ABSTRAKLangkah awal memperbaiki mutu dan meningkatkan pelayanan laboratorium RS.
Masmitra adalah melalui metode Lean yang bertujuan meciptakan value dengan
cara mengurangi kesalahan dan waktu tunggu
Penelitian analitik dengan metode kualitatif dengan cara observasi, wawancara
dan telaah data bertujuan menganalisis alur proses pelayanan laboratorium pasien
UGD RS. Masmitra dan membuat usulan rancangan perbaikan setelah
menerapkan konsep Lean Thinking
Pada Current State Value Stream Map didapati 39% kegiatan non value-added
serta 7 jenis waste dalam proses pelayanan laboratorium pasien UGD serta
melalui penerapan Lean Tools diciptakan ide-ide perbaikan dalam bentuk Future
State Value Stream Map dimana hanya terdapat 9% kegiatan non value-added
pada proses tersebut. Oleh karena itu, penerapan konsep lean thinking sangatlah
tepat untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan laboratorium RS.Masmitra.
ABSTRACTInitial steps to improve the quality and enhance the hospital laboratory service at
Masmitra Hospital is through Lean methods which aimed then to create value by
reducing errors and waiting time.
Analytical Study with qualitative methods by taking observation, interviews and
documents analysis which aims to analyze the process flow of the ED patient
laboratory service at Masmitra Hospital and creating the improvement after
applying the concept of Lean Thinking
On the Current State Value Stream Map found 39 % of non value-added activities
as well as 7 different types of waste in the process of ER patients and laboratory
services through the application of Lean Tools which has created improvement
ideas in the form of Future State Value Stream Map where there are only 9 % of
non value- added activities to the process. Therefore , the application of the
concept of lean thinking is appropriate to improve the quality of laboratory
services at Masmitra Hospital.;Initial steps to improve the quality and enhance the hospital laboratory service at
Masmitra Hospital is through Lean methods which aimed then to create value by
reducing errors and waiting time.
Analytical Study with qualitative methods by taking observation, interviews and
documents analysis which aims to analyze the process flow of the ED patient
laboratory service at Masmitra Hospital and creating the improvement after
applying the concept of Lean Thinking
On the Current State Value Stream Map found 39 % of non value-added activities
as well as 7 different types of waste in the process of ER patients and laboratory
services through the application of Lean Tools which has created improvement
ideas in the form of Future State Value Stream Map where there are only 9 % of
non value- added activities to the process. Therefore , the application of the
concept of lean thinking is appropriate to improve the quality of laboratory
services at Masmitra Hospital., Initial steps to improve the quality and enhance the hospital laboratory service at
Masmitra Hospital is through Lean methods which aimed then to create value by
reducing errors and waiting time.
Analytical Study with qualitative methods by taking observation, interviews and
documents analysis which aims to analyze the process flow of the ED patient
laboratory service at Masmitra Hospital and creating the improvement after
applying the concept of Lean Thinking
On the Current State Value Stream Map found 39 % of non value-added activities
as well as 7 different types of waste in the process of ER patients and laboratory
services through the application of Lean Tools which has created improvement
ideas in the form of Future State Value Stream Map where there are only 9 % of
non value- added activities to the process. Therefore , the application of the
concept of lean thinking is appropriate to improve the quality of laboratory
services at Masmitra Hospital.]"