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Devina Permatasari
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Amenore primer merupakan gangguan pada siklus menstruasi wanita. 11,1% wanita remaja menunjukkan keluhan ginekologi terkait menstruasi. Prevalensi kasus amenore primer terjadi pada 0,1–2% wanita usia reproduksi. Amenore primer dapat disebabkan sex reversal female (kromosom 46XY) atau sindrom Turner (45X). Abnormalitas perkembangan genitalia eksterna merupakan manifestasi dari gangguan kromosom. Belum ada penelitian yang mengkaji hubungan antara presentasi genitalia eksterna dengan genotip kromosom seks pada pasien amenore primer di Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM), Jakarta. Tujuan: Mengetahui tampilan genitalia eksterna pada pasien amenore primer di RSCM, Jakarta dan hubungannya dengan kejadian ambiguitas genitalia. Metode: Penelitian ini dilakukan desain studi dengan potong lintang secara retrospektif menggunakan rekam medis pasien amenore primer Departemen Obstetri dan Ginekologi RSCM periode Januari tahun 2018-2020. Data diolah menggunakan program Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) versi 20. Uji hipotesis akan dilakukan menggunakan uji Chi-Square atau Fisher’s exact test. Hasil: 65 rekam medis amenore primer yang melakukan analisa genetika berhasil dikumpulkan. 90,77% (n=59) kasus amenore primer bergenitalia eksterna normal dan 9,23% (n=9) bergenitalia ambigu. Seluruh kasus genitalia ambigu berkarakteristik pembesaran klitoris dengan 1 kasus juga diamati phallus genital. Hanya 53,8% kasus yang memiliki kromosom perempuan normal, 46XX. Hubungan signifikan didapatkan antara ambiguitas genitalia eksterna dan abnormalitas kromosom seks (p=0,042) Simpulan: Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara ambiguitas genitalia eksterna serta tidak normalnya hasil analisa kromosom seks pada pasien amenore primer di Departemen Obstetri dan Ginekologi RSCM periode Januari tahun 2018-2020.
Background: Primary amenorrhea is a disorder of a woman's menstrual cycle. 11.1% of adolescent women showed gynecological complaints related to menstruation. The prevalence of primary amenorrhea cases occurs in 0.1–2% of women of reproductive age. Primary amenorrhea can be caused by female sex reversal (chromosome 46XY) or Turner syndrome (45X). Abnormalities in the development of external genitalia are a manifestation of chromosomal disorders. There are no studies that have examined the relationship between external genitalia presentation and sex chromosome genotypes in primary amenorrhea patients at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM), Jakarta. Goal: Finding the characteristic the appearance of external genitalia in primary amenorrhea patients at RSCM, Jakarta and its relationship with the incidence of genital ambiguity Method: This study was conducted with a retrospective cross-sectional study design using the medical records of primary amenorrhea patients from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology RSCM January 2018-2020. Data were processed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) program version 20. Hypothesis testing will be carried out using the Chi-Square test or Fisher's exact test. Result: 65 medical records of primary amenorrhea that performed genetic analysis were collected. 90.77% (n = 59) cases of primary amenorrhea with external genitalia were normal and 9.23% (n = 9) had ambiguous genitalia. All cases of ambiguous genitalia were characterized by clitoral enlargement with 1 case also observed for the genital phallus. Only 53.8% of cases had a normal female chromosome, 46XX. There was a significant relationship between external genital ambiguity and sex chromosome abnormalities (p = 0.042). Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between external genital ambiguity and abnormal results of sex chromosome analysis in primary amenorrhea patients in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of RSCM for the period January 2018-2020 (p<0,05).
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ratna Sari Dewi
Abstrak :
Status higienitas genitalia yang tidak terjaga dengan baik pada perempuan dapat menyebabkan terjadinya transmisi bakteri dari anus ke orifisium uretra dan vagina sehingga dapat menyebabkan terjadinya infeksi pada sistem urogenital. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran status higienitas genitalia mahasiswi di Universitas wilayah Depok serta determinannya. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah Cross sectional dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 365 responden. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan cara Cluster Sampling. Hasil analisis multivariat dengan menggunakan Regresi logistik menunjukkan bahwa determinan status higienitas genitalia adalah kebiasaan berkemih (p = 0,024), kebiasaan menggunakan pakaian dalam (p = 0,011) dan jenis fakultas (p = 0,023). Hasil penelitian ini merekomendasikan kepada mahasiswi untuk menjaga area genitalia tetap kering setelah berkemih dan membawa cadangan pakaian dalam saat bepergian.
Genital hygiene status is not well preserved in women can cause transmission of bacteria from the anus to the urethra and vaginal orifice so that it can cause an infection in the urogenital system. The purpose of this research is to get the picture of genital hygiene status and its determinants in female university students at several universities in Depok. This study uses a Cross sectional method. A questioner was completed by 365 female university students which were taken by Cluster sampling. A Multivariate analysis with Logistic Regression reveals the determinants of genital hygiene status which involve voiding habits (p = 0,024), underwear used (p = 0,011) and type of faculty (p = 0,023). The result from this study recommends the students to keep their genital area dry after voiding and bring extra panty when going out.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wildatun Aziza
Abstrak :
Ambiguous genitalia merupakan kondisi medis dimana alat kelamin seseorang tidak dapat secara sederhana ditentukan dengan tegas dan berpotensi menimbulkan permasalahan hukum karena dapat mengakibatkan kekeliruan antara identitas pada dokumen kependudukan dengan jenis kelamin seseorang yang sebenarnya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah dengan bentuk yuridis normatif dan bersifat deskriptif untuk menjelaskan pengaturan operasi penggantian kelamin di Indonesia, menjelaskan tanggung jawab dokter dan rumah sakit dalam operasi penggantian kelamin berdasarkan kondisi ambiguous genitalia dan menganalisis kedudukan ambiguous genitalia sebagai pertimbangan Hakim dalam Penetapan No. 518/Pdt.P/2013/PN.Ung. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa: (1) operasi penggantian kelamin di Indonesia diatur secara khusus dalam Kepmenkes No. 191 Tahun 1989; (2) sebagai pihak yang terlibat aktif dalam operasi penggantian kelamin, sebagai salah satu metode penanganan ambiguous genitalia, dokter dan rumah sakit memiliki tanggung jawab hukum administrasi, perdata, dan pidana; (3) ambiguous genitalia tidak disebutkan secara spesifik dalam pertimbangan Hakim pada Penetapan No. 518/Pdt.P/2013/PN.Ung namun merupakan faktor medis sebagaimana tertuang dalam keterangan saksi dan alat bukti surat, yang bersama-sama faktor yuridis, agama, dan psikologis dipertimbangkan oleh Hakim sebelum mengabulkan permohonan penggantian kelamin.  Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, penulis menyarankan beberapa hal seperti revisi dan pembentukan peraturan terkait penggantian kelamin, sosialisasi serta penelitian akademis lanjutan terkait ambiguous genitalia dan operasi penggantian kelamin.
