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Eko Sukti Wibowo
"Nama : Eko Sukti WibowoProgram Studi : Magister Keselamatan dan Kesehatan KerjaJudul Tesis : Kajian Risiko Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan PadaFasilitas Onshore Operations PT. XYZ Tahun 2017AbstrakKebakaran hutan dan lahan merupakan kejadian yang sering terjadi di fasilitas SumatraOnshore Operations PT. XYZ. Berdasarkan statistik terdapat 22 kasus kebakaran lahanantara tahun 2013 sampai 2015, terjadi antara bulan Juli sampai Oktober. Kebakaran inimenimbulkan kerusakan aset dan menggangu kegiatan operasional di lapangan. Penelitianini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat risiko fasilitas Plant, Sumur dan Jalur pipa padaradius 25 meter terhadap bahaya kebakaran hutan dan lahan. Kemudian dapat ditentukankebijakan administratif dan teknis untuk menanggulangi dampak yang terjadi.Pengambilan data primer dalam penelitian ini adalah mengacu pada PeraturanPenanggulangan Bencana Nomor 02 Tahun 2012 Tentang Pedoman umum PengkajianRisiko Bencana. Sedangkan data sekunder diambil dari kajian risiko jalur pipa Level 1 danLevel 2 PT.XYZ. Dari hasil analisa data primer menunjukkan bahwa seluruh aset beradapada tingkat risiko rendah sampai dengan sedang terhadap bahaya kebakaran hutan danlahan. Aset dengan nilai indeks kerentanan paling tinggi sebesar 1.5 adalah sumur 13,jalur pipa 2, 3, 13, 14 dan trunk line. Sedangkan tingkat kapasitas berada pada tingkatindeks sedang dan tinggi.Sedangkan berdasarkan kajian risiko jalur pipa level 1 dan 2, terdapat beberapa jalur pipayang memiliki tingkat risiko yang Signifikan. Hal ini disebabkan oleh faktor korosi akbiatkerusakan coating. Untuk aset yang tidak memenuhi kriteria penerimaan PT. XYZ, sudahditerapkan proses mitigasi yang tepat dan terancana. Kebijakan penanggulangan bencanayang dilakukan adalah rutin revalidasi dokumen kajian risiko, evaluasi ulang strategiprogram surveillance dan land clearing, inspeksi dan program perlindungan jalur pipa,pelatihan tim tanggap darurat dan penduduk lokal, dll.Kata kunci: Kajian Risiko, Kebakaran hutan lahan, Jalur Pipa, PT. XYZ.
ABSTRACTName Eko Sukti WibowoStudy Program Magister Occupational Health and SafetyTitle Forest and Land Fire Risk Assessment at SumatraOnshore Operations Facilities of PT.XYZ Year 2017AbstractForest and land fire are recurring event at Sumatra Onshore Operations Facilities ofPT.XYZ. Statistic shows that there were 22 cases reported during 2013 until 2015, occurredamong May until October. This fire causing asset damaged and interrupted operationalactivities at field. This research is conducted to define risk level of Plant, Well and Flowlinewithin radius 25 meters from forest and land fire. Then able to determine administrativeand technical action to mitigate it effect.Primary data in this research was taken refer to lsquo Peraturan Penanggulangan BencanaNomor 02 Tahun 2012 Tentang Pedoman umum Pengkajian Risiko Bencana rsquo . Meanwhile,the secondary data taken from pipeline risk assessment Level 1 and Level 2 of PT. XYZ.The analysis results of primary data shows that all A1 assets have low up to medium risklevel to forest and land fire hazards. Asset which has highest vulnerability index 1.5 areWell 13, flowline 2, 3, 13, 14 and Trunk line. Meanwhile the capacity index on medium high level.Then based on pipeline risk assessment level 1 and 2, there are some flowlines withsignificant risk level. It caused by external corrotions factors due to coating breakdown.However proper mitigation plan has been implemented specific for assets aren rsquo t meet withrisk acceptance criteria of PT. XYZ. Strategies that should be developed to mitigate impactare regular revalidation risk assessment study, re evaluate strategy surveillance and landclearing program, inspection and flowline protection programs, training socializationemergency respond team and local community, etc.Key words Risk Assessment, Forest and land Fire, Flowline, PT. XYZ"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
I Made Adi Wardana
