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Ditemukan 7 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Andriany Nirmalakrisna
Abstrak :
Permasalahan industri gas domestik di Indonesia saat ini adalah ketidakpastian alokasi pasokan gas domestik, minimnya infrastruktur, serta permasalahan harga jual gas. Untuk meningkatkan alokasi gas industri, harga gas domestik seharusnya dinaikkan, sehingga disparitasnya tidak terlalu jauh dengan harga gas ekspor. Di sisi lain, adanya monopoli akses transportasi jalur pengangkutan gas di Indonesia menyebabkan industri harus membayar harga gas lebih mahal dari yang sewajarnya. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan simulasi untuk mendapatkan harga gas yang layak dalam rangka membantu Pemerintah dalam menetapkan harga gas agar tidak selalu terpaku pada harga gas yang ditetapkan oleh pedagang gas (trader) dan pengangkut gas (transporter). Metode yang digunakan dalam penentuan harga gas ini adalah metode Netback Value (NBV). Pengolahan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis ketidakpastian untuk mendapatkan validasi ketidakpastian dengan simulasi Monte Carlo menggunakan piranti lunak Crystal Ball. Berdasarkan penelitian, didapatkan rasio pembiayaan antara sektor hulu dan hilir untuk harga jual gas rekalkulasi dengan kondisi ideal (biaya transmisi jalur pipa Pertagas serta prediksi biaya distribusi didasarkan informasi laporan tahunan PGN) sebesar lebih dari satu atau mendekati satu. Hal ini masih wajar mengingat sektor hulu memiliki nilai investasi lebih tinggi untuk melakukan aktivitas ekplorasi dan produksi, dibandingkan dengan sektor hilir. Sementara itu, jika dibandingkan dengan harga jual gas bumi PGN baik untuk sektor listrik dan sektor industri non pupuk, terdapat perbedaan yang sangat signifikan sehingga menyebabkan rasio pembiayaan sektor hulu dan hilir tidak realistis.
Domestic gas industry?s problems in Indonesia are uncertain allocation for domestic gas supply, lack of infrastructure, and also gas price issue. To improve the gas allocation for domestic industrial sector, domestic gas prices should be raised, so that the disparity between domestic gas price and export gas price is not too far away. On the other hand, the existence of monopoly of gas trader and transporter in Indonesia caused the industry has to pay the price of gas more expensive than normal. In this study conducted a simulation to get decent gas prices in order to give recommendation to the Government in determining the price of gas that does not always get hung up on the price of gas that is determined by gas traders and transporters. The method used in determining the gas price is the Netback Value method (NBV). The data in this study is processed using uncertainty analysis to with Monte Carlo simulation using Crystal Ball software. Based on the study, the cost ratio between the upstream and downstream sectors for gas price recalculation with ideal conditions (using Pertagas pipeline transmission costs and distribution cost based on annual report of PGN) is more than one or close to one. It is still reasonable considering the upstream sector has a higher investment value for exploration and production activities than the downstream sector. Meanwhile, when compared with the gas price from PGN, there are very significant differences that cause the cost ratio of the upstream and downstream sector is not realistic.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lisa Adhani
Abstrak :
Kajian dilakukan dengan menganalisis seluruh komponen biaya yang mempengaruhi ketetapan harga CNG, dengan simulasi Monte Carlo dengan bantuan perangkat lunak Crystal Ball yang mengacu pada kebijakan pemerintah berupa Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 19 Tahun 2010 yang telah menetapkan formula harga jual bahan bakar gas untuk transportasi dengan mempertimbangkan harga di titik penyerahan (hulu), toll fee, investasi SPBG, biaya pengoperasian dan pemeliharaan SPBG, margin dan pajak. Pada Kajian ini mengupas toll fee dengan memilih supply chain yang dianggap tepat untuk wilayah Jawa Bagian Barat. Hasil Kajian Harga CNG untuk Regional Jawa Bagian Barat, dimana simulasi dilakukan di wilayah DKI Jakarta didapatkan bahwa Keputusan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Nomor: 2932 K/12/MEM/2010: ?Harga Jual Bahan Bakar Gas yang digunakan untuk Transportasi di Wilayah Jakarta termasuk Bogor, Bekasi, Depok dan Tangerang adalah Rp 3.100,00 (tiga ribu seratus rupiah) untuk tiap 1 (satu) Liter Setara Premium (LSP) termasuk pajak-pajak.? merupakan harga kompetitif yang dapat dilaksanakan untuk wilayah Jawa bagian Barat. Dilihat dari hasil rekalkulasi yaitu harga CNG pada tapping point Bitung sebesar $. 0.223 atau Rp. 2819,82 dan harga aggregasi sebesar Rp. 2737,58 dengan harga riil berada pada rentang harga Rp.1857,43 hingga Rp. 3890,32 (berdasarkan Indeks Harga Konsumen April 2015) dan pada wilayah taping poin Nagrak sebesar $. 0.209 atau Rp. 2631,02 dan harga aggregasi sebesar Rp. 2795,51 dengan harga riil berada pada rentang harga Rp.2227,59 hingga Rp. 4533.44.
