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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Puspa Dwi Pratiwi
"Early Childhood Caries (ECC) adalah kondisi terdapat satu atau lebih kerusakan gigi, baik lesi dengan kavitas atau tanpa kavitas, kehilangan gigi akibat karies, atau penambalan permukaan gigi sulung pada usia antara usia lahir hingga 72 bulan. Streptococcus mutans merupakan mikroorganisme yang paling dominan pada terjadinya karies dan banyak terdapat dalam plak gigi.2 Streptococcus mutans adalah bakteri anaerob fakultatif gram positif yang ada pada rongga mulut manusia. Secara struktur serotype - specific polysaccharides, Streptococcus mutans diklasifikasikan Streptococcus mutans diklasifikasikan ke dalam empat serotipe c, e, f, dan k. Prevalensi masing-masing serotipe  berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan di Jakarta didominasi oleh serotipe f (85.5%), c (74.2%), dan e (22.6%). Ekstrak bawang putih atau yang dikenal dengan Allium sativum diketahui telah memiliki kemampuan menghambat aktivitas pada berbagai jenis bakteri patogen. Efek dari Allicin yang terkandung dalam bawang mampu menurunkan aktivitas bakteri dengan menghambat proses pembentukan biofilm. Aktivitas antibakteri dari empat konsentrasi Allium Sativum (10%, 25%, 50%, dan 100%) diteliti terhadap pembentukan biofilm Streptococcus mutans serotype c dan f menggunakan metode MTT Assay. Kontrol positif dengan chlorhexidine gluconate 0,2% dan kontrol negatif. Data dianalisis dengan uji Kruskall wallis dan uji post-hoc Mann Whitney. Keempat konsentrasi mampu menurunkan viabilitas Streptococcus mutans serotipe c dan fStreptococcus mutans serotipe c memiliki konsentrasi yang signifikan pada 50% & 100%, sedangkan Streptococcus mutans serotipe f signifikan pada konsentrasi 100%.
......Early Childhood Caries (ECC) is a condition of one or more tooth decay, either lesions with cavity or no cavity, caries-induced tooth loss, or patching of the surface of deciduous teeth between the ages of birth and 72 months. Streptococcus mutans is the most dominant microorganism on caries occurrence and is present in dental plaque. Streptococcus mutans is a gram-positive facultative anaerobic bacteria present in the human oral cavity. Structurally serotype - specific polysaccharides, Streptococcus mutans classified Streptococcus mutans are classified into four serotypes c, e, f, and k. The prevalence of each serotype based on research conducted in Jakarta is dominated by serotype f (85.5%), c (74.2%), and e (22.6%). Garlic extract or known as Allium sativum is known to have the ability to inhibit activity in various types of pathogenic bacteria. The effects of allicin contained in the garlic can decrease bacterial activity by inhibiting the biofilm formation process. The antibacterial activity of four Allium Sativum concentrations (10%, 25%, 50%, and 100%) was investigated on the formation of Streptococcus mutans serotype c and f using the MTT Assay method. Positive control with chlorhexidine gluconate 0.2% and negative control. Data were analyzed by Kruskall wallis test and post-hoc Mann Whitney test. The four concentrations were able to decrease the viability of Streptococcus mutans serotype c and f. Streptococcus mutans serotype c has a significant concentration at 50% & 100%, while Streptococcus mutans serotype f is significant at 100% concentration."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andriani Octavia
"Latar Belakang: Ekstrak bawang putih memiliki efek antibakteri terhadap berbagai bakteri Gram-positif dan Gram-negatif serta bakteri anaerob seperti Lactobacillus dan E. faecalis. Enterococcus faecalis merupakan bakteri Gram-positif fakultatif anaerob yang mampu menginvasi tubuli dentin dan resisten terhadap bahan irigasi dan medikamen intrakanal. Bahan irigasi saluran akar yang digunakan saat ini adalah bahan kimiawi yang dapat membahayakan jaringan periapikal dan benih gigi permanen jika terdorong ke apeks. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis efektivitas ekstrak bawang putih terhadap viabilitas Enterococcus faecalis dari isolat klinis saluran akar gigi sulung non vital. Metode Penelitian: Uji MTT digunakan untuk menilai viabilitas E. faecalis setelah pemaparan ekstrak bawang putih dengan berbagai konsentrasi (10%, 25%, 50% dan 100%) dan CHX 2% sebagai kontrol positif. Hasil: Analisis data menggunakan uji Kruskal-Wallis dan uji Post-Hoc Mann Whitney untuk melihat perbedaan antar kelompok. Ekstrak bawang putih konsentrasi 10%, 25%, 50% dan 100% mampu menurunkan viabilitas E. faecalis. Nilai viabilitas antara kelompok ekstrak bawang putih konsentrasi 25%, 50% dan 100% berbeda tidak bermakna (p>0,05) namun berbeda bermakna dengan kelompok ekstrak 10% dan kelompok CHX 2% (p<0,05) dengan nilai viabilitas E. faecalis lebih rendah. Kesimpulan: Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa ekstrak bawang putih efektif dalam menurunkan viabilitas E. faecalis.
