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Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Berlin: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft John Wiley & sons, 1987
R 621.319 24 ELE I
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Patterson, Simon
"Plantation place is one of the most important new developments in city of London of recent years. It is a piece of contemporary architecture designed by Arup Associates that sits comfortably into its environment. As part of the context of this new development British land have created plantation lane, a pedestrian walkway between the two buildings of plantation place that recreates some of the permeability of the old olantation house. "
London : [RIBA , ], 2005
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fita Kartika Ariani
"Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh gambaran tentang kinerja pegawai Instalasi Gizi RSUD Koja dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja pegawai yaitu variabel individu (jenis kelamin, umur, masa kerja, pelatihan, dan pendidikan), variabel organisasi (supervisi dan imbalan), dan variabel psikologis (motivasi). Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian cross sectional dengan sampel seluruh pegawai Instalasi Gizi. Data yang dikumpulkan merupakan data primer dengan alat bantu kuesioner. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan tidak ada hubungan antara kinerja dengan variabel individu, variabel organisasi, dan variabel psikologis. Untuk meningkatkan kinerja para pegawainya hendaknya manajemen mengadakan pemilihan pegawai teladan untuk memotivasi para pegawainya, memberikan bimbingan dan dorongan motivasi kepada pegawai secara rutin dan berkala, dan membuat suatu sasaran atau target yang melibatkan para pegawai dalam membuatnya.

The purpose of this research is to get the illustration about Performance of Nutrition Installation's Employee on Koja General Hospital and factors that influence the employee's performance which is personal variable (sex, age, job length, training, and education), organizational variable (supervision and reward), and psychological variable (motivation). This research use cross sectional design which all of employees on Nutrition Installation as samples. Data which were collected is primary data with questioner. From the result has been found that there is no relation between performance and personal variable, organizational variable, and psychological variable. To increase employee's performances, management should establish the election of best employee to motivate them, giving supervision and motivation to the employee regularly, and make a target which involve the employee."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Umar Ismail Rivai
"Krisis ekonomi dan otonomi daerah dapat menyebabkan menurunnya subsidi pemerintah kepada rumah sakit. Disisi lain jumlah dan jenis pelayanan rumah sakit harus ditingkatkan karena demand masyarakat yang makin meningkat oleh sebab terjadinya pergeseran pola penyakit.
Tarif yang berlaku saat ini ditetapkan dengan Peraturan Daerah Provinsi Sumatera Barat tahun 1995 dan oleh karena adanya rencana dari RSUD Solok., untuk menjadi rumah sakit swadana, maka perlu ditetapkan tarif rasional, yang dalam penelitian ini dihatasi pada penetapan tarif di instalasi rawat inap menurut kelas rawatan.
Dalam menetapkan tarif rasional di instalasi rawat inap dilakukan penelitian biaya di unit-unit penunjang dan unit-unit produksi, meliputi biaya investasi, biaya operasional dan biaya pemeiiharaan. Data berupa data sekunder dikumpulkan dari catatan/laporan kegiatan, pengolahan data dilakukan dengan double distribution method, dan kemudian dilakukan perhitungan yang menghasilkan biaya total dan biaya satuan. Survey kemampuan membayar masyarakat (ATP) dilakukan pada pengunjung rawat inap dengan wawancara berupa kuesioner yang telah disiapkan. Persepsi stakeholders yangterkait dengan penelapan tarif dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalarm. Simulasi tarif dilakukan dengan berpatokan pada biaya satuan, tarif saat ini, ATP, persepsi .stakeholders, dan cost recovery ale. Dengan demikian didapat tarif rasional instalasi rawat inap menurut kelas rawatan, yaitu: Kelas Utama: Penyakit Dalam Rp. 30.000, Kelas 1 Penyakit Dalam Rp. 22.500_- , Kelas I Kebidanan Rp. 27.500, Kelas II Bedah Rp. 20.000.-, Kelas II Anak Rp. 20.000,-, Kelas 11 Penyakit Dalam Rp. 16,000,-; dan Kebidanan Rp. 22.500,-. Kelas ZFI Bedah Rp. 6,000. Anak Rp. 8.000,- , Penyakit Dalam Rp. 4.000.-dan Kebidanan Rp. 6,000, . Rekomendasi dari penelitian ini adalah masih tetap diharapkan subsidi dari pemerintah kepada rumah sakit dan masyarakat tak mampu.
Daftar bacaan : 35 (1983 - 2000)

