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Hasil Pencarian

Ditemukan 7 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Vidya Nurina Paramita
"Penelitian ini bertujuan memelajari pengaruh intensitas cahaya malam hari terhadap fertilitas dan channel yang membuat intensitas cahaya malam hari berpengaruh terhadap fertilitas di Indonesia. Hasil regresi panel fixed effects dengan data tiga tahunan dari data Susenas, Podes, dan satelit DMSP/OLS menunjukkan bahwa intensitas cahaya malam hari sebagai proksi tingkat pembangunan dan penggunaan listrik, berpengaruh signifikan terhadap penurunan fertilitas di Indonesia. Intensitas cahaya malam hari berpengaruh signfikan terhadap peningkatan umur kawin pertama dan penurunan pengguna alat/metode kontrasepsi modern.
......This research aims to study impact of night-time lights intensity on fertility and channel that makes night-time lights intensity affects fertility in Indonesia. The results of fixed effect panel regression with triennial data from National Socioeconomic Survey, Village Census, and DMSP/OLS satellite show that night-time lights intensity as a proxy for capturing development level and electricity use, significantly affects fertility decline in Indonesia. Night-time lights intensity significantly affects increasing of age at first marriage and decreasing user proportion of modern contraception."
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maria Sinta Hartojo
"Penelitian mengenai strategi persaingan pemasaran melalui iklan cetak dalam kategori produk rokok jenis rendah tar dan rendah nikotin ini dilakukan berdasarkan ketertarikan terhadap adanya fenomena persaingan iklan-iklan di berbagai media, termasuk di media cetak. Diasumsikan bahwa persaingan ini merupakan salah satu terobosan panting dan menjadi bagian dari strategi pemasaran produk-produk tertentu.
Tujuan penelitian kualitatif ini berusaha untuk mengetahui dan memaparkan bagaimana pesan-pesan iklan dikonstruksikan lewat susunan-susunan gambar dalam suatu konteks persaingan pemasaran. Untuk itu pendekatan teori pemasaran dan semiotika dalam aktivitas persuasi lewat elemen-elemen gambar menjadi relevan dalam konteks persaingan tersebut di atas.
Dengan paradigma konstruktivis, peneliti secara metodologis bersikap sebagai passionate participant, yaitu fasilitator yang menjembatani keragaman subyektivitas pelaku sosial. Tujuan paradigma ini adalah melakukan rekonstruksi realitas sosial secara dialektis antara peneliti dan pelaku sosial yang diteliti (Cuba & Lincoln, 1994).
Data penelitian berasal dari data sekunder berupa teks dan gambar iklan cetak produk tiga merek rokok, yaitu : A Mild, LA Lights, dan Star Mild. Ketiganya diambil dari media cetak (majalah, tabloid dan surat kabar yang terbit dari tahun 1995-2000). Studi kepustakaan dan pengumpulan kliping artikel mengenai ketiga merek rokok tersebut mendukung pengumpulan data sekunder.
Hasil penelitian menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa: elemen-elemen gambar dalam iklan cetak dapat menjadi sarana melakukan persaingan, baik persaingan iklan dan hingga tingkat tertentu juga bisa menjadi representasi persaingan pemasaran antara merek-merek yang beriklan. Ketiga merek rokok kategori rendah tar dan rendah nikotin ini sama-sama menggunakan strategi serupa dalam beriklan, yaitu strategi penciptaan keunikan karakteristik `kepribadian' dari merek.
Dengan strategi itu, masing-masing merek rokok menciptakan karakternya sendiri yang membuat mereka terdiferensiasi secara perseptual satu sama lain. Pembentukan karakterisasi yang tegas ini secara implisit juga mengindikasikan adanya motif persaingan pemasaran dari para produsen rokok yang proses eksekusinya difasilitasi oleh pihak biro iklan, entah internal ataupun eksternal."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nasir Saleh
"A concept of phase space is usable to evaluate the characteristics of various components in microoptics engineering. In this study, a microoptical branching circuit by the use of three identical micro lenses has been constructed, for the purpose of dividing an input light beam into two outputs transmission and reflection beams, respectively.
Mode distribution of input and output beams is, represented by using phase space configuration. By computer simulation, the concept of phase space has been used to predict mode conversion of light guiding in the circuit.
The purpose of the study is to investigate the mode property in each element of the circuit, by measuring the far field mode distribution of the guided light. The existence of mode conversion in a particular element can be observed from the change of the respective made distribution.
The experimental result shows a good agreement with that obtained by simulation of light guiding. It is concluded that, phase space representation derived from ray optics can be utilized as a software in analysis of wave guiding."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1988
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hendro Saputro
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas tentang faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi intensi perilaku konsumen untuk membeli lampu LED sebagai lampu hemat energi di rumah tangga, dilihat dari perspektif theory of planned behavior dan Customer Satisfaction. Sikap, Norma dan Perceived behavior control berpengaruh terhadap perilaku membeli lampu LED. Customer Satisfaction terhadap lampu yang mereka gunakan saat ini berpengaruh terhadap perilaku membeli lampu LED. Secara keseluruhan model TPB dengan Customer Satisfaction memiliki kecocokan untuk memprediksi intensi perilaku membeli lampu LED.

