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Yogyakarta: Gajah Mada University Press, 1995
662.6 SUK b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Euthalia Hanggari Sittadewi
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Indonesia memiliki lahan gambut yang sangat luas, yaitu kurang lebih 26 juta Ha. Potensi ini belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal, karena banyak kendala yang dihadapi. Misalnya pemanfaatan gambut untuk lahan pertanian dan areal perkebunan, usaha dibidang ini belum begitu berhasil. Hal ini dikarenakan adanya kendala kimia di tanah gambut antara lain kekahatannya akan unsur hara makro dan makro, kapasitas tukar kation (KTK) yang tinggi dan kejenuhan basa yang rendah. Unsur kimia pembentuk gambut yang terutama adalah karbon (C), hidrogen (H), nitrogen (N), oksigen (0). Selain itu juga mengandung unsur aluminium (Al), silikon (Si), natrium (Na), sulfur (S), fosfor (P), calsium (Ca) dalam bentuk terikat. Dilihat Bari kandungan unsur kimia tersebut, gambut mempunyai potensi untuk dijadikan bahan kompos. Kendala pengomposan gambut adalah proses perombakannya yang secara alami sangat lambat. Hal ini antara lain disebabkan karena nisbah C/N yang tinggi yang menyebabkan proses pembusukan lebih lama. Nisbah C/N yang tinggi menunjukkan adanya defisiensi nitrogen dan kandungan karbon yang tinggi. Suatu alternatif untuk mempercepat pengomposan gambut yaitu dengan menggunakan campuran limbah kotoran ayam. Limbah kotoran ayam mengandung mikroorganisme yang berlimpah, sehingga dapat mempercepat proses pembusukan. Selain itu kotoran ayam mengandung nitrogen yang tinggi, ini berarti cukup tersedia nutrisi untuk mikroorganisme. Mikroorganisme membutuhkan sumber karbon untuk pertumbuhannya dan nitrogen untuk sintesis protein. Tingkat aktivitas biologi tergantung pada tersedianya komponen karbon dan nitrogen pada bahan. Tujuan umum dari percobaan ini adalah untuk menemukan suatu alternatif pemanfaatan gambut dan limbah kotoran ayam. Hal ini juga merupakan cara pengelolaan limbah. Dan secara khusus bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kombinasi bahan (gambut dan kotoran ayam), lama (waktu) pengomposan dan interaksi keduanya terhadap nisbah C/N, kandungan unsur hara makro. dan mikro dalam kompos yang dihasilkan. Disamping itu untuk mengetahui karakteristik fisik dan kimia kompos serta perbandingan campuran bahan dan waktu pengomposan yang tepat untuk terjadinya pengomposan yang efisien. Untuk mengetahui perbandingan antara gambut dan limbah kotoran ayam yang optimal serta waktu pengomposan yang efisien, dilakukan beberapa percobaan kombinasi campuran bahan dan waktu pengomposan yang berbeda. Ada 5 kombinasi campuran bahan yang dicoba dalam percobaan ini yaitu AGO (100% kotoran ayam), A4G1 (4 bagian kotoran ayam dan 1 bagian gambut), A2G1 (2 bagian kotoran ayam dan 1 bagian gambut), A1G1 (1 bagian kotoran ayam dan 1 bagian gambut) dan AOG (gambut 100%). Waktu pengomposan yang dicoba yaitu 0 minggu, 4 minggu, 8 minggu dan 12 minggu. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) faktorial dengan 3 kali ulangan. Secara umum kompos yang dihasilkan mempunyai karakteristik fisik yaitu massa yang lemah, tidak lengket menyerupai tanah berwarna coklat kehitaman sampai hitam. Kompos yang dihasilkan oleh perlakuan AOG mempunyai struktur yang hampir sama dengan struktur aslinya. Sedangkan dari perlakuan AGO, A4G1, A2G1 dan A1G1 menghasilkan kompos yang mempunyai struktur yang berbeda dengan aslinya. Perbedaan perbandingan bahan menghasilkan kompos dengan nisbah C/N, unsur hara makro (C,N,P,K,Ca) dan mikro (Fe,Cu,Zn,B) yang bervariasi. Demikian juga lama (waktu) pengomposan mempunyai pengaruh yang positif terhadap penurunan nisbah C/N, kenaikan unsur hara makro dan mikro. Penurunan nisbah C/N diikuti dengan penyusutan volume dan pengurangan bobot. Dari ke 5 perlakuan, pada perlakuan A1G1 terjadi pengomposan yang paling efisien dengan membutuhkan waktu pengomposan 8 minggu. Sampai akhir pengomposan (minggu ke-12) prosentase penurunan nisbah C/N pada perlakuan A1G1 mencapai 49,09 dan laju penurunan tertinggi dicapai pada minggu ke-8 yaitu 41.85W dengan nilai C/N = 15,814. Dari hasil analisis mikrobiologi menunjukkan bahwa mikroorganisme yang aktif dalam pengomposan ini antara lain bakteri, kapang dan khamir. Dari ke 3 mikroorganisme tersebut, bakteri adalah paling dominan. Kompos yang dihasilkan dari penelitian ini mengandung unsur hara makro (N,C,P,K,Ca) dan unsur hara mikro (Fe,Cu,Zn,B) yang cukup tinggi. Dengan demikian diharapkan kompos tersebut dapat diaplikasikan, antara lain di bidang pertanian dan perkebunan untuk meningkatkan hasi7.. Selain meningkatkan hasil, penggunaan kompos mempunyai aspek lingkungan mencegah pencemaran karena berkurangnya pemakaian pupuk buatan yang berlebihan, sehingga tanaman menjadi lebih sehat. Kompos juga dapat membantu memperbaiki struktur tanah yaitu meningkatkan porositas, sehingga tanah menjadi lebih gembur dan meningkatkan kemampuan tanah dalam penyimpanan air.
