan IMT, (2) kadar HDL dengan asupan PUFA, jenis kelamin dan umur, (3) kadar LDL dengan umur, 1MT dan Lpe/Lpa, (4) kadar trigliserida dengan Lpe/Lpa, dan (5) kadar ApoB dengan asupan protein, jenis kelamin, DM dan Lpe/Lpa. Setelah dilakukan analisis multivariat terlihat hubungan bermakna antara (1) kolesterol total dengan asupan karbohidrat, asupan protein dan Lpe/Lpa, (2) kadar HDL dengan jenis kelamin, (3) kadar trigliserida dengan Lpe/Lpa, dan (4) kadar ApoB dengan Lpe/Lpa dan asupan karbohidrat.
Relationship between Serum Lipid Profile and Apo-B With Dietary Intake and Other Factors of Adult in Mampang Prapatan District, 2000Objective: To determine serum lipid profile and apoB and its relationship to dietary intake and other factors. Location: Mampang Prapatan District, South Jakarta Materials and method: A cross sectional study has been carried out on 105 subjects (age ≥ 35 year), selected using simple random sampling method from MONICA III-Jakarta's sample. Data collected consist of socio-economic status, dietary intake, anthropometric, and laboratory examinations for total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglyceride and apoB. Statistical analysis was performed by X2, Fisher exact and Kolrnogorov-Smirnov test. Results and conclusions: Subjects in this study were 49 male and 56 female with average age 54.39 ± 10.72 year. Mean cholesterol level was 209 ± 40.5 mg/dL, median LDL level 137.0 (58.0 - 223.0 mg/dL), median HDL level 40.0 (23.0 - 77.0) mg/dL, median triglyceride level 130.0 (27.0 - 340.0) mg/dL, and median apoB level 106.0 (44.0 - 172.0) mg/dL. Prevalence of abnormal total cholesterol level (≥ 200 mg/dL) 55.2%, abnormal LDL level (≥ 130 mg/dL) 60%, abnormal HDL level (< 40 mg/dL) 43.8%, abnormal triglyceride level (≥ 200 mg/dL) 13,3%, and abnormal apoB level 25.7%. Bivariate analysis found significant relationship between (1) total cholesterol level and sex & BMI, (2) HDL level and PUFA intake, sex & age, (3) LDL level and age, BMI & WHR, (4) triglyceride level and WHR, (5) apoB level and protein intake, sex, DM & WHR. Multivariate analysis found significant relationship between (1) total cholesterol level and carbohydrate intake, protein intake and WHR, (2) HDL level and sex, (3) triglyceride level and WHR, (4) apoB level and WHR and carbohydrate intake.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Julia Suryantan
Abstrak :
This study aimed to assess the dietary changes of overweight and obese subjects and its relation to the body weight changes during 24 week of orlistat study. This study was an observational study as part of an open-labelled, randomised, parallel﷓group, real life study of the efficacy of orlistat for 36 weeks. However, this observational study followed the subjects until 24 weeks. The subjects were 64 overweight and obese Indonesian adults with body mass index 25.08 - 37.4 kglm2 and mean weight 76.7 kg (58,2 - 106.7 kg). Subjects were being prescribed a nutritionally balanced mild hypocaloric low fat diet. Caloric levels prescribed were a deficit of 500 kcal/day from daily caloric requirement (BMR corrected with physical activity level). 32 subjects were given orlistat 120 mg tid. On week-24, data of 38 subjects were being pooled and analyzed together. Until week-24, the subjects had lost an average of 7.8% of their initial body weight and 5.9% of their initial waist circumference. Total energy (p<0.05), protein (p<0.05), fat (p<0.001), carbohydrate (p<0.001) and PUFA intake (p<0.005) significantly reduce from week-0 to week-24. The mean percentage reduced were 19.3% of energy intake, 32.7% of fat intake, 17.4% of carbohydrate intake and 7.5% of protein intake. Several predictors that may influence the body weight changes were treatment (orlistat), carbohydrate, and PUFA intake changes. In conclusion the dietary intake changes might influence the body weight reduction and waist circumference reduction, regardless the treatment, especially because typical Indonesian diet the energy source mostly from carbohydrate.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Krisnamurni
Abstrak :
A cross sectional study was conducted to investigate magnesium and zinc status in newly diagnosed non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. In addition, macronutrients, magnesium and zinc intakes and WHR were evaluated in relation to the prevalence of NIDDM. Using 1994 WHO criteria for diabetes, sixty three (27 males and 36 females) newly diagnosed NIDDM attending outpatient clinic at general hospital in Semarang were recruited into the study. Data collection was undertaken from October 1997 to February 1998. Seventeen diabetic patients had retinopathy, which was confirmed by ophthalmologist consultation, and twenty-three had history of high blood pressure. Sixty three hospital staffs and the relatives of the diabetics, matching for gender were recruited for control (non diabetics) group. Using structured