The focus of this study is to investigate which factor may influence intention of customer behavior to buy LED light as energy saving lamps in households, viewed from the perspective of theory of planned behavior and Customer Satisfaction. Attitudes and subjective norms and perceived behavior control has insignificant influence towards the intention of customer behavior to buy LED light. Customer Satisfaction toward existing light also influence the intention of customer behavior to buy LED light. Overall the TPB and Customer Satisfaction modal can be use to predict behavior intention to buy LED lights.;The focus of this study is to investigate which factor may influence intention of customer behavior to buy LED light as energy saving lamps in households, viewed from the perspective of theory of planned behavior and Customer Satisfaction. Attitudes and subjective norms and perceived behavior control has insignificant influence towards the intention of customer behavior to buy LED light. Customer Satisfaction toward existing light also influence the intention of customer behavior to buy LED light. Overall the TPB and Customer Satisfaction modal can be use to predict behavior intention to buy LED lights.;The focus of this study is to investigate which factor may influence intention of customer behavior to buy LED light as energy saving lamps in households, viewed from the perspective of theory of planned behavior and Customer Satisfaction. Attitudes and subjective norms and perceived behavior control has insignificant influence towards the intention of customer behavior to buy LED light. Customer Satisfaction toward existing light also influence the intention of customer behavior to buy LED light. Overall the TPB and Customer Satisfaction modal can be use to predict behavior intention to buy LED lights., The focus of this study is to investigate which factor may influence intention of customer behavior to buy LED light as energy saving lamps in households, viewed from the perspective of theory of planned behavior and Customer Satisfaction. Attitudes and subjective norms and perceived behavior control has insignificant influence towards the intention of customer behavior to buy LED light. Customer Satisfaction toward existing light also influence the intention of customer behavior to buy LED light. Overall the TPB and Customer Satisfaction modal can be use to predict behavior intention to buy LED lights.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bhornchai Harakotr
Light-Emitting Diode (LED) lights allow specific wavelengths to be selected. These may be associated with microgreen growth, nitrate accumulation, and synthesis of bioactive compounds. The objective of this study was to assess the effect of LED irradiance on the yield, antioxidant production, and antioxidant capacity of microgreens from five traditional vegetables: rat-tailed radish (Raphanus sativus Linn var. caudatus Ale.), water convolvulus (Ipomoea aguatica Forsk), red holy basil (Ocimum sanctum L.), dill (Anethum graveolens L.), and lemon basil (O. africanum Lour). Samples were grown on a peat substrate in a controlled environment ( 8-12 days from sowing to harvesting, 25+2 ºC and 16-h photoperiod, 0.05% CO2 concentration, and 60+2% RHs). Light irradiance levels of 330, 220, and 110 µmol.m-2. s-1 photosynthetically active flux density (PPFD) were compared, with fluorescence lighting as control. The different species showed different responses to irradiance levels. Irradiance at 330 µmol.m-2.s-1 PPFD was found to be optimal for growth and accumulation of bioactive compounds by water convolvulus, red holy basil, dill, and lemon basil microgreens, producing the greatest dry weight, total phenolic and flavonoid content, and ABTS and DPPH free radical scavenging. Rat-tailed radish microgreen was not significantly responsive to the irradiance level. We recommend the use of LED lighting to enhance productivity and promote higher production of bioactive compounds in indigenous vegetable microgreen cultivation."
Pathum Thani: Thammasat University, 2019
670 STA 24:3 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Illiya Ilma Azizah
"Hal yang menjadi perhatian saat ini bahwa konsumsi energi terbesar yaitu berasal dari bangunan hingga mencapai 48%, dan pencahayaan/lampu bertanggungjawab langsung terhadap 20% emisi gas rumah kaca dan diperkirakan bahwa pencahayaan/lampu menanggung 30% - 40% penggunaan dan biaya listrik untuk bangunan pada umumnya. Disisi lain, stasiun kereta api sebagai salah satu bangunan publik di Indonesia memerlukan perhatian lebih dalam hal energi efisiensi, mengingat bahwa konsep bangunan pintar belum pernah diaplikasikan pada stasiun-stasiun kereta api di Indonesia. Lebih lanjut, kebanyakan stasiun didesain dan dibangun tanpa adanya perhatian khusus terhadap efisiensi energi dan integrasi antara operasional dan subsistem bangunan stasiun kereta api.