Ambiguous genitalia is a medical condition where a persons genitals cannot be simply determined firmly and potentially cause legal problems because it can lead to errors between identity in the document of population and the actual sex of a person. The research method used in this study is a normative-descriptive juridical to explain the provisions of sex reassignment surgery in Indonesia, explain the responsibilities of doctors and hospitals in sex reassignment operations based on ambiguous conditions of genitalia; and analyze the position of ambiguous genitalia as Judges consideration in Couert Decree No. 518/Pdt.P/2013/PN.Ung. From the results of the study it was revealed that: (1) sex reassignment operations in Indonesia is specifically regulated in Kepmenkes No. 191 of 1989; (2) as parties actively involved in sex reassignment operations, doctors and hospitals have administrative, civil and criminal legal responsibilities; (3) ambiguous genitalia is not specifically mentioned in consideration of the Judge in Court Decree No. 518/Pdt.P/2013/PN.Ung but it is a medical factor as stated in the witness statement and proof of letter, which together with juridical, religious and psychological factors are considered by the Judge before granting the request for sex change. Based on the results of the study, the authors suggest several things such as revisions or establishment to the law, socialization and further academic research about ambiguous genitalia and sex reassigment surgery.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Citra Amelia
Abstrak :
Kebersihan genitalia merupakan aspek yang harus diperhatikan dengan baik pada saat remaja, karena pada saat itulah individu mengalami perubahan-perubahan pada organ reproduksinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran perilaku merawat kebersihan area genitalia. Penelitian deskriptif ini dilakukan dengan teknik total sampling pada 102 siswi SMPIT Darul Hikmah Kota Bekasi. Untuk meneliti perilaku tersebut, peneliti menggunakan instrumen yang meliputi pertanyaan terkait cara menjaga kebersihan area genitalia sehari-hari dan juga pada saat menstruasi. Hasil penelitian dengan metode cut of point menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 44,1% siswi memiliki perilaku baik, dan 55,9% siswi memiliki perilaku buruk terkait perilaku menjaga kebersihan area genitalia. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah siswi yang memiliki perilaku buruk lebih banyak dari siswi yang memiliki perilaku baik. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan kesehatan masih sangat dibutuhkan untuk remaja dalam menyikapi perubahan-perubahan yang terjadi dalam fase tumbuh kembangnya. ......Genital hygiene is very important during adolescence since individual experiences physical changes at that period. This study aimed to describe the behavior of adolescents in treating genital hygiene. This research was conducted by using total sampling technique on 102 students in SMPIT Darul Hikmah Bekasi. to measure that, the researcher used an instrument questioning students' daily and during menstruation behavior in maintaining cleanliness of their genital area. It turned out that there are 55,9% students with poor behavior, on the other hand there are 44.1% students with good behavior. It showed that health education is still needed for teenagers to address the physical changes changes that might occur in in her developmental phase.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Artika Isnanda Sarah
Abstrak :
Penekanan terhadap representasi visual, seperti tampilan fisik, kostum dan koreografi tari membuat girlband dan boyband K-pop menjadi terseksualisasi, menjadikan mereka hanya sebagai gambaran objek seksual. Pada musik video, yang merupakan media paling utama bagi girlband dan boyband K-pop generasi kedua dalam mempromosikan lagu serta menghimpun penggemar dari global, seksualisasi ini ditunjukkan dengan gambaran tubuh perempuan dan posisinya dari laki-laki. Pada tahun 2015, kecenderungan berbeda ditunjukkan oleh Brown Eyed Girls dan Stellar yang memunculkan tanda-tanda (sign) merujuk pada genital perempuan. Bahkan Big Bang, kelompok boyband juga ikut menampilkan hal serupa. Menggunakan pemikiran Julia Kristeva tentang abjeksi terhadap tubuh perempuan, tiga video tersebut dianalisa menggunakan metode semiotika pragmatis Pierce untuk menemukan makna di balik simbol-simbol yang menjadi tanda bagi subjektifitas. Dari hasil penelitian, ditemukan bahwa musik BigBang dengan lagu Bae Bae menunjukkan subjektifitas perempuan yang pasif dan aktif bagi laki-laki seperti pada ajaran Konfusius, lagu Brown Eyed Girls, menunjukkan subjektifitas perempuan pada era 1960-an yang menjadikan tubuhnya sebagai ekspresi diri dan identitas feminin, sementara musik video Stellar Vibrato menunjukkan komersialisasi tubuh dalam industri K-pop.
K-pop girlband and boyband has been emphasized visual representations on their physical appearance, costume, and dance choreography which make their own been sexualized as sexual imagery. This sexualization can also been found on On the music video, the main media for second wave K-pop to promote song and gather global fans, potrays women body and their position from man. In 2015, the sexualization coming with new trends which the sexual innuendos that refer to female genitalia is significantly appear. There are three music videos which the girlbands, Brown Eyed Girls, Stellar and Big Bang boyband showed this kind of sexual innuendos in their new single. Using the Kristeva thought and Peirce pragmatics semiotics, this research found that on Big Bang Bae Bae music video, the genitalia signs is potrayed woman and man subjectivity based on Confusianism. Meanwhile, on Brown Eyed Girls music video, the subjectivity representation is related to Korean women who in 1990?s transformed their body as expression and feminine identity. The transformation on woman thought about their mind and body is comersialized on K-pop industry which can be observed on Stellar music video.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fir Abdurrahman
Abstrak :
Amphidromus, a genus of arboreal pulmonate land snails belong to the family Camaenidae, is found in Indonesia. The total species of Amphidromus in Indonesia are almost half of the total number of species in the world. Most of these species were described before 1900. The collections of Amphidromus at the Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense, were collected after 1900.

