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Dian Rizky Azhari
Tesis ini membahas pengaruh kuasa wacana terhadap pilihan bebas tokoh Sasana
dalam proses pembentukan eksistensi diri. Dengan menggunakan teori kuasa
wacana Foucault, analisis menunjukkan bahwa kehidupan Sasana tidak pernah
lepas dari kuasa wacana yang mengonstruksi pemikiran dan tindakannya. Ia
mendefinisikan diri berhadapan dengan wacana yang mengharuskannya membuat
pilihan dalam menentukan jalan hidupnya. Dengan menggunakan teori
eksistensialisme Sartre, analisis menunjukkan bahwa dalam proses pendefinisian
tersebut, ia memperjuangkan pilihan bebasnya dengan cara bernegosiasi dengan
wacana. Ia dapat memilih untuk patuh terhadap kekuasaan tersebut atau tidak
patuh dan melakukan hal yang berlawanan dengan wacana kuasa. Kesadaran
Sasana sendiri yang memutuskan untuk memberikan atau tidak memberikan
otoritas kepada wacana untuk menguasai dirinya, karena proses pendefinisian diri
sepenuhnya adalah keputusan dari pilihan bebas Sasana. Hasil analisis
menunjukkan bahwa kuasa wacana yang terrepresentasikan dalam pandangan
orang lain memberi pengaruh dalam pembentukan eksistensi diri Sasana ketika ia
tidak setia pada pilihan bebasnya dan menolak untuk bertanggungjawab atas
pilihan tersebut. Sebaliknya, Sasana terbebas dari pengaruh wacana ketika ia setia
pada eksistensi diri yang telah ditetapkannya dan bertanggungjawab terhadap
segala konsekuensi dari pilihan bebas tersebut.

This Thesis analysis the influence of discourse toward the free will of Sasana in
constructing self Existence process. By using Foucault?s theory of the power of
discourse, the analysis shows that Sasana?s life is never liberated from the power
of discourse that constructing his way of think and his way of act. He defines
himself toward the discourse that requires him to make choice in determining his
way. By using Sartre?s theory of existentialism, the analysis shows that in that
process, he struggle for his free will in the manner of negotiating with the
discourse. He can chooses to be obedient to the power or not and does the thing
that is opposite with the discourse. It is Sasana?s consciousness which eventually
decides to give or not to give the discourse an authority to take control of himself,
because the total self-defining process is the decision of such free will. It can be
concluded that the power of discourse which is represented by the look of other
influences Sasana?s way of constructing his self existence, when he is not faithful
to his free will and refuses to be responsible for it. On the contrary, Sasana is freed
from the discourse?s influence when he is faithful to his determined self existence
and responsible for all consequences from those free will.;This Thesis analysis the influence of discourse toward the free will of Sasana in
constructing self Existence process. By using Foucault?s theory of the power of
discourse, the analysis shows that Sasana?s life is never liberated from the power
of discourse that constructing his way of think and his way of act. He defines
himself toward the discourse that requires him to make choice in determining his
way. By using Sartre?s theory of existentialism, the analysis shows that in that
process, he struggle for his free will in the manner of negotiating with the
discourse. He can chooses to be obedient to the power or not and does the thing
that is opposite with the discourse. It is Sasana?s consciousness which eventually
decides to give or not to give the discourse an authority to take control of himself,
because the total self-defining process is the decision of such free will. It can be
concluded that the power of discourse which is represented by the look of other
influences Sasana?s way of constructing his self existence, when he is not faithful
to his free will and refuses to be responsible for it. On the contrary, Sasana is freed
from the discourse?s influence when he is faithful to his determined self existence
and responsible for all consequences from those free will.;This Thesis analysis the influence of discourse toward the free will of Sasana in
constructing self Existence process. By using Foucault?s theory of the power of
discourse, the analysis shows that Sasana?s life is never liberated from the power
of discourse that constructing his way of think and his way of act. He defines
himself toward the discourse that requires him to make choice in determining his
way. By using Sartre?s theory of existentialism, the analysis shows that in that
process, he struggle for his free will in the manner of negotiating with the
discourse. He can chooses to be obedient to the power or not and does the thing
that is opposite with the discourse. It is Sasana?s consciousness which eventually
decides to give or not to give the discourse an authority to take control of himself,
because the total self-defining process is the decision of such free will. It can be
concluded that the power of discourse which is represented by the look of other
influences Sasana?s way of constructing his self existence, when he is not faithful
to his free will and refuses to be responsible for it. On the contrary, Sasana is freed
from the discourse?s influence when he is faithful to his determined self existence
and responsible for all consequences from those free will., This Thesis analysis the influence of discourse toward the free will of Sasana in
constructing self Existence process. By using Foucault’s theory of the power of
discourse, the analysis shows that Sasana’s life is never liberated from the power
of discourse that constructing his way of think and his way of act. He defines
himself toward the discourse that requires him to make choice in determining his
way. By using Sartre’s theory of existentialism, the analysis shows that in that
process, he struggle for his free will in the manner of negotiating with the
discourse. He can chooses to be obedient to the power or not and does the thing
that is opposite with the discourse. It is Sasana’s consciousness which eventually
decides to give or not to give the discourse an authority to take control of himself,
because the total self-defining process is the decision of such free will. It can be
concluded that the power of discourse which is represented by the look of other
influences Sasana’s way of constructing his self existence, when he is not faithful
to his free will and refuses to be responsible for it. On the contrary, Sasana is freed
from the discourse’s influence when he is faithful to his determined self existence
and responsible for all consequences from those free will.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewan Twi Kusumaningtyas
Penelitian ini mengkaji mengenai unsur-unsur kolonialisme yang terdapat dalam novel De Ogen van Solo karya Reggie Baay. Analisis didasarkan pada unsur-unsur pembangun dalam sebuah cerita, selanjutnya unsur tersebut dikaji melalui wacana kolonial untuk menemukan unsur kolonial apa saja yang terdapat didalamnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat dua unsur kolonialisme yang diperlihatkan dalam novel yaitu adanya pendudukan dan penguasaan terhadap suatu wilayah (termasuk semua sumber daya yang ada di dalamnya) dan adanya upaya pengekalan hirarki rasial dari pihak penguasa.