Background: Garlic extract exhibits antibacterial effect against wide variety of gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria as well as anaerobic bacteria such as Lactobacillus and E. faecalis. Enterococcus faecalis is a Gram-positive facultative anaerobe capable of invading the dentin tubules and is resistant to several irrigating solutions and intracanal medicament. Commonly used irrigating solutions are from chemical substances that can compromise the periapical tissue and permanent tooth germs if extruded from apex. The aim of this study was to analyse the effectivity of garlic extract against viability of E. faecalis from clinical isolate of non-vital primary root canals. Method: MTT assay was used to determine the viability of E. faecalis after exposure of different concentrations of garlic extract (10%, 25%, 50%, 100%) and CHX 2% as positive control. Result: Analysis was done using Kruskal-Wallis; the post-hoc test was done for multiple comparisons at a 0,05 significance level. All concentrations of garlic extracts were able to reduce viability of E. faecalis. Viability score between 25%, 50% and 100% extracts were not significantly different from one another (p>0,05), however they were significantly different from 10% extract and CHX 2% (p<0,05) with lower viability score. Conclusion: The results showed that garlic extract were effective to reduce viability of E. faecalis."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Toto Raharto
Modifikasi boron-doped diamond (BDD) dengan emas nanopartikel (AuNPs) telah dikembangkan untuk sensor elektrokimia (yaitu deteksi arsenik). Nanopartikel emas (AuNPs) disintesis dengan ekstrak bawang putih bertindak baik sebagai reduktor dan zat penstabil. Dengan kondisi optimum 1.602 mmol Au dari HAuCl4 dalam perbandingan dengan 1 gr ekstrak bawang putih pada pH=5 di bawah radiasi UV. Karakterisasi dari AuNPs menggunakan peralatan UV-Vis Spectrofotometer yang dikonfirmasi pada panjang gelombang 520 nm, dan Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM)  didapati ukuran partikel sebesar 3.420 +/- 1.740 nm.  AuNPs yang telah disintesis dimodifikasi pada permukaan BDD dengan teknik perendaman di bawah iradiasi UV pada panjang gelombang 254 nm. SEM EDX menunjukkan bahwa BDD dimodifikasi AuNPs dengan rasio Au: C = 36.59 : 62.53 (wt%)  dapat berhasil disiapkan.  Aplikasi BDD yang sudah dimodifikasi dengan nanopartikel emas juga sukses digunakan untuk mengukur kadar arsen secara random pada danau UI, dengan hasil negatip, tidak ada kandungan Arsen (As3+)  pada danau UI.  


Kata kunci   : Nanopartikel,  Emas, Green Synthesis, Ekstrak, Bawang putih, Boron Doped Diamond, Sensor, Arsen.

