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Rahmi Puspita Sari
Abstrak :
Kanker payudara merupakan salah satu penyebab kematian pada perempuan di seluruh dunia. Pengobatan menggunakan bahan alam banyak dikembangkan karena toksisitasnya rendah. Daun sirsak (Annona muricata L.) terbukti memiliki potensi aktivitas antiproliferasi pada sel kanker payudara. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh pengaruh enkapsulasi ekstrak etanol daun sirsak terhadap aktivitas antiproliferasi sel kanker payudara T47D. Liposom adalah mikropartikulat berbentuk sferis yang mampu menghantarkan obat antikanker. Pada penelitian ini ekstrak etanol daun sirsak dienkapsulasi dalam liposom menggunakan metode hidrasi lapis tipis dan diekstrusi dengan membran polikarbonat 0,4 μm dan 0,1 μm masing-masing sebanyak 10 siklus. Selanjutnya, formula liposom yang memiliki enkapsulasi terbaik dilihat dari waktu pemisahan yang lebih lama dan dispersi partikel yang paling kecil kemudian dibandingkan aktivitas antiproliferasinya dengan ekstrak yang tidak dienkapsulasi menggunakan metode MTT. Pada penelitian ini diperoleh bahwa liposom formula 1 memiliki dispersi partikel lebih kecil dan waktu pemisahan lebih lama dengan morfologi multi vesicular vesicle dan large unilamelar vesicle. Efisiensi penjerapan liposom formula 1 adalah 96,93%. IC50 ekstrak yang tidak dienkapsulasi adalah 64,53 μg/ml dan IC50 ekstrak yang dienkapsulasi liposom adalah 389,29 μg/ml.
Breast cancer is one the leading cause of cancer death in women worldwide. Treatment using natural materials has been developed because it has low toxicity. Soursop leaves (Annona muricata L.) proved to have the potential antiproliferative activity in breast cancer cells. Liposomes are spherical microparticulate which capable of delivering anticancer drugs. This study aimed to obtain the effect of encapsulation soursop leaves ethanolic extract in liposome against antiproliferative activity in T47D breast cancer cell. In this study, ethanolic extract of soursop leaf encapsulated in liposomes using thin layer hydration method and extruded with a polycarbonate membrane of 0,4 μm and 0,1 μm respectively as many as 10 cycles. Furthermore, liposome?s formula which shown the best encapsulation from longer separation time and smallest particle dispersion compared its antiproliferative activity with extracts not encapsulated using MTT method. In this study showed that liposomes formula 1 has smaller particle dispersion and longer separation time whose multi vesicular vesicle and large unilamelar vesicle morphology. Entrapment efficiency of liposome formula 1 is 96,93%. IC50 value for not encapsulated extract was 64,53 μg/ml and IC50 value for extract encapsulated liposomes was 389,29 μg/ml.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Kapang dari lingkungan laut (marine derived fungi) salahsatunya adalah Emericella nidulans diketahui menghasilkan senyawa aktif emestrin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengisolasi senyawa target selain senyawa emestrin dari fraksi teraktif yang dihasilkan oleh ekstrak miselium kapang laut Emericella nidulans, mengetahui efek sitotoksik senyawa target tersebut terhadap sel kanker payudara (T47D) dan sel kanker leher rahim (HeLa). Selain itu, penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk melakukan produkasi senyawa target. Produksi senyawa target dari kapang laut Emericella nidulans, dilakukan dengan tiga medium fermentasi yang berbeda yaitu Malt Ekstract Broth (MEB), Soluble Starch Soytone (SWS) dan Minimum Fungi Medium (MFM). Waktu yang digunakan untuk fermentasi produksi senyawa target adalah 1, 2, 3, 4 dan 5 minggu. Senyawa target selain emestrin berhasil diisolasi dari ekstrak miselium Emericella nidulans. Senyawa target yang diisolasi memiliki perbedaan dengan emestrin berdasarkan nilai rf pada KLT, serapan UV dan 1H-NMR. Senyawa target memiliki aktitas sitotoksik yang kuat terhadap sel HeLa dan sel T47D dengan IC50 berturut-turut sebesar 21,2 dan 20,9 μg/ml. Hasil produksi senyawa target paling baik dihasilkan di medium Malt Ekstract Broth (MEB) pada minggu ke-3.
