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Ditemukan 3 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Muhammad Irfan
Abstrak :
Murahnya hardware dan software berdampak pada murahnya biaya hosting bagi bisnis online. Munculnya layanan pihak ke-3 penyedia jasa transaksi pembayaran memudahkan dan meminimalisir resiko transaksi. Kedua faktor ini menciptakan peluang berkembangnya bisnis online dengan daya tahan terhadap kegagalan yang lebih besar. L-Ads.com sebagai situs iklan baris online diluncurkan dengan memanfaatkan peluang ini. Bidang bisnis iklan baris online dipilih dengan alasan melihat besar pasar iklan baris online di Amerika Serikat yang mencapai $14,1 milyar (Lockwood, 2007) masih memberikan kesempatan yang luas. L-Ads.com menawarkan konsep kemudahan dalam semua aspek bisnisnya. Baik dari aspek pemasangan iklan, pencarian, dan komunikasi antara pencari iklan dan pemasang iklan. L-Ads.com juga memiliki cakupan global di seluruh negara di dunia. Tetapi sebagus apapun konsep situs yang ditawarkan tidak akan ada artinya apabila tidak dapat diterima oleh pasar. OLeh karena itu langkah awal untuk mendapat penerimaan pasar adalah dengan menyusun strategi komunikasi pemasaran yang tepat. Untuk itu sebagai fokus studi ini maka perlu dilakukan analisis terhadap beberapa hal bcrikul: 1. Pilihan komunikasi pemasaran berbiaya rendah (low cast) apa saja yang mungkin dilakukan untuk meningkatkan tingkat kunjungan L-Ads.com? 2. Dari pilihan yang tersedia, komunikasi pemasaran manakah yang paling tepat bagi L-Ads.com? 3. Apakah yang dapat dilakukan lebih lanjut terhadap pilihan komunikasi pemasaran L-Ads.com guna mempersiapkan tahap layanan berbayar? Studi karya akhir menemukan bahwa terdapat 19 perangkat komunikasi pemasaran yang dapat diterapkan oleh L-Ads.com. Diantara 19 perangkat tersebut hanya 10 perangkat yang sesuai dengan strategi low cost L-Ads.com. Kriteria pemilihan yang diterapkan adalah biaya rendah, mudah dilaksanakan, dapat dilakukan secara swaduya, cepat bagi pcngguna untuk melakukan action untuk mencoba layanan. Sedangkan 10 perangkat tersebut adalah: 1. Direct E-Mail 2. Mailing List 3. Formulir Rekomendasi Situs 4. Formulir Rekomendasi Iklan 5. Link Afiliasi 6. Forum Diskusi 7. Pendaitaran Pada Search Engine 8. Artikel 9. Pengisian Konten 10. Social Bookmarking Hasil seleksi perangkat komunikasi kemudian diimplementasikan dan diobservasi tingkal kontribusinya terhadap tingkat kunjungan. Observasi tingkat kontribusi berlangsung dari bulan Januari 2007 sampai dengan April 2007. Perangkat komunikasi pemasaran yang paling besar berkontribusi adalah forum diskusi. Forum diskusi memberikan kontribusi yang menonjol dikarenakan sithlnya yang berupa sarana komunikasi dua arah dibanding perangkat lain yang hanya satu arah. Selain itu faktor netiket juga dapat menentukan keberhasilan komunikasi. Komunikasi yang tidak simpatik dapat menurunkan tingkat kunjungan. Dengan hasil studi dapat disimpulkan bahwa: 1. Terdapat 10 perangkat komunikasi yang mungkin dilakukan oleh L-Ads.com 2. Forum diskusi memberikan kontribusi yang tertinggi terhadap tingkat kunjungan L-Ads.com. 3. Fokus strategi komunikasi pemasaran silus L-Ads.com untuk menaikkan tingkat kunjungan perdana akan dititik beratkan dalam penggunaan media forum diskusi. Selain itu juga perlu diperbaiki implementasi perangkat komunikasi lainnya agar memberikan hasil kontribusi yang setara dengan forum diskusi. Adapun saran yang dapat ditindak lanjuti dapat dikelompokkan menjadi dua yaitu: a. Strategi Peluncuran L-Ads.com L-Ads.com perlu memperpanjang masa Iayanan gratis selama 6 bulan untuk dapat memperbaiki kinerja pemasarannya. Selain itu sebaran pesan pemasaran perlu diperluas agar dapat menyentuh lebih banyuk negara yang dilayani L-Ads.aom. Fitur tambahan yang akan diterapkan seperti geo ip dan multi bahasa harus segera diimplementasikan agar semakin siap untuk melayani pengguna dari berbagai negara. b. Perangkat Komunikasi Pemasaran Memperbaiki implementasi perangkat komunikasi pemasaran lainnya dengan cara mempertahankan konsistensi pesan yang disampaikan dan meningkatkan frekuensi pesan dengan tetap memperhatikan netiket yang berlaku. Isi dari pesan pemasaran juga perlu diperbaiki agar lebih mudah diterima dan dipahami oleh target pemasaran. Selain itu perangkat komunikasi pemasaran yang belum pernah diterapkan juga perlu dicoba untuk diimplementasikan.
