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Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Pelabuhan laut dan bandar udara merupakan pintu gerbang lalu lintas orang dan barang, baik antar pulau maupun antar negara. Dengan meningkatnya teknologi, arus pariwisata, perdagangan, haji dan transmigrasi, maka kemungkinan terjadinya penularan penyakit melalui alat angkut semakin besar, apalagi alat angkut jaman sekarang dapat mencapai jarak jauh dalam waktu yang singkat, sehingga kemungkinan seorang yang sudah ketularan penyakit menular, masih dalam masa inkubasi, masuk salah satu pelabuhan di Indonesia. Salah satu aspek penularan penyakit di pelabuhan adalah melalui serangga penular penyakit (vektor), baik yang terbawa oleh alat angkut maupun yang sudah ada di pelabuhan laut atau bandar udara. Sebagai salah satu contoh adalah meningkatnya kasus malaria di Eropa dari 6.400 orang pada tahun 1985 menjadi 7.300 orang pada tahun 1987. Penderita tersebut tidak pernah mengunjungi daerah endemis malaria, karenanya vektor malaria infektiflah yang dianggap ikut dengan alat angkut. Di pelabuhan laut atau di bandar udara salah satu vektor yang wajib dikontrol adalah nyamuk Aedes aegypti, karena naamuk Aedes aegypti selain sebagai vektor penyakit demam berdarah, juga sebagai vektor penyakit Yellow Fever (demam kuning) yang penyakitnya belum ada di Indonesia. Salah satu cara pengendalian vektor Aedes aegypti ini adalah dengan fogging. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan antara kelompok rumah yang difogging dengan kelompok rumah yang tidak difogging dan hubungan antara fogging dengan penurunan indeks vektor Aedes aegypti di daerah pelabuhan Pangkalpinang, dengan menggunakan desain Quasi Eksperimental. Pengambilan lokasi sebagai daerah perlakuan dan daerah pembanding diambil secara purposif dalam daerah buffer pelabuhan Pangkalpinang, sedangkan sampel rumah diambil secara acak sederhana dengan jumlah masing-masing 100 rumah. Hasil pengukuran indeks-indeks vektor setiap minggu selama 12 minggu di daerah perlakuan dan daerah pembanding, terlihat adanya tren penurunan dari indeks-indeks vektor pada daerah perlakuan.
Dengan menggunakan uji stitistik (kai kuadrat dan t.test) didapatkan hasil bahwa ada perbedaan yang berrnakna antara daerah perlakuan dengan daerah pembanding setelah perlakuan selama 12 minggu, dan ada hubungan antara fogging dengan penurunan House Index vector Aedes aegypti setelah minggu keempat. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan fogging efektif untuk menurunkan indeks vektor Aedes aegypti di daerah pelabuhan Pangkalpinang disarankan program fogging merupakan pilihan terakhir, karena dikhawatirkan adanya dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan.
