Ditemukan 3 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Khoirurridho Al Qeis
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas mengenai pembagian harta peninggalan pewaris kepada ahli waris yang berhak berdasarkan sistem hukum perdata yang tunduk pada Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pembagian harta peninggalan dari perkawinan pertama dan kedua sebagaimana surat keterangan waris yang dibuat istri dan anak-anak dari perkawinan kedua tanpa melibatkan ahli waris dari perkawinan pertama. Pewarisan hanya berlangsung karena kematian sebagaimana ditentukan dalam Pasal 830 KUHPerdata. Pembagian harta peninggalan tidak dibedakan antara laki-laki dengan perempuan. Dalam hal mengenai warisan seorang suami atau istri yang meninggal terlebih dahulu jika perkawinan tersebut adalah yang kedua kalinya, bagian suami atau istri yang ditinggalkan tidak mendapat bagian warisan lebih besar dari anak-anak dari perkawinan yang pertama dan bagian yang didapat tidak boleh lebih dari seperempat harta peninggalan pewaris. Surat keterangan waris yang dibuat oleh istri dan anak-anak dari perkawinan kedua untuk melakukan peralihan hak atas tanah warisan dan menguasai objek tanah warisan yang belum dibagikan kepada seluruh ahli waris yang berhak yang ditentukan oleh peraturan perundang-undangan tanpa melibatkan ahli waris lain merupakan perbuatan melawan hukum. Permasalahan yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah mengenai pembagian harta peninggalan waris terhadap ahli waris dari perkawinan pertana dan kedua berdasarkan putusan mahkamah agung nomor 1996 k/pdt/2018; dan keabsahan surat keterangan waris yang dibuat oleh istri dan anak-anak dari perkawinan kedua tanpa melibatkan ahli waris dari perkawinan pertama berdasarkan putusan mahkamah agung nomor 1996 k/pdt/2018. Untuk menjawab permasalahan tersebut digunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif dengan menggunakan jenis data sekunder. Hasil penelitian meliputi pembagian harta peninggalan pewaris kepada ahli waris dari perkawinan pertama dan perkawinan kedua sebagaimana ditentukan dalam Pasal 852 dan 852a KUHPerdata. Surat keterangan waris yang dibuat oleh istri dan anak-anak dari perkawinan kedua harus melibatkan ahli waris dari perkawinan pertama yang memuat pembagian harta peninggalan pewaris sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan demi menjamin keadilan sehingga tidak ada salah satu pihak yang dirugikan
......This study discusses the distribution of the inheritance of the heir to the rightful heirs based on the civil law system which is subject to the Civil Code. This study aims to analyze the distribution of inheritance from the first and second marriages as well as the inheritance certificates made by the wife and children from the second marriage without involving the heirs from the first marriage. Inheritance only takes place due to death as stipulated in Article 830 of the Civil Code. The division of inheritance is not differentiated between men and women. In the case of inheritance of a husband or wife who dies first if the marriage is the second time, the share of the husband or wife who is left behind does not get a share of the inheritance that is greater than the children from the first marriage and the share obtained cannot be more than a quarter of the property. heir inheritance. Inheritance certificate made by the wife and children from the second marriage to transfer the rights to the inherited land and control the object of the inherited land that has not been distributed to all entitled heirs determined by legislation without involving other heirs is an act against law. The problems raised in this study are regarding the distribution of inheritance to the heirs of the first and second marriages based on the decision of the supreme court number 1996 k/pdt/2018; and the validity of the inheritance certificate made by the wife and children from the second marriage without involving the heirs from the first marriage based on the decision of the Supreme Court number 1996 k/pdt/2018. To answer these problems used normative juridical research methods using secondary data types. The results of the study include the distribution of the inheritance of the heir to the heirs of the first and second marriages as specified in Articles 852 and 852a of the Civil Code. The inheritance certificate made by the wife and children from the second marriage must involve the heirs from the first