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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Teuku Nanda Putra
Abstrak :
Maxillofacial trauma is one of the most devastating injuries faced by all plastic surgeons. In the event of displacement and unstable fracture segments, which can lead to functional disruption, an open reduction and an internal fixation using miniplate and screws are indicated. However, currently commonly used imported miniplate and screw are very costly. The purpose of this study is therefore to evaluate the locally made miniplate and screw in maxillofacial fracture management compared to the imported miniplate and screw. The study is a blind randomized clinical trial of patients with mid-face fractures arriving at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. Subjects are fracture lines that meet both inclusion and exclusion criteria and are then randomized to the study (locally made miniplate and screw) and control (BIOMET ® miniplate and screw) through a predetermined randomization list. Bone density is followed by non-contrast head tomography immediately after surgery as a baseline and three months post-op. Subsequently, a radiologist consultant as a blinded evaluator will evaluate the bone density score and any screw loosening present local tissue reactions after fixation during a visit to the outpatient clinic once a week for three weeks. The preliminary result of the first 9 samples suggested the locally-made miniplate and screw showed the same quality compare to the control. Bone density promoted by both implants was not significant difference (P>0.05). There was no tissue reaction presentation around both implant placement and nor the screw loosening appears at the three-month CT-Scan evaluation. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is difficult to reach the number of samples as planned, the clinical study was underpowered. Further clinical study is necessary to improve the self-taping feature of the screw and reaching a more power study in order to establish the non-inferiority of locally made miniplate and screw. ......Trauma maksilofasial adalah salah satu cedera paling parah yang dihadapi semua ahli bedah plastik. Jika terjadi pergeseran dan segmen fraktur yang tidak stabil, yang menyebabkan gangguan fungsi, maka diindikasikan untuk dilakukan tindakan reduksi terbuka dan fiksasi internal menggunakan miniplate dan screw. Namun saat ini miniplate dan screw impor yang biasa digunakan sangat mahal harganya. Oleh karena itu, tujuan dan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi miniplate dan screw buatan lokal dalam manajemen fraktur maksilofasial yang dibandingkan dengan miniplate dan screw impor. Desain penelitian adalah blind randomized clinical trial yang dilakukan pada pasien dengan fraktur wajah bagian tengah yang datang ke Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo. Subjek penelitian ini adalah garis fraktur yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi dan kemudian akan dimasukkan kedalam grup intervensi (miniplate dan screw buatan lokal) dan grup kontrol (BIOMET ® miniplate dan screw) secara acak berdasarkan predetermined randomization list. Kepadatan tulang akan dievaluasi menggunakan CT-Scan kepala non kontras segera setelah operasi sebagai baseline dan dilakukan kembali tiga bulan pasca operasi. Selanjutnya dokter konsultan radiologi yang bertindak sebagai blind evaluator akan mengevaluasi nilai kepadatan tulang dan apakah ada tampilan screw yang longgar pada gambaran CT-Scan. Reaksi jaringan lokal disekitar lokasi pemasangan implant juga akan dievaluasi setiap minggu selama tiga minggu pada saat pasien menjalani perawatan melalui poliklinik bedah plastik. Hasil studi pendahuluan terhadap 9 sampel awal menunjukkan bahwa miniplate dan screw buatan lokal memiliki kualitas yang sama dengan miniplate dan screw impor. Tidak ada perbedaan signifikan (P>0.05) pada kepadatan tulang yang dihasilkan oleh kedua Miniplate dan screw. Tidak ada reaksi jaringan sekitar pemasangan implant yang terjadi selama pengamatan dan juga tidak ada tampilan screw loosening pada CT-Scan tiga bulan pasca operasi. Jumlah sampel yang sedikit akibat pandemik COVID-19 menyebabkan studi ini underpowered. Dibutuhkan studi lanjutan guna memperbaiki fitur self-taping pada screw dalam rangka membuktikan bahwa Miniplate dan screw buatan lokal tidak lebih inferior.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Narottama Tunjung Hariwangsa
Abstrak :