questionnaire, information about socioeconomic and sociodemographic were obtained. Data of dietary intake were obtained using 2 days repeated 24-hour recall, and anthropometric measurements including: weight, height, waist and hip circumference were performed. Urine and 5 ml venous blood sample were taken from each subject for blood glucose, plasma and urinary minerals analysis. Diabetics had significantly higher waist and WHR compared to non diabetics, and WHR was positively correlated with NIDDM and inversely correlated with age. Retinopath diabetics had lower BILE but had sign fcantly higher WHR compared to nonretinopaths. Higher intake of energy was observed in diabetics which was attributable to higher intake of carbohydrate. Diabetics also had slightly higher magnesium and zinc intakes. However, significantly lower plasma magnesium and hypermagnesuria were detected in diabetic patients. Diabetics also had slightly lower plasma zinc and slightly higher urinary zinc compared to non diabetics. No difference in minerals status was found between retinopaths and non retinopaths. Diabetics who had history of hypertension had lower plasma zinc than those who had not, but no association was found between minerals status and retinopathy.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1998
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Iswanelly Mourbas
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Salah satu cara yang dapat digunakan untuk menentukan keadaan gizi seseorang adalah dengan mengetahui Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT). Keadaan gizi (kurang atau lebih) terjadi karma kegagalan mencapai gizi seimbang. Penderita gizi kurang merupakan akibat dari konsumsi energi yang tidak cukup, sedangkan penderita gizi lebih adalah merupakan akibat dari konsumsi energi yang berlebih. Selanjutnya keadaan gizi, temyata bukan hanya ditentukan oleh konsumsi energi saja tetapi juga ditentukan oleh komposisi zat gizi yang dikonsumsi sehari-hari. Penelitian ini merupakan bagian dari survei status gizi orang dewasa di 12 Kota Besar di Indonesia yang merupakan kerja sama antara Departemen Kesehatan RI dengan Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara konsumsi makanan dengan Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT) orang dewasa di Kotamadya Padang dengan desain penelitian potong-lintang (Cross Sectional). Pengumpulan data dilakukan pada tanggal 1-13 Juli 1996. Sebagai sampel adalah orang dewasa yang berumur 18 tahun atau lebih sebanyak 499 orang. Sebagai variabel dependen adalah IMT dan veriabeI independen adalah konsumsi makanan yaitu total energi, persentase karbohidrat dari total energi dan persentase lemak dari total energi. Disamping itu juga diperhatikan variabel umur, jenis kelamin, tingkat pendidikan, aktifitas fisik, tingkat ekonomi, keadaan kesehatan dan kebiasaan merokok. Analisis yang dilakukan adalah analisis univariat, bivariat dan muitivariat dengan Multiple Regressi Linier. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata IMT orang dewasa adalah sebesar 22.53 ± 5.14. Disamping itu diketahui juga bahwa prevalensi gizi kurang pada orang dewasa adalah sebanyak 15,4 % sedangkan prevalensi gizi lebih sebanyak 25.6 %. Rata-rata konsumsi total energi adalah 1 885 Kalori, rata-rata persentase karbohidrat dari total energi sebesar 64.90 % dan rata-rata persentase lemak dari total energi sebesar 23.30%. Dari hasil analisis bivariat diketahui bahwa variabel yang mempunyai hubungan yang bermakna dengan IMT adalah total energi, persentase karbohidrat dari total energi, persentase lemak dari total energi, jenis kelamin, tingkat ekonomi. keadaan kesehatan dan kebiasaan merokok. Sedangkan dari hasil analisis multivariat diketahui bahwa variabel yang paling dominan berhubungan dengan IMT adalah persentase lemak dari total energi. Serdasarkan hasil penelitian yang diperoleh, disarankan agar pengambil keputusan bidang kesehatan mulai menyusun program pencegahan dan penanggulangan masalah gizi kurang dan gizi lebih pada orang dewasa. Program yang mungkin dilakukan adalah program penyuluhan pada siswa Sekolah TK, SD, SLTP dan SLTA melalui kegiatan UKS dan pada orang dewasa lainnya melalui organisasi kemasyarakatan, perkantoran dan perusahaan. Selain itu disarankan juga agar dalam melaksanakan pemasyarakatan Pedoman Umum Gizi Seimbang (PUGS), penjelasan tentang jumlah konsumsi makanan terutama persentase lemak dari total energi dapat diberikan angka yang spesifik menurut keadaan gizi sasaran. Saran untuk peneliti yang akan mempelajari faktor yang mempengaruhi IMT, agar mengukur aktifitas fisik dengan menggunakan metode yang lebih tepat atau melakukan modifikasi dari formulir Baecke yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini sehingga sesuai dengan kondisi orang Indonesia. Disamping itu disarankan juga agar mengukur faktor keluarga atau keturunan, tingkat hormonal dan emosi. Daftar Pustaka: 64 (1978 - 1996)
