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Ditemukan 60 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Arawinda Dinakaramani
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan merumuskan aturan-aturan afiksasi pembentuk verba dalam bahasa Indonesia menggunakan afiks meng- dan afiks ber-. Aturan-aturan tersebut dirumuskan menggunakan makna gramatikal afiks dan pendekatan dekomposisi predikat. Aturan-aturan yang dirumuskan dalam penelitian ini menampilkan hubungan antara makna leksikal dasar, afiks, makna gramatikal afiks, lexical semantic template verba hasil afiksasi, dan transitivitas verba hasil afiksasi. Hasil penelitian ini adalah satu set aturan yang terdiri atas 17 aturan afiksasi pembentuk verba dalam bahasa Indonesia yang diharapkan dapat diimplementasikan dalam program komputer yang mampu menganalisis afiksasi secara otomatis. ......This research is focused on the formulation of verbal affixation rules in Indonesian using meng- and ber-. The rules are formulated using grammatical meaning of affixes and predicate decomposition approach. The rules show the relation between base's lexical meaning, affix, affix‟s grammatical meaning, affixed verb's lexical semantic template, and affixed verb's transitivity. The result of this research is a set of 17 verbal affixation rules in Indonesian that are expected can be implemented on computer program that can be automatically analyse affixation.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Geeraerts, D.
Assen: Van Gorcum, 1982
BLD 439.313 GEE w
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lebesque, V.
Schoonhoven: Academic Service, 1991
BLD 439.313 LEB j
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lidia Kristri Afrilita
Abstrak :
Tesis ini mengkaji pengalaman Tip of the Tongue (ToT) pada penutur bahasa Indonesia dan pengaruh kompleksitas fonotaktik terhadap kejadian ToT, serta implikasinya terhadap model akses leksikal. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian eksperimental dengan menciptakan situasi yang memicu kemunculan ToT pada responden. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah kelompok kata berfonotaktik sederhana dan berfonotaktik kompleks yang diseleksi dari kata berfrekuensi rendah (F=5) pada korpus IndonesianWaC. Data penelitian ini adalah semua fitur generic recall yang muncul selama kejadian ToT dan urutan kemunculan tiap-tiap informasi tersebut. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan prosedur analisis statistik, yaitu perhitungan frekuensi kemunculan, uji t satu sampel, dan uji korelasi Pearson. Hasil analisis menjelaskan bahwa (1) fitur-fitur generic recall yang muncul pada ToT bahasa Indonesia adalah fitur relasi makna, definisi, dan memori episodik pada level konseptual; dan fitur segmen awal, segmen tengah, segmen akhir, jumlah suku kata, dan kemiripan fonologis pada level leksem; (2) variabel kompleksitas fonotaktik menjadi salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi probabilitas kejadian ToT; (3) model akses leksikal yang paling banyak muncul pada proses akses leksikal bahasa Indonesia adalah model serial; dan (4) kecenderungan kemunculan model serial terjadi pada kedua kelompok pola fonotaktik. ......This research investigates Tip of the Tongue (ToT) experience amongst Indonesian speakers and the influence of phonotactics complexity towards ToT probability, and its implication towards lexical access model. This study applied experimental research design by creating a condition to trigger the occurence of ToT amongst the respondents. The source of data was a group of simple-phonotactics words and a group of complex-phonotactics words selected from low frequency words (F=5) found in IndonesianWaC corpus. The data of this research was all generic recall features and the order of information as mentioned by the respondents during lexical access process. The data was analyzed by applying statistical analysis procedures including frequency of occurence, t test one sample, dan Pearson correlation test. The findings of this research indicated that (1) generic recall features found in Indonesian ToT include sense relation, definition, and episodic memory features on conceptual level; dan initial segment, middle segment, final segment, number of syllable, and phonological similarity features on lexeme level; (2) phonotactics complexity is one of the factors influencing the probability of ToT; (3) the most frequently occured lexical access model in Indonesian is serial model; and (4) the tendency towards serial model occurs in both phonotactics groups.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Manurung, Rudi Hartono
Abstrak :
Tesis ini akan membahas tentang konsep jogekankei yang ada dalam gaya bahasa enkyokuhou. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai penulis melalui penelitian ini adalah memaparkan adanya konsep jougekankei didalam percakapan yang menggunakan gaya bahasa enkyokuhou yang dilakukan kebanyakan oleh bawahan (buka) kepada atasan (joshi). Untuk penelitian ini pendekatan yang penulis gunakan adalah pendekatan kulitatif dengan menggunakan novel Nihon Kogyou Ginkou karya Ryo Takasugi untuk memahami konsep jougekankei yang ada didalam gaya bahasa enkyoukuhou. Untuk metode pengumpulan data penulis menggunakan metode kepustakaan. Untuk menganalisis penulis akan menggunakan dua metode yaitu Metode Interpretatif dan Metode Deskriptif. Dalam Metode Deskriptif Analisis ini penulis akan memamparkan hasil pemahaman penulis setelah menganalisis data agar dapat dipahami oleh pembaca.Metode yang ketiga adalah metode wawancara. Data yang dianalisis ada sepuluh buah. Secara garis besar dapat disimpulkan bahwa Engkyokuhou terbagi dalam dua kelompok besar yaitu enkyokuhou berjenis Gramatikal dan enkyokuhou berjenis Leksikal. Enkyokuhou berjenis Gramatikal terdapat dua fungsi dan enkyokuhou berjenis Leksikal terdapat empat fungsi.