Reduksi secara tertutup dan fiksasi internal menggunakan miniplate dan screw titanium masih merupakan modalitas terapi yang terbaik untuk fraktur tulang wajah yang displaced dengan gangguan fungsi dan deformitas secara penampilan. Namun, implan maksilofasial yang beredar di Indonesia masih sangat mahal. Untuk itu diperkenalkan miniplate dan screw buatan lokal (UniFIX®) yang lebih murah dan memiliki kualitas yang sama dengan miniplate dan screw yang diimpor. Dilakukan studi eksperimental cross over dengan menggunakan enam belas model tengkorak dari bahan polyurethane yang dipasang implan UniFIX® dan implan impor pada bagian rima orbita inferior oleh pengguna. Dilakukan pencatatan terhadap waktu untuk menyelesaikan pemasangan miniplate dan screw. Setiap pengguna diberikan kuesioner evaluasi terhadap kemudahan penggunaan miniplate dan screw dalam hal kenyamanan saat penggunaan, kecocokan screw dengan screwdriver, pembengkokan plate, dan self-tapping dari screw. Setelah itu, dilakukan penilaian oleh konsultan ahli kraniofasial terhadap stabilitas dan adaptabilitas dari miniplate dan screw yang telah dipasang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa miniplate dan screw UniFIX® tidak inferior jika dibandingkan dengan miniplate dan screw impor dalam hal kemudahan penggunaan. Meskipun demikian, karakteristik self-tapping screw UniFIX® dapat ditingkatkan untuk mendapatkan kualitas yang lebih baik. ......Open reduction and internal fixation using miniplate and screw is still the best treatment of displaced facial fracture with functional impairment and cosmetic deformity. However, imported miniplate and screw currently widely used are highly costly. Therefore, a locally-made miniplate and screw (UniFIX®) which is cost-efficient and has the same quality with the imported brand is introduced. This study aims to evaluate the usability of UniFIX® miniplate and screw in comparison with the imported miniplate and screw. Cross over experimental study was conducted with sixteen polyurethane anatomical skull models. Both UniFIX® and imported miniplate and screw were placed on the infraorbital rims by users. Time to complete the placement was recorded. Each user received questionnaire to evaluate the usability of miniplate and screw in terms of operator s comfort, screw fit to screwdriver, plate bending, and self-tapping of the screw. Subsequently, two craniofacial consultants were given scoring sheet to evaluate the stability and the adaptability of each miniplate and screw. The results showed that the usability of UniFIX® miniplate and screw was not inferior compared to the imported brand. Nevertheless, the self-tapping feature of locally-made screw may be improved to produce better quality.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tasya Anggrahita Rinintyaring P.
Abstrak :

Pananganan Fraktur Kraniomaksilofasial dengan metode Open Reduction Internal Fixation (ORIF) menggunakan miniplat titanium implant, adalah suatu modalitas yang paling superior. Namun demikian, Implant titanium yang beredar di Indonesia hingga saat ini adalah produk impor yang memiliki harga yang sangat tinggi. Maka dari itu, tim penelitian kami mengembangkan miniplat titanium implant buatan lokal yang lebih cost-efficient. Diharapkan miniplat yang kami kembangkan memiliki histokompatibilitas dan dapat memilliki penyembuhan tulang yang sama dengan produk impor. Penelitian ini adalah studi eksperimental menggunakan hewan coba berupa kelinci jenis New Zealand White Rabbit, yang dikelompokan menjadi 2 group. Setelah dilakukan osteotomi satu sisi pada arkus Zigoma, setiap grup akan dilakukan reduksi terbuka dan fiksasi garis fraktur menggunakan salah satu implant miniplat impor (Biomet®) ataupun implant lokal (UniFix®).  Setelah 5 hari, 4 minggu dan 8 mingu post operasi, 5 kelinci pada masing-masing grup akan di euthanasia dan dilakukan pengambilan sampel untuk pemeriksaan mikroskopik untuk mengevaluasi rasio penyembuhan tulang dan biokompatibilitas diantara masing-masing grup. Dari pengamatan, tidak ditemukan adanya komplikasi penyembuhan luka , seperti infeksi, seroma, maupun hematoma. Adapun tulang berhasil mengalami penyembuhan luka sesuai timeline, meskipun ditemukan kuantitas lamellar bone yang lebih besar pada treatment grup di minggu ke 8, dan signifikan secara statistik (Mean (%) treatment 65.3 (±3.7), and control 52.2 (±6.5) with p= 0.028). Adapun ditemukan pula pembentukan jaringan fibrokartilage pada hari ke 5, yang pada akhirnya berubah menjadi tulang matur pada periode selanjutknya. Jaringan fibrocartilage juga ditemui sedikit lebih besar pada minggu ke-8 pada grup komtrol (Mean (%) treatment 6.7(±6.4) and control 17(±3.3),p=0.038). Sel sel inflamatorik disekitar insersi screw dan jaringan granulasi pada lokasi garis fraktur tampak  mencapai puncaknya pada hari ke5, sebagai tanda proses natural dari fase inflamasi. Metal debris terdetaksi pada hampir semua sampel, dimana tidak ada perbedaan secara signifikan (n/total treatment 12(13), control 12(13), p=1.000). Namun demikian, adanya metal debris yang terdeteksi tidak memicu terbentuknya sel inflamatorik dan formasi dari sel giant. Studi ini menandakan fiksasi untuk fraktur midfacial dengan implant buatan lokal (UniFIX) menunjukkan histokompatibilitas yang baik, dan dapat mencapai penyembuhan tulang yang baik, serta tidak lebih inferior dibandingkan implant produk impor. Studi ini juga menunjukkan bahwa UniFIX adalah suatu modalitas fiksasi interna yang menjanjikan dan memerlukan support bersama untuk kemajuan dan pengembangannya di masa depan.