The study was conducted by analyzing all the components that affect the cost of provision of CNG price, with a Monte Carlo simulation with the help of Crystal Ball software which refers to government policies such as the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 19 of 2010, which has set the pricing formula of gas fuel for transportation by considering the price at the point of delivery (upstream), toll fee, SPBGs investment, operating and maintenance costs SPBGs, margins and taxes. On This study peeling toll fee by choosing supply chain that is considered appropriate for the region Western of Java. Study results CNG price to Regional Java, where the simulation is done in Jakarta found that the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 2932 K / 12 / MEM / 2010: "Selling Price Gas Fuel used for transportation in Jakarta area including Bogor, Bekasi, Depok and Tangerang is $ 3100.00 (three thousand one hundred dollars) for every 1 (one) liter Premium Equivalent (LSP), including taxes. "a competitive price that can be implemented for the region western of Java. Judging from the results of recalculation is the price of CNG at the tapping point Bitung of $. 0.223 or Rp. 2819.82 and aggregation price of Rp. 2737.58 with the real price is in the range of price Rp.1857, 43 up to Rp. 3890.32 (based on the Consumer Price Index April 2015) and in the region of Nagrak tapping points. $.0.209 or Rp. 2631.02 and aggregation price of Rp. 2795.51 with the real price is in the range of price Rp.2227,59 up to Rp.4533.44. ;The study was conducted by analyzing all the components that affect the cost of provision of CNG price, with a Monte Carlo simulation with the help of Crystal Ball software which refers to government policies such as the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 19 of 2010, which has set the pricing formula of gas fuel for transportation by considering the price at the point of delivery (upstream), toll fee, SPBGs investment, operating and maintenance costs SPBGs, margins and taxes. On This study peeling toll fee by choosing supply chain that is considered appropriate for the region Western of Java. Study results CNG price to Regional Java, where the simulation is done in Jakarta found that the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 2932 K / 12 / MEM / 2010: "Selling Price Gas Fuel used for transportation in Jakarta area including Bogor, Bekasi, Depok and Tangerang is $ 3100.00 (three thousand one hundred dollars) for every 1 (one) liter Premium Equivalent (LSP), including taxes. "a competitive price that can be implemented for the region western of Java. Judging from the results of recalculation is the price of CNG at the tapping point Bitung of $. 0.223 or Rp. 2819.82 and aggregation price of Rp. 2737.58 with the real price is in the range of price Rp.1857, 43 up to Rp. 3890.32 (based on the Consumer Price Index April 2015) and in the region of Nagrak tapping points. $.0.209 or Rp. 2631.02 and aggregation price of Rp. 2795.51 with the real price is in the range of price Rp.2227,59 up to Rp.4533.44. ;The study was conducted by analyzing all the components that affect the cost of provision of CNG price, with a Monte Carlo simulation with the help of Crystal Ball software which refers to government policies such as the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 19 of 2010, which has set the pricing formula of gas fuel for transportation by considering the price at the point of delivery (upstream), toll fee, SPBGs investment, operating and maintenance costs SPBGs, margins and taxes. On This study peeling toll fee by choosing supply chain that is considered appropriate for the region Western of Java. Study results CNG price to Regional Java, where the simulation is done in Jakarta found that the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 2932 K / 12 / MEM / 2010: "Selling Price Gas Fuel used for transportation in Jakarta area including Bogor, Bekasi, Depok and Tangerang is $ 3100.00 (three thousand one hundred dollars) for every 1 (one) liter Premium Equivalent (LSP), including taxes. "a competitive price that can be implemented for the region western of Java. Judging from the results of recalculation is the price of CNG at the tapping point Bitung of $. 