Shell of subgenus Amphidromus rather stout, either dextral or sinistral, usually solid, and with periodical colour-stripes or varix, and shell of subgenus Syndromus always sinistral, usually thin, never marked with varix, the varietals callus usually thin and transparent.

The aim of the study is to know the diversity and distribution of Amphidromus in Indonesia based on the specimen of Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense, and also to study the difference of morphometric and genitals between subgenus Amphidromus and Syndromus. This study was carried out in the period of May - October 1996 at the Laboratory of Malacology, Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense, Bogor.

Each species was measured and described the shell measurement, shell colour, locality and the date of specimen collection. Morphometric data consist of high, diameter, and high of aperture of adult shells. Cluster analysis of morphometric data is primarily dissimilarity index Bray - Curtis's method. The difference of penial complex of genitals is counted based upon the length of epiphalic flagellum and length of epiphallus.

The result of this study showed that the Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense has 67,57 % (25 species) of total species from Indonesian Amphidromus. One of those species has never been collected, Amphidromus (Syndromus) annae, which might be endemic species located in Selayar island. The specimen from Mount Buntung, East Kalimantan, will be described as a new species in separate publication.

The new record for their distribution of Amphidromus javanicus was recognized from Jambi, A. sumatranus from Siberut island, and A. contrarius from Alor island. The subgenus Syndromus in Indonesia is distributed in Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Jawa, Bali, NTB, NTT, Timor island, Wetar island, Roma island, and Tanimbar islands. While subgenus Amphidromus dispersed in Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Jawa, and Bali. Based on the data collections, Amphidromus palaceus was found through out the years.

The epiphallic flagellum of subgenus Amphidromus, is longer than epiphallus, while subgenus Syndromus, is shorter. Cluster analysis showed that only 92 % of subgenus Amphidromus and Syndromus has morphometric differences.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library