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Sara Zulfa
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1999
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sunar Saputro
"Pada penelitian ini dilakukan sensor glukosa non-enzimatik menggunakan deposit tembaga pada permukaan emas (Cu/Au). Deposit Cu/Au dapat disintesis dengan metode amperometri pada potensial -0,45 V vs Ag/AgCl menggunakan larutan CuSO4. Konsentrasi CuSO4 dan waktu deposisi divariasikan untuk memperoleh kondisi optimum. Kondisi optimum untuk deposisi adalah tiga menit dengan konsentrasi CuSO4 0,1 M. Hasil karakterisasi SEM dan EDS menunjukan deposit memiliki ukuran 400 - 480 nm dengan persen berat Cu sebesar 71,50%. Deposit Cu/Au dapat mendeteksi glukosa hingga konsentrasi 0,0462 mM. Deposit Cu/Au kemudian digunakan untuk mengukur kadar glukosa dalam sampel darah. Hasil pengukuran menunjukkan kadar glukosa dalam sampel darah sebesar 6,6504 mM. Nilai tersebut berbeda sebesar 9,8238% jika dibandingkan dengan pengukuran menggunakan glukosa meter yang menghasilkan nilai 6,0555 mM.
......Non-enzymatic glucose sensor using copper deposits on gold (Cu/Au) was studied in this research. Cu/Au deposits was synthesized using amperometry method at -0,45 V vs Ag/AgCl using CuSO4. The concentration of CuSO4 and deposition time were varied to obtained the optimum condition. Optimum condition of deposition was at 3 minutes and CuSO4 concentration of 0,1 M. SEM and EDS characterization showed that the size of deposits was 480 nm with percent weight 71,50% via EDS characterization. Cu/Au deposits was able to measure glucose up to 0.0462 mM. Cu/Au deposits was utilized to measure the level of glucose in blood samples. The level of glucose in blood samples was measured to be 6,6504 mM. This result differs about 9,8238% to the results obtained from glucose meter that resulted value 6.0555 mM."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nitrogen merupakan salah satu makronutrien penting bagi kapang, baik untuk pertumbuhan, maupun untuk memelihara kemampuan sel dalam membentuk enzim. Penelitian mi bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya pengaruh sumber nitrogen yang diberikan dalam bentuk amonium sulfat, tepung kedele, dan urea, terhadap aktivitas glukoamilase Rhizopus arrhizus UCC 2 dan Rhizopus oryzae UCC 128. Pengujian aktivitas glukoamilase dilakukan dengan metoda Nishise et al. modifikasi. Satu unit aktivitas glukoamilase setara dengan satu umol glukosa yang di lepaskan per menit. Pengukuran kadar glukosa dilakukan dengan metoda Somogyi-Nelson.
Uji statistik menunjukkan adanya pengaruh sumber nitrogen yang berbeda terhadap aktivitas glukoamilase R. arrhizus UCC 2 dan R. oryzae UCC 128. Medium dengan sumber nitrogen urea, memberikan hasil rata-rata aktivitas glukoamilase R. arrhizus UCC 2 dan R. oryzae UCC 128 tertinggi. Nilai tersebut berbeda nyata dengan rata-rata aktivitas glukoamilase pada medium dengan sumber nitrogen tepung kedele maupun amonium sulfat."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1990
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Oriza Safrini S.
"Penggunaan kulit salak sebagai antidiabetes belum populer di Indonesia. Kemampuan hipoglikemiknya ini telah dibuktikan oleh beberapa penderita diabetes di Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode Tes Toleransi glukosa Oral (TTGO) menggunakan tikus putih jantan galur Spargue Dawley umur 2 - 3 bulan dengan berat 150 - 200 g. Setelah diberikan perlakuan sesuai dengan rancangan, darah diambil pada interval waktu tertentu. Air rebusan kulit salak diberikan secara oral dengan dosis 9 g/200g bb, 18 g/200 g bb dan 36 g/200 g bb. Sebagai pembanding digunakan glibenklamid 0,9 g/200 g bb. Pengukuran kadar glukosa darah menggunakan metode otoluidin dilakukan dengan spektrofotometri pada panjang gelombang 632,0 nm. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan uji Anova dengan taraf kepercayaan 95%.
Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa air rebusan kulit salak dosis 9 g/200g bb tidak dapat menurunkan secara bermakna (P>0,05) kadar glukosa darah tikus. Pemberian air rebusan kulit salak dosis 18 g/200 g bb dapat menurunkan secara bermakna (P<0,05) kadar glukosa darah tikus, sedangkan dosis 36 g/200g bb menunjukkan potensi yang lebih tinggi. Meskipun demikian, efek hipoglikemiknya masih dibawah glibenklamid.
