"Contents :
- Part I:Overview
- High-Speed I/O Design and Test Review:From the Perspectives of Moore
is Law and Multiple Gbps Data Rates
- Part II:System Architecture and Performance
- Transfer Functions for the Reference Clock Jitter in a Serial Link: Theory
and Applications
- Channel Compliance Testing Utilizing Novel Statistical Eye Methodology
- Advances in High-Speed Design in Dispersively Attenuating
Environments Such as Cables and Backplanes
- Part III:Design Simulation and Modeling
- Static Crosstalk Analysis
- Modeling Loss and Jitter in High-Speed Serial Connects
- Design and Modeling Methodology for High-Performance Power
Distribution Systems
- Source Synchronous Bus Design and Timing Analysis for High-Volume
Manufacturable System Interconnects
- Part IV:Design for High Performance
- Eye Opening Techniques Enabled by Dispersion Compensation
- Maximizing 10-Gbps Transmission Path Length in Copper Backplanes
with and without Transceiver Technology
- How to Make Optimal Use of Signal Conditioning in 40-Gbps Copper
- Design of a 6.25-Gbps Backplane SerDes with Top-Down Design
- A Flexible Serial Link for 5-10 Gbps in Realistic Backplane Environments
- Part V:Characterization and Test
- Signal Integrity and Jitter:How to Measure Them Correctly
- A Statistical and System Transfer Function Based Method for Jitter and
Noise in Communication Design and Test
- Total Jitter Measurement at Low Probability Levels,Using the Optimized
BERT Scan Method
- Comparison and Correlation of Signal-Integrity Measurement Techniques
- Performance Evaluation of High-Speed Serial Links
- Physical-Layer Design and Characterization of a 3.2 Gbps/Pair Memory
- Acronym Guide "