Relationship Between Dietary Intake and Body Mass Index (BMI) in Adults in Padang 1996 Measuring Body Mass Index (BMI) is one of the methods used in nutritional status assessment. Undernutrition and overnutrition are outcomes of failure in meeting energy balance. If energy intake is less than the body need the result is undernutrition, and overnutrition occurs when energy intake exceeds the energy expenditure. Beside, nutrition status is not only 'determined by total energy intake but also by the daily nutrient composition in the diet. The aim- of this study is to find- out the relationship between dietary intake and BMI in adults in Padang. Design of the study was across sectional and data were collected in July, 1996. Total sample were 499 persons aged 18 years old or more. BMI is the only dependent variable while dietary intake that consists of total energy, percentages of carbohydrate and of fat to total energy are the independent variables. Beside age, sex, education and economic levels, physical activity, health condition and smoking habit were observed too. The data analyses done were univariate, bivariate and multivariate which was multiple linear regression. This study showed that average BMI was 22,53 ± 5,14 and the prevalence of undernutrition was 15,4 % while overnutrition was 25,6 %. The average of total energy intake was 1885 calories which of 64,90 % comes from carbohydrate, and 23,30 % from fat. Bivariate analysis showed that there was a correlation between BMI and total energy intake, percentage of energy from carbohydrate and fat, sex, economic levels, health condition and smoking habit. Multivariate analysis showed that the most dominant variable in predicting BMI in adults was the percentage of energy from fat. Based on the findings it is suggested that Ministry of Health should arrange prevention program for undernutrition and overnutrition started from preschool children, elementary, junior and senior high schools through School Health Program. For adult population such program could be integrated through community organizations and offices. Beside that, it is also suggested that in the implementation of the Indonesian Nutrition Guideline (Pedoman Umum Gizi Seimbang) especially for fat intake should be explained carefully according to the target group. Suggestion for the researcher is that the measurement of physical activity by Baecke in the study of factors which influence BMI in Indonesia should be adjusted and modified; and also genetic, hormonal and emotion factors should also be taken into consideration.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Monica Eydietha Puspa Arsanty
Abstrak :
Anak-anak dan remaja dengan down syndrome berisiko mengalami overweight dan obesitas dibandingkan populasi umum. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan pola asupan energi dan zat gizi, praktik pemberian makan serta perilaku makan mereka. Sebanyak 25 anak dan remaja dilibatkan dalam pengukuran antropometri dan pencatatan riwayat asupan dengan metode 24-hour food recall untuk menilai status gizi dan asupan zat gizi mereka. Pendekatan kualitatif dilakukan untuk memahami praktik pemberian makan orang tua dan perilaku makan anak. Focus Group Discussion (FGD) dilakukan terhadap sekelompok orang tua anak down syndrome berstatus gizi normal berdasarkan indeks IMT/U. Wawancara mendalam juga dilakukan dengan ahli gizi dan dokter spesialis anak. Ditemukan bahwa walaupun sebagian besar (80%) anak dan remaja berstatus gizi normal, rerata asupan energi, protein, karbohidrat, dan lemak lebih rendah dari rekomendasi AKG yang berpotensi disebabkan oleh upaya orang tua untuk mengontrol asupan kalori anak mereka secara dominan. Hal ini diperkuat dengan temuan kekhawatiran serius terhadap pertumbuhan anak, laporan rendahnya kontrol anak terhadap sinyal kenyang, serta sensitivitas tekstur. Penilaian pemberian makanan pada setiap kunjungan harus dilakukan, dengan mempertimbangkan aspek karakteristik down syndrome yang dapat mempengaruhi penerimaan makanan mereka. ......Children and adolescents with down syndrome are at risk of being overweight and obese than the general population. This study aims to assess their energy and nutrient intake, feeding practices and eating behaviour. A total of 25 children and adolescents were included in anthropometric measurements and 24-hour food recall to assess their nutritional status and dietary intake. To understand parents' feeding practices and their child's eating behaviour, a qualitative approach was taken. A focus group discussion (FGD) was conducted with a group of parents of a child with down syndrome and had normal growth status based on BMI-for-age. In-depth interviews were also conducted with a registered dietician and paediatrician. Although the majority (80%) of children and adolescents had normal nutritional status, their average intake of energy, protein, carbohydrates, and fat were lower than the AKG recommendation, which were potentially caused by parents' predominant control of child's calorie intake. This is later confirmed by parents’ great concerns about child’s growth, reports of child’s low satiety responsiveness, and texture sensitivity. Feeding assessment at any visit should be addressed, taking into account down syndrome's characteristics that may influence their food acceptance.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ratna CP Armanugraha