This thesis will discuss the concept of jogekankei in enkyokuhou figure of speech. The study aims to describe the jougekankei concept in conversation that uses jougekankei conducted mostly by subordniates (buka) to their superiors (joshi). For this research, the writer uses the qualitative approach, by using Nihon Kogyou Ginkou novel by Ryo Takasugi to to understand the jogekankei concept in enkyoukuhou figure of speech . To collect the data, the writer uses literary analysis method. To analyze the data, the writer uses two methods: Interpretative Method and descriptive methods. When using Descriptive Analysis Method, the writer describes his understanding of the data . The third data collection method is interview. There are ten collections of data to be analyzed. In general, it can be concluded that Engkyokuhou is divided into two major groups, namely grammatical enkyokuhou and lexical enkyokuhou . Grammatical Enkyokuhou has two functions and lexical has four functions.;This thesis will discuss the concept of jogekankei in enkyokuhou figure of speech. The study aims to describe the jougekankei concept in conversation that uses jougekankei conducted mostly by subordniates (buka) to their superiors (joshi). For this research, the writer uses the qualitative approach, by using Nihon Kogyou Ginkou novel by Ryo Takasugi to to understand the jogekankei concept in enkyoukuhou figure of speech . To collect the data, the writer uses literary analysis method. To analyze the data, the writer uses two methods: Interpretative Method and descriptive methods. When using Descriptive Analysis Method, the writer describes his understanding of the data . The third data collection method is interview. There are ten collections of data to be analyzed. In general, it can be concluded that Engkyokuhou is divided into two major groups, namely grammatical enkyokuhou and lexical enkyokuhou . Grammatical Enkyokuhou has two functions and lexical has four functions.;This thesis will discuss the concept of jogekankei in enkyokuhou figure of speech. The study aims to describe the jougekankei concept in conversation that uses jougekankei conducted mostly by subordniates (buka) to their superiors (joshi). For this research, the writer uses the qualitative approach, by using Nihon Kogyou Ginkou novel by Ryo Takasugi to to understand the jogekankei concept in enkyoukuhou figure of speech . To collect the data, the writer uses literary analysis method. To analyze the data, the writer uses two methods: Interpretative Method and descriptive methods. When using Descriptive Analysis Method, the writer describes his understanding of the data . The third data collection method is interview. There are ten collections of data to be analyzed. In general, it can be concluded that Engkyokuhou is divided into two major groups, namely grammatical enkyokuhou and lexical enkyokuhou . Grammatical Enkyokuhou has two functions and lexical has four functions.;This thesis will discuss the concept of jogekankei in enkyokuhou figure of speech. The study aims to describe the jougekankei concept in conversation that uses jougekankei conducted mostly by subordniates (buka) to their superiors (joshi). For this research, the writer uses the qualitative approach, by using Nihon Kogyou Ginkou novel by Ryo Takasugi to to understand the jogekankei concept in enkyoukuhou figure of speech . To collect the data, the writer uses literary analysis method. To analyze the data, the writer uses two methods: Interpretative Method and descriptive methods. When using Descriptive Analysis Method, the writer describes his understanding of the data . The third data collection method is interview. There are ten collections of data to be analyzed. In general, it can be concluded that Engkyokuhou is divided into two major groups, namely grammatical enkyokuhou and lexical enkyokuhou . Grammatical Enkyokuhou has two functions and lexical has four functions.;This thesis will discuss the concept of jogekankei in enkyokuhou figure of speech. The study aims to describe the jougekankei concept in conversation that uses jougekankei conducted mostly by subordniates (buka) to their superiors (joshi). For this research, the writer uses the qualitative approach, by using Nihon Kogyou Ginkou novel by Ryo Takasugi to to understand the jogekankei concept in enkyoukuhou figure of speech . To collect the data, the writer uses