ABSTRACT The Effectivity of Fogging With Malathion Through The Descent Of The Index Of Vector Aedes Aegypti At The Port PangkalpinangPort and airport is the gate of the traffic and good, not only inter-island but inter-country. By the increasing of technology, tourism rate, commerce, hajj and transmigration, thus the possibility of the contagion of disease by the means of transportation is bigger, even the means of transportation today can reach far distance in a short time, so that the possibility of someone who has had a contagious disease, still in the incubation period, get into the one of the port in Indonesia. One of the aspect of the contagion of disease is through the disease infector insect (vector), not only taken by the means of transportation but also that has been at the port or airport. As an example is the increasing of malaria case in Europe from 6.400 people in 1985 to 7.300 people in 1987. The victims had never come to malaria endemic zone, therefore the vector of the infective malaria that is considered taken by the means of transportation. At the port and airport, one vector that has to be controlled is mosquito Aedes aegypti, because of mosquito Aedes aegypti not only as a vector Dengue Haemoragic Fever, but also as a vector of the disease Yellow Fever that disease has note been in Indonesia yet. One of the way to control the vector Aedes aegypti is by fogging. This research has an objective to know the differences between fogging home group and not fogging home group and the relation between fogging by descent of the index of vector Aedes aegypti at the port Pangkalpinang, by using experimental Quasy Design. Taking the position as an experiment zone and control zone taken purposively in a buffer area of port Pangkalpinang, but home sample is taken simple randomly by the number of each 100 homes. The measurement result of the indexes on vector every week during 12 weeks at the experiment zone and control zone, seen that there is a dissent trend of the index of vector at the experiment zone. By using statistics test (chi quadrat and t.test) had result that there is a meaningful differences between experiment zone and control zone after the experiment during 12 weeks, and there is a relation between fogging and the descent House Index Vector of Aedes aegypti after week four. This research concludes that fogging is effective to lower the index of vector Aedes aegypti at the region of port Pangkalpinang. It is suggested fogging program is the last choice, because it is worried that there is a negative phenomena through the environment.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Razak Achmad Hamzah
Abstrak :
The aim of this study is to determine, the comparison of absorption by aquatic plants Hydrilla verticillata and Water hyacinth (Eichhomia crassipes) of malathion insecticide residues in water and comparison of malathion concentration in tissues of fish fed with of contaminated water plants (Water hyacinth) with tissues of fish, which was not fed contaminated water plant. The effect of heating the contaminated fish tissue, on its level in tissues of rats that consume it. For the first experiment (aquarium filled with 3 litre of water +H. verticillata 100 gr + Water hyacinth 100 gr + 20uci14 C-labeled malathion); for the second experiment (the first aquarium filled with 3 litre of water + 30 tails of goldfish + 20 uci14 C-labeled malathion; second aquarium filled with 3 litre of water + Water hyacinth 100 gr + 30 tail of goldfist + 20 uci 14 C ?labeled malathion. For the third experiment (most of contaminated fish tissue in the second experiment was dried at room temperature and then given to 30 mice and partly heated and then given to another 30 mice). Malathion levels were then analyzed by using a liquid scintillation counter LSC-753 (Aloka). The results of all treatments were compared using the Student t-test. It can be concluded, H. verticillata was more efficient compared to the enceng gondok in absorbing the insecticide malathion residues in water; malathion concentration in the tissues of fish fed Water hyacinth was higher than those of fish not fed Water hyacinth; contaminated fish tissue residues of malathion, although be heated, can not be lowered significantly, levels in the tissue.
[Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat UI;Institut Pertanian Bogor. Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan;Institut Pertanian Bogor. Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan, Institut Pertanian Bogor. Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan], 2011
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Razak Achmad Hamzah
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jalur (pathway) dari insektisida malathion dari lingkungan akuatik (air) ke tumbuhan akuatik atau hewan akuatik di sekitarnya, kemudian dari hewan akuatik ke mammalia darat (tikus) dengan menggunakan malathion yang telah diberi label (malathion radioisotope 14C). Penelitian tingkat pertama, akan dicari jalur perjalanan malathion dari lingkungan perairan ke tumbuhan air (yaitu Hydrilla verticillata) dan hewan akuatik (yaitu ikan mas). Kemudian pada penelitian tingkat ke dua akan dilihat jalur perjalanan malathion dari hewan akuatik (ikan mas) ke mammalia darat (tikus). Penelitian tingkat ketiga, akan dipantau pengaruh negatif dari pencemaran insektisida malathion 96 EC pada sayuran di Indonesia, terhadap organ tikus (hati dan otak). Hasil yang didapat dari semua hewan perlakuan dibandingkan dengan kontrol dengan menggunakan uji-t Student. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa residu insektisida malathion di perairan dapat diserap oleh tumbuhan air dan dapat memasuki tubuh dan atau organ hewan akuatik atau melalui mata rantai makanan, dan masuk secara langsung melalui insang, sisik, kulit. Residu malathion juga dapat masuk ke dalam tubuh mammalia darat (tikus) melalui matarantai makanan, yaitu dengan konsumsi ikan atau tumbuhan air yang terkontaminasi. Penelitian ini juga membuktikan bahwa dosis pencemaran insektisida malathion pada sayuran di Indonesia, bila dikonsumsi selama 60 hari berturut-turut dapat menimbulkan kerusakan yang nyata pada hati, tetapi tidak secara nyata menimbulkan kerusakan pada otak tikus.