Abstrak :
Banization is one of the causes of dietary changes creating dual form malnutrition. Susilowati (1997) discovered this condition occurred at national level and within households in East Jakarta. Lower energy expenditure and higher energy intake were predicted as potential risk of overweight, opposite to underweight status. This cross sectional survey aimed to explore the dietary intake and physical activity which resulted dual form malnutrition by comparing overweight mothers having underweight children and their normal counterparts. In this study, 81 pairs of mothers and their under fives were recruited for dietary intake, nutritional status and physical activity assessment and divided into two groups: the case group consisting of overweight or obese mothers with their underweight children, and the normal grove comprised of normal mothers with their normal children. Repeated 3 days.24-hour recall food intake of mothers and children, as well as physical activity of mothers but only one day of physical activity data for the children, were collected followed by ale day 24-hour recall plus observation from 08.00 to 16.00 for activities of sub sample children. Mean energy and macronutrients intake of the case mothers was higher than their normal peers, but there was no statistical significant difference between groups, which might be due to under reported energy intake. Estimated BMR and energy expenditure of the case mothers were significantly higher than their normal counterparts, though there was no difference in their PAL. Notorious energy balance was discovered after subtracting energy intake and expenditure, which might be due to under-reported energy intake. After adjustment by age and sex, statistical significant difference was found in energy intake and PAL. BMR and energy expenditure of the underweight children was lower significantly in contrasted to the others. Negative energy balance was discovered among the case children, opposite to positive energy balance of the normal peers. This research was part of a Multi-center study, Dietary Transition and Health in Asia.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tiffany Cornelia Angelin
Abstrak :
Kejadian stunting pada masa anak-anak masih menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat, khususnya di negara berkembang seperti Indonesia. Berdasarkan data Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas, 2013) prevalensi stunting pada anak usia 5-12 di Indonesia sebesar 30,7%. Faktor nutrisi telah diketahui sebagai penyebab kejadian stunting. Namun, beberapa penelitian menemukan adanya kontribusi genetik terhadap penyerapan kalsium yang akan mempengaruhi pertumbuhan, yaitu gen vitamin D receptor (VDR). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara faktor genetik dan nutrisi terhadap height-for-age Z-core (HAZ) pada anak sekolah dasar di kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi potong lintang dan dilakukan pada tahun 2018. Penelitian ini melibatkan 142 anak sekolah dasar berusia 8-10 tahun. Pengukuran tinggi badan dilakukan untuk menghitung HAZ pada anak-anak. Asupan energi, protein, kalsium dan vitamin D diperoleh dengan 24-hour dietary recall selama 4 hari. Dua SNP yang terletak pada daerah promoter dari gen VDR dipilih (rs11568820 dan rs4516035); dan distribusi genotipnya dianalisis menggunakan Real Time PCR. Faktor lain seperti karakteristik sosiodemografi, riwayat penyakit menular dan skor paparan sinar matahari diperoleh dengan kuesioner terstruktur, dan kuesioner paparan sinar matahari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa prevalensi stunting sebesar 21,8%. Asupan makan sebagian besar kurang terpenuhi, khususnya asupan kalsium dan vitamin D. Distribusi genotip rs11568820 adalah TT (19%), CT (43,7%) dan CC (37,3%). Sedangkan distribusi genotip rs4516035 adalah TT (90,8%) dan CT (9,2%). Analisis bivariat menunjukkan adanya korelasi yang signifikan antara asupan energi dan protein terhadap HAZ (p=0,030 dan p=0,016), tetapi tidak pada asupan kalsium dan vitamin D. Selain itu, tidak ditemukan hubungan yang signifikan antara polimorfisme kedua SNP gen VDR dengan HAZ (p>0,05). Setelah disesuaikan dengan faktor-faktor lainnya, asupan protein secara signifikan berkolerasi dengan HAZ (β=0,034, 95% CI 0,016 – 0,053, p<0,001, adj. R2=0,077). Efek dari aktivitas gen VDR kemungkinan tidak terlihat karena rendahnya asupan vitamin D yang diperlukan untuk meningkatkan penyerapan kalsium yang kemudian