Pengembangan lapangan gas laut dalam memiliki tantangan teknis, terkait fasilitas
produksi dan teknologi untuk dapat memproduksikan migas pada kondisi
lingkungan yang ekstrem. Disamping itu, biaya yang diperlukan lebih besar
dibandingkan pengembangan lapangan laut dangkal. Dalam penelitian ini
dilakukan analisa secara teknis dan ekonomis terhadap pengembangan lapangan
gas laut dalam di Selat Makasar dengan metode subsea tieback, dengan
memanfaatkan kapasitas tersedia dari floating production unit (FPU) yang sudah
ada. Analisa teknis meliputi penentuan ukuran pipa (flowline) optimal, yang dapat
memenuhi target deliverabilitas gas, memenuhi kriteria teknis lainnya, serta
analisa flow assurance, khususnya mitigasi hidrat untuk menjamin
keberlangsungan aliran fluida dari sumur bawah laut hingga ke titik jual. Dari
analisa teknis akan didapatkan beberapa konfigurasi ukuran pipa dan mitigasi
hidrat. Analisa ekonomi meliputi perhitungan biaya investasi untuk setiap opsi
yang memenuhi kriteria teknis, kemudian dilanjutkan penghitungan parameter
keekonomian berdasarkan aturan Production Sharing Contract (PSC) yang
berlaku di Indonesia. Dengan harga gas 6 US$/mmbtu, didapatkan nilai
Government Take (GT) 609 juta US$ dan Internal rate of Return (IRR) 15.13%.
Sensitivitas analisis dilakukan dengan variasi harga jual gas dan mengubah
besaran kontraktor split untuk meningkatkan IRR sehingga dapat mencapai nilai
yang masih dapat diterima dari sisi Kontraktor. Untuk mendapatkan IRR yang
lebih besar dari 20%, diperlukan kontraktor split sebesar 48%. Hasil analisa
keekonomian dapat menjadi pertimbangan dalam penentuan besaran kontraktor
split untuk pengembangan lapangan gas laut dalam.

Deepwater gas field development has technical challenges, related to production
facilities and technology that can be used for producing oil and gas in the extreme
ambient conditions. The required cost is also higher than shallow water. This
research analyzed technical and economical aspect of deepwater gas field
development at Makasar Strait using subsea tieback method, which utilize the
available capacity from existing Floating Production Unit (FPU). Technical
analysis include selection the optimum flowline size, which meet the gas
deliverability and other criteria as well. It also cover the flow assurance analysis,
particularly hydrate mitigation, to ensure the flow continuity of oil and gas from
subsea well to the sales point. Economic analysis include the calculation of
investment cost on each option that meet the technical criteria above. Then
continued with calculation of economic parameter based on applicable Indonesia
Production Sharing Contract (PSC) scheme. With gas price of 6 US$/mmbtu, will
give Government Take (GT) of 609 million US$ and Internal rate of Return
(IRR) 15.13%. Sensitivity analysis has been done by varrying the gas sale price
and changing the percentage of contractor split to increase the IRR to meet the
value that still acceptable from Contractor side. Contractor split of 48% is
required to achieve IRR higher than 20%. This economic analysis result could
become a consideration in defining the percentage of Contractor Split for
deepwater gas development.;Deepwater gas field development has technical challenges, related to production
facilities and technology that can be used for producing oil and gas in the extreme
ambient conditions. The required cost is also higher than shallow water. This
research analyzed technical and economical aspect of deepwater gas field
development at Makasar Strait using subsea tieback method, which utilize the
available capacity from existing Floating Production Unit (FPU). Technical
analysis include selection the optimum flowline size, which meet the gas
deliverability and other criteria as well. It also cover the flow assurance analysis,
particularly hydrate mitigation, to ensure the flow continuity of oil and gas from
subsea well to the sales point. Economic analysis include the calculation of
investment cost on each option that meet the technical criteria above. Then