This research was aimed to settle on the pathway of insecticide contamination in the aquatic environment forwarding toward aquatic plants and animals by using radioisotope 14C labelled malathion. Then by using the same labelled malathion, its pathway to the mammals, i.e. mice, was also determined. The first step of the research was aimed to detect the pathway of malathion residues in water moving toward aquatic plants i.e. Hydrilla verticillata and aquatic animals i.e. fishes. Subsequently, in the second step of the research, the pathway of this labelled malathion from aquatic animals (fish) to mammals (mice). Then, in the third step of this research, the influence of polluting dose of malathion 96 EC, which was frequently found in vegetables in Indonesia, on the mammals? organ i.e. liver and brain of mice. All of the treatments? results were compared to the controls? using Student t-test. Analysis of the results showed that the residual insecticide can be absorbed by the aquatic plans and then entered the fish body through food chain, and also through the gills, skin, scales. Furthermore, it was substantiated that the mammals obtained residual malathion through its food chain, that is, when the fishes were eaten by the mice or other mammals. The concentration of the insecticide observed, malathion, absorbed by water plants, fish organ and mice organ found to be different. This study also proved that the concentration dose of malathion found in vegetables in Indonesia can cause abnormality in the livers of the mice, if it was taken consecutively for 60 days. It was also shown in this study that the brains of the treated mice did not show any significant abnormality.
[Institut Pertanian Bogor. Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan, Institut Pertanian Bogor. Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan], 2009
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sakinah Rahma Sari
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Nyamuk Culex sp. merupakan nyamuk yang berperan dalam penyebaran berbagai penyakit, seperti filariasis, Japanese encephalitis, St. Louis encephalitis, dan West Nile Fever. Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara endemis filariasis memiliki program eliminasi filariasis, salah satunya dengan pengendalian vektor filariasis menggunakan insektisida. Seiring dengan semakin seringnya digunakan insektisida untuk mengendalikan vektor nyamuk lainnya, dikhawatirkan terjadi resistensi pada Cx. quenquefasciatus terutama terhadap insektisida yang sering digunakan. Resistensi metabolik dan modifikasi situs target dapat diamati dengan adanya peningkatan aktivitas enzim asetilkolinesterase karena enzim asetilkolinesterase merupakan target kerja dari insektisida golongan organofosfat, seperti malation.7 Di Jakarta, belum dilakukan penelitian mengenai tingkat resistensi Cx. quinquefasciatus terhadap malation dan deltametrin beserta aktivitas enzim asetilkolinesterase. Tujuan: Menganalisis efektivitas malation dan deltametrin pada larva Cx. quinquefasciatus. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian eksperimental. Sampel penelitian merupakan larva tahap III-IV Cx. quinquefasciatus yang diambil menggunakan teknik random sampling. Sampel akan dipaparkan dengan insektisida deltametrin dan malation dengan lima konsentrasi yang berbeda selama 24 jam. Kelompok larva mati dan hidup selanjutnya akan digunakan untuk uji biokimia enzim asetilkolinesterase menggunakan spektofotometri. Hasil: Mortalitas larva pada konsentrasi tertinggi (0,25 ppm) kelompok perlakuan deltametrin adalah 96,8%. Sedangkan mortalitas larva pada konsentrasi tertinggi (0,5 ppm) kelompok perlakuan malation adalah 100%. LC50 dan LC90 pada deltametrin terhadap larva Cx. quinquefasciatus secara berurutan adalah 0,015 ppm dan 0,106 ppm. Sedangkan LC50 dan LC90 malation secara berurutan adalah 0,052 ppm dan 0,173 ppm. Absorbansi pada uji aktivitas asetilkolinesterase pada kelompok larva hidup dan mati yang diinduksi deltametrin secara