Open reduction and internal fixation by rigid titanium miniplate fixation had become the superior modalities for managing the craniomaxillofacial fractures. However, the titanium miniplate and screw available in Indonesia to-date is all high cost imported product. Therefore, our team is developing a locally made titanium miniplate and screw fixation with more cost-efficiently. It is hoped this locally-made titanium miniplate and screw (UniFix®) could provide the same histocompatibility and could provide adequate bone healing as the imported one. This study is an experimental study using 30 New Zealand white rabbits that divided into 2 groups. After performing one-sided zygomatic arch osteotomy, each group will be performed open reduction and applied whether a standardized imported mini-plate and screw (Biomet®) as group 1 or a locally made mini-plate and screw (UniFix®) as group 2. After 5 days, 4 week, and 8 weeks postoperatively, 5 rabbits on each group is euthanized and microscopic evaluation is conducted to evaluate the rate of bone healing and biocompatibility between each group. We have not seen any wound complication with respect of infection, seroma, and hematoma during observation of 5 days, 28 days, and 56 days. The bone is healed according to the timeline on both groups, although we found the treatment group had greater quantity of lamellar bone on day 56, and its statistically significance (Mean (%) treatment 65.3 (±3.7), and control 52.2 (±6.5) with p= 0.028). Though we also found fibrocartilage callus present around the fracture site especially the 5th day, but the fibrocartilage callus succeeded to turn over into mature bone in later period. We still found slightly bigger amount of fibrocartilage tissue on the 56th day on control group (Mean (%) treatment 6.7(±6.4) and control 17(±3.3),p=0.038). The inflammatory cells around the screw insertion and the granulation tissue of the fracture site had the highest peak on the 5th day observation marking the nature of inflammatory phase of bone healing. Metal debris found on both of the samples with no significance difference (n/total treatment 12(13), control 12(13), p=1.000). But the presence of metal debris hardly provokes any inflammatory cells and giant body formation around the screw site.This study shows the fixation of midfacial fracture using UniFIX presents good histocompatibility and adequate fracture healing and it is not inferior compared to the imported brand. This study also shows that UniFIX is a promising internal fixation modality and it needs further encouragement for future improvement and development


Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Evi Febriani Listio Rahayu
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang Pada penatalaksanaan fraktur maksilofasial secara internal fiksasi diperlukan pemasangan alat miniplate dan screw sampai terjadi penyembuhan tulang Magnesium memiliki potensi sebagai miniplate dan screw pada tulang rahang dengan syarat bersifat biokompatibel dan biodegradasi sehingga tidak diperlukan operasi kembali untuk pengambilan miniplate dan screw Proses equal channel angular pressing ECAP merupakan salah satu metode untuk mengontrol laju korosi logam magnesium dan meningkatkan sifat mekanisnya Untuk pembuatan desain miniplate dan screw dari magnesium ECAP dengan merujuk dari desain safety factor bahan titanium yang biasanya telah digunakan perlu disesuaikan dengan material properti magnesium agar dapat mencegah kerusakan Tujuan menganalisa perbandingan desain miniplate dan screw logam magnesium ECAP terhadap titanium Metode Untuk penelitian ini kami menggunakan metode finite elemen yaitu formulasi perpindahan untuk menghitung perpindahan komponen strain dan tekanan di bawah beban internal dan eksternal Kemudian desain miniplate dan screw dari magnesium ECAP dilakukan analisa simulasi pembebanan yang dianalisa menggunakan teori Von Misses Hasil Hasil desain miniplate dan screw magnesium ECAP yang diharapkan dapat digunakan pada penatalaksanaan fraktur maksilofasial telah dilakukan simulasi pembebanan dengan dilakukan analisa desain menggunakan teori Von Misses kemudian desain direkayasa untuk mengurangi stress yang diterima desain rekayasa magnesium ECAP dibuat menjadi dua tipe yaitu tipe 1 dengan menambah jumlah screw menjadi 8 screw dengan berat total miniplate dan screw sebesar 118 212 mg dan tipe ke 2 dengan merubah diameter head screw menjadi 2x lebih besar dari bentuk semula sehingga berat totalnya sebesar 169 414 mg Kesimpulan Desain alternatif miniplate dan screw magnesium ECAP tipe 1 dapat lebih efektif untuk digunakan pada penatalaksanaan fraktur maksilofasial ABSTRACT