continued with calculation of economic parameter based on applicable Indonesia
Production Sharing Contract (PSC) scheme. With gas price of 6 US$/mmbtu, will
give Government Take (GT) of 609 million US$ and Internal rate of Return
(IRR) 15.13%. Sensitivity analysis has been done by varrying the gas sale price
and changing the percentage of contractor split to increase the IRR to meet the
value that still acceptable from Contractor side. Contractor split of 48% is
required to achieve IRR higher than 20%. This economic analysis result could
become a consideration in defining the percentage of Contractor Split for
deepwater gas development., Deepwater gas field development has technical challenges, related to production
facilities and technology that can be used for producing oil and gas in the extreme
ambient conditions. The required cost is also higher than shallow water. This
research analyzed technical and economical aspect of deepwater gas field
development at Makasar Strait using subsea tieback method, which utilize the
available capacity from existing Floating Production Unit (FPU). Technical
analysis include selection the optimum flowline size, which meet the gas
deliverability and other criteria as well. It also cover the flow assurance analysis,
particularly hydrate mitigation, to ensure the flow continuity of oil and gas from
subsea well to the sales point. Economic analysis include the calculation of
investment cost on each option that meet the technical criteria above. Then
continued with calculation of economic parameter based on applicable Indonesia
Production Sharing Contract (PSC) scheme. With gas price of 6 US$/mmbtu, will
give Government Take (GT) of 609 million US$ and Internal rate of Return
(IRR) 15.13%. Sensitivity analysis has been done by varrying the gas sale price
and changing the percentage of contractor split to increase the IRR to meet the
value that still acceptable from Contractor side. Contractor split of 48% is
required to achieve IRR higher than 20%. This economic analysis result could
become a consideration in defining the percentage of Contractor Split for
deepwater gas development.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tambunan, Alex Gevaert
Studi ini merupakan kajian mengenai pengaruh skenario Wellhead Cluster, Flowline dan fasilitas pemisahan gas asam atau Acid Gas Removal Unit (AGRU), terhadap investasi yang diperlukan dalam pengembangan suatu lapangan gas baru. Terdapat dua skenario Wellhead Cluster, dimana dalam Skenario-1 diasumsikan gas dari setiap Wellhead Cluster akan dialirkan langsung oleh Flowline menuju Separator dan fasilitas AGRU yang terdapat di CPP (Central Processing Plant), sedangkan dalam Skenario-2 diasumsikan Separator dan fasilitas AGRU terletak di salah satu Wellhead Cluster. Sweet gas, Produced Water dan Condensate hasil proses dialirkan dengan pipeline menuju CPP. Biaya investasi untuk masingmasing skenario akan dibandingkan dengan menggunakan variasi bebas : tekanan parsial H2S, laju alir dan jarak antara Wellhead Cluster dengan CPP.
Hasil penelitian menyarankan bahwa Skenario-2 lebih baik karena membutuhkantotal biaya investasi yang lebih kecil dibanding Skenario-1, kecuali untuk kondisi dimana laju alir maksimum 10 MMSCFD dan jarak antara Wellhead Cluster dengan CPP hingga 1 km, dimana Skenario-1 lebih baik dibandingkan dengan Skenario-2.

This study is about the influence of Wellhead Cluster scenario, Flowline and Acid Gas Removal Unit (AGRU) toward investment needed in developing new gas field. There are two scenarios, where in Scenario-1 it is assumed that gas from each Wellhead Cluster will go directly by Flowline to Separator and AGRU facility which is located in CPP (Central Processing Plant). Meanwhile in Scenario-2, it is assumed that Separator and AGRU facility are located in one of the Wellhead Clusters. Sweet gas, Produced Water and Condensate output from the process are delivered to CPP by pipeline. Investment cost for each scenario will be checked using free variation : H2S partial pressure, flow rate and distance between Wellhead Cluster and CPP.
