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Ditemukan 10 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Jakarta: Lembaga Krimilogi UI, 1977
614.1 UNI l
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Knight, Bernard
Sydney: Cavendish, 1998
614.1 KNI l
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Butler, John M.
Amsterdam ; Boston: Elsevier Academic Press, 2015
616.042 BUT a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Robbins, Clarence R.
Abstrak :
Human hair is the subject of a remarkably wide range of scientific investigations. Its chemical and physical properties are of importance to the cosmetics industry, forensic scientists and to biomedical researchers. The fifth edition of this book confirms its position as the definitive monograph on the subject.
Berlin: [, Springer], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Diagnostic errors are important in all branches of medicine because they are an indication of poor patient care. As the number of malpractice cases continues to grow, radiologists will become increasingly involved in litigation. The aetiology of radiological error is multi-factorial. This book focuses on (1) some medico-legal aspects inherent to radiology (radiation exposure related to imaging procedures and malpractice issues related to contrast media administration are discussed in detail) and on (2) the spectrum of diagnostic errors in radiology. Communication issues between the radiologists and physicians and between the radiologists and patients are also presented. Every radiologist should understand the sources of error in diagnostic radiology as well as the elements of negligence that form the basis of malpractice litigation.
Milan: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arif Wahyono
Abstrak :
Meningkatnya kasus-kasus kriminalitas dan bencana massal baik yang di akibatkan oleh atas maupun ulah manusia semakin memperkuat pentingnya penerapan ilmu kedokteran forensik. Pemeriksaan autopsi yang dilakukan terhadap korban akan sangat membantu pemecahan masalah tersebut. Korban yang diperiksa secara forensik bisa berupa mayat yang masih segar, sudah membusuk lanjut, hangus terbakar, berupa potongan tubuh atau berupa kerangka yang terkait kasus pembunuhan, kecelakaan maupun bunuh diri. Salah satu pemeriksaan forensik yang perlu dilakukan adalah identifikasi personal. Identifikasi adalah cara untuk mengenali jati diri korban. Prinsip identifikasi personal adalah membandingkan antara data antemortem dan data post mortem. Prinsip identifikasi adalah semakin banyak data yang terkumpul akan memperkuat identifikasi. Sedangkan data yang tidak sesuai akan menyingkirkan ekslusi) Pada identifikasi dikumpulkan beberapa data yang meliputi data mengenai usia, jenis kelamin, tinggi badan, berat badan, ciri tertentu misalnya kelainan khas seperti cacat, patah tulang, penyakit tertentu, tahi lalat, tato, kelainan radiologis tertentu serta sidik jari DNA. Tinggi badan merupakan salah satu data yang perlu dikumpulkan pada identifikasi personal. Perkiraan tinggi badan diperlukan agaar proses penentuan identifikasi menjadi lebih terarah. Proses perkiraan tinggi badan akan lebih sulit apabila mayat ditemukan dalam kondisi yang telah hangus terbakar atau hanya berupa potongan tubuh manusia. Angka kejadiaan ditemukannya mayat tidak utuh pada tahun 2002 - 2003 di Bagian Forensik FKUI adalah sebanyak 12 (dua belas) kasus, sedangkan pada tahun 2004 hanya sebanyak 5 ( lima) kasus. Pada semua kasus tersebut, semua korban berhasil diidentifikasi. Dasar perkiraan tinggi badan pada mayat tidak lengkap adanya korelasi antara panjang bagian tubuh dengan tinggi badan. Perkiraan tinggi badan pada kasus - kasus tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan salah satu metode sebagai berikut : 1.Faktor multipikasi : bilangan yang menyatakan faktor pengali terhadap panjang bagian tubuh sehingga diperoleh tinggi badan. TB= FMXT 2.Ratio porposi : bilangan yang menyatakan panjang bagian tubuh terhadap tinggi badan dalam bentuk prosentasi. TB = 100 X T T = panjang bagian Ratio tubuh 3.Rumus regersi : rumus yang menyatakan hubungan liner antara panjang tubuh dengan tinggi badan, TB=aT +b Berbagai metode perhitungan tinggi badan yang ada pada saat ini umumnya mengkaitkan tinggi badan dengan panjang tulang panjang atau bagian tulang panjang atau tulang vertebra.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putri Dianita Ika Meilia
Abstrak :
Pendapat ahli yang disampaikan dalam proses hukum harus dapat dipertanggungjawabkan secara ilmiah, yang dikenal dengan evidence-based practice (EBP). Dalam kedokteran forensik, EBP belum diterapkan secara eksplisit, termasuk di Indonesia. Salah satu pendekatan potensial untuk merumuskan pendapat ahli berbasis bukti disebut dengan INFERENCE (INtegration of Forensic Epidemiology and the Rigorous EvaluatioN of Causation Elements). Selain itu, belum ada pedoman universal untuk membuat laporan patologi forensik. Salah satu pedoman yang potensial bernama PERFORM-P (Principles of evidence-based Reporting in FORensic Medicine-Pathology version). