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Ditemukan 2 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Muhamad Misbakhudin
Perseteruan antara KPK dan POLRI merupakan salah satu kejadian yang menimbulkan gejolak politik dan sosial karena menyangkut komitmen dan dukungan terhadap upaya pemberantasan korupsi sehingga keberhasilan penyelesaiannya sangat berpengaruh pada image dan dukungan publik pada pemerintah. Dengan menggunakan teori dramatisme, penelitian ini mendeskripsikan aspek dramatik dalam retorika Presiden Jokowi dan Presiden SBY dalam menyelesaikan konflik KPK – POLRI. Dalam dramatisme, retorika dianalisis berdasarkan lima elemen dramatistik (dramatisic pentad) yaitu scene, act, agent, agency dan purpose sehingga dapat diketahui konteks (guilt) dan menilai motif (motives) yang mendasari retorika tersebut serta elemen apa yang menjadi kunci persuasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pola retorika tidak ajeg, tetapi mengikuti guilt yang dialami. Ketidakajegan tersebut dapat dilihat dari bagaimana Presiden menentukan kelima unsur dramatistic pentad dalam retorikanya serta unsur-unsur mana yang ditonjolkan sebagai kunci persuasi.

The enmity of KPK and POLRI is one of the most intensious political and social event because of its importance for struggling of corruption erradiction. Its solution will have great impact on government image and public support. By using dramatism theory, this research describes the dramatic aspects of rhetoric of President SBY and President Jokowi in resolve the conflict. The rhetoric was analyzed using dramatistic pentad that contains five elements of drama: act, scene, agent, agency, and purpose in order to determine kind of guilt and motives underlied the rhetoric and to determine the key element for persuasion. The results shows that there is no persistency in rhetorical pattern but based on guilt. The impersistence could be found in how President define the dramatistic pentad in its rhetoric and which elements stresses over the other four.dramatism, dramatistic pentad, President’s rhetoric, persuasion;The enmity of KPK and POLRI is one of the most intensious political and social event because of its importance for struggling of corruption erradiction. Its solution will have great impact on government image and public support. By using dramatism theory, this research describes the dramatic aspects of rhetoric of President SBY and President Jokowi in resolve the conflict. The rhetoric was analyzed using dramatistic pentad that contains five elements of drama: act, scene, agent, agency, and purpose in order to determine kind of guilt and motives underlied the rhetoric and to determine the key element for persuasion. The results shows that there is no persistency in rhetorical pattern but based on guilt. The impersistence could be found in how President define the dramatistic pentad in its rhetoric and which elements stresses over the other four.dramatism, dramatistic pentad, President’s rhetoric, persuasion, The enmity of KPK and POLRI is one of the most intensious political and social event because of its importance for struggling of corruption erradiction. Its solution will have great impact on government image and public support. By using dramatism theory, this research describes the dramatic aspects of rhetoric of President SBY and President Jokowi in resolve the conflict. The rhetoric was analyzed using dramatistic pentad that contains five elements of drama: act, scene, agent, agency, and purpose in order to determine kind of guilt and motives underlied the rhetoric and to determine the key element for persuasion. The results shows that there is no persistency in rhetorical pattern but based on guilt. The impersistence could be found in how President define the dramatistic pentad in its rhetoric and which elements stresses over the other four.dramatism, dramatistic pentad, President’s rhetoric, persuasion]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vicky Anugerah Tri Hantari
"Tesis ini membahas tentang teori retorika baru yang masih jarang dibahas dalam ilmu komunikasi, Retorika baru sendiri berusaha untuk menambah teori retorika sebelumnya dengan menekankan pentingnya substansi, identifikasi, dan konsubstansialitas. Awal retorika baru muncul karena adanya kritik terhadap retorika lama yang digagas oleh Aristotles. Retorika lama memiliki premis bahwa kebenaran adalah absolut dan akan membuat argumen menjadi persuasif, terutama dengan menggunakan logika formal. Akan tetapi, para pengkritik melihat bahwa kebenaran sesungguhnya bisa dikonstruksi hingga tampak meyakinkan dan tidak mencerminkan keadaan sebenarnya. Pengkonstruksian ini didukung oleh kesadaran dari komunikan melihat khalayaknya. Selain dari aspek ethos, pathos, dan logos; komunikan juga diharapkan dapat melihat khalayaknya dari aspek substansi pidato yang ingin disampaikan, mengidentifikasi bagaimana khalayaknya, dan menerapkan aspek konsunstansialitas dengan melihat nilai-nilai yang dipercaya oleh para khalayak. Melalui ketiganya, komunikan dapat menyusun strategi dengan memilih kata-kata. Upaya penyusunan ini untuk menciptakan komunikasi simbol antara komunikan dengan khalayaknya dan di sinilah munculah proses dramatisasi atau dikenal dengan konsep dramatisme. Untuk memberikan gambaran dramatisme ini penulis menggunakan pidato-pidato Prabowo Subianto sebagai kandidat penantang dalam pemilihan presiden Pemilu 2019 dengan menganalisis bahasa yang digunakan serta membedah tujuan apa yang ingin dicapai oleh Prabowo Subianto dalam kampanye politiknya karena banyak hal yang terjadi selama waktu itu berlangsung dan bagaimana peristiwa-peristiwa ini dapat mempengaruhi elektabilitas Prabowo.
This thesis is about new rhetoric theory which is still extinct to be discussed in communication studies. The new rhetoric attempts to update the previous theory, the old rhetoric with emphasizing substance, identification, an consubstansiality. The recent theory emerges due to the critiques toward the old one. It highlight that the reality no longer relevant with the claim and facts or could be said that the truth could be constructed so that an argument can be persuasive, even though it doesn`t depict the rightness. The construction is supported by the awareness of the communicator in seeing the audiences. Not only being attentive to ethos, pathos, and logos aspects, the communicators could acknowledge the audiences from the substances they are conveying and identifying them, and applying consubstantiality with considering  the internal values that lie in each person with as well. From those three, the communicator is able to establish strategies by choosing the diction. The purpose is crafting symbolic communication among the communicator and its audiences thus the dramatization process would be created or can be called as dramatism. In this thesis, the author is using Prabowo Subianto`s speeches as a challenger candidate in Indonesia presidential election 2019 by analyzing the language and his purposes in his campaign, especially with taking the events that occurred into accounts which can affecting to his electability. "
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library