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Ni Komang Yeni Dhana Sari
"Tujuan: Mendapatkan gambaran kadar 1L-6 scrum dan sekret serviks pada kasus infertilitas yang terbukti mengalami Penyakit Radang Panggul (PRP) dan bukan Penyakit Radang PangguI.
Rancangan penelitian: Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dan dilakukan secara potong Iintang. Sebanyak 20 wanita infertilitas tersangka PRP subklinik dilakukan pengambilan darah dan sekret servikat untuk diperiksa kadar IL-6 serum maupun sekret serviks serta dilakukan biopsi endometrium untuk rnenegakkan ada tidaknya PRP sesuai dengan kriteria Kiviat.
Hasil: Rerata kadar 1L-6 serum pada Wanita yang terbukti PRP tidak menunjukkan perbedaan dengan yang tidak terbukti PRP (Rerata 2,56 vs 2,47 pg/ml; median 1,90 vs 1,95 pg/ml; minimum 0,80 vs 0,73 pg/ml; maksimum 10,65 vs 4,87 pg/ml dengan p=0,74). Sedangkan rerata kadar IL-6 sekret serviks pada wanita yang terbukti PRP lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan yang tidak terbukti PRP (Rerata (SD) 1275,8 (1073,9) vs 330,7 (173,2) pg/ml ; kisaran 85,86 - 3928,86 vs 120,28 - 520,82 pg/ml dengan p=0,0 16).
Kesimpulan: Rerata kadar 1L-6 sekret serviks pada wanita dengan PRP Iebih tinggi dibandingkan pada wanita tanpa PRP. Sedangkan rerata kadar IL-6 serum pada wanita dengan PRP dan tanpa PRP tidak menunjukkan perbedaan."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Oryza Satria
Pada fraktur pelvis tidak stabil yang disertai dengan fraktur vertikal sakrum (AO Tipe C1.3) terdapat instabilitas terhadap gaya shearing aksial yang besar. Fiksasi pada fraktur tersebut harus memberikan kekuatan biomekanik yang baik dan minimal invasif. Penempatan sekrup iliosakral (SIS) di S1-S3 secara divergen dapat meningkatkan kekuatan biomekanik terutama kekakuan translasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi kekuatan biomekanik SIS S1-S3 dan sekrup pubis (PS) dibandingkan konfigurasi fiksasi lain untuk memberikan solusi konfigurasi fiksasi baru pada fraktur pelvis AO Tipe C1.3.
Simulasi fraktur pelvis dibuat dengan fraktur ramus pubis superior, inferior, dan fraktur vertikal sakrum ipsilateral (AO tipe C1.3) pada tulang sintetik Synbone®. Enam kombinasi fikasi yaitu Tension Band Plate (TBP)+PS, TBP+plat symphysis (SP), SIS S1-S2+PS, SIS S1-S2+SP, SIS S1-S3+PS, SIS S1-S3+SP diuji dengan diberikan beban aksial menggunakan mesin kompresi Tensilon® sampai titik kegagalan fiksasi sebesar ≥2 mm atau ≥20, kemudian dievaluasi kekakuan translasi, kekakuan rotasi, dan titik kegagalan fiksasi. Analisis statistik dilakukan dengan uji ANOVA dilanjutkan dengan uji post-hoc Bonferroni
Dari hasil uji biomekanik didapatkan kelompok fiksasi SIS S1-S3+PS memiliki kekakuan translasi, kekakuan rotasi, dan titik kegagalan fiksasi tertinggi (830,36 N/mm, 599,68 N/°, dan 1522,20 N) terhadap beban aksial.
Fiksasi SIS di S1-S3 dan sekrup pubis merupakan fiksasi terbaik untuk fraktur pelvis tidak stabil dengan fraktur vertikal sakrum karena mempunyai properti biomekanik yang baik dan secara klinis fiksasi ini memberikan keuntungan prosedur yang minimal invasif dan pasien dapat mobilisasi segera sehingga mengurangi komplikasi postoperatif.

