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Hasil Pencarian

Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Andre Samuel Saut M. Bakara
Abstrak :
Sektor perbankan memiliki peranan penting dalam mendukung pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional, dengan fungsi intermediasi. Salah satu fenomena yang terjadi di sektor perbankan nasional adalah belum maksimalnya fungsi intermediasi dialankan, tingginya spread suku bunga, dan rendahnya efisiensi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh perubahan struktur industri perbankan terhadap kemampuan bank menghasilkan keuntungan. Penelitian inimengacu pada penelitian yang dilakukan Smirlock (1995), dan berbagai penelitian-penelitian terakhir di area ini. Dalam menganalisa pengaruh perubahan struktur industri perbankan pada profitabilitas bank, penelitian ini akan mencoba membuktikan kebenaran hipotesa tradisional SCP (Structure-Conduct-Performance), hipotesa RMP (Relative Market Power) dan hipotesa efisiensi.

Analisis ini menggunakan panel data dengan sampel 30 bank umum konvensional terbesar selama periode 2002 hingga 2009. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa keuntungan bank bukan berasal dari perilaku kolusif, yang dimungkinkan pada struktur pasar yang terkonsentrasi, namun dalam estimasi model, didapat dukungan pada berlakunya teori RMP, yaitu bank menikmati keuntungan yang berasal dari penguasaannya atas pasar. Lebih lanjut lagi dibuktikan juga bahwa efisiensi memiliki pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan pada kinerja bank.
Banking sector play important role in supporting sustainable economic growth as the intermediary of capital. On the period after economic crisis, the role of intermediary is still not played dominantly, as indicated by the low LDR (loan to deposit ratio) Apart from that, the sign of high Net Interest Margin, with low operational efficiency indicated by the high BOPO ratio, shows that there are still a big area for improvement for this sector. This study aim to empirically test the impact of changes on banking Industry market structure to bank profitability. The study is based on the work of Smirlock (1995) and a number of recent work on this field. In analyzing the impact of changes on market structure, the empirical test will examine the validity of traditional SCP (Structure-Conduct-Performance) hypothesis, Relative Market Power (RMP) hypothesis and efficiency hypothesis.