The use of salak skin as anti-diabetes has been attested by some diabetic people in Indonesia.The study was analyzed further by The Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (TTGO) ang was conducted using male white rats of Spargue Dawley (age 2-3 month, 150-200 g). After the design treatment, the blood sample were collected at certain time interval. Aqueous of salak skin was given orally with a dosage 9 g/200 g bb, 18 g/200 g bb and 36 g/200 g bb. As a comparison it using Glibenclamide 0,9 g/200 g bb. A measurement of blood glucose degree is using o-toluidin method and was conducted employing spectrophotometer at 632,0 nm. The acquired data analyzed using Anova test (95%).
The result show that aqueous of salak skin with dosage 9 g/200g bb were unable to decrease significantly ( P>0,05) the blood glucose level in glucose-preloaded glucose. Aqueous of salak with dosage of 18 g/200 g were capable to decrease significantly (P<0,05) blood glucose degree of male white rats, whereas a 36 g/200g bb dose shows a higher potential. Nevertheless, the highest hypoglycaemic effect of aqueous of salak skin still lower than of Glibenklamid.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Renita Febriani
"Dekomposisi glukosa untuk menghasilkan asam levulinat dengan sistem Fenton heterogen menggunakan katalis Mn/ZSM-5 telah diteliti. Mn/ZSM-5 dengan Mn 0,5 wt% dan 3,58 wt% telah berhasil disintesis dengan metode pertukaran kation masing-masing menggunakan larutan Mn2+ dari 0,04 M dan 0,1 M MnSO4H2O. Hasil karakterisasi menggunakan XRD, FTIR, BET, dan SEM menunjukkan bahwa zeolit yang terbentuk merupakan ZSM-5 mikropori dengan radius pori berukuran 1,287-1,608 nm dan luas area sebesar 489 cm3/g - 430 cm3/g. Sistem mirip Fenton yang terdiri dari H2O2 dan Mn/ZSM-5 dapat digunakan secara efektif untuk dehidrasi glukosa dan menghasilkan asam levulinat. Reaksi dehidrasi dilakukan pada suhu 100 C menggunakan tiga jenis katalis, yaitu ZSM-5, 0,50 wt% Mn/ZSM-5, dan 3,58 wt% Mn/ZSM-5. Reaksi tanpa katalis menghasilkan endapan charcoal yang pekat, sedangkan penggunaan katalis dapat mengurangi pembentukan charcoal. Diagram konversi glukosa dan yield asam levulinat yang diperoleh menunjukkan kenaikan seiring meningkatnya waktu reaksi. Pada reaksi menggunakan ZSM-5, konversi glukosa yang diperoleh sebesar 12,95% dan yield asam levulinat sebesar 18,60%. Reaksi menggunakan 0,50 wt% Mn/ZSM-5 menghasilkan konversi glukosa sebesar 15,71% dan yield asam levulinat sebesar 39,09%, sedangkan Reaksi menggunakan 3,58 wt% Mn/ZSM-5 menghasilkan konversi glukosa sebesar 13,52% dan yield asam levulinat sebesar 35,25% pada waktu reaksi selama 7 jam.

