Dalam tiga tahun terakhir, virus Covid-19 menjadi wabah yang sangat berbahaya di dunia. Penyebaran virus terjadi sangat cepat karena penyebarannya tidak hanya berasal dari cairan tubuh melainkan dapat dengan mudahnya terjangkit hanya dengan kontak fisik antar manusia. Pemerintah Indonesia masih terus berupaya untuk mengurangi tingkat penyebaran Covid-19 dengan melakukan vaksinasi kepada masyarakat dan melakukan karantina di rumah sakit dan isolasi mandiri bagi pasien Covid-19. Namun, karantina dan isolasi mandiri yang dilakukan pasien belum sepenuhnya efektif, karena keterbatasan petugas untuk memantau kondisi kesehatan pasien secara real-time dan kurang disiplinnya masyarakat indonesia dalam menjalankan karantina dan isolasi mandiri. Oleh karena itu, dibuatlah alat pemantauan kondisi kesehatan pasien Covid-19 secara real-time untuk mengurangi kekhawatiran terjadinya penurunan kondisi kesehatan dari pasien.
Pada penelitian ini, alat pemantauan yang digunakan adalah sebuah prototipe jam tangan pintar berbasis Internet of Things yang mendeteksi tiga parameter seperti; SpO2 (saturasi oksigen), suhu, dan detak jantung. Sebagai tambahan, digunakan sensor GPS untuk melacak lokasi pasien secara real-time dan meminimalisir pasien yang kabur dari tempat isolasi. Pasien yang membutuhkan pertolongan dapat menekan tombol panik pada jam tangan pintar untuk memberitahu petugas secara langsung melalui website dan seluruh data kesehatan pasien disimpan pada ThingSpeak melalui Wi-Fi. Hasilnya telah berhasil membangun alat pemantauan saturasi oksigen yang dapat digunakan petugas memantau pasien dari jauh dengan perbandingan error rata-rata antara oximeter dan alat yang dibangun kurang dari 1.1%.
In the last three years, the Covid-19 virus has become a very dangerous epidemic in the world. The spread of the virus occurs very quickly because the spread does not only come from body fluids but can be easily infected only by physical contact between humans. The Indonesian government continues to strive to reduce the spread of Covid-19 by vaccinating the community and doing it in hospitals and self-isolation for Covid-19. However, the control and self-isolation carried out by the patient has not been fully completed, due to the limitations of officers to unify the patient's condition in real-time and the lack of discipline of the Indonesian people in carrying out and self-isolation. Therefore, a real-time monitoring tool for the patient's health condition was created to reduce the decline in health conditions from Covid-19.
In this study, the monitoring tool used is a prototype of a smartwatch based on the Internet of Things that detects three parameters such as; SpO2 (oxygen saturation), temperature, and heart rate. In addition, GPS sensors are used to track the patient's location in real-time and minimize patient escaping from isolation. Patients who need help can press the panic button on their smartwatch to notify staff directly via the website and all patient health data stored on ThingSpeak via Wi-Fi. The result has succeeded in building an oxygen saturation monitoring tool that can be used by officers to monitor patients remotely with an average error ratio between the oximeter and the device built below 1.1%.
A new type of viral pneumonia was discovered on December 31, 2019 from Wuhan, China, which was named as Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). COVID-19 primarily attacks the respiratory system that can disruption fulfillment of oxygen characterized by shortness of breath and decreased oxygen saturation. The main nursing problem found is that the airway is not effective. The purpose of this scientific work to describe the results of nursing analysis by using application of pursed lips breathing to increase oxygen saturation in COVID-19 client in High Care Unit Universitas Indonesia Hospital. Measurement evaluation was conducted using Pulse oximetry which showed an average increase in oxygen saturation from 94.75% to 96.75% over five days of treatment. In conclusion, pursed lips breathing is given to help overcome the ineffectiveness clearance the airway by increasing the development of alveoli on each lung lobe so that the pressure of alveoli increases, helping to push the secret on the airway during an expiratory and can induce a pattern of breath into normal. Therefore, the results of this practice can be used as a reference for nursing practice in COVID-19 patients with disruption fulfillment of oxygen."
Anak dengan pneumonia berisiko mengalami penurunan nilai saturasi oksigen yang mempengaruhi pernapasan hingga terjadi komplikasi hipoksemia. Jika tidak ditangani dapat mengakibatkan kematian. Salah satu intervensi modifikasi PLB meniup mainan kincir angin dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan nilai saturasi oksigen, sehingga risiko bertambahnya jumlah kematian anak akibat pneumonia dapat dihindari. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh modifikasi PLB meniup mainan kincir angin terhadap nilai saturasi oksigen pada anak pra sekolah pasca pneumonia. Desain penelitian adalah quasi eksperimental pre-posttest with control group design. Responden berjumlah 30 orang anak usia pra sekolah dengan pneumonia (15 orang anak kelompok intervensi, 15 orang anak kelompok kontrol) dan dipilih dengan cara consecutive sampling. Izin etik penelitian diperoleh dari tim etik Universitas Indonesia dan tim etik dari Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah kota Bekasi. Analisis yang dilakukan adalah univariate dan bivariate. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada perbedaan bermakna pada nilai saturasi oksigen antara kelompok intervensi dan kelompok kontrol (p=0,018 < ,05) Rekomendasi untuk penelitian selanjutnya adalah agar menggunakan True Eksperiment dengan sampel yang lebih besar serta tidak hanya terbatas pada PLB namun dapat juga diukur kemampuan meniupnya.
Pediatric with pneumonia are at risk of experiencing a decrease in oxygen saturation value that affect breathing, causing complications of hypoxemia. If not treated it can be caused of death. One of the modified interventions PLB blowing windmill can be done to increase the oxygen saturation value, there for the risk of increasing the number of children deaths due to post pneumonia can be avoided. The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of blowing windmill on the oxygen saturation value of post pneumonia preschool children. The study design was a quasi experimental pre-posttest with control group design. Respondents were 30 preschool age with pneumonia (15 = blowing windmill and 15= control group) and selected by consecutive sampling. Ethics permission was obtained from the ethics team of the University of Indonesia and the ethics team from the regional general hospital of Bekasi city. The analysis performed were Univariate and bivariate. The result showed a difference in oxygen saturation values between the intervention group and the control group (p=0,018<.05). Recommendations for futher studies are to use The true experiment with a larger sample and not only limited to PLB but can also measure the ability to blow.