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Ditemukan 15 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Piskurich, George M.
San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1994
374.139 43 PIS s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Griewank, Andreas
Abstrak :
Algorithmic, or automatic, differentiation (AD) is a growing area of theoretical research and software development concerned with the accurate and efficient evaluation of derivatives for function evaluations given as computer programs. The resulting derivative values are useful for all scientific computations that are based on linear, quadratic, or higher order approximations to nonlinear scalar or vector functions. AD has been applied in particular to optimization, parameter identification, nonlinear equation solving, the numerical integration of differential equations, and combinations of these. Apart from quantifying sensitivities numerically, AD also yields structural dependence information, such as the sparsity pattern and generic rank of Jacobian matrices. The field opens up an exciting opportunity to develop new algorithms that reflect the true cost of accurate derivatives and to use them for improvements in speed and reliability. This second edition has been updated and expanded to cover recent developments in applications and theory, including an elegant NP completeness argument by Uwe Naumann and a brief introduction to scarcity, a generalization of sparsity. There is also added material on checkpointing and iterative differentiation. To improve readability the more detailed analysis of memory and complexity bounds has been relegated to separate, optional chapters.The book consists of three parts: a stand-alone introduction to the fundamentals of AD and its software; a thorough treatment of methods for sparse problems; and final chapters on program-reversal schedules, higher derivatives, nonsmooth problems and iterative processes. Each of the 15 chapters concludes with examples and exercises.
Philadelphia: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2000
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chantavanich, Amsung
Ottawa, Ont.: International Development Research Centre, 1990
372.12 CHA e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
McGoldrick, Beth
Alexandria, VA: ATD Press, 2016
658.3 MCG n
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sherine Kamila Hassan
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengembangkan skala baru dalam mengukur grit dengan mengacu pada skala grit yang dikembangkan oleh Angela Lee Duckworth dan rekan-rekan nya 2007 . Pada tepatnya, penelitian ini akan menjawab apakah skala grit yang baru dapat memperoleh hasil yang sama dengan skala grit s-grit yang dikembangkan oleh Duckworth 2007 dan menghasilkan nilai validitas dan reliabilitas yang sesuai. Untuk menguji validitas skala tersebut, tiga hipotesis empiris digunakan untuk menganalisis korelasi antara hasil yang diperoleh skala baru dan s-grit dengan menguji internal consistency dan item discrimination index, yang hasilnya juga digunakan untuk menguji validitas skala baru. Hasil yang ditemukan dari analisis validitas dan reliabilitas konsisten dengan tiga hipotesis empiris adalah korelasi positif antara skor dari skala baru dan s-grit, korelasi positif antara skor conscientiousness dari skala baru dan s-grit, dan korelasi positif antara skor work-ethics profile dari skala baru dan s-grit. Ini menunjukkan bahwa skala grit yang baru memiliki validitas yang cukup tinggi karena kesesuaiannya dengan validitas skala s-grit. Namun, berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, penelitian kedepannya dapat meningkatkan nilai item discrimination index untuk meningkatkan validitas dan keumuman skala grit baru.
The aim of this study is to develop a new grit scale with reference to the established grit scale by Duckworth and colleagues 2007 . Specifically, the purpose of this study is to discover whether the redeveloped grit scale will yield the same outcome as the previous grit scale while maintaining validity and reliability. To establish the validity of the new grit scale, three empirical hypotheses are generated to examine the relationship between the scores on the new scale and scores on other measures, as well as identifying the sample characteristics of grit. Additionally, reliability analyses such as Internal Consistency and Item Discrimination Index were also conducted to strengthen the new scale rsquo;s validity. The new grit scale was high in internal consistency and most items had reasonable item discrimination indices. Results showed that that all hypotheses were supported such that a positive correlation was found between the scores of the new grit scale and short grit scale, scores of the new grit scale positively correlate to scores on conscientiousness and scores of the new grit scale positively correlate to scores on work ethics profile. This indicated that the new measurement scale has decent validity. However, further research should focus on improving item discrimination index to strengthen validity of the new grit scale and increase generalizability.