The price of hardware and software are declining. This situation leads to lower price of web hosting services for online business. Third party services that provides transaction services also made easier for people to build online businesses because it reduce the risk of online transaction. These factors made online businesses more inning to chance of Failure and L-Ads.com is taking advantage of the situation. L-Ads.com is an online classifieds ads website that provides services for internet users. Online classifieds ads is picked as L-Ads.com business because of the size of the market that reach $14,1 billion a year (Lockwood, 2007) and it still provides broad chance for new entrants. Major players of this business are Craigslist.org and Kijiji.com with Craigslist.org annual revenue reached $10 million. L-Ads.com offers simplicity in every aspect of their business. The simplicity is showed in the way of posting an ad, searching ads and communication between ad posters and potential buyer. L-Ads.com also offers global range of service location. L-Ads.com provides services for 240 countries with its 3978 regions. A good business concept means nothing if it is not acceptable by target market. The first step to gain acceptance from the market is to communicate this business using suitable communication mix strategy. That is why the focus of this study is to analyze these problems: 1. What are the choices of marketing communication means that provides low cost solution that can improve the visit rate of L-Ads.com? 2. From those choices (options), which one of these is fit with L-Ads.com? 3. What more can be done with the choice result to prepare L-Ads.com to enter pay based service stage? The study founds that there are 19 marketing communication means that can be done by L-Ads.com. Among these 19, there are 10 communication means that fit with L-Ads.com low cost strategy. The criteria are low cost, ease of use, can be done solely and fast for target market to take action trying the service. These 10 communication means arc: 1. Direct E-Mail 2. Mailing List 3. Site Recommendation Form 4. Ad Recommendation Form 5. Affiliate link 6. Discussion Forums 7. Search Engine Submission 8. Articles 9. Content Submission 10. Social Book marking The selection results is implemented and observed their contribution level to visit mate. The observation period is done from January 2007 till April 2007. The highest level of contribution was made by Discussion Forum. This high contribution level is achieved because discussion forum is a two way communication means. Netiquette factor also determined successfulness of communication. Unsympathetic communication will leads to visit rate declining. The study concludes that: 1. There are 10 possible communication means that can be implemented by L¬Ads.com. 2. Discussions Forum gives highest contribution level to visit rate of L-Ads.com 3. Strategic focus of L-Ads.com marketing communication's strategy is discussion forum. Other implementation of marketing communication means have to be improved to give the same level of contribution rate. Suggestion for improvement can be classified as two sections: a. Launching strategy of L-Ads.com L-Ads.com needs to consider prolonging the free service period for 6 months. This is necessary to improve marketing efforts. Geographical coverage of the communication message should be expanded to touch more countries. Extended features such as geo ip and multilanguage needs to be done to prepare L-Ads.com for localized service. b. Marketing Communication Means L-Ads.com should improve their marketing communication means implementations by broadcast consistent message with increasing its frequency but still obeying the netiquette. The contents of the message need to improve so target market can easily understand and ready to take action. L-Ads.com should try other marketing communication means for comparison.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gunter, Barrie
Abstrak :
Summary Authoritative and illuminating, this book demonstrates how we reveal the secrets of our character through the disclosures we make about ourselves in the online world. The author expertly explores whether online information about people, derived from their search patterns, personal detail disclosures and the language they use when posting text, are all related to their personalities. The Internet era has given rise to an enormous explosion of data that is refreshed daily on a massive scale. The growth of online social network sites has created opportunities for more and more people to reveal intimate details about themselves and their lives. While some of these disclosures are consciously made, other, more subtle forms of person profiling can be produced by examining patterns in our online behavior and the language we use in our online posts. As this book will show, techniques have been developed which enable researchers to build detailed personality profiles of people without their awareness, by examining online behaviour and psycholinguistic analysis. Establishing how unlocking the full potential of 'big data' is dependent on having the right analytical tools that can be applied speedily and cost-effectively on a massive scale, the author also asks how powerful these methods are, and can they really be used to influence us in the way their critics fear and proponents claim. Explaining how we reveal the secrets of our character through the disclosures we make about ourselves in the online world, this is fascinating reading for students and academics in psychology, linguistics, computer science, and related areas.
London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2019
302.231 GUN p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Stefanus Andriano
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas proses komunikasi online menuju offline komunitas virtual di Indonesia. Selain proses komunikasi, tesis ini juga membahas konsep 'from cyber to brother' yang terjadi dalam komunitas virtual di Indonesia. Untuk dapat mengetahui proses komunikasi online ke offline dan konsep 'from cyber to brother' yang terjadi dalam komunitas virtual di Indonesia maka digunakan studi etnometodologis dengan pendekatan interpretatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat dua skema dalam proses komunikasi online menuju offline yaitu skema sirkular (loop) dan spontanitas (linier). Untuk dapat menemukan konsep 'from cyber to brother' dalam komunitas virtual di Indonesia, peneliti menggunakan observasi dan wawancara mendalam terhadap anggota komunitas virtual. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terjadi konsep 'from cyber to brother' dalam komunitas virtual di Indonesia.
This thesis discussed the process on online to offline communication virtual community in Indonesia. Other than the process of the communication itself, this thesis also discussed the concept of ?from cyber to brother? which occured on virtual community in Indonesia. In order to found out whether the process of online to offline communication and ?from cyber to brother? concept occured on virtual community in Indonesia, therefore the author used ethnomethodology method with interpretative approach. The result showed that there were two schemes on the process of offline to online community, which were circular scheme (loop) and spontaneous (linear). Other ways to found out the concept of ?from cyber to brother? on virtual community in Indonesia, the author engaged with the members of virtual community in terms of observation and interview. The finding showed that the concept of ?from cyber to brother? was indeed occurred on virtual community in Indonesia.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library