0.223 or Rp. 2819.82 and aggregation price of Rp. 2737.58 with the real price is in the range of price Rp.1857, 43 up to Rp. 3890.32 (based on the Consumer Price Index April 2015) and in the region of Nagrak tapping points. $.0.209 or Rp. 2631.02 and aggregation price of Rp. 2795.51 with the real price is in the range of price Rp.2227,59 up to Rp.4533.44. , The study was conducted by analyzing all the components that affect the cost of provision of CNG price, with a Monte Carlo simulation with the help of Crystal Ball software which refers to government policies such as the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 19 of 2010, which has set the pricing formula of gas fuel for transportation by considering the price at the point of delivery (upstream), toll fee, SPBGs investment, operating and maintenance costs SPBGs, margins and taxes. On This study peeling toll fee by choosing supply chain that is considered appropriate for the region Western of Java. Study results CNG price to Regional Java, where the simulation is done in Jakarta found that the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 2932 K / 12 / MEM / 2010: "Selling Price Gas Fuel used for transportation in Jakarta area including Bogor, Bekasi, Depok and Tangerang is $ 3100.00 (three thousand one hundred dollars) for every 1 (one) liter Premium Equivalent (LSP), including taxes. "a competitive price that can be implemented for the region western of Java. Judging from the results of recalculation is the price of CNG at the tapping point Bitung of $. 0.223 or Rp. 2819.82 and aggregation price of Rp. 2737.58 with the real price is in the range of price Rp.1857, 43 up to Rp. 3890.32 (based on the Consumer Price Index April 2015) and in the region of Nagrak tapping points. $.0.209 or Rp. 2631.02 and aggregation price of Rp. 2795.51 with the real price is in the range of price Rp.2227,59 up to Rp.4533.44. ]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohammad Aringga Adisatria
Abstrak :
Pemerintah Indonesia mencanangkan program pembangunan ketenagalistrikan sebesar 35.000 MW untuk memenuhi pertumbuhan penggunaan listrik yang terus meningkat dengan rata-rata 8,1% pada tahun 2010-2014. Untuk menunjang program tersebut maka kebutuhan gas bumi diperkirakan akan mencapai 1063 MMSCFD di tahun 2030. Saat ini yang menjadi hambatan adalah penentuan harga gas pipa untuk sektor kelistrikan di Indonesia, karena harga gas pipa masih beragam dan belum terdapat formulasi harga gas pipa untuk sektor kelistrikan yang dapat diterapkan untuk seluruh lapangan gas di Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan formulasi harga gas pipa untuk sektor kelistrikan di Indonesia. Terdapat dua sektor yang akan dianalisa, yaitu sektor Hulu (Upstream) dan sektor Antara (Midstream). Optimisasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode linear optimization dengan menggunakan pendekatan harga Indonesian Crude Price ('ICP') untuk harga gas hulu, lalu ditambahkan dengan komponen Toll Fee didekati menggunakan komponen panjang pipa dan diameter pipa, sehingga selanjutnya didapatkan formula harga gas pipa untuk sektor kelistrikan di Indonesia. Rata-rata harga gas untuk sektor kelistrikan berdasarkan formula hasil pengembangan memiliki rentang antara 2.63 - 6.33 US$/MMBTU tergantung pada besaran ICP, dan masih dibawah harga maksimum yang dapat diterima oleh Perusahaan Listrik Negara ('PLN'), yaitu sebesar 6.4745 US$/MMBTU. Formula hasil pengembangan mampu memberikan harga gas yang berkisar pada harga gas yang berlaku saat ini, sensitif terhadap fluktuasi ICP dan relevan terhadap trend kenaikan harga gas untuk sektor kelistrikan selama ini. ......The Indonesian government has launched 35,000 MW electricity development program to fulfil the growth in electricity usage which continues to increase by an average of 8.1% in 2010-2014. To support the program, the natural gas demand is estimated to reach 1063 MMSCFD in 2030. Currently, the obstacle is the determination of pipeline gas prices for the electricity sector in Indonesia, because the pipeline gas price for the power sector in Indonesia are still diverse and there isn't any pipeline gas price formula that can be applied to entire gas field in Indonesia for the electricity sector. The purpose of this study is to obtain a pipeline gas prices formulation for the electricity sector in Indonesia. There are two sectors to be analyzed, Upstream sector and Midstream sector. Optimization is done by using the linear optimization method using the Indonesian Crude Price ('ICP') price approach for upstream gas prices, then added with Toll Fee components by being approached with the pipe length and pipe diameter component, to get the pipeline gas price formula for electricity sector in Indonesia. The average gas price for the electricity sector based on formula results has a range between 2.63 - 6.33 US $ / MMBTU depending on the ICP amount, and is still below the maximum price that can be received by the Perusahaan Listrik Negara ('PLN'), which is equal to 6.4745 US $ / MMBTU. The development formula is able to provide gas prices that range from current gas prices, sensitive to ICP fluctuations and relevant to the trend of rising gas prices for the electricity sector so far.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Himawan Era Prasetya