Decomposition of glucose to produce levulinic acid with heterogeneous Fenton system using Mn/ZSM-5 catalysts has been investigated. Mn/ZSM-5 with 0.5 wt% and 3.58 wt% Mn have been successfully synthesized through cation exchange methods using Mn2+ solution from 0.04 M and 0.1 M MnSO4H2O, respectively. Results of characterization using XRD, FTIR, BET, and SEM showed that the ZSM-5 formed a micropore with 1.287-1.608 nm sized pore radius and area of 489 cm3/g – 430 cm3/g. Fenton-like system consisting of H2O2 and Mn/ZSM-5 can be used effectively for the dehydration of glucose and produce levulinic acid. The reaction was conducted at 100 C using three types of catalyst, the ZSM-5, 0.50 wt% Mn/ZSM-5, and 3.58 wt% Mn/ZSM-5. Reaction without catalyst produces a dense charcoal deposition, while the use of catalysts can reduce the formation of charcoal. The diagram of glucose conversion and levulinic acid yield showed an increase with increasing reaction time. In the reaction using ZSM-5, the glucose conversion obtained is 12.95% and the yield of levulinic acid is 18.60%. Reaction using Mn/ZSM-5 0.50 wt% can convert glucose by 15.71% and yield of levulinic acid is 39.09%, while the reaction using Mn/ZSM-5 3.58 wt% can convert glucose by 13.52% and yield of levulinic acid is 35.25% in 7-hour reaction time."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Inchauspe, Jessie
"Improve all areas of your health from your weight, sleep, cravings, mood, energy, skin, and even slow down aging, with easy-to-implement, science-based hacks to manage your blood sugar levels while still eating the foods you love. Glucose, or blood sugar, is a tiny molecule in our body that has a huge impact on our health. It enters our bloodstream through the starchy or sweet foods we eat. Ninety percent of us suffer from too much glucose in our system--and most of us don't know it. The symptoms? Cravings, fatigue, infertility, hormonal issues, acne, wrinkles... And over time, the development of conditions like type 2 diabetes, polycystic ovarian syndrome, cancer, dementia, and heart disease. Drawing on cutting-edge science and her own pioneering research, biochemist Jessie Inchauspé offers ten simple, surprising hacks to help you balance your glucose levels and reverse your symptoms--without going on a diet or giving up the foods you love... Both entertaining, informative, and packed with the latest scientific data, this book presents a new way to think about better health. Glucose Revolution is chock-full of tips that can drastically and immediately improve your life, whatever your dietary preferences""
New York: Simon & Schuste, 2022
572.565 INC g
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahmat Hidayat
"Pola makan modern kaya karbohidrat merupakan salah satu faktor predisposisi terjadinya kandidiasis oral. Namun belum jelas diketahui apakah pertumbuhan C. albicans akan meningkat bila terjadi glukosa dalam medium pertumbuhan. Tujuan: Menganalisis efek penambahan glukosa 1%, 5%, 10% terhadap pertumbuhan C. albicans in vitro. Metode: Isolat C. albicans klinik dari usapan mukosa mulut pasien kandidiasis oral dideteksi pada CHROMagar dan serum. Sebagai pembanding, C. albicans strain ATCC 10231 juga dideteksi dengan cara yang sama. C. albicans yang tumbuh dibiak dalam SDA selama 2 hari, kemudian dikumpulkan dan dibiakkan kembali dalam SDB yang telah ditambah glukosa 1%, 5%, dan 10% selama 3 atau 7 hari pada suhu ruang. Sebagai kontrol adalah C. albicans yang ditumbuhkan dalam SDB tanpa penambahan glukosa. Pertumbuhan C. albicans diukur dengan menghitung CFU/ml C. albicans dalam cawan petri. Uji statistik menggunaka ANOVA dengan a 0.05. Hasil: Setelah 3 hari, pertumbuhan C. albicans isolat klinik 1%, 5%, dan 10% berturut-turut adalah 181.5, 582, dan 811 CFU/ml; sedangkan C. albicans ATCC 10231 adalah 21.5, 177.5, 375.5 CFU/ml. Pertumbuhan tersebut lebih rendah dibandingkan kelompok kontrol yaitu 970 (isolat klinik) dan 957 (ATCC) CFU/ml. Setelah 7 hari diperoleh pertumbuhan C. albicans isolat klinik adalah 2350, 9650, dan 9650 CFU/ml; sedangkan C. albicans ATCC 10231 adalah 5000, 5450, 3550 CFU/ml. Pertumbuhan kelompok kontrol 7 hari adalah 5000 (klinik) dan 5150 (ATCC) CFU/ml. Analisis ANOVA menunjukkan bahwa setelah 3 hari penambahan glukosa 1% menurunkan pertumbuhan C. albicans secara bermakna baik pada isolat klinik maupun strain ATCC 10231 (p < 0,05). Pada kelompok 7 hari penambahan glukosa 5% dan 10% meningkatkan pertumbuhan C. albicans isolat klinik secara bermakna (p < 0,05). Simpulan: Glukosa 5% dan 10% dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan C. albicans in vitro. Penambahan glukosa 1% dapat menghambat pertumbuhan C. albicans pada durasi 3 hari.