ABSTRACT Indonesia has large areas of peat lands which covers 26 million hectares (ha). This potency has not been optimally utilized because of many constraints dealt with. For instance, the products of peat utilization for farmlands and plantations have not succeeded. This is because of peat chemical constraints such as lack of macro and micro nutrients, a high level of Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), and a low level of base saturation. The principal chemical substances of peat soil are carbon (C), hydrogen (H), nitrogen (N), and oxygen (0). Also, this soil contains other chemical elements including aluminum (Al), silicon (Si), sodium (Na), sulphur (S), phosphor (P), and calcium (Ca) in binding form. Based on these chemical substances, peat has a potency to be produced a compost material. The constraint to composting peat is its destruction process which, naturally, is very gradual. This is because of a high level of a C/N ratio content which causes decomposition process longer. This C/N ratio content indicates that there have been a nitrogen deficiency and a high level of carbon content. One of the alternatives to accelerate in composting peat is mixed up by poultry waste. Since poultry waste contains microorganism abundantly, it can accelerate the decomposition process. Furthermore, poultry waste contains a high level of nitrogen meaning that this provides enough nutrition for microorganism. Microorganism needs sources of carbon .and nitrogen for its growth and protein synthesis, respectively. The degree of biological activity depends on the availability of carbon and nitrogen components within the material. The main objectives of this experiment is to find an alternative of utilization of peat and poultry waste mixtures. This experiment is also to find out the alternative of a peat utilization and a method of waste management. Specifically, the experiment aims to know the influence of material mixtures (peat and poultry waste), duration of a composting time, and interaction of them to the C/N ratio, macro and micro nutrient content of the compost produced. Moreover, it is to investigate the composts? physical and chemical characteristics and the comparison of material mixtures as well as duration of an appropriate composting time as an efficient composting time. To know the comparison among the optimal peat and poultry waste mixtures and the efficient composting time, several experiments of both the different material mixtures and the different composting times were done. There are five combinations of material mixtures which are tested in the experiments including: (1) AGO consisting of 100%of poultry waste; (2) A4G1 consisting of poultry waste and peat with ratio 4 to 1, respectively; (3) A2G1 consisting of poultry waste and peat with ratio 2 to 1, respectively; (4) A1G1 consisting of poultry waste and peat with ratio 1 to 1, respectively; (5) AOG consisting of 100% of peat. The duration of the composting time which had been done consists of 0 week, 4 weeks, 8 weeks, and 12 weeks. The experimental design (CRD) factorial with three time replication each. Generally, the compost resulted has specific physical characteristics which are crumbed mass, not sticky, like soil having a color from blackish brown to black. The compost produced by AOG treatment has a structure almost the same as its original structure. However, the composts yielded through AGO, A4G1, A2G1, and AMG1 treatments have different structures compared to the original ones. The different comparisons of materials used bring forward the composts with the variation in C/N ratio contents, macro nutrients (C, N, P, K, and Ca), and micro nutrients (Fe, Cu, Zn, and B). Accordingly, the duration of a composting time has a positive influence to the decrease of the C/N ratio contents and the increase of the macro and micro nutrient contents. Reducing the C/N ratio contents is followed by the volume and weight reduction. Out of the 5 (five) experiments, the A1G1 treatment to produce a compost is the most efficient way to which the composting time needed is eight weeks. At the end of the composting time, the twelfth week, the percentage of decreasing C/N ratio contents for the A1G1 treatment reaches 49.09% and the highest declining speed is 41.09% achieved on the eighth week with which the C/N value is equal to 15.814. The result of microbiology analysis indicates that the active microorganism in that composting process includes bacteria, yeasts, and molds. From these three microorganisms, bacteria are the most dominant one. The compost resulted from this research contains high levels of macro nutrients (N, C, P, K, and Ca) and micro nutrients (Fe, Cu, Zn, and B). Therefore, it is expected that compost can be applied to increase and to enhance the products from farmlands and plantations. Besides increasing the product, utilizing the compost has an environmental benefit in preventing pollution because of the lessening of the extensive use of artificial fertilizer resulting in the plants to grow more prosperously. The compost also can help improve the soil to be more loose and enlarges its capability to preserve water.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurvita Asyiah E.