Modifications of boron-doped diamond (BDD) with gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) have been developed for electrochemical sensors (i.e. arsenic detection). Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) synthesized with garlic extract act as both reducing agents and stabilizers. Under optimum conditions 1,602 mmol Au from HAuCl4 in comparison with 1 gr of garlic extract at pH = 5 under UV radiation. The characterization of AuNPs using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer was confirmed at a wavelength of 520 nm, and the Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) found particle size of 3,420 +/- 1,740 nm. The synthesized AuNPs were modified on the BDD surface by immersion techniques under UV irradiation at 254 nm wavelength. SEM EDX showed that AuNPs were modified by BDD with Au: C = 36.59: 62.53 (wt%) ratio can be successfully prepared. The BDD application that has been modified with gold nanoparticles was also successfully used to measure arsenic levels randomly on UI lakes, with negative results, no Arsenic content (As3+) on UI lakes.

Keywords  :  Nanoparticles, Gold, Green Synthesis, Extracts, Garlic, Boron Doped Diamond, Sensors, Arsenic

Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lingga Abdurrachman
"[Senyawa bahan alam yang mengandung banyak senyawa pereduksi dan gugus-gugus organik kurang termanfaatkan dengan baik untuk sintesis nanopartikel. Ekstrak bawang putih (EBP) (allium sativum L) dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai reaktan dalam pembuatan nanopartikel Au (AuNP). EBP dapat mereduksi dan menstabilkan AuNP. AuNP di karakterisasi menggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Vis dan TEM sedangkan EBP dikarakterisasi menggunakan FTIR, dan LCMS. AuNP optimum yang di karakterisasi menggunakan TEM memiliki ukuran 15 nm dan memiliki kestabilan hingga 33 hari. Berdasarkan hasil FTIR dan LCMS, senyawa aktif yang diduga berperan sebagai agen pereduksi adalah asam askorbat (vitamin C), gula bebas seperti, surosa, glukosa, dan fruktosa, allin, alicin, dan s-alilsitein dan senyawa aktif yang diduga berperan sebagai agen penstabil adalah -glutamilsistein, -glutamil-s-alilsistein, -glutamil phenil alanin, s-alil mercaptosistein, metil alil tiosulfonat, dan prophenil alil tiosulfonat. AuNP yang terbentuk dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai pendeteksi terhadap formalin dan melamin pada kondisi pH 3,6.

Compounds of natural product that many contain reducing compounds and organic groups are less well utilized for the synthesis of nanoparticles. Garlic exstract (EBP) (allium sativum L) can be used as a reactant in the manufacture of nanoparticles Au (AuNP). EBP can reduce dan stabilize AuNP. AuNP characterized using spectrophotometer UV-Vis and TEM while EBP characterized using FTIR and LCMS. AuNP optimum that characterized by TEM has size 15 nm and has stability up to 33 days. Based on the results of FTIR and LCMS, the active compounds are expected have role as reducing agent is ascorbic acid (vitamin C), free sugar such as, sukrose, glucose, and fructose, allin, Alicin, and s-alilsitein and the active compounds are thought to act as a stabilizing agent is γ-glutamilsistein, γ-glutamyl-s-alilsistein, γ-glutamyl phenil alanine, s-allyl mercaptosistein, allyl methyl tiosulfonat, and allyl prophenil tiosulfonat. Aunp formed can be used as a detector of the formaldehyde and melamine at pH 3.6.;Compounds of natural product that many contain reducing compounds and organic groups are less well utilized for the synthesis of nanoparticles. Garlic exstract (EBP) (allium sativum L) can be used as a reactant in the manufacture of nanoparticles Au (AuNP). EBP can reduce dan stabilize AuNP. AuNP characterized using spectrophotometer UV-Vis and TEM while EBP characterized using FTIR and LCMS. AuNP optimum that characterized by TEM has size 15 nm and has stability up to 33 days. Based on the results of FTIR and LCMS, the active compounds are expected have role as reducing agent is ascorbic acid (vitamin C), free sugar such as, sukrose, glucose, and fructose, allin, Alicin, and s-alilsitein and the active compounds are thought to act as a stabilizing agent is γ-glutamilsistein, γ-glutamyl-s-alilsistein, γ-glutamyl