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Griewank, Andreas
Abstrak :
Algorithmic, or automatic, differentiation (AD) is a growing area of theoretical research and software development concerned with the accurate and efficient evaluation of derivatives for function evaluations given as computer programs. The resulting derivative values are useful for all scientific computations that are based on linear, quadratic, or higher order approximations to nonlinear scalar or vector functions. AD has been applied in particular to optimization, parameter identification, nonlinear equation solving, the numerical integration of differential equations, and combinations of these. Apart from quantifying sensitivities numerically, AD also yields structural dependence information, such as the sparsity pattern and generic rank of Jacobian matrices. The field opens up an exciting opportunity to develop new algorithms that reflect the true cost of accurate derivatives and to use them for improvements in speed and reliability. This second edition has been updated and expanded to cover recent developments in applications and theory, including an elegant NP completeness argument by Uwe Naumann and a brief introduction to scarcity, a generalization of sparsity. There is also added material on checkpointing and iterative differentiation. To improve readability the more detailed analysis of memory and complexity bounds has been relegated to separate, optional chapters.The book consists of three parts: a stand-alone introduction to the fundamentals of AD and its software; a thorough treatment of methods for sparse problems; and final chapters on program-reversal schedules, higher derivatives, nonsmooth problems and iterative processes. Each of the 15 chapters concludes with examples and exercises.
Philadelphia: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2008
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ita Yulita
Abstrak :
Sistem monitoring dan evaluasi program pembelajaran di Politeknik Kesehatan Jakarta I Jurusan Kesehatan Gigi belum berjalan optimal dan komponen pendidikan yang dinilai hanya mahasiswa. Indikator yang digunakan belum mewakili sebagai ukuran kemajuan dan keberhasilan Proses Belajar Mengajar. Penyimpanan dan pengelolaan data pembelajaran pun masih dilakukan secara manual sehingga membutuhkan waktu lama untuk menghasilkan informasi. Identifikasi indikator program pembelajaran dan pengembangan indikator baru yang bermanfaat, mewakili, dan robust dilakukan untuk mengukur kualitas program pembelajaran. Dan untuk keterpaduan pengelolaan data dibangunlah model aplikasi basis data sesuai rujukan indikator yang telah dikembangkan sehingga menghasilkan keluaran sesuai kebutuhan program. Proses pengembangan sistem informasi menerapkan langkah-langkah dalam System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara mendalarn, observasi, dan telaah dokumen sebagai metode pengumpulan datanya. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah suatu prototype penunjang sistem informasi untuk monitoring dan evaluasi program pembelajaran dengan perangkat lunak aplikasi siap pakai. Uji coba menunjukkan bahwa sistem berjalan sesuai rujukan indikator yang telah ditetapkan. Keberhasilan uji coba menyimpulkan bahwa pengembangan indikator telah dilakukan, perangkat lunak aplikasi telah dirancang, dan dengan dukungan sistem manajemen basis data, dapat dihasilkan keluaran yang disajikan secara menarik sesuai rujukan indikator. Untuk efektifitas implementasi sistem dibutuhkan kornitmen tinggi untuk menjalankan proses monitoring dan evaluasi program pembelajaran dengan memanfaatkan sistem yang telah dikembangkan, dan ditunjang dengan kelayakan spesifikasi perangkat keras serta sumber daya manusia pengelola basis data. Daftar bacaan : 38 (1986-2002)
Monitoring and evaluating system on teaching program in Jakarta I Health Polytechnic, Department of Dental Health has not progress optimal yet and educational component which counted only student. This indicator is not representative for assessment the progress and successfulness of teaching process. Data storing and management still manually and need too much time to presenting information. Indicators identification of teaching program and developing the new indicators that useful, representative, and robust conducted to measure teaching program quality. Database application mode established for integrated data management as reference by developed indicators to produce output as program needs. Development process of information system implemented the steps in System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) using in-depth interview, observation, and documents appraisal as data collecting method. The result is a prototype to support information system of monitoring and evaluating the teaching program, with application software that ready to use. Test drive of this prototype showed that system works as reference indicators that have determined. Success of test drive conclude that indicators development has been done, application software has been designed, and with support by database management system, could produce output as reference indicators. For effectiveness of system, implementation need high commitment to do monitoring and evaluating process of teaching program by using system that have developed, and supported by reliability of hardware and human resources for database management. Bibliography : 38 (1986 - 2002)
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yossi Ahmad Falah
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas Perencanaan Strategis, Monitoring dan Evaluasi dalam Integrasi Program Pemberdayaan Berbasis Pondok Pesantren/Madrasah oleh YBM-BRI Studi Kasus pada Pondok Pesantren Al-Wutsqo, Depok . YBM-BRI melakukan beberapa tahapan proses perencanaan strategis akan tetapi tidak menghasilkan dokumen perencanaan strategis yang terpadu, padahal sebagai sebuah Organisasi Pelayanan Manusia Human Service Organisation/HSO hendaknya sudah memiliki dokumen perencanaan strategis. Monitoring dan Evaluasi sudah dilengkapi dengan instrumen yang lengkap dan berfungsi sebagai alat evaluasi bagi keberlanjutan program. YBM-BRI berintegrasi secara program dan bekerjasama dengan Kementerian/Lembaga dalam proses perencanaan dan implementasinya.