berurutan adalah 0,754 ± 0,204 dan 0,728 ± 0,257. Sedangkan absorbansi pada uji biokimia aktivitas asetilkolinesterase pada kelompok larva hidup dan mati yang diinduksi malation secara berurutan adalah 0,405 ± 0,009 dan 0,237 ± 0,003. Kesimpulan: Deltametrin dan malation memperlihatkan aktivitas larvisida terhadap larva Cx.quinquefasciatus. Berdasarkan nilai LC50 dan LC90 menyimpulkan deltametrin lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan malation. Malation menghambat aktivitas asetilkolinesterase pada larva Cx. quinquefasciatus, sedangkan deltametrin tidak menghambat aktivitas asetilkolinesterase tersebut. ......Background: Culex sp. plays an important role as a vector in spreading various diseases such as filariasis, Japanese encephalitis, St Louis encephalitis, and West Nile Fever. Indonesia as one of the countries endemic in filariasis, has a program in eliminating filariasis, with one of the program done by controlling vector using insecticide. Insecticides used in eliminating vector of filariasis, Cx. quinquefasciatus, are used concurrently in order to eliminate another vector such as Anopheles sp. and Aedes sp. The escalation of insecticide utilization leads to the concern of Cx. quinquefasciatus being resistance against insecticides, especially insecticides that are often used. Metabolic resistance and target site modification in Cx. quinquefasciatus as the proposed mechanisms in insecticide resistance can be seen by observing the activity of acetylcholinesterase due to its role as a target site for organophosphat such as malathion. Currently in Jakarta, there’s no research established regarding Cx. quinquefasciatus resistance against malathion and deltamethrin along with their acetylcholinesterase activity. Objective: Analyzing effectivity of malathion and delamethrin in Cx. quinquefasciatus. Method: The design study used in this research was experimental. Larva Instar stage III-IV Cx. quinquefasciatus was used as samples and chosen with random sampling technique. Samples was exposed to deltamethrin and malathion with 5 different concentrations for 24 hours. Both samples, alive and dead, after the exposure, were assessed for their acetylcholinesterase activity using spectophotometry. Result: Mortality from the highest concentration in deltametrhin-induced group was 96,8%. Meanwhile, mortality from the highest concentration in malathioninduced group was 100%. LC50 and LC90 of deltamethrin was 0,015 ppm and 0,106 ppm while LC50 and LC90 of malathion was higher (0,052 ppm and 0,173 ppm). Absorbance in acetylcholine esterase activity assay in the group of alive and dead larva induced by deltametrhin was 0,754 ± 0,204 dan 0,728 ± 0,257. While the absorbance in malathion-induced group was lower with the result of 0,405 ± 0,009 in the group of alive larva and 0,237 ± 0,003 in the group of dead larva. Conclusion: Deltamethrin dan malathion both showed larvacidal activity in Cx. quinquefasciatus. According to LC50 and LC90 we can conclude that deltamethrine was more effective than malathion.From the acetylcholinesterase activity assay, we can see that there was inhibition from malathion against acetylcholinesterase while we see no effect against acetylcholinesterase activity from deltamethrin.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia , 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anggi Puspa Nur Hidayati
Abstrak :
Pencegahan penyakit tular vektor nyamuk kini dipersulit dengan munculnya resistensi vektor terhadap insektisida. Insektisida organofosfat (OP)-malation merupakan salah satu insektisida yang masih digunakan di Indonesia, oleh karena itu pengawasan status resistensi vektor terhadap insektisida tersebut perlu dilakukan. Dua mekanisme utama yang mendasari resistensi vektor terhadap malation adalah peningkatan enzim metabolik esterase dan insensitif enzim asetilkolinesterase (AChE). Penelitian sebelumnya di Indonesia telah melaporkan keterlibatan enzim esterase pada resistensi vektor terhadap malation, namun peran insensitif AChE belum diketahui jelas. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif menggunakan nyamuk Aedes aegypti dari Jawa Tengah. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan April-Oktober 2013 di Lembaga Eijkman. Aedes aegypti sensitif dan resistan malation hasil bioassay dianalisis secara molekuler untuk mengetahui aktivitas enzim AChE yang tersisa setelah dihambat oleh malation. Selain itu, tiga mutasi titik (G119S, F290V, dan F455W) pada gen Ace1 juga dideteksi untuk melihat pengaruh ada tidaknya ketiga mutasi tersebut terhadap aktivitas enzim AChE setelah dihambat oleh malation. Aktivitas enzim AChE ditentukan berdasarkan metode Ellman, sedangkan deteksi mutasi G119S dengan metode PCR-RFLP, dan mutasi F290V-F455W dengan metode PCR-Sequencing. Tidak ada perbedaan "aktivitas sisa" enzim AChE yang bermakna dan tidak ditemukan mutasi G119S, F290V, dan F455W pada Ae. aegypti resistan. Hasil ini menandakan bahwa mekanisme insensitif AChE tidak mendasari resistensi Ae. aegypti terhadap malation di Jawa Tengah. Walaupun demikian, terdapat peningkatan "aktivitas sisa" AChE yang tidak bermakna pada Ae. aegypti resistan dibanding Ae. aegypti sensitif. Hasil ini menandakan bahwa kemungkinan terdapat peran enzim lain yang dapat memetabolisme malation lebih cepat atau terjadi peningkatan produksi AChE pada nyamuk resistan sehingga AChE tetap dapat menghidrolisis substratnya (asetilkolin). Mekanisme insensitif AChE belum terlibat penuh dalam mendasari resistensi Ae. aegypti terhadap malation di Jawa Tengah, namun kemungkinan mekanisme ini terlibat dapat diteliti lebih lanjut dengan menganalisis peningkatan produksi enzim AChE yang juga dapat memengaruhi aktivitas AChE selain mutasi gen Ace1.
The prevention of mosquito-borne diseases becomes difficult to overcome since the vectors have developed resistance to insecticides. The molecular basis of resistance to insecticides therefore need to be explored to determine the resistance status earlier. In Indonesia, organophosphate (OP)-malathion insecticide has been widely used to control vector population and therefore the resistance status to this insecticide should be under control. Two main mechanisms have known to be associated with resistance to malathion, previous studies in Indonesia reported that esterase responsible in resistance to malathion, however the insensitive AChE-based mechanism remain to be determined. Descriptive study was conducted at Eijkman Institute during April to October 2013 using Aedes aegypti from Central Java. Malathion sensitive and resistant Ae. aegypti from bioassay were subjected to molecular analysis to compare the remaining activitiy of AChE between those mosquitoes after inhibited by malathion. The presence of three point mutations (G119S, F290V, and F455W) in the Ace1 gene associated with resistance to malathion were also detected to see the effect of the absence or presence of those mutations to AChE activity. The results showed that AChE remaining activities in the resistant Ae. aegypti have no significantly different compare to those in the sensitive Ae. aegypti. No associated mutations found in the Ace1 gene (G119S, F290V, or F455W) as well. These results indicated that insensitive AChE-based mechanism is not involved in Ae. aegypti resistance to malathion in Central Java. However, we noticed that the remaining activities of AChE are increased insignificantly in resistant Ae. aegypti, suggesting the possibilities of metabolic enzyme which can degrade insecticide faster or could be due to overproduction of AChE enzyme which may increase the hydrolizing process of acetylcholine (ACh). Insensitive AChE-based mechanism is still not fully involved in Ae. aegypti resistance to malathion in Central Java, however the potency of its involvement should be further analyzed by considering the overproduction of AChE enzyme itself which could contribute in AChE activity enhancement other than Ace1 gene mutation.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library