Abstrak :
Salah satu faktor penting dalam suatu perencanaan konstruksi adalah kemungkinan adanya penurunan yang disebabkan oleh pembebanan. Sedangkan tanah gambut memiliki sifat dan karakteristik yang sangat berbeda dengan tanah lempung. Tanah gambut memiliki karakteristik unik, dimana pada perilaku konsolidasinya tanah gambut memiliki kompresibilitas volumetrik yang tinggi. Maka di dalam laboratorium perilaku penurunan tanah ini dapat diukur dengan melakukan uji konsolidasi. Tentunya kesetimbangan yang sebenarnya tercapai secara normal di laboratorium, tetapi untuk pertimbangan praktis sebuah prosedur telah diterima secara meluas, yaitu melalui penambahan beban sebanyak dua kali pembebanan awal. Analisis yang digunakan adalah mempelajari nilai Cc (Compression Index) pada hasil penelitian yang dilakukan di laboratorium. Metode yang digunakan adalah tanah gambut yang distabilisasi dengan menggunakan semen Portland tipe V yang mempunyai kelebihan untuk menyerap air lebih banyak dan tahan terhadap kandungan asam yang tinggi pada tanah gambut. Tanah gambut yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tanah gambut yang berasal dari desa Bereng Bengkel, Kalimantan. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan hasil berupa kurva hubungan angka pori (e) dengan tegangan (?). Diharapkan dengan hasil analisis nilai Cc dari kemiringan kurva hubungan angka pori (e) dan tegangan (?) akan dapat dikembangkan suatu perencanaan konstruksi pada lahan bertanah gambut. ......One of the important factors in a construction planning is the calculation of the possibility of soil descending caused by weight. While peat soil has different feature and characteristic from clay. Peat soil has unique characteristic, where at its consolidation behavior, it has a high volumetric compressibility. Therefore, in the laboratory this possibility of soil descending behavior can be measured by doing consolidation test. Of course the real weighing is normally attained at the laboratory. But for the practical comparison, a procedure has been accepted worldwide, which is through the addition of the weight twice as much as the initial weight. Analysis that is used is to study Cc value (Compression Index) on the experiment's result that is done at the laboratory. Method used is the peat soil is stabilized by using Portland Cement type V which has the ability to absorb water more and endure the high acid contained in the peat soil. The peat soil used in this experiment is taken from Bereng Bengkel village, Kalimantan. Processing data is made with the result of connection curve between void ratio (e) and pressure (?). It is hoped that with this analysis result of Cc value from slanting curve, the relation of void ratio (e) and pressure (?), it will be possible to develop a construction planning on peat soil.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Khairun Naziri Batubara
Abstrak :
Kebakaran lahan gambut berulang kali terjadi di Indonesia menjadikan kebakaran lahan gambut permasalahan lingkungan yang harus diatasi. Para peneliti terus berupaya memahami berbagai metode yang efektif dalam memadamankan kebakaran gambut. Penelitian ini berfokus pada supresi gambut yang membara dengan menggunakan metode injeksi berbasis air dalam percobaan skala laboratorium. Eksperimen dilakukan untuk mempelajari keefektifitasan metode injeksi berbasis air pada supresi kebakaran gambut Palangkaraya. Variabel penelitian pada penelitian ini adalah variabel water flowrate sebesar 100 ml/menit dan 140 ml/menit. Sampel gambut dimasukkan kedalam reaktor dengan ukuran 200 mm x 200 mm x 100 mm, yang terdapat koil pemanas pada sisi dinding calcium silicate board di reaktor dan koil pemanas dinyalakan dengan 100 W selama 2 jam. Terdapat juga termokopel, kamera thermal dan loadcell untuk mendapatkan distribusi temperatur dan kehilangan massa gambut. Injeksi air dilakukan saat termokopel kedalaman paling bawah terukur mencapai temperatur permulaan pembakaran smouldering dengan temperatur 215 ˚C dan penempatan injeksi air pada dasar gambut yang