phenil alanine, s-allyl mercaptosistein, allyl methyl tiosulfonat, and allyl prophenil tiosulfonat. Aunp formed can be used as a detector of the formaldehyde and melamine at pH 3.6.;Compounds of natural product that many contain reducing compounds and organic groups are less well utilized for the synthesis of nanoparticles. Garlic exstract (EBP) (allium sativum L) can be used as a reactant in the manufacture of nanoparticles Au (AuNP). EBP can reduce dan stabilize AuNP. AuNP characterized using spectrophotometer UV-Vis and TEM while EBP characterized using FTIR and LCMS. AuNP optimum that characterized by TEM has size 15 nm and has stability up to 33 days. Based on the results of FTIR and LCMS, the active compounds are expected have role as reducing agent is ascorbic acid (vitamin C), free sugar such as, sukrose, glucose, and fructose, allin, Alicin, and s-alilsitein and the active compounds are thought to act as a stabilizing agent is γ-glutamilsistein, γ-glutamyl-s-alilsistein, γ-glutamyl phenil alanine, s-allyl mercaptosistein, allyl methyl tiosulfonat, and allyl prophenil tiosulfonat. Aunp formed can be used as a detector of the formaldehyde and melamine at pH 3.6.;Compounds of natural product that many contain reducing compounds and organic groups are less well utilized for the synthesis of nanoparticles. Garlic exstract (EBP) (allium sativum L) can be used as a reactant in the manufacture of nanoparticles Au (AuNP). EBP can reduce dan stabilize AuNP. AuNP characterized using spectrophotometer UV-Vis and TEM while EBP characterized using FTIR and LCMS. AuNP optimum that characterized by TEM has size 15 nm and has stability up to 33 days. Based on the results of FTIR and LCMS, the active compounds are expected have role as reducing agent is ascorbic acid (vitamin C), free sugar such as, sukrose, glucose, and fructose, allin, Alicin, and s-alilsitein and the active compounds are thought to act as a stabilizing agent is γ-glutamilsistein, γ-glutamyl-s-alilsistein, γ-glutamyl phenil alanine, s-allyl mercaptosistein, allyl methyl tiosulfonat, and allyl prophenil tiosulfonat. Aunp formed can be used as a detector of the formaldehyde and melamine at pH 3.6.;Compounds of natural product that many contain reducing compounds and organic groups are less well utilized for the synthesis of nanoparticles. Garlic exstract (EBP) (allium sativum L) can be used as a reactant in the manufacture of nanoparticles Au (AuNP). EBP can reduce dan stabilize AuNP. AuNP characterized using spectrophotometer UV-Vis and TEM while EBP characterized using FTIR and LCMS. AuNP optimum that characterized by TEM has size 15 nm and has stability up to 33 days. Based on the results of FTIR and LCMS, the active compounds are expected have role as reducing agent is ascorbic acid (vitamin C), free sugar such as, sukrose, glucose, and fructose, allin, Alicin, and s-alilsitein and the active compounds are thought to act as a stabilizing agent is γ-glutamilsistein, γ-glutamyl-s-alilsistein, γ-glutamyl phenil alanine, s-allyl mercaptosistein, allyl methyl tiosulfonat, and allyl prophenil tiosulfonat. Aunp formed can be used as a detector of the formaldehyde and melamine at pH 3.6., Compounds of natural product that many contain reducing compounds and organic groups are less well utilized for the synthesis of nanoparticles. Garlic exstract (EBP) (allium sativum L) can be used as a reactant in the manufacture of nanoparticles Au (AuNP). EBP can reduce dan stabilize AuNP. AuNP characterized using spectrophotometer UV-Vis and TEM while EBP characterized using FTIR and LCMS. AuNP optimum that characterized by TEM has size 15 nm and has stability up to 33 days. Based on the results of FTIR and LCMS, the active compounds are expected have role as reducing agent is ascorbic acid (vitamin C), free sugar such as, sukrose, glucose, and fructose, allin, Alicin, and s-alilsitein and the active compounds are thought to act as a stabilizing agent is γ-glutamilsistein, γ-glutamyl-s-alilsistein, γ-glutamyl phenil alanine, s-allyl mercaptosistein, allyl methyl tiosulfonat, and allyl prophenil tiosulfonat. Aunp formed can be used as a detector of the formaldehyde and melamine at pH 3.6.]"
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library