......High carbohydrate intake is one predisposing factor of oral andidiasis. Whether glucose addition in medium will increase the growth of Candida albicans is still unclear. Objective: Investigating the effect of 1%, 5%, 10% glucose addition on the growth of C.albicans in vitro. Methods: C. albicans sample was from oral swab of a male oral candidiasis patient. Detection of C. albicans used CHROMagar and confirmed by germ tube test. C. albicans colonies were inoculated in Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA). As a comparison, C. albicans ATCC 10231 was also detected inthe same way. After 2 days the cultures were serially diluted and inoculated in Sabouraud Dextrose Broth (SDB) without glucose (control), 1%, 5%, or 10% additional glucose, kept for 3 or 7 days in room temperature, then inoculated in SDA. The Colony Forming Unit (CFU) were counted after 2 days. ANOVA with a 0.05 was used. Results: After 3 days, additional 1%, 5%, 10% glucose in media with clinical strain of C. albicans resulted in 181.5, 582, 811 CFU/ml respectively while in media with C. albicans ATCC were 21.5, 177.5, 375.5 CFU/ml. The growth of controls C. albicans were 970 (clinical strain) and 957 CFU/ml (ATCC). After 7 days, the growth of clinical strain of C. albicans with additional glucose 1%, 5%, 10% were 2350, 9650, 9650 CFU/ml respectively while the growth of C. albicans ATCC were 5000, 5450, 3550 CFU/ml. The growth of 7 days controls were 5000 (clinical strain) and 5150 (ATCC) CFU/ml. Statisticaly, additional 1% glucose for 3 days lead to significant decreased of growth of both clinical strain and ATCC 10231 C. albicans (p < 0,05). Additional 5% and 10% glucose for 7 days increased the growth of C.albicans significantly (p < 0,05). Conclusion: Additional 5% and 10% glucose for 7 days increase the growth of C. albicans in vitro. While additional 1% glucose for 3 days decrease the growth of C. albicans."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteraan Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"High carbohydrate intake is one of predisposing factors of oral candidiasis. Wheather glucose addition in medium will increase the growth of Candida albicans in vitro is subject to further investigation. Objective: Investigating the effect of 1%, 5%, 10% glucose addition on the growth of C. albicans in vitro. Method: C. albicans sample was taken from oral swab of a male oral candidiasis patient. Identification of C. albicans was conducted using CHROMagar and confirmed by germ tube formation in serum. C. albicans colonies were inoculated in SDB. As a comparison, C. albicans ATCC 10231 was used. After 2 days the cultures were serially diluted and inoculated in SDB without glucose (control), and with 1%, 5%, 10% addditional glucose, kept for 3 and 7 days in room temperature, then inoculated in SDA. The CFU/ml were counted after 2 days. ANOVA with α 0.05 was used. Result: After 3 days, additional 1%, 5%, and 10% glucose in media with clinical strain of C. albicans resulted in 181.5, 582, and 811 CFU/ml respectively while in media with C. albicans ATCC were 21.5, 177.5, 375.5 CFU/ml. The growth of C. albicans with no additional glucose were 970 (clinical strain) and 957 CFU/ml (ATCC). After 7 days, the growth of clinical
strain of C. albicans with additional glucose 1%, 5%, 10% were 2350, 9650, 9560 CFU/ml respectively while the growth of C. albicans ATCC were 5000, 5450, 3550 CFU/ml. Statisticaly, additional 1% glucose for 3 days lead to significant decreased of growth of both clinical strain and
ATCC 10231 C. albicans (p < 0,05). However, only additional 5% and 10% glucose in clinical isolate for 7 days increased the growth of C. albicans significantly (p < 0,05). Conclusion: The effect of additional glucose on the increased growth of C. albicans in vitro is influenced by the concentration, exposure duration of glucose, and by the strain of C. albicans."
[Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, Journal of Dentistry Indonesia], 2009
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amelia Utami Putri
"Hiperglikemia merupakan kondisi medis dimana kadar glukosa darah melebihi normal dan menjadi karakteristik beberapa penyakit terutama diabetes melitus. Indonesia sendiri menempati posisi ke-5 dengan penderita diabetes terbanyak di dunia dengan jumlah 19,5 juta jiwa. Kondisi diabetes melitus sering dikaitkan dengan pola makan seseorang. Penelitian menyatakan bahwa restriksi kalori dapat memberikan efek samping lebih minim dibandingkan dengan obat-obatan. Salah satu metode restriksi kalori yang memiliki efek antihiperglikemik adalah Fasting-Mimicking Diet (FMD). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efek perlakuan FMD terhadap penurunan kadar glukosa darah, peningkatan kolesterol, dan sensitivitas insulin sebagai gejala awal diabetes melitus. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan control group design dengan jumlah 16 ekor tikus, dengan 4 kelompok perlakuan (normal diet, hiperglikemia, FMD, dan metformin). Tikus-tikus diberikan pakan tinggi lemak selama 28 hari sebelum diinduksi streptozotocin (STZ). Perlakuan FMD dilakukan selama 28 hari sebelum akhirnya tikus dikorbankan untuk diambil darahnya. Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) dilakukan pada tikus yang telah dipuasakan selama 18 jam lalu diadministrasikan dengan glukosa (2gr/kgBB). Analisis peningkatan glukosa darah dilakukan pada menit ke-0, 15, 30, 60, dan 120. Tikus selanjutnya dikorbankan untuk diambil darahnya dan dilakukan uji menggunakan program SPSS versi 25 dan GraphPad versi 9.4.0 untuk MacOS. Hasilnya, terdapat penurunan kadar glukosa darah pada kelompok metformin dan FMD. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa FMD dapat menurunkan kadar glukosa darah pada tikus hiperglikemia dan FMD tidak memberikan perbedaan signifikan terhadap terapi oral metfomin.
