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Ditemukan 7 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Hummel, Kirsten M.
Abstrak :
Introducing Second Language Acquisition: Perspectives and Practices represents a clear and concise introduction to the main concepts, issues, and debates in second language acquisition studies aimed specifically at undergraduates encountering the topic for the first time. Follows six fictitious language learners throughout the text whose stories serve to introduce various concepts and issuesContains specific chapters on first language acquisition and bilingualism, as well as explicit references to the most recent and important researchCovers key topics in.
Chichester: Wiley Balckwell, 2014
418.007 1 HUM i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Michalak-Gray, Joanna
Abstrak :
Complete Polish is a comprehensive language course that takes you from beginner to intermediate level. This book is for use with the accompanying MP3 CD-ROM containing two hours of audio (ISBN 9781444195309). The new edition of this successful course has been fully revised and is packed with new learning features to give you the language, practice and skills to communicate with confidence. -Maps from A1 to B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) for languages -20 learning units plus grammar appendix and word glossary -Discovery Method - figure out rules and patterns to make the language stick -Teaches the key skills - reading, writing, listening and speaking -Learn to learn - tips and skills on how to be a better language learner -Culture notes - learn about the people and places of Poland -Outcomes-based learning - focus your studies with clear aims -Authentic listening activities - everyday conversations give you a flavour of real spoken Polish -Test Yourself - see and track your own progress Coming soon: get our companion app. Polish course: Teach Yourself is full of fun, interactive activities to support your learning with this course. Apple and Android versions available. Also available: Get Started in Beginner's Polish (ISBN 9781444174830). Rely on Teach Yourself, trusted by language learners for over 70 years.
London : Teach Yourself , 2014
491.858 2 MIC c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Saville-Troike, Muriel, 1936-
Abstrak :
Providing a solid foundation in second language acquisition, this book has become the leading introduction to the subject for students of linguistics, psychology and education, and trainee language teachers. Now in its third edition, the textbook offers comprehensive coverage of fundamental concepts, including second language acquisition (SLA) in adults and children, in formal and informal learning contexts, and in diverse socio-cultural settings, and takes an interdisciplinary approach, encouraging students to consider SLA from linguistic, psychological and social perspectives. Each chapter contains a list of key terms, a summary, and a range of graded exercises suitable for self-testing and class discussion. The third edition has been revised throughout, and features new material on the practical aspects of teaching language, along with updated online resources, including new classroom activities to accompany each chapter, as well as updated references and further reading suggestions"--
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017
401.93 TRO i
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Cancer is one of the leading killers in the world and the incidence is increasing, but most cancer patients and cancer survivors suffer much from the disease and its conventional treatments side effects. In the past, clinical data showed that some complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) possessed anticancer abilities, but some clinicians and scientists have queried about the scientific validity of CAM due to the lack of scientific evidence. There is great demand in the knowledge gap to explore the scientific and evidence-based knowledge of CAM in the anticancer field. With this aim, a book series is needed to structurally deliver the knowledge to readers. There have been a number of publications on materia medica for various cancers in recent years, the scientific and medical community are thrust for up-to-date information that are supported by concrete laboratory evidences or clinical trials. This volume is a specialised book presenting the experimental and clinical evidences of anticancer materia medica for various cancers. This book consists of sixteen chapters, providing concise reviews and expert opinions on the recent progress of materia medica research in fourteen particular cancers from bench to bedside application. In addition, the book also includes a chapter with an overview of evidence-based materia medica for cancer chemoprevention, as well as a chapter discussing on the pharmacokinetics of anticancer materia medica. Gathering international opinion leaders views, this volume will contribute great to the cancer, academic, and clinical community by providing evidence-based information on the anticancer effects of materia medica for various cancers. Readership Oncologists, cancer researchers, pharmacologists, pharmaceutical specialists, Chinese medicine practitioners, medical educators, postgraduates and advanced undergraduates in biomedical disciplines, cancer caregivers, cancer patients.