Abstrak :
Tesis ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh suatu formula harga gas di Indonesia yang memberikan sinyal yang baik bagi produsen dan konsumen agar pasar domestik gas bumi di Indonesia menjadi lebih efisien dan kompetitif. Hal tersebut dilakukan dengan cara terlebih dahulu mengkaji mekanisme pembentukan harga gas di negara-negara lain yang memiliki pasar gas yang lebih mature. Analisis kualitatif pada tesis ini menunjukkan bahwa harga gas yang berbasis kepada harga minyak dalam bentuk kurva-S merupakan mekanisme yang cocok untuk diterapkan pada pasar gas domestik Indonesia. Analisis cost breakdown serta keekonomian dari sisi penjual dan pembeli kemudian dilakukan untuk mendefinisikan batasan-batasan pada kurva. Kemiringan garis pada kurva ditentukan dengan cara simulasi untuk mendapatkan output harga gas yang memenuhi kriteria keekonomian bagi penjual dan pembeli. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah usulan formula harga gas domestik yang terindeks kepada harga minyak dalam bentuk kurva-S dengan tiga buah kemiringan garis untuk tiga rentang harga minyak yang berbeda. Pembahasan pada tesis ini terbatas hanya pada konteks pasar gas wholesale. ......This thesis is intended to determine a domestic gas price formula which gives a good signal for both sellers and buyers towards an efficient and competitive domestic natural gas market in Indonesia. This was done by analyzing gas price formation mechanism in other countries which have more mature natural gas market. Qualitative study shows that an oil-indexed gas price formula in a form of S-curve would be suitable to be implemented in Indonesia. Therefore, cost breakdown and economic anayses from buyer?s and seller?s perspective were conducted to determine the boundaries within the curve. To decide on the gradients of the S-curve, simulations were conducted to obtain gas price output which fulfills economic criteria for both buyer and seller. This thesis concluded a proposal of domestic oil-indexed gas price formula with three different gradients for different crude oil price ranges. The discussion within this thesis would only be limited to wholesale gas market context.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Firman Ajie Bayutomo
Abstrak :
Pengembangan formula harga gas telah dilakukan dengan mempertimbangkan daya beli industri pupuk dan keuntungan yang diperoleh produsen gas. Formula diperoleh dengan metode regresi linier berganda terhadap variabel-variabel Indonesian Crude Oil Price (ICP), efisiensi pabrik, serta harga urea dan amoniak internasional dengan deviasi tertinggi 5,2% dan rata-rata 2,86%. Rata-rata harga gas ke industri pupuk berdasarkan formula hasil pengembangan sebesar 6,054 US$/MMBTU dengan rentang antara 5 - 7 US$/MMBTU. Formula hasil pengembangan mampu memberikan harga gas yang berkisar pada harga gas yang berlaku saat ini, sensitif terhadap fluktuasi ICP dan relevan terhadap trend kenaikan harga gas ke industri pupuk selama ini. ...... The gas pricing formula development is considering the fertilizer industries buying ability and the gas producer benefit. The formula obtained by multiple linear regression method with the Indonesian Crude Oil Price (ICP), plant efficiency and urea and ammonia international price as variables, with the 5.2% highest deviation and 2.86% average deviation . The formula based gas average price to fertilizer industries is 6.054 US$/MMBTU with the range between 5 - 7 US$/MMBTU. The formula is able to produce gas price range near to the actual current price, sensitive to ICP fluctuations and relevant to the gas price to fertilizer industries increasing trend.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vessa Fauziyyah Pratiwi
Abstrak :