terbakar membara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dengan metode injeksi air hanya berdampak memadamkan gambut terbakar membara yang berdekatan dengan alat injeksi. Keefektifitas air dalam memadamnkan satu kilogram gambut terbakar membara sebesar 29.3 Liter untuk water flowrate 100 ml/menit dan 39.4 Liter air. ......Peatland fires repeatedly occur in Indonesia, making peatland fires an environmental problem that must be overcome. Researchers are constantly working to understand the various methods that are effective in fighting peat fires. This study focuses on suppression of smoldering peat by using a water-based injection method in a laboratory scale experiment. Experiments were conducted to study the effectiveness of the water-based injection method in suppressing Palangkaraya peat fires. The research variables in this study were water flowrate variables of 100 ml/minute and 140 ml/minute. The peat sample was inserted into the reactor with a size of 200 mm x 200 mm x 100 mm, there was a heating coil on the side wall of the calcium silicate board in the reactor and the heating coil was turned on at 100 W for 2 hours. There are also thermocouples, thermal cameras and load cells to get the temperature distribution and peat mass loss. Water injection is carried out when the lowest measured depth thermocouple reaches the initial temperature of the smouldering combustion with a temperature of 215 C and the placement of water injection on the bottom of the burning peat. The results showed that the water injection method only had an impact on extinguishing the burning peat adjacent to the injection device. The effectiveness of water in extinguishing one kilogram of burning peat is 29.3 liters for a water flow rate of 100 ml/minute and 39.4 liters of water.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Soil stabilization has been used for an extensive period . Various soil properties can be improved or altered by soil stabilization. There are several techniques available by which soil properties like strength, workability, permeability and volome changes can be improved or altered...
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anna Amalia
Abstrak :
Peat forest are unique and sensitive ecosystems, have complex hydrological systems and bear important economic service function. In Southeast Asian countries, peatland degradation has been increasingly severe in the last decade due to the exploitation of natural resources, which concerns the structure and function of the system. Ecological rehabilitation, includign hydrological restoration, is believed to be useful for restoring the function of forest/peat swamp systems. Protection of critical areas in the form of National Park is also applied to reduce disturbance and further degradation of the area. A literature review is conducted to analyze the extent to which ecological restoration can achieve system resilience, especially socio-ecological resilience as a 'complex-adaptive system' using resilience concepts. The linkage between the ecological function of peat forest restoration by restoring hydrological systems, the diversity of flora and fauna, and enhancing social resilience with social networking and community livelihood is and important key in achieving resilience. Area Protection (in the form of National Park) needs to pay attention to interconnection systems in the "panarchy" model, not for system isolation, but directed to strengthening effective adaptation governance. The study of the selected Sebangau peatland forest in Central Kalimantan, which implemented hydrological restoration and post-Mega Rice Project (MRP) National Park to restore 85% of the damaged land. Sebangau peatland ' socio-ecological resilience' is assessed to increase after the restoration and determination of the national park, although peatland clearance still continues. Strengthening governance of national park and controlling on the main variables on the main variables of peat and 'sustainable livelihood' is essential to improve resilience.