, The research discusses the elements of colonialism in the novel De Ogen van Solo by Reggie Baay. The analysis is based on the developing elements inside a story, further the developing elements are being reviewed by the colonial discourse to discover the elements of colonialism inside the novel. The result of the research shown inside the novel; the occupation and domination toward one territory (including all resources within) and retention racial hierarchy from the possessor.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nella Putri Giriani
"Tesis ini membahas pendisiplinan dalam konstruksi keluarga pada tiga film Indonesia kontemporer, yaitu Kulari Ke Pantai (2018), Keluarga Cemara (2019), dan Dua Garis Biru (2019) melalui konsep Konsep keluarga menurut Alston (2008), Teori Foucault mengenai Disciplinary Power, dan Unsur Naratif Film dan Mise-en-Scene milik Bordwell dan Thompson (2008). Penelitian ini berupaya membongkar konstruksi keluarga melalui wacana dan ideologi yang dibangun dalam film. Hal ini bertujuan untuk memperlihatkan bagaimana tiga film karya Gina S. Noer sebagai representasi sineas perempuan masa kini memberikan kontribusi pada kajian film Indonesia dalam melihat transformasi konstruksi
keluarga di masa Reformasi yang merefleksikan perubahan wacana kuasa dan ideologi gender Orde Baru. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kuasa yang berkaita dengan wacana seksualitas, kelas/ruang, dan gender yang dimunculkan dalam ketiga korpus ini menimbulkan pendisiplinan yang tumpeng tindih melalui pengajaran, internalisasi, pengawasan, dan pelaksanaan disiplin lainnya yang produktif dalam keluarga.
Pendisiplinan ini menghasilkan dan melatih tokoh bapak, ibu, dan anak untuk menjadi
individu yang patuh dengan konstruksi keluarga yang sesuai dengan nilai agama dan
sosial dalam masyarakat. Analisis lebih jauh dengan teori kuasa disiplin Foucault
menemukan adanya resistensi tokoh dalam keluarga untuk melawan norma dan nilai yang
konvensional, walaupun tidak berjalan dengan lama dan signifikan. Posisi ideologis yang
ambigu tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa ketiga korpus mengalami pergulatan nilai.
Adanya dominasi ideologi patriarki dan paternalistik menunjukkan bahwa ketiga film
pada akhirnya belum mampu meninggalkan konvensi struktur sosial yang ada. Budaya
patriarki yang secara hierarkies mengekslusifkan kuasa ayah, menempatkan Ibu pada
peran prokreasi, dan memosisikan anak sebagai objek paling bawah dalam keluarga
masih menyisakan jejaknya pada film-film Indonesia kontemporer.
......This thesis discusses disiplinary power of family construction in three contemporary
Indonesian movies, namely Kulari Ke Pantai (2018), Keluarga Cemara (2019), and Dua
Garis Biru (2019) through the concept of the concept of family according to Alston
(2008), Foucault's Theory of Disciplinary Power, and Bordwell and Thompson's (2008)
Film Narrative and Mise-en-Scene Elements. This research seeks to dismantle the family
construction through discourse and ideology in the movies. This aims to show how three
films by Gina S. Noer as representations of female filmmakers today contribute to
Indonesian film studies in seeing the transformation of family construction during the era
of Reformasi which reflects the changes in the discourse of power and gender ideology
of the Orde Baru. The results of the analysis show that the power related to sexuality,
class / space, and gender discourses that appear in these three corpuses causes overlapping
discipline through teaching, internalization, supervision, and the implementation of other
productive disciplines in the family. This discipline produces and trains father, mother,
and child figures to become individuals who are obedient to family constructions that are
in accordance with religious and social values in society. Further analysis with Foucault's
theory of disciplinary power found the resistance of figures in the family to go against
conventional norms and values, although not significant. This ambiguous ideological
position indicates that the three corpuses experience a value struggle. The dominance of
patriarchal and paternalistic ideologies shows that the three films in the end have not been
able to leave the existing convention of social structures. The patriarchal culture that
hierarchically excludes the power of the father, positions the mother in the role of
procreation, and the child as the lowest object in the family still leaves its traces in
Indonesian contemporary movies."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Unversitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library