marriage which contains the distribution of the inheritance of the testator in accordance with the laws and regulations in order to ensure justice so that neither party is harmed.This study discusses the distribution of the inheritance of the heir to the rightful heirs based on the civil law system which is subject to the Civil Code. This study aims to analyze the distribution of inheritance from the first and second marriages as well as the inheritance certificates made by the wife and children from the second marriage without involving the heirs from the first marriage. Inheritance only takes place due to death as stipulated in Article 830 of the Civil Code. The division of inheritance is not differentiated between men and women. In the case of inheritance of a husband or wife who dies first if the marriage is the second time, the share of the husband or wife who is left behind does not get a share of the inheritance that is greater than the children from the first marriage and the share obtained cannot be more than a quarter of the property. heir inheritance. Inheritance certificate made by the wife and children from the second marriage to transfer the rights to the inherited land and control the object of the inherited land that has not been distributed to all entitled heirs determined by legislation without involving other heirs is an act against law. The problems raised in this study are regarding the distribution of inheritance to the heirs of the first and second marriages based on the decision of the supreme court number 1996 k/pdt/2018; and the validity of the inheritance certificate made by the wife and children from the second marriage without involving the heirs from the first marriage based on the decision of the Supreme Court number 1996 k/pdt/2018. To answer these problems used normative juridical research methods using secondary data types. The results of the study include the distribution of the inheritance of the heir to the heirs of the first and second marriages as specified in Articles 852 and 852a of the Civil Code. The inheritance certificate made by the wife and children from the second marriage must involve the heirs from the first marriage which contains the distribution of the inheritance of the testator in accordance with the laws and regulations in order to ensure justice so that neither party is harmed.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia , 2022
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Royke Ferrari
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas mengenai permohonan penetapan ahli waris tanpa adanya sengketa. Setiap lembaga negara memiliki kewenangan dan batasan yang diatur secara jelas dalam peraturan yang mendasari dibentuknya lembaga tersebut dalam sistem pemerintahan dan pelayanan masyarakat. Begitupun bagi lembaga kenotariatan dan lembaga peradilan, memiliki kewenangan dalam menjalankan tugasnya masing-masing dengan tidak melampaui kewenangan yang telah diberikan guna mencapai kepastian hukum. Dalam hukum waris, walaupun masih terjadi pruralisme hukum dalam pelaksanaan pembagian waris, namun tetap ada pemisahan yang telah diatur secara jelas berkaitan dengan kewenangan masing-masing lembaga dalam proses pembagian waris khususnya mengenai penetapan pembagian waris sehingga pelaksanaan pembagian waris harus dilaksanakan oleh lembaga yang berwenang untuk itu. Untuk menjawab permasalahan tersebut digunakan metode penelitian hukum yuridis normatif melalui studi kepustakaan dan menganalisis data sekunder melalui metode kualitatif serta tipe penelitian deskriptif analitis. Kesimpulan penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa notaris memiliki kewenangan hak mewaris atas
keturunan dari golongan tionghoa dan eropa dan dalam hal penetapan hak mewaris, notaris wajib berpedoman pada KUH Perdata sebagai pedoman pembagian waris. Surat keterangan mewaris merupakan kesepakatan pembagian waris oleh para ahli waris yang di tuangkan kedalam surat keterangan hak mewaris yang dibuat dihadapan notaris dengan disertai dengan pendapat hukum notaris. Dalam kasus waris, tidaklah tepat diajukan sebagai suatu permohonan sepihak. Untuk mengajukan persoalan waris ke pengadilan sebaiknya diajukan dalam bentuk gugatan sehingga pengadilan memiliki kewenangan untuk mengeluarkan putusan. Sedangkan dalam hal permohonan diajukan secara sepihak, maka pengadilan hanya memiliki kewenangan
dalam membubuhkan legalisasi atas pernyataan waris.
