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Ditemukan 13 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Hamilton, Persis Mary
Jakarta : EGC, 2011
618.2 HAM d
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Fauziah
Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media, 2012
612.63 SIT k
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fitri Fujiana
Perawat maternitas merupakan tenaga kesehatan yang berwenang dan mampu
memberikan perawatan kesehatan reproduksi perempuan khususnya antenatal
care. Namun masyarakat belum mengenal peran dan fungsi perawat spesialis
maternitas dalam pelayanan antenatal care. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
menggali pengalaman ibu hamil dalam melakukan kunjungan antenatal pada
praktik mandiri perawat maternitas. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kualitatif
fenomenologi. Enam orang partisipan berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini. Analisis
data dilakukan dengan tematik konten analisis. Teridentifikasi tujuh tema yang
menggambarkan pengalaman ibu hamil dalam melakukan kunjungan ANC di
praktik mandiri perawat. Tema tersebut antara lain, pengalaman mencari
pelayanan ANC bersama suami melalui media sosial dan survey langsung, alasan
ibu hamil mencari tempat ANC baru karena pelayanan tempat sebelumnya tidak
sesuai keinginan, ibu hamil merasakan komunikasi petugas yang baik dalam
melayani, ibu hamil merasakan pelayanan yang berpusat pada keluarga, baik
waktu pelayanan, jenis pelayanan, biaya pelayanan dan fasilitas sesuai keinginan
ibu hamil. Ibu hamil berharap klinik dilengkapi USG dan bekerjasama dengan
asuransi kesehatan, perawat di klinik maternitas berperan sebagai care provider,
manager, educator dan counselor. Hasil penelitian ini menganjurkan bahwa
perawat harus meningkatkan kemampuannya dalam memberikan pelayanan pada
kesehatan reproduksi perempuan sesuai dengan kebutuhan klien.

A maternity nurse provides women?s reproductive health care include antenatal
care. But people are not familiar with the role and function of maternity nurse in
antenatal care. This study aims to explore pregnant women?s experience about
antenatal care visit in nursing practice. This study used a qualitative research
design with phenomenology. Six participants have participated. Seven themes
were derived from this study. The themes are the pregnant women were looking
for ANC with her husband through social media and direct surveys, the pregnant
women looking for a new antenatal service because previous experiences of ANC
did not match their needs, the pregnant women experienced that the care providers
have good communication style, the pregnant women experienced the familycentered
care system in the clinic including time of services, type of service, cost
of service and facilities. Pregnant women hope that the clinic will proval
ultrasound service and make collaboration with the health insurance. They also
said the nurses in the clinic have provide care and role as care provider, manager,
educator and counselor. This research recommend that nurses have to improve
their knowledge and skill in nursing care to the women?s reproductive health
based on the client?s needs;A maternity nurse provides women?s reproductive health care include antenatal
care. But people are not familiar with the role and function of maternity nurse in
antenatal care. This study aims to explore pregnant women?s experience about
antenatal care visit in nursing practice. This study used a qualitative research
design with phenomenology. Six participants have participated. Seven themes
were derived from this study. The themes are the pregnant women were looking
for ANC with her husband through social media and direct surveys, the pregnant
women looking for a new antenatal service because previous experiences of ANC
did not match their needs, the pregnant women experienced that the care providers
have good communication style, the pregnant women experienced the familycentered
care system in the clinic including time of services, type of service, cost
of service and facilities. Pregnant women hope that the clinic will proval
ultrasound service and make collaboration with the health insurance. They also
said the nurses in the clinic have provide care and role as care provider, manager,
educator and counselor. This research recommend that nurses have to improve
their knowledge and skill in nursing care to the women?s reproductive health
based on the client?s needs;A maternity nurse provides women?s reproductive health care include antenatal
care. But people are not familiar with the role and function of maternity nurse in
antenatal care. This study aims to explore pregnant women?s experience about
antenatal care visit in nursing practice. This study used a qualitative research