In unstable pelvic fracture with vertical sacral fracture (AO Type C1.3), there are tremendous instability towards axial shearing load. Ideally, the fixation should provide good biomechanical properties and minimal invasive. Divergent Iliosacral screw (ISS) placement on S1-S3 could enhance biomechanical strength. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the biomechanical properties of ISS S1-S3 and pubic screw (PS) compared to other configuration to provide solution for new configuration of fixation in AO Type C1.3 pelvic fracture.
A simulation of pelvic fracture was created on superior and inferior pubic rami, and ipsilateral vertical sacral fracture (AO Type C1.3) on a synthetic bone (Synbone®). Six fixation combination including tension band plate (TBP)+PS, TBP+symphyseal plate (SP), ISS S1-S2+PS, ISS S1-S2+SP, ISS S1-S3+PS, ISS S1-S3+SP were tested using compression machine Tensilon® until failure point defined by ≥2 mm or ≥20 displacement was met. Translational stiffness, rotational stiffness and load to failure were evaluated. Statistical analysis was performed with ANOVA test followed by Bonferroni post hoc-test.
From biomechanical test, fixation using ISS S1-S3+PS had the highest translational stiffness, rotational stiffness, and load to failure (830,36 N/mm, 599,68 N/°, and 1522,20 N respectively) toward axial load.
Fixation by ISS S1-S3+PS was the best configuration in unstable pelvic fracture with vertical sacral fracture due to its good biomechanical strength, minimal invasiveness which renders early immobilization for patients hence decreasing postoperative complications., In unstable pelvic fracture with vertical sacral fracture (AO Type C1.3), there are tremendous instability towards axial shearing load. Ideally, the fixation should provide good biomechanical properties and minimal invasive. Divergent Iliosacral screw (ISS) placement on S1-S3 could enhance biomechanical strength. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the biomechanical properties of ISS S1-S3 and pubic screw (PS) compared to other configuration to provide solution for new configuration of fixation in AO Type C1.3 pelvic fracture.
A simulation of pelvic fracture was created on superior and inferior pubic rami, and ipsilateral vertical sacral fracture (AO Type C1.3) on a synthetic bone (Synbone®). Six fixation combination including tension band plate (TBP)+PS, TBP+symphyseal plate (SP), ISS S1-S2+PS, ISS S1-S2+SP, ISS S1-S3+PS, ISS S1-S3+SP were tested using compression machine Tensilon® until failure point defined by ≥2 mm or ≥20 displacement was met. Translational stiffness, rotational stiffness and load to failure were evaluated. Statistical analysis was performed with ANOVA test followed by Bonferroni post hoc-test.
From biomechanical test, fixation using ISS S1-S3+PS had the highest translational stiffness, rotational stiffness, and load to failure (830,36 N/mm, 599,68 N/°, and 1522,20 N respectively) toward axial load.
Fixation by ISS S1-S3+PS was the best configuration in unstable pelvic fracture with vertical sacral fracture due to its good biomechanical strength, minimal invasiveness which renders early immobilization for patients hence decreasing postoperative complications.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vilanova, Joan C.
"This introduction to genitourinary and pelvic radiology is a further volume in the learning imaging series. Written in a case-based format, the book is subdivided into ten chapters, kidney, adrenal gland, urinary bladder, collecting system and urethra, prostate and seminal vesicles, scrotum, obstetrics, uterus, cervix and vagina, adnexa and retroperitoneum. Genitourinary radiology has undergone a tremendous change owing to advances in ultrasound, CT and MRI that have redefined our understanding of genitourinary and pelvic pathology. Each chapter includes an introduction and ten case studies with illustrations and comments from anatomical, physiopathological and radiological standpoints and with bibliographic recommendations.
Berlin : Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This unique, findings-oriented guide to computed tomography is organized to reflect the way radiologists really work: progressing from general impressions to definitive diagnoses. In nearly 1000 high-quality scabs, the radiologist will find CT findings depicting frequently encountered congenital and acquired diseases and disorders. Included in the wide-ranging survey of CT findings are traumatic injuries; congenital anomalies; and infectious, inflammatory, neoplastic, and degenerative disease processes. For convenience, these are grouped anatomically by brain, head and neck, spine, musculoskeletal system, chest, abdomen, and pelvis. In addition, the book's extensive index systematically cross-references diseases and CT findings, providing even greater accessibility to key information"--Provided by publisher."