Background In the internal fixation management of maxillofacial fractures the placement of miniplate and screw is necessary until bone repair takes place Magnesium has the potential as a miniplate and screw for the jaws with it rsquo s biocompatibility and biodegradability so that a follow up surgery to remove the miniplate and screw is not necessary The equal channel angular pressing ECAP process is a method to control the corrosion rate of magnesium and increase the mechanical properties In the making of miniplate and screw design from ECAP magnesium referring the safety factor of the titanium design that is already being used adjustments must be made with the characteristics of magnesium so damage can be avoided Objectives to analyze the comparison between magnesium ECAP miniplate and screw design against titanium Methods For this research we used the finite element method which is displacement formulation to calculate component movement strain and pressure under the internal and external load Afterwards the magnesium ECAP miniplate and screw design undergoes a loading simulation which is analyzed with the Von Misses theory Result Design of miniplate and screw magnesium ECAP which expected to be used in the management of maxillofacial fractures has been tested with the stress simulation using Von Misses theory then the design engineered to reduce stress received Engineering design of magnesium ECAP divided into two types type 1 by increasing the number of screw into 8 screws with a total weight miniplate and screws with a total weight miniplate and screw amounted to 118 212 mg and type 2 by changing the diameter of the head screw becomes large than its original shape so that the total weight of 169 414 mg Conclusion Design alternative of miniplate and screw magnesium ECAP type 1could be more effective to be used in the management of maxillofacial fracture ;Background In the internal fixation management of maxillofacial fractures the placement of miniplate and screw is necessary until bone repair takes place Magnesium has the potential as a miniplate and screw for the jaws with it rsquo s biocompatibility and biodegradability so that a follow up surgery to remove the miniplate and screw is not necessary The equal channel angular pressing ECAP process is a method to control the corrosion rate of magnesium and increase the mechanical properties In the making of miniplate and screw design from ECAP magnesium referring the safety factor of the titanium design that is already being used adjustments must be made with the characteristics of magnesium so damage can be avoided Objectives to analyze the comparison between magnesium ECAP miniplate and screw design against titanium Methods For this research we used the finite element method which is displacement formulation to calculate component movement strain and pressure under the internal and external load Afterwards the magnesium ECAP miniplate and screw design undergoes a loading simulation which is analyzed with the Von Misses theory Result Design of miniplate and screw magnesium ECAP which expected to be used in the management of maxillofacial fractures has been tested with the stress simulation using Von Misses theory then the design engineered to reduce stress received Engineering design of magnesium ECAP divided into two types type 1 by increasing the number of screw into 8 screws with a total weight miniplate and screws with a total weight miniplate and screw amounted to 118 212 mg and type 2 by changing the diameter of the head screw becomes large than its original shape so that the total weight of 169 414 mg Conclusion Design alternative of miniplate and screw magnesium ECAP type 1could be more effective to be used in the management of maxillofacial fracture ;Background In the internal fixation management of maxillofacial fractures the placement of miniplate and screw is necessary until bone repair takes place Magnesium has the potential as a miniplate and screw for the jaws with it rsquo s biocompatibility and biodegradability so that a follow up surgery to remove the miniplate and screw is not necessary The equal channel angular pressing ECAP process is a method to control the corrosion rate of magnesium and increase the mechanical properties In the making of miniplate and screw design from ECAP magnesium referring the safety factor of the titanium design that is already being used adjustments must be made with the characteristics of magnesium so damage can be avoided Objectives to analyze the comparison between magnesium ECAP miniplate and screw design against titanium Methods For this research we used the finite element method which is displacement formulation to calculate component movement strain and pressure under the internal and external load Afterwards the magnesium ECAP miniplate and screw design undergoes a loading simulation which is analyzed with the Von Misses theory Result Design of miniplate and screw magnesium ECAP which expected to be used in the management of maxillofacial fractures has been tested with the stress simulation using Von Misses theory then the design engineered to reduce stress received Engineering design of magnesium ECAP divided into two types type 1 by increasing the number of screw into 8 screws with a total weight miniplate and screws with a total weight miniplate and screw amounted to 118 212 mg and type 2 by changing the diameter of the head screw becomes large than its original shape so that the total weight of 169 414 mg Conclusion Design alternative of miniplate and screw magnesium ECAP type 1could be more effective to be used in the management of maxillofacial fracture
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library