akan mempengaruhi HAZ. ......Childhood stunting remains as a major public health problem, especially in developing countries such as Indonesia. According to Indonesia Basic Health Research (Riskesdas, 2013) the prevalence of stunting among children aged 5-12 years old in Indonesia was 30.7%. Nutrition factors has been known as a predominant factors associated with stunting. However, some studies discovered a genetic contribution in calcium absorption that will affect growth of the children, known as vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene. The aim of this present study was to assess the association between genetic and nutritional factors related to height-forage Z-score (HAZ) of elementary school children in Malang District, East Java. The study design was a cross-sectional study which began on 2018. In this study, 142 children aged 8-10 years old were included. Height measurement was obtained to calculate HAZ of the children. Dietary intake consist of energy, protein, calcium and vitamin D intake were obtained using 4 days 24-hour dietary recall. Two SNPs located in the promoter region of VDR gene were selected (rs11568820 and rs4516035); its genotype distribution were analyzed using Real Time PCR system. Other factors such as sociodemographic characteristics, history of infectious diseases and sun exposure score were assessed using structured questionnaire and sun exposure questionnaire. The result showed that the prevalence of stunting was 21.8%. Dietary intake were mostly inadequate, especially for calcium and vitamin D intake. Genotype distribution of rs11568820 was TT (19%), CT (43.7%), and CC (37.3). While for rs4516035 the distribution was TT (90.8%) and CT (9.2%). Bivariate analysis showed a significant correlation between energy and protein intake with HAZ of the children (p=0.030 and p=0.016, respectively), but not with calcium and vitamin D intakes. There were no significant association between VDR gene polymorphism for both SNPs and HAZ of the children (p>0.05). Adjusted by other factors, protein intake was significantly correlated with HAZ (β=0.034, 95% CI 0.016 – 0.053, p<0.001, adj. R2=0.077). The effect of VDR gene promoter activity might not revealed due to very low vitamin D intake to stimulates intestinal calcium absorption which in turn affect HAZ.

Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Windy Cahyani
Abstrak :
Gizi lebih adalah akumulasi lemak berlebih dalam tubuh dan merupakan faktor risiko DM tipe 2 hingga kematian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan proporsi kejadian gizi lebih berdasarkan konsumsi air putih, minuman manis, asupan zat gizi makro, frekuensi makan, dan kebiasaan merokok. Desain penelitian ini adalah potong lintang dengan 108 responden yang merupakan Pegawai Negeri Sipil Dinas Kesehatan Kota Depok. Pengukuran status gizi menggunakan IMT; konsumsi air putih menggunakan Questionnaire for Water Consumption Habits oleh BioMed Center; konsumsi minuman manis menggunakan BEVQ-15; asupan gizi makro dan frekuensi makan menggunakan 24h-food recall; kebiasaan merokok menggunakan kuesioner yang diadaptasi dari Dare et al. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 50 PNS mengalami gizi lebih IMT ge;25 kg/m2 . Terdapat perbedaan bermakna proporsi gizi lebih berdasarkan konsumsi air putih, minuman manis, asupan energi, lemak, karbohidrat, dan frekuensi makan. Setelah dikontrol oleh jenis kelamin, perbedaan bermakna ditemukan hanya pada perempuan, sedangkan untuk variabel frekuensi makan hanya pada laki-laki. Anjuran peningkatan konsumsi air putih, asupan rendah kalori dan lemak, serta pengurangan minuman manis diharapkan dapat mencegah dan menanggulangi angka kejadian gizi lebih. ......Overnutrition is a risk factor for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus even death. This study aims to determine the difference of overnutrition proportion based on water consumption, sugar sweetened beverage, dietary intake, eating frequency, and smoking habits. This is a cross sectional study with 108 Civil Servants of Dinas Kesehatan Kota Depok as respondents. Ovenutrition was measured using Body Mass Index water consumption using Questionnaire for Water Consumption Habits by BioMed Center sugar sweetened beverage SSB using BEVQ 15 dietary intake and eating frequency using 24h food recall smoking habits using adapted questionnaire by Dare et al. The overnutrition prevalence was 50 BMI ge 25 kg m2. There were significant differences based on water consumption, SSB, energy, fat, carbohydrate intake, and eating frequency. After controlled by sex, the differences were only significant in women eating frequency was only significant in men. Increasing of water consumption, low calories and fat intake, and SSB reducing could be the solution to overcome and prevent overnutrition.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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