Determining Rational Tariff of Hospital's Ward Installations that Classified by the Class Rate at Rumah Sakit Umum Daerab Solok in 1999/2000Economic crisis and district autonomy influenced government's subsidies to district hospitals. On the other side, public hospitals should improve and develop their services to respons public's demand.
Tariff of RSUD Solok was set up in 1995 (Perda) and due to the plan to become more atonomous the hospital need to determine its Rational Tariff.
In setting up Rational tariff for inpatient care costs for supporting and production units were determined including investment and operational costs, as well as maintenance cost. The secondary data was collected from hospital records, has been and analysed using double distribution method. To describe the ability to pay (ATP), interview to the patiens have been conducted, interviews with stakeholders were also conducted to obtain information on their stakeholders perception of the rational tariff Simulation had been done based on findings of unit cost, perceptions,and the cost recovery rate. Proposed tariffs for inpatient care (RSUD) Solok, are as follow. TIP (Internal Medicine) Rp. 30.000; First Class: Internal Medicine Rp. 22.500,-, Obgyn Rp. 27.500, Second Class: Surgery Rp. 20.000, Pediatric Rp. 20.000, Internal Medicine Rp. 16.000,- and Obgyn Rp. 22300, Third Class: Surgery Rp. 6.000, Pediatric Rp. 8.000, Internal Medicine Rp. 4.000,- and ObgynRp. 6.000, Based on the findings, the government need to continue to provide subsides to public hospitals and the poor.
References: 35 (1983 - 2000)"
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irma Herawati
"Benzene merupakan bahan yang bersifat karsinogenik bagi manusia. Crude Oil dan produk-produknya merupakan sumber pajanan benzene yang cukup besar sehingga pekerja di kilang pengolahan minyak dan instalasi BBM memiliki risiko tinggi terpajan benzene. Pajanan benzene dapat diketahui melalui pengukuran metabolit benzene. S-phenylmercapturic acid (S-PMA) merupakan metabolit benzene yang spesifik sebagai biomarker monitoring pekerja yang terpajan benzene. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan kadar S-PMA dalam urin antara pekerja Kilang dan Instalasi BBM serta faktor lain yang berhubungan.
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian cross sectional comparative yang membandingkan kadar S-PMA urin endshift antara responden kilang dan instalasi BBM. S-PMA diekstraksi dari urin dan dianalisis menggunakan Liquid Chromatography (LC). Sampel dipilih secara stratified proportional random sampling.
Hasil: Jumlah sampel sebanyak 50 orang untuk masing-masing lokasi. Kadar SPMA urin pekerja Kilang berada pada rentang 2,82-489,12 ug/g kreatinin dengan nilai tengah 29,41 ug/g kreatinin, sedangkan di Instalasi BBM berada pada rentang 0,45-58,47 ug/g kreatinin dengan nilai tengah 3,10 ug/g kreatinin. Kadar S-PMA secara signifikan berhubungan dengan lama kerja per hari, jenis pekerjaan (ORc=2,72; CI95% 1,175-6,318), lokasi kerja (ORAd=10,59; CI95% 3,481-32,207), dan sumber pajanan benzene lain diluar pekerjaan (ORAd=3,02; CI95% 1,103-8,253) sedangkan status gizi, merokok dan penggunaan APD masker tidak ada hubungan dengan kadar S-PMA urin.
Kesimpulan: Terdapat perbedaan kadar S-PMA antara pekerja Kilang dengan Instalasi BBM. Pekerja Kilang memiliki risiko sepuluh kali lebih tinggi mendapatkan kadar S-PMA urin diatas nilai BEI (Biological Exposure Index) dibanding pekerja di Instalasi BBM. 62% responden di kilang dan 12% responden di instalasi BBM memiliki kadar S-PMA urin diatas nilai BEI.

Benzene is a substance that is carcinogenic to humans. Crude Oil and its products are a source of benzene exposure is large enough so that workers at oil refineries and fuel installations have a high risk of exposure to benzene. Exposure to benzene can be determined by measuring benzene metabolites. Sphenylmercapturic acid (S-PMA) is a specific metabolite of benzene as a biomarker monitoring of workers exposed to benzene. This study aims to determine the differences in the levels of S-PMA in urine refinery and fuel instalations respondents and factors associated with higher levels of S-PMA.
Method : This study was a cross-sectional comparative study that compared the levels of S-PMA urine endshift between respondents refineries and fuel installations. Sphenylmercapturic acid (S-PMA) extracted from urine and analyzed using Liquid Chromatography (LC). Samples selected by stratified proportional random sampling.
Result : The total sample of 50 for each location. Levels of S-PMA refinery respondents were in the range 2.82 to 489.12 ug / g creatinine with a median value 29.41 ug / g creatinine, whereas in the installation of the fuel is in the range from 0.45 to 58.47 ug / g creatinine with a median value of 3.10 ug / g creatinine. Levels of S-PMA was significantly related to length of exposure per day, type of work (ORc=2,72 ;CI95% 1,175-6,318), location of work (ORAd=10,59; CI95% 3,481-32,207) and other sources of exposure outside of work (ORAd=3,02; CI95% 1,103-8,253) while nutritional status, smoking and the use of PPE mask no association with levels of S-PMA urine.
Conclusion : There are differences between the levels of S-PMA with the installation of fuel refinery workers. Refinery workers have ten times higher risk of getting urinary levels of S-PMA on the value of BEI (Biological Exposure Index) compared to workers in the fuel installation. 62% of respondents in the refinery and 12% of respondents in the installation of the fuel had higher levels of urinary S-PMA above the BEI value."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library