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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
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Abstrak :
Maritime diplomacy is management in international relationship through the maritime it is simply defined as management in international relationship.
Jakarta: Seskoal Press, 2019
023.1 JMI 7:1 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Desty Miasari
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini mengkaji upaya pemerintah Republik Indonesia untuk memperoleh jalan tengah bagi kepentingan Indonesia dengan negara maritim besar, seperti Amerika dan China yang dianggap sebagai negara yang paling berpotensi mengancam kedaulatan Indonesia di laut. Di satu sisi Indonesia harus menjaga keamanan serta kedaulatan di wilayah lautnya, akan tetapi sebagai konsekuensi dari diterimanya konsep wawasan nusantara atau negara kepulauan oleh dunia internasional melalui UNCLOS/KHL 1982, maka Indonesia pun wajib mengakomodasi kepentingan dunia internasional sebagai imbalannya. Pascaditandatangani UNCLOS/KHL 1982, Indonesia mendapatkan perluasan wilayah kedaulatannya, akan tetapi tingginya kepentingan negara maritim besar di perairan Indonesia menuntut Indonesia untuk memberikan jalur lintas damai yang kemudian dinamakan Alur Laut Kepulauan Indonesia ALKI. ALKI ditetapkan sebanyak tiga alur dari utara-selatan oleh pemerintah Indonesia. Akan tetapi penetapan tersebut dianggap masih belum sempurna karena dunia internasional menginginkan alur timur-barat. Oleh karena itu pemerintah Indonesia melakukan berbagai macam upaya diplomasi untuk menemukan jalan tengah dengan negara maritim besar supaya masalah yang ada di sekitar kedaulatan laut teritorial dapat teratasi. Di samping itu terdapat kejahatan lintas negara yang tidak akan pernah tuntas terjadi di Perairan Indonesia, menjadi tugas berat pemerintah untuk melindungi segenap bangsanya sebagaimana yang tertuang pada alinea keempat UUD 1945
Alur Laut Kepulauan Indonesia ALKI A Journey to Uphold Sovereignty of Indonesia 1982 mdash 2010 This thesis examines the efforts of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia to obtain a middle ground for the interests of Indonesia with a large maritime country, such as America and China which is considered the most potential country to threaten Indonesia 39 s sovereignty at sea. On the one hand, Indonesia must maintain security and sovereignty in its sea territory, but as a consequence of the acceptance of the concept of insight of the archipelago or an archipelagic country by the international community through UNCLOS KHL 1982, Indonesia is also obliged to accommodate the international interest in return. Following the signing of UNCLOS KHL 1982, Indonesia gained expansion of its sovereign territory, but the high interest of the great maritime state in Indonesian waters demanded Indonesia to provide a peaceful crossing route later called the Indonesian Archipelagic Sea Lane ALKI . ALKI set as many as three paths from the north south by the Indonesian government. However, the determination is considered still not perfect because the international world wants the east west flow. The Indonesian government therefore undertakes various diplomatic efforts to find a middle ground with a large maritime country so that the problems surrounding the territorial sea sovereignty can be overcome. In addition, there are transnational crimes that will never be completed in the waters of Indonesia, a heavy duty of the government to protect the entire nation as set forth in the fourth paragraph of the 1945 Constitution.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lintang Suproboningrum
Abstrak :
Tesis ini menjelaskan mengenai kerja sama keamanan maritim antara Indonesia, Malaysia dan Singapura dalam melindungi Selat Malaka dari ancaman terhadap keamanan maritim di kawasan tersebut. Tesis ini menggunakan konsep Diplomasi Maritim sebagai alat untuk mengukur keberhasilan patroli terkoordinasi di Selat Malaka. Fokus dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis dinamika keamanan internasional di Asia Tenggara. Selat Malaka dipilih karena merupakan salah satu jalur perairan terpenting di dunia. Salah satu isu terbesar di Selat Malaka adalah ancaman pembajakan dan perompakan laut. Ketiga negara yang berada di sekitar Selat Malaka menanggapi ancaman ini dengan menciptakan sebuah inisiatif baru untuk mengatasi keamanan maritim yang disebut Patroli Terkoordinasi pada tahun 2004. Tesis ini menyimpulkan bahwa pemenuhan tanggung jawab untuk keamanan di Selat Malaka dapat menekan ancaman pembajakan dan perompakan laut. Patroli Koordinasi yang diselenggarakan oleh tiga negara bagian di Selat Malaka juga membuktikan bahwa Diplomasi Maritim merupakan kunci keberhasilan dalam merespon masalah kawasan bersama. Melalui Diplomasi Maritim, ketiga negara di Selat Malaka berhasil mengatasi ancaman di kawasan bersama antara ketiga negara bagian tersebut. Kata Kunci : Diplomasi Maritim, Selat Malaka, Keamanan Maritim, Patroli Terkoordinasi, Pembajakan dan Perompakan Laut
Name Lintang SuproboningrumStudy Program Master rsquo s Degree International RelationsTitle The Role of Maritime Diplomacy in the Success of Indonesia Malaysia Singapore in Supressing the Number of Piracy and Armed Robbery in the Malacca Strait This thesis is study of maritime security cooperatioon among Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore in safeguarding the Malacca Strait from threats to maritime security in the area. This thesis uses Maritime Diplomacy concept as tool to measure the sucess of coordinated patrol in the Malacca Strait. The focus of this research is to analyze the dynamic of international security in the Southeast Asia. Malacca Strait is chosen because it is one of the most important waterways in the world. One of the biggest issue in the Malacca Strait is the threat of piracy and armed robbery. The three states which is located around Malacca Strait respond to this threats by creating a new initiative for tackling maritime security called Coordinated Patrol in 2004. This thesis conclude that the fulfillment of responsibility for security in the Malacca Strait can suppress the threats of piracy and armed robbery. The Coordinated Patrol held by the three states in the Malacca Strait also proves that Maritime Diplomacy is a key to the exercise of success in responding to the problems of shared area. Through Maritime Diplomacy, the three states in the Malacca Strait successfully overcome the threats to the shared area among the three states. Keyword Maritime Diplomacy, Malacca Strait, Maritime Security, Coordinated Patrol, Piracy and Armed Robbery
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anak Agung Banyu Perwita
Abstrak :
The idea of Global Maritime Fulcrum brought by President Joko Widodo further states that Indonesia wants to restore its glory at sea and play an important role in the maritime sector: Looking at the situation, in which the geo-economic and geopolitical center of gravity has now shifted from Western countries to the East Asian countries, has positioned Indonesia in the midst of a strategic change process. This provides an opportunity for Indonesia to realize the vision of Global Maritime Fulcrum. As the largest archipelagic country in the world, Indonesia is endowed with enormous marine potential with a great economic value which need to be supported by the development of maritime infrastructure and connectivity. Indonesia's efforts to realize the vision of Global Maritime Fulcrum by conducting its maritime diplomacy, one of them is through an international strategy in the form of international cooperation with partner countries and international organizations (IO) at bilateral and multilateral levels. This article discusses the application of the blue economy concept that aims to generate profits from the results of marine potential yet still preserve the sustainability of marine ecosystem in perceived as one of an apropriate step and in needed to realize the vision Global Maritime Fulcrum under the President Jokowi Dodo and Jusuf Kalla administration from 2014 to 2017.
Jakarta: The Ary Suta Center, 2018
330 ASCSM 41 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library