design with phenomenology. Six participants have participated. Seven themes
were derived from this study. The themes are the pregnant women were looking
for ANC with her husband through social media and direct surveys, the pregnant
women looking for a new antenatal service because previous experiences of ANC
did not match their needs, the pregnant women experienced that the care providers
have good communication style, the pregnant women experienced the familycentered
care system in the clinic including time of services, type of service, cost
of service and facilities. Pregnant women hope that the clinic will proval
ultrasound service and make collaboration with the health insurance. They also
said the nurses in the clinic have provide care and role as care provider, manager,
educator and counselor. This research recommend that nurses have to improve
their knowledge and skill in nursing care to the women?s reproductive health
based on the client?s needs, A maternity nurse provides women’s reproductive health care include antenatal
care. But people are not familiar with the role and function of maternity nurse in
antenatal care. This study aims to explore pregnant women’s experience about
antenatal care visit in nursing practice. This study used a qualitative research
design with phenomenology. Six participants have participated. Seven themes
were derived from this study. The themes are the pregnant women were looking
for ANC with her husband through social media and direct surveys, the pregnant
women looking for a new antenatal service because previous experiences of ANC
did not match their needs, the pregnant women experienced that the care providers
have good communication style, the pregnant women experienced the familycentered
care system in the clinic including time of services, type of service, cost
of service and facilities. Pregnant women hope that the clinic will proval
ultrasound service and make collaboration with the health insurance. They also
said the nurses in the clinic have provide care and role as care provider, manager,
educator and counselor. This research recommend that nurses have to improve
their knowledge and skill in nursing care to the women’s reproductive health
based on the client’s needs]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arum Pratiwi
Yogyakarta: Gosyen , 2011
618.2 ARU b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riski Oktafia
"Hiperemesis gravidarum merupakan kondisi mual dan muntah berlebihan yang dapat menyebabkan penurunan berat badan, ketidakseimbangan cairan, elektrolit, gangguan nutrisi dan ketonuria. Upaya yang dapat dilakukan dalam membantu beradaptasi dengan mual dan muntah melalui tindakan nonfarmakologi dan farmakologi. Model konservasi Levine berfokus pada peningkatan adaptasi melalui prinsip konservasi untuk mencapai interigritas diri dan teori dukungan sosial berfokus pada peningkatan sistem dukungan.
Laporan kasus dilakukan terhadap lima ibu hamil yang mengalami hiperemesis gravidarum dengan pendekatan proses keperawatan melalui model konservasi Levine dan teori dukungan sosial. Penerapan model konservasi Levine dan teori dukungan sosial dalam lima kasus ini ditemukan masalah keperawatan ketidakseimbangan nutrisi yang disebabkan kurang asupan makanan, mual yag disebabkan proses adaptasi kehamilan, kecemasan yang disebabkan krisis situasional dan kehamilan yang tidak direncanakan, resiko kekurangan volume cairan yang disebabkan muntah berlebih, dan kesiapan peningkatan koping keluarga.
Hasil intervensi yang dilakukan berdasarkan prinsip konservasi dan dukungan sosial pada kelima kasus menunjukkan bahwa status nutrisi klien menjadi adekuat, status hidrasi klien menjadi adekuat, status maternal meningkat, mual berkurang, pengetahuan klien tentang proses kehamilan meningkat, kecemasan menurun, koping adekuat dan dukungan sosial meningkat.
......Hyperemesis gravidarum is a condition of excessive nausea and vomiting that can lead to weight loss, fluid imbalance, electrolytes, nutritional disorders and ketonuria. Efforts can be made to help adapt to nausea and vomiting through nonpharmacological and pharmacological actions.The Levine Conservation Model focuses on improving adaptation through conservation principles to achieve self interdependence and social support theories focus on improving the support system.
Case reports were made on five pregnant women with hyperemesis gravidarum with a nursing process approach through the Levine conservation model and social support theory. Implementation of the Levine conservation model and social support theory in these five cases found nutritional problems of nutritional imbalance caused by lack of food intake, nausea due to pregnancy adaptation, anxiety caused situational crisis and unplanned pregnancy, risk of fluid volume deficiency caused by excessive vomiting, And family coping readiness.
