"[Tesis ini menganalisis persepsi pemangku kepentingan tentang efektivitas program rehabilitasi dan rekonstruksi permukiman masyarakat terdampak bencana melalui pendekatan berbasis masyarakat di daerah relokasi dalam rangka rehabilitasi dan rekonstruksi permukiman masyarakat terdampak letusan Merapi
2010 di Kabupaten Sleman Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma postpositivisme dengan metode gabungan (mixed method) dengan desain deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa penerima manfaat mempersepsikan program relokasi yang dilakukan telah berjalan secara efektif. Akan tetapiterdapat juga kemungkinan-kemungkinan perbaikan untuk mengatasi beberapa permasalahan yang ditemukan dalam penelitian untuk
penerapan di masa yang akan datang. Perbaikan dapat dilakukan pada proses pengambilan keputusan di tingkat masyarakat termasuk menghilangkan elite capture, pendampingan yang lebih intensif dan pengenalan budaya baru di lokasi relokasi. Model mekanisme yang efektif haruslah berpusat pada penghidupan masyarakat, disebut livelihood-centered relocation. Masyarakat akan dengan mudah untuk direlokasi apabila telah mengetahui dengan baik pola penghidupan mereka di daerah relokasi yang baru. Diharapkan penataan permukiman juga akan ditentukan penghidupan para penerima manfaat.
......This research analyzes the stakeholder perception on the effectiveness of the settlement rehabilitation and reconstruction program of Merapi-eruption impacted community through community-based approach in Sleman District Province of Special Region Yogyakarta. The research paradigm is post positivism with mixed method with descriptive design. The research result presents that the community as the stakeholder perceived the relocation program is effective. The research, however, also presents some opportunities for improvement toward a more effective relocation program in the future. Improvement can be made on decision making process in community level, decreasing of elite capture and
introduction of the new culture of living in relocation site. The research also proposes an effective model of community-based relocation. The model is livelihood-centered relocation. The livelihood is basis for the design of relocation.
planning. Once the community feels comfortable with the future of their
livelihood, the mobilization of the beneficiaries will face less resistance.
Expectedly, the resettlement design will be based on the beneficiaries? livelihood, This research analyzes the stakeholder perception on the effectiveness of the
settlement rehabilitation and reconstruction program of Merapi-eruption
impacted community through community-based approach in Sleman District
Province of Special Region Yogyakarta. The research paradigm is post positivism
with mixed method with descriptive design. The research result presents that the
community as the stakeholder perceived the relocation program is effective. The
research, however, also presents some opportunities for improvement toward a
more effective relocation program in the future. Improvement can be made on
decision making process in community level, decreasing of elite capture and
introduction of the new culture of living in relocation site. The research also
proposes an effective model ofcommunity-based relocation. The model is
livelihood-centered relocation. The livelihood is basis for the design of relocation
planning. Once the community feels comfortable with the future of their
livelihood, the mobilization of the beneficiaries will face less resistance.
Expectedly, the resettlement design will be based on the beneficiaries? livelihood]"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016