Sejalan dengan perkembangan tekhnologi saat ini, energi listrik memainkan peranan penting dan kebutuhan terhadap energi listrik terus meningkat dalam mendukung pembangunan di Indonesia. Namun, dikarenakan ketersediaan energi listrik terbatas, maka diperlukan penghematan listrik terhadap semua sistem yang menggunakan energi listrik, oleh karena itu dalam laporan tesis ini akan diperkenalkan sebuah konsep yang disebut Smart Railway Station yang fokus terhadap penghematan energi dan efisiensi pada operasional lampu dengan mengintegrasikan tiga factor yaitu penghematan energi, keselamatan dan keamanan.
Concerns at this time that the biggest energy consumption comes from buildings up to 48%, and the lighting is directly responsible for around 20% of greenhouse gas emissions and estimated that lighting accounts for 30 to 40% of electricity usage and costs in a typical building. In other side, railway station as one of the public buildings in Indonesia that need attention in terms of energy efficiency, considering the smart buildings concept has never been applied in the railway station in Indonesia. Furthermore, most stations were designed and constructed without adequate attention to energy efficiency and the integration of both operating and railway station building subsystems.
In line with current technological developments, electrical energy plays an important role and the needs increased in supporting development in Indonesia. Instead, because of the availability of energy is limited, thus it is necessary to saving energy in all systems that require electrical energy, therefore this report will introduce an Smart Railway Station concept which is focus in energy saving and operating efficiency of lights by integrating energy efficiency, safety and security factors."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Keishandra Nabila Junistya
"Bersepeda terbukti memiliki manfaat kesehatan dan lingkungan. Namun, bersepeda di jalan raya, pesepeda memiliki risiko cedera serius yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan pengendara mobil dan truk. Menurut World Health Organization (WHO) (2023), kecelakaan sepeda menyebabkan sekitar 41.000 kematian setiap tahun. Di Eropa, angka kematian pesepeda tidak menunjukkan penurunan yang signifikan sejak tahun 2010. Di Indonesia, jumlah kecelakaan sepeda meningkat dari 80 pada tahun 2018 menjadi 96 pada tahun 2021. Penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan bahwa pesepeda 55% lebih mungkin terlibat dalam kecelakaan pada malam hari dibandingkan siang hari. Penggunaan lampu berkedip dan lampu dalam konfigurasi biomotion secara signifikan meningkatkan conspicuity pesepeda dibandingkan dengan lampu statis. Namun, conspicuity pesepeda menurun ketika mereka tidak mengayuh, sehingga efek biomotion hilang. Konfigurasi dan penempatan lampu yang berbeda dapat memberikan solusi alternatif untuk visibilitas pesepeda yang buruk dan yang menjadi faktor utama kegagalan pengemudi dalam mendeteksi pesepeda tepat waktu untuk menghindari kecelakaan. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menilai dampak berbagai pola kedipan lampu sepeda terhadap conspicuity pesepeda, dengan mempertimbangkan respons kognitif pengemudi dalam hal mempunyai approach atau withdrawal motivation, yang dievaluasi melalui analisis gelombang otak menggunakan alat Electroencephalogram (EEG). Studi ini melibatkan 11 responden (7 laki-laki dan 4 perempuan). Konsep Frontal Alpha Asymmetry (FAA) digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi pola pencahayaan mana yang memicu motivasi mendekati atau preferensi tertinggi dari pengemudi. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa penempatan lampu di helm, seatpost, dan pedal, dengan lampu berkedip 4Hz di helm, dapat secara signifikan meningkatkan kemungkinan pengemudi memperhatikan pesepeda, sehingga dapat meningkatkan keselamatan pesepeda.
......Cycling is widely recognized for its health and environmental benefits. Yet, cyclists are more vulnerable on the roads, facing a higher risk of severe injuries than car and truck occupants. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) (2023), bicycle crashes cause approximately 41,000 deaths annually. In Europe, bicycle fatalities have shown no significant decline since 2010. In Indonesia, bicycle accidents have risen from 80 in 2018 to 96 in 2021. Previous research indicates that cyclists are 55% more likely to be involved in accidents at night than during the day. Using flashing lights and lights in a biomotion configuration significantly enhances cyclist conspicuity compared to static lights. However, cyclist visibility decreases when not pedalling, causing the biomotion effect to be lost. Different lighting configurations and placements can provide an alternative solution to the poor visibility of cyclists, which is a significant factor in drivers failing to detect cyclists in time to avoid accidents. This study aims to assess the impact of various bicycle light flashing patterns on cyclist conspicuity, considering drivers' cognitive responses regarding approach or withdrawal motivation, evaluated through brain wave analysis using an Electroencephalogram (EEG) device. The study includes 11 respondents (7 males and 4 females). The Frontal Alpha Asymmetry (FAA) concept was employed to identify which lighting patterns elicit the highest approach motivation or preference from drivers. The findings suggest that placing lights on the helmet, seatpost, and pedals, with a 4Hz flashing light on the helmet, can significantly increase the likelihood of drivers noticing cyclists, thereby enhancing safety."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library