China: Springer, 2012
616.994 MAT
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri R. Wahyu Endah P.
Abstrak :
Tugas Akhir ini mengangkat pentingnya pengetahuan disiplin berlalulintas pada anak-anak usia sekolah agar mereka memiliki bekal pemahaman Ientimg bersikap yang aman dalam suatu situasi lalu lintas. Program berisi serangkaian pelatihan yang partisipatif dengan target intervensi anak usia sekolah (6~l2 tahun), namun difokuskan pada anak usia 9-10 tahun yang duduk di kelas empat, SDN Pondok Cina Ol, Depok. Intervensi dilatarbelakangani oleh kenyataan bahwa kondisi lalu lintas di jalan Margonda Raya tepat di depan SDN Pondok Cina Ol sangat rawan bagi keselamatan para siswa. Setiap hari mereka mau tidak mau harus melalui lalu lintas yang padat dan semrawut. Kondisi lalu lintas seperti itu menjadi ancaman bagi keselamatan jiwa mereka. Terbukti sepanjang tahun 2008, lebih dari I0 siswa sekolah mcnjadi korban kecelakaan lalu lintas di depan sekolah mereka sendiri. Perilaku pemakai jalan yang tidak mengindahkan disiplin berlalulintas merupakan faktor utama penyebab kecelakaan lalu lintas di Wilayah Depok sepanjang 2008 (Kasat Lantas Depok, 2009). Perilaku tersebut bukan tidak rnungkin untuk diperbaiki sqiak usia dini. Memasukkan pemahaman, aturan, fakta lewat pcsan-pcsan komunikatif akan mampu mempengaruhi individu untuk membuat perubahan sikap (Secord dan Backman, 1964 dalam Azwar, 2003). Intervensi cdukasi merupakan salah satu strategi yang dapat dilakukan change agent untuk mempengaruhi change target agar melakukan perubahan sosial (Zaltman, 1977). Baseline study dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara, focussed-group discussion, kucsioncr dan kepustakaan. Intervensi terhadap target menggunakan metode partisipatif melalui berbagai teknik intervensi scperti mcndongeng, pcrmainan, diskusi, menggambar dan praktek Iangsung di lapangan. Target intervensi mengambil sample anak usia 9-10 tahun sesuai dengan teori perkembangan dari Piaget bahwa pada usia tersebut anak berada pada tahap perkembangan kognisi Operasional Konkrit. Perkembangan moral disiplin pada tahap im telah berkembang dengan baik yakni tidak hanya rnampu membedakan baik - bumk, dan benar - salah, tetapi juga alasannya. Dengan pendekatan kognisi sosial (Social Cognilive Theory), program lcbih memfokuskan pada kognisi subyek intervensi dengan pemelajaran melalui pendekatan observasi dari Bandura. Analisis kuantitatif melalui Sample Paired T-test menunjukkan adanya peningkatan pemahaman subyek terhadap disiplin berlalulintas antara sebelum dan sesudah intervensi. Hasil analisis kualitatif menyebutkan bahwa subyek merasa program intervensi sangat bermanfaat dan memotivasi mereka untuk merubah perilaklmya sebagai pengunajalan. Untuk keberlangsungan program ini, disarankan agar pelatihan disiplin berlalu lintas ini dapat menjadi kurikulum sekolah dan pihak sekolah dapat mengusulkan pembuatan Zona Selamat Sekolah (ZQSS) kepada pihak yang bcrwcnang demi kesclamatan siswa-siswanya. ......This study highlights the importance of inculcating the knowledge of road safety disciplines among children at school age (6-12) to enable them to be able to keep themselves as safe as possible on the roads. The Program, consisting of series of participative training activities, is targeting 47 fourth graders aged 9-10 years old at Pondok Cina 01 Public Elementary School (SDN), Depok. This intervention is triggered by serious traflic safety concems on thc street located just outside of the school yard. The heavy traffic situation witl1 insufficient road safety support (crossing bridge, clear zebra crossing, school signage, and presence of trained school security and police guards) puts the school children at risk. The result is chaos for them, who, as road users are forced into this traffic situation as they seek to enter or leave their schoolyard. In 2008, over 10 students from the SDN Pondok Cina 01 had been involved in the traffic accidents taking place on the street, just in front of their school gate. Report from Depok Police Office (2008) explains, road users’ behaviour with no respect of road safety disciplines is the main factor behind the accidents. This behaviour is not impossible to be intervened since the early age. The change target can be influenced through educational intervention of communicative messages such as