literary analysis method. To analyze the data, the writer uses two methods: Interpretative Method and descriptive methods. When using Descriptive Analysis Method, the writer describes his understanding of the data . The third data collection method is interview. There are ten collections of data to be analyzed. In general, it can be concluded that Engkyokuhou is divided into two major groups, namely grammatical enkyokuhou and lexical enkyokuhou . Grammatical Enkyokuhou has two functions and lexical has four functions., This thesis will discuss the concept of jogekankei in enkyokuhou figure of speech. The study aims to describe the jougekankei concept in conversation that uses jougekankei conducted mostly by subordniates (buka) to their superiors (joshi). For this research, the writer uses the qualitative approach, by using Nihon Kogyou Ginkou novel by Ryo Takasugi to to understand the jogekankei concept in enkyoukuhou figure of speech . To collect the data, the writer uses literary analysis method. To analyze the data, the writer uses two methods: Interpretative Method and descriptive methods. When using Descriptive Analysis Method, the writer describes his understanding of the data . The third data collection method is interview. There are ten collections of data to be analyzed. In general, it can be concluded that Engkyokuhou is divided into two major groups, namely grammatical enkyokuhou and lexical enkyokuhou . Grammatical Enkyokuhou has two functions and lexical has four functions.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adi Budiwiyanto
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian relasi makna paradigmatik dengan topik konfigurasi leksikal eksonim verbal yang berendonim kaki dalam bahasa Indonesia. Tesis ini berusaha menemukan eksonim verbal yang berendonim kaki di dalam bahasa Indonesia, mengetahui jenis verba dalam hal aksionalitas, tata hubungan antareksonim, dan konfigurasi leksikalnya, baik pada setiap medan makna maupun secara keseluruhan. Analisis dilakukan berdasarkan konsep relasi makna dan konfigurasi leksikal dari Cruse (2004) dan konsep Aktionsart dari Riemer (2010). Penelitian ini menemukan 193 eksonim verbal yang berendonim kaki dalam bahasa Indonesia. Meronim kaki yang menjadi komponen makna dalam eksonim verbal ini ada delapan, yaitu paha, lutut, betis, punggung dan sisi kaki2, telapak kaki, jari kaki, kuku jari, dan kaki1. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa eksonim verbal yang berendonim kaki terdiri atas empat jenis verba, yaitu (i) verba keadaan, (ii) verba aktivitas, (iii) verba capaian, dan (iv) verba rampungan. Verba keadaan berjumlah 28 leksem; verba aktivitas berjumlah 113 leksem; verba capaian berjumlah 28 leksem; dan verba rampungan berjumlah 31 leksem. Ada tiga jenis hubungan makna di dalam eksonim verbal ini, yaitu (i) hubungan kehiponiman, (ii) hubungan pertelingkahan, dan (iii) hubungan kesinoniman. Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa di dalam konfigurasi leksikal eksonim verbal berendonim kaki ini terdapat beberapa rumpang leksikal, yaitu di dalam medan makna mengukur, memukul, menyentuh, meyodok, menjepit, dan mendudukkan. ......This thesis is a research on a paradigmatic sense relation. The topic is lexical configuration on verbal exonyms of leg in Indonesian language. It aims at finding the verbal exonyms that related to leg as its endonym in Indonesian language, obtaining the verbal types of Aktionsart, discovering the sense relation among the exonyms, and determining the lexical configuration based on the semantic field and the verbal types. The analysis utilized the concept of sense relation and lexical configuration of Cruse (2004) and the concept of Aktionsart of Riemer (2010). This research found 193 verbal exonyms related to leg in Indonesian language. The meronyms of leg which become the semantic components of the verbal exonyms consist of eight parts: thigh, knee, calf, instep, sole, toe, nail, and leg. Moreover, the research discovered that the verbal exonyms comprise four types: (i) state verb, (ii) activity verb, (iii) achievement verb, and (iv) accomplishment verb. The state verb consists of 28 lexemes; activity verb consists of 113 lexemes; achievement verb consists of 28 lexemes; and accomplishment verb consists of 31 lexemes. Besides, there are three kinds of sense relation found within the verbal exonyms: (i) hyponymy, (ii) incompatibility, and (iii) synonymy. Furthermore, there are some lexical gaps within the lexical configuration, such as in semantic fields of measuring, hitting, poking, gripping, and seating.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohamad Yunus