The results of interventions based on conservation and social support in the five cases indicate that the nutritional status of the client is adequate, the client 39 s hydration status becomes adequate, the maternal status increases, decreased nausea, the client 39 s knowledge of the pregnancy process increases, anxiety decreases, coping adequately and social support increases. "
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Raden Farrazka Hilmilla Indiriani
"Hak maternitas adalah salah satu hak asasi bagi wanita yang timbul sebagai salah satu wujud implementasi dari hak asasi manusia. Hak ini timbul sebagai kondrat wanita yang merupakan makhluk ciptaan Tuhan Yang Maha Esa yang memiliki sejumlah perbedaan kondisi fisik dan kondisi psikis dibandingkan dengan laki-laki. Perbedaan mendasar ini yang kemudian menjadikan wanita memiliki kondisi-kondisi khusus yang berpotensi menimbulkan kemungkinan terjadinya diskriminasi atau pembatasan-pembatasan dalam aktivitasnya. Bagi wanita yang bekerja, kondisi-kondisi khusus ini merupakan suatu hambatan yang mendasar dalam menjalani aktivitas pekerjaannya secara optimal. Selain itu, pemenuhan atas hak maternitas bagi pekerja wanita terkait berkelindan dengan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja yang berkorelasi erat dengan kebutuhan dasar manusia untuk merasakan aman dan nyaman. Hal ini disebabkan oleh kondisi-kondisi khusus tersebut memiliki sejumlah dampak psikis serta fisiknya yang membutuhkan penangananpenanganan tertentu agar mampu tetap beraktivitas secara normal. Menyadari hal ini, masyarakat internasional mengakui eksistensi atas urgensi pemenuhan pelindungan hak maternitas, khususnya bagi wanita yang bekerja. Pemerintah melalui peraturan perundang-undangan ketenagakerjaan, peraturan perundang-undangan kesehatan, peraturan perundang-undangan hak asasi manusia, dan peraturan perundang-undangan terkait juga mengatur mengenai urgensi pelindungan hak maternitas. Dalam pembahasan menggunakan metode yuridis-normatif dengan tipe penelitian deskriptif-analitis. Lebih lanjut, jenis data yang digunakan ialah data sekunder yang didukung dengan data lapangan melalui wawancara terhadap informan. Berdasarkan penelitian, pemenuhan atas pelindungan hak maternitas menjadi hal yang esensial dan fundamental bagi pemberi kerja terhadap pekerja wanitanya. Selain sebagai pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar pekerja wanita, pelindungan hak maternitas yang optimal dapat menimbulkan rasa aman dan nyaman bagi pekerja wanita selama menjalani aktivitas pekerjaannya. Atas dasar hal tersebut, penerapan atas pemenuhan pelindungan hak maternitas pekerja wanita merupakan salah satu kunci dalam menciptakan hubungan kerja yang harmonis.
......Maternity rights are one of the human essential rights for women that arise as a form of implementation of human rights. This right arises as a condition of women who are creatures of God Almighty who have several differences in physical and psychological condition to men. This fundamental difference then makes women have special conditions that have the potential to cause the possibility of discrimination or restrictions in their activities. For working women, these special conditions are a fundamental obstacle to optimal performance of their work activities. In addition, the fulfilment of maternity rights for women workers is intertwined with occupational safety and health, which is closely correlated with the basic human need to feel safe and comfortable. This is because these special conditions have several psychological and physical impacts that require certain treatments to be able to continue their normal activities. Recognizing this, the international community recognizes the urgency of fulfilling maternity rights protection, especially for working women. The government through labour legislation, health legislation, human rights legislation, and related legislation also regulates the urgency of protecting maternity rights. In this discussion, the author uses a juridicalnormative method with a descriptive-analytical research type. Furthermore, the type of data used is secondary data supported by field data through interviews with sources. Based on the research, the fulfilment of maternity rights protection is essential and fundamental for employers toward their female workers. In addition to fulfilling the basic needs of women workers, optimal protection of maternity rights can create a sense of security and comfort for women workers while carrying out their work activities. Based on this, the implementation of the fulfilment of maternity rights protection for female workers is one of the keys to creating harmonious working relationships."
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maryland Heigths: Mosby , 2010
618.92 MAT
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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