dissemination of knowledge and understanding of traffic rules (Zaltman 1977). The baseline studies include observation, interviews, focussed-group discussion (F GD), literatures and distribution of pre-test and post-test questionnaires to the subjects. Using participative method, skill-based training is executed with various approaches such B story telling, games, problem-solving discussion, drawing competitions and direct practice out on the roads in real situation setting. The change target (47 students of 9 -I0 years old), according to Piaget’s moral cognitive theory, is at the Concrete Operational stage and at the stage of established moral disciplines development. They have grown their competence not only to diierentiate good - bad, right - wrong, but also the reasons behind those. Using the social cognitive theory, the intervention emphasizes more on the subjects’ cognition through observational learning of Bandura. The quantitative analysis ofthe pre-post test using sample-paired t-test shows a significant increase in subjects’ understanding towards traffic signs, regulations and road safety disciplines. The qualitative examination indicates the training is an effective altemative to train children to be safer pedestrians. In summary, the intervention program yields success and brings positive impact to the subjects for they are able to improve their knowledge about road safety disciplines and change their behaviours as road users. For sustainability of the program, it is advisable that the school proposes the government to include the road safety education as part of the elementary school curriculum and build ZoSS for the safety of their students.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fajar Ariyanti
Abstrak :
Diberlakukannya UU No.22 tahun 1999 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah serta UU No. 25 tahun 2000 tentang Perimbangan Keuangan Pemerintah Pusat dan Daerah berimplikasi pada perubahan yang cukup besar dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan di Indonesia. Penyelenggaraan pemerintahan yang sebelumnya lebih bersifat sentralistik, berubah menjadi terdesentralisasi ke daerah otonom di tingkat Kabupaten/Kota Sejalan dengan pelaksanaan desentralisasi, dibutuhkan organisasi kesehatan kabupaten/kota yang lebih profesional dan mandiri serta organisasi yang mau terns menerus belajar dalam rangka meningkatkan kinerjanya sebagaimana disebutkan dalam beberapa literatur sebagai Organisasi Pembelajar. Berdasarkan pengamatan peneliti sampai saat ini belum terdapat alat ukur atau instrumen organisasi pembelajar yang dapat digunakan oleh sebuah organisasi untuk mengevaluasi organisasinya. Atas dasar tersebut peneliti merasakan perlu adanya sebuah penelitian untuk mengembangkan alat ukur atau instrumen organisasi pembelajar dalam rangka membantu organisasi kesehatan untuk mengevaluasi organisasinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan alat ukur atau instrumen organisasi pembelajar untuk organisasi kesehatan tingkat kabupaten/kota berdasarkan konsep Peter Senge (Disciplines of Learning Organization). Penelitian ini menggunakan studi kualitatif dan studi kuantitatif yang dilakukan di Suku Dinas Kesehatan Jakarta Barat dan Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Bogor pada bulan Juli tahun 2002. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 5 variabel disiplin dalam organisasi pembelajar berdasarkan konsep Peter Senge yaitu berpikir sistem, keahlian pribadi, model-model mental, visi bersama, dan pembelajaran tim. Hasil studi eksploratif dan konfirmatif menunjukkan terdapat pengembangan terhadap konsep Peter Senge, yaitu terdapat 3 pemyataan untuk variabel berpikir sistem, 12 pernyataan untuk variabel keahlian pribadi, 6 pernyataan untuk variabel model-model mental, 8 pemyataan untuk variabel visi bersama, dan 10 pernyataan untuk variabel pembelajaran tim. Dalam penelitian ini juga didapatkan alat ukur atau instrumen organisasi pembelajar yang memiliki nilai validitas isi, konstruk, dan kriteria yang baik. Sehingga instrumen ini dapat dijadikan sebagai evaluasi bagi organisasi untuk menilai seberapa jauh organisasinya termasuk organisasi pembelajar. Untuk menindaklanjuti penelitian ini ada beberapa saran dan rekomendasi yang peneliti ajukan diantaranya; sebaiknya penelitian ini dapat dilanjutkan terutama pads kedua