The result of the panel data analysis conducted on a sample of 30 biggest conventional commercial banks over the period from 2002 to 2009. The result showed that during the period of observation, bank profit does not stem from collusive behavior, which might be resulted due to increasing market concentration. However in model regression, support was found for the Relative Market Power hypothesis, which states that bank profit stems from its market power. Moreover, it was proved that efficiency have positive and significant relationship with bank profits, Banking sector play important role in supporting sustainable economic growth as the intermediary of capital. On the period after economic crisis, the role of intermediary is still not played dominantly, as indicated by the low LDR (loan to deposit ratio) Apart from that, the sign of high Net Interest Margin, with low operational efficiency indicated by the high BOPO ratio, shows that there are still a big area for improvement for this sector. This study aim to empirically test the impact of changes on banking Industry market structure to bank profitability. The study is based on the work of Smirlock (1995) and a number of recent work on this field. In analyzing the impact of changes on market structure, the empirical test will examine the validity of traditional SCP (Structure-Conduct-Performance) hypothesis, Relative Market Power (RMP) hypothesis and efficiency hypothesis. The result of the panel data analysis conducted on a sample of 30 biggest conventional commercial banks over the period from 2002 to 2009. The result showed that during the period of observation, bank profit does not stem from collusive behavior, which might be resulted due to increasing market concentration. However in model regression, support was found for the Relative Market Power hypothesis, which states that bank profit stems from its market power. Moreover, it was proved that efficiency have positive and significant relationship with bank profits]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Delia Dintana
Abstrak :
Studi ini mengkaji bagaimana peningkatan perdagangan internasional telah memengaruhi dinamika kesenjangan upah antar jenis kelamin dan share employment di industri manufaktur di Indonesia hingga 2003 hingga 2015. Teori Discrimination Taste oleh Becker (1957) dan menyatakan bahwa perdagangan internasional adalah mekanisme untuk meningkatkan daya saing di pasar sehingga peningkatan perdagangan internasional akan mengurangi kesenjangan upah antar tenaga kerja laki-laki dan perempuan karena diskriminasi bersifat costly untuk industri. Di sisi lain, teori non neoklasik berpendapat bahwa perdagangan internasional berakibat kepada melebarnya ketimpangan upah dikarenakan adanya segregasi pekerjaan diantara skilled dan unskilled labor. Penulis memasukkan ide dari kedua teori ini ke dalam model teori persaingan dan konsentrasi industri dan menguji model tersebut menggunakan data panel dari data survei rumah tangga Sakernas yang digabung dengan data perdagangan dan konsentrasi dari Statistik Industri dari 2003-2015. Perkiraan dari Ordinary Least Square (OLS) dan random effect di tingkat industri menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan daya saing di dalam pasar karena perdagangan internasional membuat tingkat kesenjangan upah di industri manufaktur terkonsentrasi di Indonesia menjadi semakin lebar. ...... This study examines how increasing trade in manufacturing industry in Indonesia through 2003 to 2015 have affected the dynamic of the gender wage gap and share employment. The Discrimination Taste theory by Becker (1957) stated that international trade is a mechanism for the competitiveness in the market hence the increasing of trade will decrease the gender wage gap since it is costly for the industry. On the other hand, non-neoclassical theory argues that international trade results in widening wage inequality due to the segregation of work between skilled and unskilled labor. We incorporate these two ideas into a theoritical model of competition and industry concentration and test the model using panel data of Sakernas household survey data merged with trade and concentration data from Statistik Industri from 2003-2015. Estimates from ordinary least-squares (OLS) and random effects regressions at the industry-level indicate that increasing openness to trade is associated with larger wage gaps in Indonesias concentrated manufacturing industries.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi Dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Seira Adilia Fauzi
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh struktur modal terhadap daya saing, serta pengaruh konsentrasi industri terhadap hubungan antara struktur modal dan daya saing perusahaan sektor non-keuangan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada periode tahun 2015-2019. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 201 perusahaan dengan 1.005 firm-year observasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua proksi daya saing, yaitu perubahan pendapatan dan perubahan pangsa pasar perusahaan. Sedangkan untuk mengukur struktur modal, penelitian ini menggunakan proksi book leverage dan perubahan book leverage. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode data panel fixed effect. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perubahan book leverage memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap daya saing perusahaan. ......This research investigates the effect of capital structure on firm’s competitiveness and moderation effect of industry concentration on the relation between capital structure and firm’s competitiveness in a sample of non-financial companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from the period of 2015 to 2019. This research drew on secondary data consisting of 201 companies with a total of 1.005 firm-year observations. The firm’s competitiveness aspects used on this paper are change of sales revenue and change of market share, while firm’s capital structure is measured by book leverage and change of book leverage. This study used panel data fixed effect model to analyzed data. The result shows a positive and significant effect of change of book leverage on firm’s competitiveness.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Karina Ajeng Widowati
Abstrak :
Teori Krugman mengungkapkan bahwa adanya skala ekonomi, wilayah maju memiliki karakteristik perindustrian, sehingga tenaga kerja akan melakukan migrasi ke wilayah tersebut. Hal ini menunjukan adanya keterkaitan antar pola migran tenaga kerja terhadap konsentrasi industri. Sehubungan dengan itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat teori Krugman dapat diterapkan di Pulau Jawa atau tidak. Pulau Jawa memiliki tingkat ekonomi yang maju dibandingkan Pulau-pulau lainnya di Indonesia. Variabel yang digunakan adalah data kependudukan, pertumbuhan ekonomi, dan industri. Kemudian diolah dengan menggunakan metode overlay dan crosstab. Pergeseran karakteristik migran tenaga kerja yang terlihat yaitu migran tenaga kerja perempuan terampil serta lakilaki ahli. Migran tenaga kerja perempuan terampil bergeser dari zona tengah dan selatan Pulau Jawa ke zona tengah Pulau Jawa dalam status ekonomi yang sama yaitu tidak maju. Migran tenaga kerja laki-laki ahli tetap berada di zona selatan dengan status ekonomi tidak maju, tetapi mengalami pergeseran dari wilayah dengan 1 jenis spesialisasi ke wilayah dengan 2 jenis spesialisasi industri. Sedangkan konsentrasi industri manufaktur mengalami pergeseran hanya di zona utara dan tengah. Dengan demikian pergeseran pola migran tenaga kerja tidak memiliki keterkaitan dengan pergeseran konsentrasi industri. ......Krugman's theory reveals that in the existence of economies of scale, developed region has characteristic of industry, so that labor will migrate to the region. This shows an association between the patterns of migrant labor to the industrial concentration. The study aimed to look at whether The Krugman's theory could be applied in Java or not. The island of Java had an advanced economic level compared to other islands in Indonesia. The variables used were population data, economic growth, and industry. Then the data processed using the overlay method and crosstab. There were shift characteristics of skilled migrant woman workers and male experts. Skilled migrant woman workers shifted from central and southern zones of the island of Java to the middle zone of the island of Java in the same unprogressive economic status. Experted migrant man labors remained in the southern zone with the unprogressive economic status, but they shifted from areas with a kind of specialization to the region with two types of industrial specialization. On the other hand, the concentration of manufacturing industry shifted only in the northern and central zones. In the conclusion, the shift pattern of migrant labor had no connection with the shift of industrial concentration.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library