Marine fungi Emericella nidulans has known as its emestrin active compound. In this present study, we focused on extracting coumpounds beside emestrin as the most targeted coumpound isolated from mycelium marine fungi Emericella nidulans in cervix cancer cell (HeLa) and breast cancer cell (T47D). Productions from the targeted compound were seeding in fermented media Malt Extract Broth (MEB), Soluble Starch Soytone (SWS) and Minimum Fungi Medium (MFM). The timing production of fermenting compound were 1,2,3, 4 and 5 weeks. The targeted compound beside emestrin has been successfully isolated from Emericella nidulans mycelium. The targeted compound was different with emestrin base on rf value on TLC, UV and 1H-NMR spectrum. The targeted compound showed has a cytoxic activity against HeLa and T47D cell with IC50 value of 21,5 μg/ml and 20,9 μg/ml respectively. The highest yield of the targeted compound was found in MEB after 3 week of fermentation.
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eko Winarno
Abstrak :
Aspergillus sp. dapat digunakan sebagai sumber senyawa bioaktif untuk menemukan obat-obatan baru antikanker. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas sitotoksik ekstrak Aspergillus sp. Aspergillus sp. diisolasi dari Halymenia durvillaei yang diambil dari Pantai Binuangeun, Banten Selatan. Aspergillus sp. dikultivasi selama empat minggu pada suhu 27--29°C dalam medium Malt Extract (ME) pada kondisi statis. Senyawa metabolit sekunder dari medium kultur (broth) diekstraksi dengan etil asetat (2:1) sedangkan dari miselium diekstraksi dengan campuran metanol dan n-heksan (1:1). Uji sitotoksik dilakukan menggunakan sel kanker payudara T47D dengan metode uji 3-[4,5-dimetilthiazol-2yl]-2,5-difeniltetrazolium bromide (MTT). Hasil ekstraksi diperoleh ekstrak broth dan miselium sebesar 18,30 g dan 0,93 g. Uji sitotoksik terhadap sel kaker payudara T47D dengan metode MTT menghasilkan nilai IC50 untuk ekstrak broth dan miselium sebesar 153,266 ppm dan 208,305 ppm. ......Many Aspergillus sp. were used as bioactive compound resources for obtaining a new anticancer. The aims of the research were to study cytotoxic activity of extract Aspergillus sp. againts Mammae Cancer Cell T47D. Aspergillus sp. was isolated from Halymenia durvillaei collected from Binuangeun Beach, South Banten. Aspergillus sp. was cultivated in medium ME (broth) for four weeks at room temperature at 27--29°C. Secondary metabolite produced from broth culture was extracted using ethyl acetate (2:1) and from the mycelium was sonicated followed by extraction using methanol and n-hexan (1:1). Cytotoxic assay of Mammae Cancer Cell T47D was carried out by 3-[4,5-dimetilthiazol-2yl]-2,5-difeniltetrazolium bromide (MTT) method. The yield of extract from broth and mycelium were 18,30 g and 0,93 g, respectively. Cytotoxic assay of Mamae Cancer Cell T47D resulted of IC50 153,266 ppm and 208,305 ppm for broth and mycelium extract.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Sahlan
Abstrak :
[ABSTRAK Tanaman sambiloto (Andrographis Paniculata Nees ) memiliki banyak manfaat dalam pengobatan, salah satunya sebagai obat antikanker. Liposom merupakan salah satu perkembangan dari sistem penghantaran obat yang telah diteliti dapat digunakan sebagai pembawa obat-obat, protein, dan zat?zat molekuler lain. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan obat dengan bahan dasar ekstrak herba sambiloto yang dienkapsulasi liposom dan diuji aktivitas antiproliferasinya terhadap sel kanker payudara T47D. Metode yang digunakan dalam pembuatan liposom ini adalah metode hidrasi lapis tipis. Pengecilan ukuran partikel dilakukan dengan cara ekstrusi. Evaluasi yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah distribusi ukuran partikel dan zeta potensial dengan alat DLS, efisiensi penjerapan dengan alat dialisis, morfologi ukuran dengan alat TEM. Uji antiproliferasi sel kanker menggunakan metode MTT. Hasil yang diperoleh pada TEM yang menggambarkan model liposom OLV dengan ukuran ±50 nm; distribusi ukuran partikel liposom sebesar 452,5 dan 43,82 nm serta zeta potensial sebesar -11,3 mV; efisiensi penjerapan sebesar 61,63 %. IC50 dari liposom ekstrak dan larutan ekstrak berturut-turut adalah 11,997 ppm dan 27,488 ppm. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa enkapsulasi ekstrak herba sambiloto dengan liposom memberikan pengaruh terhadap aktivitas antiproliferasi sel kanker payudara T47D.
