ABSTRAKPerawat maternitas merupakan tenaga kesehatan yang berwenang dan mampu
memberikan perawatan kesehatan reproduksi perempuan khususnya antenatal
care. Namun masyarakat belum mengenal peran dan fungsi perawat spesialis
maternitas dalam pelayanan antenatal care. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
menggali pengalaman ibu hamil dalam melakukan kunjungan antenatal pada
praktik mandiri perawat maternitas. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kualitatif
fenomenologi. Enam orang partisipan berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini. Analisis
data dilakukan dengan tematik konten analisis. Teridentifikasi tujuh tema yang
menggambarkan pengalaman ibu hamil dalam melakukan kunjungan ANC di
praktik mandiri perawat. Tema tersebut antara lain, pengalaman mencari
pelayanan ANC bersama suami melalui media sosial dan survey langsung, alasan
ibu hamil mencari tempat ANC baru karena pelayanan tempat sebelumnya tidak
sesuai keinginan, ibu hamil merasakan komunikasi petugas yang baik dalam
melayani, ibu hamil merasakan pelayanan yang berpusat pada keluarga, baik
waktu pelayanan, jenis pelayanan, biaya pelayanan dan fasilitas sesuai keinginan
ibu hamil. Ibu hamil berharap klinik dilengkapi USG dan bekerjasama dengan
asuransi kesehatan, perawat di klinik maternitas berperan sebagai care provider,
manager, educator dan counselor. Hasil penelitian ini menganjurkan bahwa
perawat harus meningkatkan kemampuannya dalam memberikan pelayanan pada
kesehatan reproduksi perempuan sesuai dengan kebutuhan klien.
ABSTRACTA maternity nurse provides women?s reproductive health care include antenatal
care. But people are not familiar with the role and function of maternity nurse in
antenatal care. This study aims to explore pregnant women?s experience about
antenatal care visit in nursing practice. This study used a qualitative research
design with phenomenology. Six participants have participated. Seven themes
were derived from this study. The themes are the pregnant women were looking
for ANC with her husband through social media and direct surveys, the pregnant
women looking for a new antenatal service because previous experiences of ANC
did not match their needs, the pregnant women experienced that the care providers
have good communication style, the pregnant women experienced the familycentered
care system in the clinic including time of services, type of service, cost
of service and facilities. Pregnant women hope that the clinic will proval
ultrasound service and make collaboration with the health insurance. They also
said the nurses in the clinic have provide care and role as care provider, manager,
educator and counselor. This research recommend that nurses have to improve
their knowledge and skill in nursing care to the women?s reproductive health
based on the client?s needs;A maternity nurse provides women?s reproductive health care include antenatal
care. But people are not familiar with the role and function of maternity nurse in
antenatal care. This study aims to explore pregnant women?s experience about
antenatal care visit in nursing practice. This study used a qualitative research
design with phenomenology. Six participants have participated. Seven themes
were derived from this study. The themes are the pregnant women were looking
for ANC with her husband through social media and direct surveys, the pregnant
women looking for a new antenatal service because previous experiences of ANC
did not match their needs, the pregnant women experienced that the care providers
have good communication style, the pregnant women experienced the familycentered
care system in the clinic including time of services, type of service, cost
of service and facilities. Pregnant women hope that the clinic will proval
ultrasound service and make collaboration with the health insurance. They also
said the nurses in the clinic have provide care and role as care provider, manager,
educator and counselor. This research recommend that nurses have to improve
their knowledge and skill in nursing care to the women?s reproductive health
based on the client?s needs;A maternity nurse provides women?s reproductive health care include antenatal
care. But people are not familiar with the role and function of maternity nurse in
antenatal care. This study aims to explore pregnant women?s experience about
antenatal care visit in nursing practice. This study used a qualitative research
design with phenomenology. Six participants have participated. Seven themes
were derived from this study. The themes are the pregnant women were looking
for ANC with her husband through social media and direct surveys, the pregnant
women looking for a new antenatal service because previous experiences of ANC
did not match their needs, the pregnant women experienced that the care providers
have good communication style, the pregnant women experienced the familycentered
care system in the clinic including time of services, type of service, cost
of service and facilities. Pregnant women hope that the clinic will proval
ultrasound service and make collaboration with the health insurance. They also
said the nurses in the clinic have provide care and role as care provider, manager,
educator and counselor. This research recommend that nurses have to improve
their knowledge and skill in nursing care to the women?s reproductive health
based on the client?s needs, A maternity nurse provides women’s reproductive health care include antenatal
care. But people are not familiar with the role and function of maternity nurse in
antenatal care. This study aims to explore pregnant women’s experience about
antenatal care visit in nursing practice. This study used a qualitative research
design with phenomenology. Six participants have participated. Seven themes
were derived from this study. The themes are the pregnant women were looking
for ANC with her husband through social media and direct surveys, the pregnant
women looking for a new antenatal service because previous experiences of ANC
did not match their needs, the pregnant women experienced that the care providers
have good communication style, the pregnant women experienced the familycentered
care system in the clinic including time of services, type of service, cost
of service and facilities. Pregnant women hope that the clinic will proval
ultrasound service and make collaboration with the health insurance. They also
said the nurses in the clinic have provide care and role as care provider, manager,
educator and counselor. This research recommend that nurses have to improve
their knowledge and skill in nursing care to the women’s reproductive health
based on the client’s needs]"