Jakarta: Kementerian PPN/Bappenas, 2018
330 BAP 1:1 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jeihan Kartika Hapsari
Abstrak :
Dengan memiliki karakterisitik yang berbeda dengan tanah yang biasa, menjadikan gambut dapat dengan mudah untuk terbakar pada kondisi tertentu. Ketika pembaraan dinyalakan, api pada gambut menjadi sulit untuk diprediksi dan dipadamkan. Pembaraan pada lahan gambut cenderung dapat menumbangkan vegetasi yang berada di permukaan hutan, yang mana ini menunjukkan dinamika ekosistem yang berkepanjangan di lahan gambut. Oleh karena itu, dengan mengkuantifikasi efek dari vegetasi terhadap propagasi yang membara di tanah gambut dapat membantu dalam mengetahui karakteristik dari kebakaran lahan gambut yang kerap terjadi di Indonesia dan juga secara global. Penilitian ini dapat mengevaluasi secara eksperimen efek dari propagasi membara dalam reaktor bukaan atas dengan ukuran 20 x 20 x 20 cm yang diisi dengan tanah gambut dari Palangkaraya. Proses pengkuantifikasian ini meliputi monitori permukaan dengan menggunakan kamera visual dan inifrared (IR), dan mendeteksi distribusi temperature dengan menggunakan 39 set termokopel pada empat ketinggian berbeda. Hasil dari penilitian ini akan diberikan dan dianalisis secara detail pada skripsi. ......Has a different characteristic compared to the normal soil, making peat become easily to burn under certain conditions. Once the smoldering combustion ignited, the peat fire will be highly unpredictable and hard to extinguish. The tendency of smoldering peat to uproot the existing vegetations on the forest floor implicate a long-term ecosystem dynamics in peat soil. Therefore, quantifying the effect of vegetation to the smoldering propagation in peat soil would help to acknowledge the characteristics of peatland forest fires occurred in Indonesia and globally. This work evaluates experimentally the effect of vegetation to smoldering propagation in a 20 x 20 x 20 cm open-top reactor filled with Palangkarayan peat soil. The quantifying activities include surface monitoring using the visual and infrared (IR) camera and the detection of temperature distribution using 39 sets of thermocouples at four different layers of height. The main results and outcomes of this work will be provided and analysed in the full paper.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erizka Ramdhiani
Abstrak :
Pembangunan infrastruktur dan jalan perlu dilakukan seiring dengan berkembangnya populasi, termasuk di wilayah lahan gambut. Tanah gambut merupakan jenis tanah yang memiliki karakteristik khusus, seperti tingginya kompresibilitas, kadar air, dan kadar organik yang membuatnya memiliki daya dukung yang rendah. Selain itu, karena kadar karbon yang dimilikinya tinggi menyebabkan lahan gambut mudah terbakar. Uji laboratorium dilakukan berdasarkan kondisi tersebut dengan menggunakan fly ash yang berasal dari sisa pembakaran tanah gambut yang digunakan sebagai bahan stabilisasi. Sebuah studi mengenai pengaruh penambahan kadar fly ash pada tanah gambut dengan membandingkan hasil dari pengujian CBR (California Bearing Ratio). Perbedaan kadar fly ash (yaitu 15, 20, dan 25%) ditambahkan pada tanah gambut pada kadar air optimum dengan menambahkan 5% semen Portland untuk setiap sampel dengan variasi masa peram selama 2 jam, 1 hari, 3 hari, dan 7 hari. Perubahan ditinjau dalam specific gravity, tingkat keasaman, dan struktur mikroskopisnya. Hasil CBR menunjukkan bahwa tanah gambut mengalami peningkatan kekuatan seiring dengan penambahan kadar fly ash beserta lamanya masa peram. Nilai CBR tertinggi yang didapatkan adalah sebesar 5.36% untuk kondisi unsoaked dan 6.35% untuk kondisi soaked. Selanjutnya, berdasarkan hasil tersebut, tanah gambut yang sudah distabilisasi dapat digunakan sebagai subgrade. ......Due to population growth, it has become necessary to have infrastructure facilities and road construction everywhere, including in the peatland area. Peat has typical characteristics, such as high compressibility, moisture content, and organic content that make it has a low bearing capacity. Moreover, because of its high carbon content, peatland is easily to put on fire. Laboratory tests were carried out according to these conditions by using peat burning remains as fly ash to stabilized peat soil. A study on the influence of fly ash addition in peat soils was done by comparing the result from CBR (California Bearing Ratio). Different percentages of fly ash (i.e. 15, 20, and 25%) were added into peat soil at optimum moisture content amidst 5% of Portland cement for each sample with a variety of curing time of 2 hours, 1 day, 3 days, and 7 days. Changes were observed in specific gravity, acidity, and the microscopic structure. The CBR test results show that the peat gained strength due to the addition of different percentages of fly ash as well as the increase of curing periods. The highest value of CBR is 5.36% for unsoaked condition and 6.35% for soaked condition. Furthermore, according to the results, the peat soil can be used as a subgrade.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indra Setya Putra
Abstrak :
Peatland fires encourage the government to restore peat function as natural water storage. One of the measures taken is to build a circumference dike to hold water to reduce excessive drainage. However, there is no study yet of the planned average water level that has to be maintained from the construction of circumference dike. Therefore, the aim of this study is to calculate the average water level on peatlands inside the circumference dike. The methods used consist of hydrological analysis, spatial analysis, and water level analysis. The results of the analysis shows that the average water level in normal years tends to be above the surface, except in the second half of August to the first half of November. In the second half of September to the second half of October, the peat has the potential to be burned. In a dry season the water tends to fall decline to the drainage boundary of peatland which is at -1.5 m which occurs in the second half of March to December. In the second half of February until December peatland has potential to be burned. From this research, it can be concluded that the calculations using this method is similar with in-situ observation data and can be used to calculate the average water level of peat with the same conditions in other locations.
Bandung : Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat, 2019
627 JTHID 10:1 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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