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Ditemukan 6 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Diantha Soemantri
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Pidato  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This study tries to reveal the process of socio - economic transformation and its impact on rural communicaties in Pendoworejo village. This research is aimed at describing the effects of the socio-economic transformation on the quality of human resources, particularly the efforts of residents in the village of Pendoworejo to improve the quality of life, in depth. The techniques of collecting data are observation, interviews, documentation and FGD to all Pendoworejo stakeholders. Then, the data obtained were analyzed qualitatively by taking an interpretative approach and then summed up. From the analysis, it is concluded that the socio-economic transformation has led to the improvement of the quality of human resources through learning process in the interaction among the citizens, especially through the process of urbanization. The society has changed a lot in terms of quality of life, but less followed by the institutionalization of these changes, thus weakening local instutions in the village. In the case of Pendoworejo village, the changes are influeced by two main factors, namely : (1) intrnal - rural conditions with the change in the local community's orientation or in their rational domain of awareness that has drastically changed , (2) the influence of supra - village (external conditions), which can come from the government (the state) and the expension of capital that tends to dominate."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The success of running the government and developing the area depends on the quality of human resources and the society. Moreover, for the development and autonomy of a "Developing village" , the quality of human resources of the village government and the villagers is necessary. Both of the have to support "Developing village" process. In the autonomy era , the district has the obligation to give attention and opportunity for the society to develop their human resources."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tri Suhartanto
Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia sebagai bagian dari sub sistempemerintahan yang bertanggung jawab dalam pemeliharaan keamanan danketertiban masyarakat, sebagai alat negara penegak hukum, pelindung, pengayomdan pelayan masyarakat dituntut untuk dapat mengantisipasi kemungkinanancaman sebagai dampak dari perkembangan lingkungan strategis khususnya arusglobalisasi. Oleh karena itu, Jumlah Anggota Polisi bila dibandingkan denganjumlah penduduk akan selalu tidak berimbang atau bahkan semakin ketinggalan,sehingga untuk mencapai angka perbandingan yang ideal 1:400 akan dibutuhkanwaktu yang lama, sementara ratio polisi dan penduduk yang ideal pun tidakmerupakan jaminan dapat terwujudnya kamtibmas. Perkembangan semakincanggih, orang yang tidak memiliki iman yang kuat serta lingkungan masyarakatyang mendukung secara negatif mendorong setiap orang tersebut untukmelakukan hal-hal yang bertentangan dengan hukum di Indonesia, salah satunyayaitu dengan mengedarkan barang terlarang yaitu narkotika. Jawa barat, adalahwilayah indonesia dengan penduduk terbesar dari seluruh provinsi di Indonesia,selain wilayah yang luas dan penduduk yang sangat banyak, Jawa Barat jugaterbebani dengan bentuk geografi yang berupa pegunungan. Polda Jawa Barat,adalah satuan Polri yang menangani hampir seluruh wilayah di Jawa Barat,mereka harus serius dan berusaha keras dalam rangka memerangi danmenghentikan peredadaran Narkoba di jawa barat, hal ini menjadi tugas tersendiridari Ditresnarkoba Jawa Barat. Indonesia saat ini memasuki fase Daruratnarkoba, maraknya peredaran Narkoba tidak luput masuk kedalam wilayah PoldaJawa Barat, dengan hal tersebut diatas, maka perlu ada peningkatan kinerja olehsatuan narkoba Polda Jawa Barat, dengan alasan tersebut diatas harus ada StrategiPeningkatan Kualitas SDM Pada Kinerja Anggota Ditresnarkoba Polda Jabar.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif untuk menentukan caramencari, mengumpulkan, mengolah dan menganalisis data hasil penelitiantersebut. Penelitian kualitatif ini dapat digunakan untuk memahami interaksisosial, misalnya dengan wawancara mendalam sehingga akan ditemukan strategiyang digunakan oleh Ditresnarkoba Polda Jabar dalam meningkatkan kualitasSDM anggota mereka.

The Indonesian National Police, as part of the government subsystem that isresponsible for maintaining security and public order, and as a state apparatus oflaw enforcement that guards, protects dan serves the people, is required toanticipate possible threats resulting from the development of the strategicenvironment, specifically the flow of globalization. Consequently, the policeofficer to population ratio will never be well balanced or may even fall furtherbehind, and that to reach the ideal ratio 1 400 will take quite some time, whilethe ideal police to population ratio itself does not ensure public security and order.In face of today rsquo s development that is becoming more sophisticated, individualswith weak faith, along with negative social support from the community, areprompted to perform acts contrary to law in Indonesia, including distribution ofprohibited goods such as narcotic drugs. The region of West Java is the highestpopulated province in Indonesia. In addition to its vast region and densepopulation, West Java is also burdened by a mountainous geographic condition.The West Java Regional Police is a unit of the Indonesian National Police thatcarries out duties in almost the entire region of West Java. The war against and theeradication of illegal drug distribution in West Java must be undertaken seriouslyand laboriously by the police. This is the distinctive duty of the NarcoticsInvestigation Directorate of West Java. Presently, Indonesia has entered the DrugEmergency phase. The rampant drug distribution has also entered the jurisdictionof West Java Regional Police. Therefore, performance improvement of thenarcotics unit of West Java Police is deemed necessary. For this reason, a strategyfor human resource quality improvement on the performance of West JavaNarcotics Investigation Directorate personnel is required. This research usesqualitative research methods to determine how to find, collect, process andanalyze the data of the research findings. This qualitative research can be used tounderstand social interaction, such as through in depth interview, which willuncover the strategy used by West Java Narcotics Investigation Directorate inimproving the HR quality of their personnel."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library