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode campuran (mixed-methods) melalui lima tahapan yang saling terkait yaitu (1) survei potong lintang untuk mengetahui karakteristik dokter forensik Indonesia dan praktiknya saat ini, (2) proses adaptasi dan validasi kedua alat tersebut melalui review oleh Kolegium Ilmu Kedokteran Forensik Indonesia, (3) studi pre-post intervention satu kelompok untuk menilai validitas dan reliabilitas pendapat ahli kedokteran forensik yang diformulasikan menggunakan i-INFERENCE (Indonesian-INFERENCE) dan dilaporkan menggunakan i-PERFORM-P (Indonesian-PERFORM-P), (4) studi kasus analitik menggunakan i-INFERENCE, dan (5) diskusi kelompok terfokus untuk mengeksplorasi kepuasan pelanggan terhadap i-INFERENCE dan i-PERFORM-P. Seluruh penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Jakarta (secara luring dan daring) sejak bulan Desember 2017 sampai Juli 2022. i-INFERENCE dan i-PERFORM-P dapat meningkatkan validitas pendapat ahli kedokteran forensik. Kedua alat tersebut berpotensi untuk digunakan dalam setting Indonesia dengan beberapa tambahan/klarifikasi dalam pedoman pengguna. Keduanya juga mendapat sambutan yang umumnya positif, baik dari pengguna potensial (dokter forensik Indonesia) maupun oleh konsumen (jaksa dan hakim) meskipun diperlukan upaya lebih dalam menggunakannya. Peserta membayangkan bahwa kedua alat tersebut akan sangat berguna dalam kasus yang rumit. Dengan adanya i-INFERENCE dan i-PERFORM-P dokter forensik Indonesia diharapkan lebih siap dalam menganalisis dan melaporkan kasus yang kompleks, serta implementasi EBP dapat ditingkatkan. ......Expert opinions presented in legal proceedings should be scientifically accountable, which is known as evidence-based practice (EBP). In forensic medicine, EBP has not been explicitly applied, including in Indonesia. One potential approach to formulate evidence-based expert opinions is called INFERENCE (INtegration of Forensic Epidemiology and the Rigorous EvaluatioN of Causation Elements). Additionally, there is also no universal guideline for making forensic pathological reports. One prospective guideline is the PERFORM-P (Principles of Evidencebased Reporting in FORensic Medicine-Pathology version). This study uses a mixed-method through five interrelated phases, i.e., (1) a cross-sectional survey to determine the characteristics of Indonesian forensic doctors and their current practice, (2) the adaptation and validation process of the two tools through a review by the Indonesian College of Forensic Medicine, (3) a one-group pre-post intervention study to assess the validity and reliability of forensic medical expert opinions formulated using i-INFERENCE (Indonesian-INFERENCE) and reported using i-PERFORM-P (Indonesian-PERFORM-P), (4) an analytic case study using i-INFERENCE, and (5) a focused group discussion to explore customer satisfaction towards i-INFERENCE and i-PERFORM-P. This study was conducted in Jakarta (online and offline) from December 2017 until July 2022. i-INFERENCE and iPERFORM-P can increase the validity of forensic medical expert opinions. Both tools can potentially be used in the Indonesian setting with some additions/clarifications in the user manuals. They also received a generally positive reception, both by potensial user (Indonesian forensic medical doctors) and by consumers (public prosecutors and judges) albeit the extra effort that is needed in using them. Participants envision that both tools will be most useful in complex cases. By obtaining the i-INFERENCE and the i-PERFORM-P, Indonesian forensic medical doctors are better equipped in analyzing and reporting complex cases, and the implementation of EBP can be improved.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
This text focuses on contemporary injury research methods. It covers recent developments in theories, methods, concepts, and techniques in injury research and includes quantitative, qualitative, experimental and observational methods from multiple disciplines.
New York: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Khan, JaVed I.
Abstrak :
Basic principles of forensic chemistry is designed to provide a clear and concise understanding of forensic chemistry. The text begins with an introduction to the basic principles of chemistry and expands through organic chemistry into forensic investigation. The detailed chapters focus on both the theoretical and practical aspects of forensic chemistry with emphasis on controlled substance testing and identification. In addition, the text contains a comprehensive collection of information and data on controlled substances commonly encountered in forensic investigation including, detailed structural analysis, physical and physiological effects, functional group reactivity, and results of analytical examination. Also illustrated is arguably the greatest challenge to the forensic chemist. The investigation and processing of clandestine laboratory operations. The Forensic Chemistry Laboratory Manual is included on a CD-ROM and contains a collection of practical exercises designed to support theoretical principles covered in the text.
New York: Springer Science, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
There is an increasing need for legal knowledge in the relationship between dentist and patient, as more and more often the dentist and the patient are meeting again in court. It is therefore advisable for the dentist to be familiar with the basics of law as it relates to dentistry, and especially the law of tort (including negligence and breach of duty of care). In addition, of course, dentists may be called upon to give evidence as impartial experts in legal cases. This book both explains in detail diverse aspects of the law relating to dentistry and examines key issues in forensic odontostomatology. A central aim is to enable the dentist to achieve a realistic assessment of the legal situation and to reduce uncertainties and liability risk. To this end, experts from across the world discuss the dental law in their own countries, covering both civil and criminal law and highlighting key aspects such as patient rights, insurance, and compensation. In the section on forensic odontostomatology, extensive guidance is provided on development of the dentition, clinical findings and documentation, personal identification, age estimation, and the nature and significance of bite, tooth, and lip marks. This book will be an interesting and helpful source of information for all who practice in the field of dentistry as well as forensic scientists, lawyers, investigative a330nd identification authorities, criminologists, prosecutors, insurance agents, and students.
Heidelberg: Springer, 2014
614.18 FOR
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library