This study discusses the application for the determination of heirs without any dispute. Each state institution has authority and limits that are clearly regulated in the regulations that underlie the establishment of these institutions in government systems and community services. Likewise for notary institutions and judiciary institutions, have the authority to carry out their respective duties by not exceeding the authority that has been given in order to achieve legal certainty. In inheritance law, although legal pruralism still occurs in the implementation of inheritance distribution, there is still a clearly regulated separation relating to the authority of each institution in the process of inheritance distribution, especially regarding the determination of inheritance distribution so that the implementation of inheritance must be carried out by the competent institution to that. To answer this problem normative juridical legal research methods are used through literature study and analyzing secondary data through qualitative methods and analytical descriptive research types. The conclusion of this study shows that the notary has inheritance authority over descendants from Chinese and European groups and in the case of
determining inheritance rights, the notary is obliged to refer to the Civil Code as a guideline for the distribution of inheritance. Inheritance certificate is an agreement on the distribution of heirs by the heirs which is poured into a certificate of inheritance made before the notary accompanied by a notary's legal opinion. In the case of inheritance, it is not appropriate to submit it as a one-sided request. To submit an issue of inheritance to court, it should be submitted in the form of a lawsuit so that the court has the authority to issue a decision. Whereas if the application is submitted unilaterally, the court only has the authority to affix the legalization of the statement of inheritance.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Annabelle Octaviany Josephine Karamoy
Abstrak :
Dalam pembuatan Surat Keterangan Waris yang berisi perkawinan campur yang dilangsungkan di luar negeri, Notaris perlu memperhatikan terlebih dahulu mengenai pendaftaran atau pencatatan perkawinan tersebut di Indonesia. Pokok permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah akibat hukum dari perkawinan campur yang dilangsungkan di luar negeri dan tidak didaftarkan di Indonesia terhadap kedudukan dan hak waris anak ditinjau berdasarkan Pasal 16 Algemeene Bepalingen van Wetgeving voor Indonesie (AB) dan keabsahan Surat Keterangan Waris yang dibuat oleh masing-masing Notaris dalam Putusan Majelis Pengawas Wilayah Notaris Provinsi DKI Jakarta Nomor 16/PTS/MJ.PWN.Prov.DKIJakarta/XII/2022. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum doktrinal. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan akibat hukum dari perkawinan campur yang dilangsungkan di luar negeri dan tidak didaftarkan di Indonesia terhadap kedudukan dan hak waris anak berdasarkan Pasal 16 AB adalah anak yang bersangkutan kedudukannya disamakan dengan anak luar kawin dan dirinya hanya dapat mewaris terhadap ibu dan keluarga ibunya saja. Dalam hal ini, hak mewaris terhadap ayahnya dapat diperoleh jika ayah yang bersangkutan melakukan pengakuan terhadap anak luar kawin tersebut atau dilakukan pembuktian menggunakan tes DNA mengenai kebenaran hubungan darah antara ayah dan anak luar kawin tersebut sebagaimana Putusan MK Nomor 46/PUU-VIII/2010. Kemudian, Surat Keterangan Waris yang dibuat oleh Notaris RF adalah sah, sedangkan Surat Keterangan Waris yang dibuat oleh Notaris VR adalah tidak sah. Hal ini dikarenakan Surat Keterangan Waris Notaris RF telah mencantumkan seluruh ahli waris yang berhak dan dibuat sesuai dengan ketentuan hukum yang berlaku. Berbeda dengan Putusan MPW terkait, Surat Keterangan Waris Notaris VR adalah tidak sah karena Tuan TL selaku satu-satunya ahli waris yang berhak dalam keterangan waris tersebut merupakan anak luar kawin yang tidak diakui berdasarkan hukum waris Indonesia. Sebagai anak luar kawin yang tidak diakui, Tuan TL tidak mempunyai alas hak yang sah untuk memperoleh harta peninggalan ayahnya selaku pewaris.
......In making a Certificate of Inheritance containing a mixed marriage that took place abroad, the Notary needs to first pay attention to the registration or recording of the marriage in Indonesia. The main problem in this research is the legal consequences of mixed marriages that take place abroad and are not registered in Indonesia have on the position and inheritance rights of children reviewed based on Article 16 of the Algemeene Bepalingen van Wetgeving voor Indonesie (AB) and the validity of the Certificate of Inheritance made by each Notary in the Decision of the Regional Notary Supervisory Council of DKI Jakarta Province Number 16/PTS/MJ.PWN.Prov.DKIJakarta/XII/2022. This research is using doctrinal legal research methods. The results of this research are that the legal consequences of mixed marriages that take place abroad and are not registered in Indonesia on the position and inheritance rights of children based on Article 16 AB are that the child in question has the same position as illegitimate children and he can only inherit from the mother and the mother’s family. In this case, the right to inherit from the father can be obtained if the father concerned acknowledges the illegitimate child or provides proof using a DNA test regarding the truth of the blood relationship between the father and the illegitimate child as stated in Constitutional Court Decision Number 46/PUU-VIII/2010. Then, the Inheritance Certificate made by the Notary RF is valid, while the Inheritance Certificate made by the Notary VR is invalid. This is because the Notary RF Certificate of Inheritance includes all entitled heirs and is made in accordance with applicable legal provisions. Notary VR Inheritance Certificate is invalid because Mr. TL, as the only heir entitled to the inheritance statement, is an illegitimate child who is not recognized under Indonesian law. As an unrecognized illegitimate child, Mr. TL has no legal right to obtain the property inherited from his father as heir. This is different from the related MPW Decision which states that the VR Notary has carried out his position in accordance with applicable legal provisions.
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library