PT. XYZ melakukan kegiatan eksplorasi dan produksi minyak dan gas di lepas pantai menggunakan FPSO dengan produksi utama berupa minyak mentah, gas yang dihasilkan diinjeksikan kembali kedalam sumur. Adanya fasilitas kompresor yang dapat menaikan tekanan gas sampai 210 bar, kelebihan gas dapat disimpan di storage sebagai CNG. Penyimpanan gas CNG 10 MMscf, CDTS membutuhkan tangki sebanyak satu unit dengan dimensi 10 m x 10 m. CNG tube skid membutuhkan total skid sebanyak 51 units dengan total dimensi 12,19 m x 41,45 m. Biaya capex CDTS lebih murah $ 700.000 dari CNG tube skid dan biaya opex CDTS $ 62.102 lebih murah dibandingkan CNG tube skid. Ketersediaan lahan di FPSO yang dapat ditempati CNG storage sebesar 20 m2. IRR 11% didapat tarif gas dasar 1,51 USD/MMBtu untuk penjualan 10 MMScfd dan NPV $12.638.398,34 dengan PBP di tahun ke 7. Hasil analisa sensitivitas menunjukan dengan menaikan tarif gas sebesar 100% yaitu 3,011 USD/MMBtu, saat terjadi penurunan laju produksi sebesar 50% maka NPV dan IRR masih dapat diterima.  Harga gas ini layak digunakan untuk penjualan gas di atas FPSO karena tidak melebihi penetapan harga gas di pembangkit sebesar 6 USD/MMBtu. ......PT. XYZ engages in offshore oil and gas exploration and production using an FPSO. The primary production focus is crude oil, and any produced gas is reinjected into the well. A compressor facility with the capacity to increase gas pressure up to 210 bar enables the storage of excess gas as Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). For a CNG gas storage volume of 10 MMscf, CDTS requires a single tank with dimensions of 10 m x 10 m. CNG tube skids necessitates a total of 51 skid units with a combined dimension of 12.19 m x 41.45 m. CDTS exhibits capex costs that are $700,000 lower than CNG tube skids, and its opex costs are $62,102 lower as well. The available land on the FPSO for CNG storage is 20 m2. An IRR of 11% yields a base gas rate of 1.51 USD/MMBtu for sales of 10 MMScfd, resulting in an NPV of $12,638,398.34 with a payback period in the 7th year. The sensitivity analysis demonstrates that even with a 50% decrease in production rate, increasing the gas tariff by 100% to 3.011 USD/MMBtu maintains acceptable NPV and IRR values. This gas price is suitable for selling gas above the FPSO as it does not exceed the fixed gas price at the power plant, which is 6 USD/MMBtu.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fahmi Harsandono
Abstrak :
Infrastruktur gas bumi merupakan salah satu masalah utama dalam percepatan pemanfaatan gas bumi untuk keperluan domestik, pemanfaatan gas bumi sebagai sumber energi akan mampu mengurangi beban subsidi negara dalam pemakaian bahan bakar minyak (BBM) yang harganya terus melambung tinggi, dimana sebagian BBM masih tergantung dari import. Kurang berkembangnya infrastruktur gas bumi, mengakibatkan gas bumi cenderung di eksport daripada dimanfaatkan untuk kepentingan domestik. Sedangkan kecenderungan demand gas bumi domestik semakin meningkat, yang berakibat harga gas bumi cenderung semakin naik, dan banyak badan usaha (trader) berperilaku monopolistik. Untuk itu perlu penataan kebijakan yang merangsang pada percepatan pembangunan infrastruktur, dimana investor mendapatkan insentive dan kepastian berinvestasi. Dalam hasil penelitian ini diharapkan akan mendapatkan suatu skema harga yang wajar bagi pelaku usaha hilir migas namun akomodatif untuk end user. Analisa ekonomi dilakukan dengan menghitung seluruh komponen biaya di sektor hilir, dengan simulasi Monte Carlo dengan bantuan piranti lunak Crystal Ball.
Natural gas infrastructure is one of the main problems in accelerating the utilization of natural gas for domestic purposes, the use of natural gas as an energy source will be able to reduce the subsidy burden of the state in the use of fuel oil (BBM) whose price continues to soar, where most of the fuel is still dependent on imported. Less development of natural gas infrastructure, resulting in the export of natural gas tends to be used rather than domestic interests, while the tendency of the domestic gas demand is increasing. As a result, the price of natural gas tends to rise, and many business entities (traders) behave monopolistically. For that we need policies that stimulate the arrangement of the acceleration of infrastructure development, where investors get incentives and certainty to invest. In the results of this study are expected to get a fair price scheme for downstream businesses accommodating to the end user. Economic analysis carried out by calculating the cost of all components in the downstream sector. Crystal Ball software is used to Monte Carlo simulation.
Jakarta: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library