ABSTRACT ;A Sambiloto?s Plant (Andrographis paniculata Nees) has many benefits in the medicals treatment, one of them as an anticancer drug. Liposomes are one of the development of drug delivery systems that have been studied can be used as carriers of drugs, proteins, and other molecular substances. This research aims to develop drugs with a basis of extract of bitter herbs are encapsulated with liposomes for comparison their antiproliferation activity against T47D breast cancer cells. The method which used in the manufacture of liposomes is thin layer hydration method. Reduction of particle size liposomes is done by extrusion. Evaluations were performed in this study is the particle size distribution and zeta potential by DLS, entrapment efficiency by dialisis, morphology size by TEM. Antiproliferation cancer cells test using MTT method. Results obtained at the TEM depicting the model OLV liposomes with a size of about ±50 nm; liposome particle size distribution of 441 and 45.3 nm, and zeta potential of -11.3 mV; The entrapment efficiency of 61.69%. Showed IC50 of liposomes extract and extract solution are respectively 11,997 ppm and 27,488 ppm. This result showed that the extract of bitter herbs encapsulation with liposomes give effect to the antiploriferative activity of T47D breast cancer cells. ;A Sambiloto?s Plant (Andrographis paniculata Nees) has many benefits in the medicals treatment, one of them as an anticancer drug. Liposomes are one of the development of drug delivery systems that have been studied can be used as carriers of drugs, proteins, and other molecular substances. This research aims to develop drugs with a basis of extract of bitter herbs are encapsulated with liposomes for comparison their antiproliferation activity against T47D breast cancer cells. The method which used in the manufacture of liposomes is thin layer hydration method. Reduction of particle size liposomes is done by extrusion. Evaluations were performed in this study is the particle size distribution and zeta potential by DLS, entrapment efficiency by dialisis, morphology size by TEM. Antiproliferation cancer cells test using MTT method. Results obtained at the TEM depicting the model OLV liposomes with a size of about ±50 nm; liposome particle size distribution of 441 and 45.3 nm, and zeta potential of -11.3 mV; The entrapment efficiency of 61.69%. Showed IC50 of liposomes extract and extract solution are respectively 11,997 ppm and 27,488 ppm. This result showed that the extract of bitter herbs encapsulation with liposomes give effect to the antiploriferative activity of T47D breast cancer cells. , A Sambiloto’s Plant (Andrographis paniculata Nees) has many benefits in the medicals treatment, one of them as an anticancer drug. Liposomes are one of the development of drug delivery systems that have been studied can be used as carriers of drugs, proteins, and other molecular substances. This research aims to develop drugs with a basis of extract of bitter herbs are encapsulated with liposomes for comparison their antiproliferation activity against T47D breast cancer cells. The method which used in the manufacture of liposomes is thin layer hydration method. Reduction of particle size liposomes is done by extrusion. Evaluations were performed in this study is the particle size distribution and zeta potential by DLS, entrapment efficiency by dialisis, morphology size by TEM. Antiproliferation cancer cells test using MTT method. Results obtained at the TEM depicting the model OLV liposomes with a size of about ±50 nm; liposome particle size distribution of 441 and 45.3 nm, and zeta potential of -11.3 mV; The entrapment efficiency of 61.69%. Showed IC50 of liposomes extract and extract solution are respectively 11,997 ppm and 27,488 ppm. This result showed that the extract of bitter herbs encapsulation with liposomes give effect to the antiploriferative activity of T47D breast cancer cells. ]
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Febrial Hikmah
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library