"[Perencanaan yang dilakukan pada suatu kota memiliki tujuan tertentu, baik itu pengembangan maupun pelestarian. Kyoto merupakan kota di Jepang yang memiliki sejarah panjang sebagai ibukota Jepang kuno sehingga banyak terdapat peninggalan bersejarah yang harus dilestarikan. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan gambaran mengenai pelestarian budaya yang dilakukan di Kyoto dalam pengembangan tata kotanya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif analisis. Pengembangan tata ruang Kota Kyoto yang dilakukan oleh
pemerintah kota memang memiliki tujuan untuk melestarikan benda bersejarah yang ada di kotanya dan juga terus mengembangkan kotanya mengikuti zaman. Hal tersebut dapat terlihat dari pembagian zona dalam penataan kota tersebut.
......Every city’s urban planning are designed to fulfill its own purpose, whether it is for the development of the city or for preservation. As the capital city of ancient Japan, Kyoto is one of the cities in Japan that has a long and rich hisory, making the preservation of the cultural heritage in the city a necessity. This research is expected to give an overview of the preservation efforts in Kyoto through its urban planning. The method that is used in this research is descriptive analysis. The development of the urban planning in Kyoto is indeed not only to preserve the cultural heritage and traditional
buildings in the city while continuiting to adopt to modernity. It can be seen from the zoning system in the city.;Every city’s urban planning are designed to fulfill its own purpose, whether it is for the development of the city or for preservation. As the capital city of ancient Japan, Kyoto is one of the cities in Japan that has a long and rich hisory, making the preservation of the cultural heritage in the city a necessity. This research is expected to give an overview of the preservation efforts in Kyoto through its urban planning. The method that is used in this research is descriptive analysis. The development of the urban planning in Kyoto is indeed not only to preserve the cultural heritage and traditional
buildings in the city while continuiting to adopt to modernity. It can be seen from the zoning system in the city.;Every city’s urban planning are designed to fulfill its own purpose, whether it is for the
development of the city or for preservation. As the capital city of ancient Japan, Kyoto
is one of the cities in Japan that has a long and rich hisory, making the preservation of
the cultural heritage in the city a necessity. This research is expected to give an
overview of the preservation efforts in Kyoto through its urban planning. The method
that is used in this research is descriptive analysis. The development of the urban
planning in Kyoto is indeed not only to preserve the cultural heritage and traditional
buildings in the city while continuiting to adopt to modernity. It can be seen from the
zoning system in the city., Every city’s urban planning are designed to fulfill its own purpose, whether it is for the
development of the city or for preservation. As the capital city of ancient Japan, Kyoto
is one of the cities in Japan that has a long and rich hisory, making the preservation of
the cultural heritage in the city a necessity. This research is expected to give an
overview of the preservation efforts in Kyoto through its urban planning. The method
that is used in this research is descriptive analysis. The development of the urban
planning in Kyoto is indeed not only to preserve the cultural heritage and traditional
buildings in the city while continuiting to adopt to modernity. It can be seen from the
zoning system in the city.]"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2016