The study which results that Scenario-2 is better then Scenario-1, because it requires less investment cost compared to Scenario-1, except for condition where maximum flow rate is 10 MMSCFD and distance between Wellhead Cluster to CPP is up to 1 km, then Scenario-1 is better than Scenario-2.;This study is about the influence of Wellhead Cluster scenario, Flowline and Acid Gas Removal Unit (AGRU) toward investment needed in developing new gas field. There are two scenarios, where in Scenario-1 it is assumed that gas from each Wellhead Cluster will go directly by Flowline to Separator and AGRU facility which is located in CPP (Central Processing Plant). Meanwhile in Scenario-2, it is assumed that Separator and AGRU facility are located in one of the Wellhead Clusters. Sweet gas, Produced Water and Condensate output from the process are delivered to CPP by pipeline. Investment cost for each scenario will be checked using free variation : H2S partial pressure, flow rate and distance between Wellhead Cluster and CPP.
The study which results that Scenario-2 is better then Scenario-1, because it requires less investment cost compared to Scenario-1, except for condition where maximum flow rate is 10 MMSCFD and distance between Wellhead Cluster to CPP is up to 1 km, then Scenario-1 is better than Scenario-2.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dito Iandiano
"Material baja karbon merupakan material yang umum dipakai sebagai pipa penyalur, baik flowline maupun pipeline proses produksi gas alam. Penggunaan material baja pada proses tersebut seringkali menghadapi masalah yang berkaitan dengan korosi yaitu terjadinya kebocoran akibat pengaruh adanya gas CO2 yang terlarut dalam media air dan bersifat korosif (asam). Dalam upaya mengatasi masalah tersebut di atas, perlu diketahui besaran laju korosi material baja akibat pengaruh gas CO2 terlarut.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan studi laju korosi material baja yang digunakan pada proses produksi gas alam yang mengandung CO2 dalam berbagai kondisi yang mewakili kondisi sesungguhnya di dalam aplikasi seperti pengaruh tekanan parsial CO2, komposisi larutan, dan temperatur. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metoda uji polarisasi.
Hasil dari penelitian ini akan merefleksikan besaran laju korosi yang terjadi pada pipa penyalur gas alam akibat pengaruh CO2 terlarut. Laju korosi baja karbon pada lingkungan yang mengandung CO2 berkisar antara 15 - 28 mpy. Laju korosi yang tinggi ini akan membahayakan flowline dan pipeline penyalur gas alam sehingga dibutuhkan suatu metode proteksi untuk mencegah terjadinya kegagalan akibat proses korosi yang terjadi.
Hasil dari penelitian ini merupakan tahap awal, sebagai bahan masukan untuk melakukan upaya penanggulangan (proteksi) agar tidak terjadi kebocoran flowline dan pipeline akibat korosi CO2 sesuai dengan umur pakai (life time) yang telah dirancang.

Carbon steel is commonly used as flowline and pipeline in natural gas production process. However, the use of this steel often face problems related to corrosion, such as leakage due to effect of dissolved CO2 in water that causes corrosive environment (acid). In order to overcome this problem, further study must be carried out about corrosion rate model of this steel in dissolved CO2 condition.
The aim of this research is to study corrosion rate of steel as flowline and pipeline in natural gas production process with CO2 content and variety of conditions that represent the actual conditions in practice such as CO2 partial pressure, solution composition, and temperature. Research conducted by polarization test.
The result of this study will illustrate the level of corrosion rate occurred in natural gas pipelines due to the effect of dissolved CO2. Corrosion rate of carbon steel in environments containing CO2 ranged between 15-28 mpy. The high corrosion rate observed would damage natural gas transmission flowline and pipeline. Consequently, a protection method is required to prevent flowline and pipeline failure due to such corrosion.
The result of this study is the first step, as an input for prevention efforts, to prevent leakage of flowline and pipeline due to corrosion of CO2 appropriate with the lifetime that has been designed.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library