......Hyperglycemia is a medical condition in which the blood glucose levels are higher than normal, and is a characteristic of several diseases, particularly diabetes. Indonesia ranks 5th in the number of diabetic patients in the world, with the number of approximately 19.5 million people. Diabetes is frequently associated with dietary habits, and research shows that calorie restriction can give fewer side effects compared to medications. One of the calorie restriction methods that have anti-hyperglycemic effects is Fasting-Mimicking Diet (FMD). The aim of this study is to determine the effect of Fasting-Mimicking Diet on lowering blood glucose level, increasing cholesterol levels, and insulin sensitivity as an early sign of diabetes mellitus. This study was conducted using a control group design with a total of 16 mice grouped into 4 treatments (normal diet, hyperglycemia, FMD, and metformin). The mice were given one week acclimation period and fed a high-fat diet (HFD) for 28 days before injected with streptozotocin (STZ). The treatment of FMD was carried out for another 28 days before the mice is sacrificed for blood collection. Oral glucose tolerance test was performed a week after the treatmet of FMD, following 18 hours of fasting and administration of glucose (2 g/kg). The increase of blood glucose levels were monitored at 0, 15, 30, 60, and 120 minutes. The mice is then sacrificed for blood collection and analysis was done using SPSS Statistics version 25.0 and GraphPad version 9.4.0 for MacOS. The result of FMD given was decreased of glucose level on FMD and metformin groups. This study concludes that FMD can significantly decrease blood glucose level in hyperglycemic rats and did not provide a significant difference to oral metformin therapy."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aryo Tedjo
"Fotometer Sederhana sebagai Alat Bantu Pengukuran Glukosa Darah. Pengukuran glukosa darah secara non- invasif merupakan salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan frekuensi pemantauan glukosa darah mandiri (PGDM). Untuk yang berbasis spektoskopi reflektansi NIR, penerapannya secara non-invasif terkendala nilai standar error of prediction yang tinggi. Namun demikian metode ini secara teori masih dapat dipakai untuk memprediksi kadar glukosa darah pada kondisi tertentu seperti keadaan hipoglikemia (<55 mg/dL), gula darah puasa (GDP) terkendali (70-115 mg/dL), dan hiperglikemia (>225 mg/dL). membantu pemantauan glukosa darah (PGDM pada kondisi GDP terkendali dan hiperglikemia). Hal ini dapat dilihat dari rata-rata persentase jumlah hari dengan kondisi GDP harian terkendali yang lebih besar pada PGDM yang dibantu dengan fotometer dibandingkan PDGM yang dilakukan hanya satu kali sehari (28% berbanding 18%, p = 0,344).

Measurement of non-invasive blood glucose is one way to increase the frequency of self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG). For NIR reflectance spectroscopy, its application in non-invasive constrained by high value of standard error of prediction. The mean standard error of prediction was 25 mg/dL. Theoretically, NIR reflectance spectroscopy still can be used to predict blood glucose levels in certain conditions such as hypoglycemia (<55 mg/dL), controlled fasting blood glucose (FBG) (70-115 mg/dL), and hyperglycemia (>225 mg/dL), which the difference between the three conditions is more than 25 mg/dL. The results showed that there were significant differences in standards values of photometer measurement between controlled FBG and hyperglycemic conditions (p = 0.002). The results also showed that the photometer can be used to assist the monitoring of blood glucose in FBG under control and hyperglycemic conditions. It can be seen from the average percentage of the daily controlled FBG conditionsin patients conducting SMBG in photometer-assisted compared to in patientsonly use SMBG once a day (28% versus 18%, p = 0.344)."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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