The focus of this study is Strategic Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation in Integration Based Empowerment Program Pesantren Madrasah by YBM BRI with a case study in Pondok Pesantren Al Wutsqo, Depok. YBM BRI has conducted several stages of the strategic planning process but will not produce a unified strategic planning document, but as an Human Service Organisation HSO should already have a strategic planning document. Monitoring and Evaluation is equipped with a complete instrument and serves as an evaluation tool for the sustainability of the program. YBM BRI integrate the program and cooperation with the Ministry Agency in the process of planning and implementation.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irma Budyartiningsih
Abstrak :
Efektifitas Diklatpim Tingkat III terhadap kinerja Pegawai Negeri Sipil di Lingkungan Pemerintah Daerah Provinsi "X" selama ini belum pernah diadakan evaluasi. Selama ini Diklatpim Tk. III berjalan begitu saja seakan-akan sebagai suatu keharusan yang harus diemban oleh setiap pegawai yang akan atau sudah duduk di jabatan struktural eselon III. Selama ini evaluasi terhadap Diklatpim Tk. III yang dikaitkan dengan kinerja pegawai belum dilakukan, sedangkan sebetulnya hal tersebut sangat penting untuk dilakukan. Berdasarkan hasil observasi dan wawancara temyata memang ada beberapa keluhan baik dari atasan peserta Diktat ataupun peserta sendiri mengenai efektifitas Diklatpim Tk. III terhadap peningkatan kinerja. Selama ini memang ada evaluasi tetapi yang berkisar pada penyelenggaraan Diklatpim TK. III saja. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut maka penulis berusaha untuk memberikan alternatif salah satu pemecahan masalahnya yaitu dengan mempertimbangkan level-level evaluasi pelatihan sesuai teori Five Level Framework dari Phillips. Untuk mengetahui efektifitas Diklatpim Tk. III terhadap kinerja, maka perlu diadakan evaluasi terhadap program dimaksud dikaitkan dengan kinerja. Evaluasi yang akan dilakukan adalah evaluasi Diklatpim Tk. III bagi pegawai yang akan mengikuti Diklatpim Tk. III. Evaluasi Diktat menurut penulis dengan membuat suatu bentuk evaluasi minimal di level 3 yaitu Job application. Metode yang dipakai dalam mengevaluasi adalah dengan Pretest dan Postest. Yaitu evaluasi tersebut diberikan kepada pegawai sebelum mengikuti Diktat dan setelah mengikuti Diktat dan pada pegawai yang sama. Untuk lebih mengembangkan sistem evaluasi ini, dilakukan sosialisasi baik kepada atasan maupun pegawai sehingga diharapkan evaluasi level 3 dipahami dan diterapkan oleh seluruh pegawai. Rancangan evaluasi ini diharapkan pula dapat menjadi tahap awal bagi pengembangan sistem evaluasi Diklat-diklat di Pemerintah Daerah Provinsi "X".
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
This book aims at showing how big data sources and data analytics can play an important role in sustainable mobility. It is especially intended to provide academicians, researchers, practitioners and decision makers with a snapshot of methods that can be effectively used to improve urban mobility. The different chapters, which report on contributions presented at the 4th Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility, held on May 24-25, 2018, in Skiathos Island, Greece, cover different thematic areas, such as social networks and traveler behavior, applications of big data technologies in transportation and analytics, transport infrastructure and traffic management, transportation modeling, vehicle emissions and environmental impacts, public transport and demand responsive systems, intermodal interchanges, smart city logistics systems, data security and associated legal aspects. They show in particular how to apply big data in improving urban mobility, discuss important challenges in developing and implementing analytics methods and provide the reader with an up-to-date review of the most representative research on data management techniques for enabling sustainable urban mobility
Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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