organisasi kesehatan di atas untuk dapat memberikan gambaran mengenai organisasi pembelajar secara lebih komprehensif, selain itu untuk mendapatkan alat ukur atau instrumen organisasi pembelajar yang lebih valid sebaiknya penelitian. ini juga dilakukan pada setiap organisasi kesehatan tingkat kabupaten/kota di Indonesia. ......The Development of Instrument of Learning Organization on Health Organization in The Regency/City Level (Study on Health Section Official of West Jakarta and Health Official of Bogor Regency). Being in progress of ordinances No.22 in 1999 about territorial administration along with ordinances No.25 in 2000 about the equilibrium of central government finance and district implicated on a great deal of change in governmental implementation in Indonesia. The governmental implementation which was then more centralized changed into decentralized to the autonomous district in regency/city. At the same time, the regency/city health organization it needed to be more professional, independent and willing to keep on studying which some literatures called as learning organization. Currently there are no a measure or an instrument of learning organ1zation which can be used by an organization to evaluate the organization. Upon that reason a study is needed to develop a measure or an instrument of learning organization to help any health organization to evaluate it's our institution. The instrument was developed based on Peter Senge concepts (Disciplines of Learning Organization). The research used the qualitative study and quantitative study and performed in health official section of west Jakarta and health official of Bogor regency/city on July, 2002. The result showed there were five discipline variables in the field similar to Peter Senge concept which were system thinking, personal mastery, mental models, shared vision, and team learning. The result of explorative and confirmative analysis showed that there were derivated of Peter Senge concept; three statements for the variable of system thinking, twelve statements for the variable of personal mastery, six statements for the variable of mental models, eight statements for the variable of shared vision, and ten statements for the variable of team learning. This research also developed a measure or an instrument of learning organization which was validated accords to content, construct, and criteria. So that this instrument may become an evaluation for any organization to judge it's learning condition. The study recommended to intensify the study in the same area in order to be able to give some pictures about learning organization in a more comprehensive way. In addition, the study recommended to expanse similar study in different areas in Indonesia, so that the research can be more valid.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jan Mrazek
Abstrak :
The essay reflects on the work of Adrian Lapian (1929 until 2011), an Indonesian scholar of archipelagic/maritime Southeast Asia and its sea people sea pirates sea kings. The essay suggests that Lapians writing mirrors navigation at sea, and the constant reorientation and ever changing, multiple points of view that are part of it. This is contrasted to Foucaults panopticism and academic desire for discipline. Taking cue from Lapians writing and from the present authors experience of seafaring, the essay envisions Southeast Asian studies as a fluid, precarious, disorienting, even nauseating multiplicity of experiences, dialogues, and moving, unstable, and uncertain points of view, a style of learning that is less (neo)colonial, more humble, and closer to experiences in the region, than super scholarship that imposes universalizing, panoptic standards, theories and methods (typically self styled as new) that reduce the particular into a specimen of the general, a cell in the Panopticon. The essay concludes with reflections on certain learning initiatives/traditions at the National University of Singapore, including seafaring voyages experiences, encounters, and conversations that make students and scholars alike to move and see differently, to be touched, blown away, rocked, swayed, disoriented, swallowed, transformed, and feel anew their places, roots, bonds, distances, fears, blindness, powerlessness.
327 SUV 11:1 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library