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bermaksud mengetahui cara pemakai bahasa Indonesia menggunakan strategi kebahasaannya untuk menonjolkan (memfokuskan) bagian kalimat yang dianggap mengandung informasi paling penting, sehingga bagian kalimat itu menjadi pusat perhatian pembaca atau pendengar. Dalam pada itu, sebelum menelaah lebih lanjut cara pemfokusan dalam bahasa Indonesia, terlebih dahulu penulis menetralisasi ketumpang tindihan beberapa istilah seperti subyek, topik/ tema,fokus, enfasis (penegasan) dan kentrastif (penolakan yang tampaknya masing-masing mempunyai pengertian yang sama, padahal sesungquhnya berlainan. Subjek berada pada tataran sintaksis klausa; topik, tema/fokus terdapat pada tataran kalimat/wacana; dan enfasis serta kontras adalah dua macam makna yang secara implisit terkandung pada fokus. Setiap kalimat umurnya dapat dianalisis dari sudut topik: (sebutan), tetapi tidak demikian halnya dari sudut fokus (presuposisi), kecuali kalau didalamnya ada bagian kalimat yang ditonjolkan karena, dianggap mempunyai informasi yang lebih penting. Dalam analisis kalimat (wacana) ditemukan tiga alat untuk pemfokusan dalam bahasa Indonesia. Ketiga alat itu adalah unsur leksikal yang berupa bentuk penegas, unsur konstruksional seperti konstruksi terbelah, inversi, imperatif, pasif, dan konstruksi topik tertanda, serta unsur intonasional yang berupa pemakaian nada yang lebih tinggi serta tekanan yang lebih keras pada (bagian) kalimat yang difokuskan. Ketiga alat pemfokusan itu tidak jarang secara bersamaan menandai konstituen fokus dalam suatu ka1imat. Penelitian ini mengambil data tulis ragam sastra dari kumpulan cerpen Odah karya Mohammad Diponegoro dan Bukan Rumahku karya Titis Basino.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 1988
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa Depdikbud, 1990
499.221 8 INT
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Penulis menganalisis bentuk pemaparan dan kohesi leksikal pada kolom fiksi Had_ts Lam Yahduts di surat kabar harian Mesir al-Syur_q al-Jad_d, yang mencangkup di dalamnya analisis alat-alat kohesi leksikal berjenis reiterasi dan kolokasi. Klasifikasi suatu wacana berdasarkan bentuk pemaparannya dapat ditentukan dari pemilihan diksi, serta tujuan penggunaannya. Kohesi leksikal atau perpaduan leksikal adalah hubungan leksikal antara bagian-bagian di dalam teks untuk mendapatkan keserasian struktur secara kohesif, berdasarkan unsur-unsur leksikal pembentuk wacana yang terdapat pada teks tersebut. Sifat wacana kolom Had_ts Lam Yahduts termasuk dalam wacana fiksi, dikatakan wacana fiksi, hal itu terlihat jelas pada judul kolom tersebut _dialog yang belum pernah terjadi_. Pada teks tersebut terdapat beberapa alat-alat kohesi leksikal dari kedua jenis alat kohesi. Adapun terdapat beberapa tujuan digunakannya aspek-aspek leksikal, diantaranya untuk mendapatkan efek intensitas makna bahasa, kejelasan informasi, dan keindahan bahasa lainnya.
In this analysis, the author discusses the forms of exposure and lexical cohesion in fiction column Had_ts Lam Yahduts in the Egyptian daily newspaper al-Syur_q al-Jad_d, which include the analysis-tool lexical cohesion devices reiteration and collocation. Classification of a discourse based on the form can be determined from the election diction, and its intended use. Lexical or a combination of lexical cohesion is lexical relations between parts in the text to find harmony in a cohesive structure, based on lexical elements forming the discourse contained in the text. The characteristic of discourse Had_ts Lam Yahduts included in the discourse of fiction, it is said discourse of fiction, because, it is clearly visible on the column title dialogue that has never happened. The author has found in the text, there are some tools from both types of lexical cohesion devices in text column. There are few objective aspects of lexical use, among them is to get the effect of intensity meaning of language, clarity of information, and the aesthetics of language.
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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