Stuttgart: New York, 2012
616.07 DIF
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fathia Budi Asmara
"Latar Belakang: Kasus keganasan pada regio abdominopelvis memerlukan tatalaksana radiasi. Alat imobilisasi membantu untuk meminimalisasi pergeseran lapangan radiasi yang terdiri dari systematic error dan random error. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan perbandingan alat imobilisasi penyangga lutut dan masker pelvis termoplastik. Tujuan: Mengetahui adakah perbedaan tingkat akurasi radiasi kedua imobilisasi yang akan menentukan margin PTV terbaik. Metode: Penelitian prospective randomized control trial pada pasien dengan keganasan regio abdominopelvis yang menjalani radiasi April­–Juli 2024. Systematic dan random error didapatkan dari data Treatment Planning System (TPS). Margin PTV dihitung menggunakan rumus van herk. Hasil: Didapatkan 31 pasien yang masuk dalam kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi terdiri dari 15 sampel dengan imobilisasi termoplastik dan 16 sampel dengan penyangga lutut. Margin PTV yang direkomendasikan untuk masker pelvis termoplastik 6.24 mm pada sumbu x (LL), 14,31 mm pada y(CC), dan 3,28 mm pada z(AP). Sedangkan pada penyangga lutut 7.72 mm sumbu x, 11.76 mm sumbu y, dan 5.16 mm sumbu z. Kesimpulan: Pergeseran AP termoplastik lebih baik dibandingkan penyangga lutut sesuai dengan rekomendasi internasional toleransi £ 3mm. Sedangkan untuk CC dan LL tidak ditemukan adanya perbedaan yang signifikan secara statistik.
......Background: The immobilization tool helps to minimize radiation field shifts which consist of systematic errors and random errors. In this study, a comparison of knee wedge immobilization devices and thermoplastic pelvic masks was carried out on the level of accuracy of radiation delivery. Objective: To determine whether there is a difference in the level of radiation accuracy for both immobilizations which will determine the best PTV margin. Methods: Prospective randomized control trial study in patients with malignancies in the abdominopelvic region who underwent radiation April–July 2024. Systematic and random errors were obtained from Treatment Planning System (TPS) data. PTV margin is calculated using the Van Herk formula. Results: There were 31 patients who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria consisting of 15 samples with thermoplastic and 16 samples with knee wedge. The recommended PTV margins for thermoplastic pelvic masks are 6.24 mm in the x-axis (LL), 14.31 mm in y(CC), and 3.28 mm in z(AP). Meanwhile, the knee wedge is 7.72 mm x-axis, 11.76 mm y-axis, and 5.16 mm z-axis. Conclusion: Thermoplastic AP displacement is better than the knee wedge according to international standard tolerance of £ 3mm. Meanwhile, for CC and LL, no statistically significant differences were found."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dhaniela Stenyfia
"Verifikasi dosis TPS (Treatment Planning System) mutlak diperlukan sebagai suatu pelaksanaan progam jaminan kualitas Radioterapi. Sebagian besar jaminan kualitas dosis dilakukan didalam area radiasi, sedangkan pemantauan dosis organ kritis berada diluar area radiasi. Berdasarkan hal tersebut dilakukan verifikasi TPS untuk dosis organ kritis (ginjal, caput femur, ovarium, dan vagina) menggunakan linac dan TPS milik RSPP. Simulasi pengukuran dosis dilakukan dengan memberikan perlakuan radioterapi area pelvis box field pada rando phantom (SAD 100 cm, foton 10 MV) serta menggunakan TLD sebagai dosimeter. Dosis simulasi akan dijadikan acuan untuk memverifikasi dosis TPS. Berdasarkan verifikasi tersebut diperoleh hasil bahwa kalkulasi dosis TPS sesuai untuk organ kritis caput femur, ovarium, dan vagina, dengan persen error kurang dari 5%. Sedangkan untuk organ kritis ginjal, kalkulasi TPS tidak sesuai dikarenakan persen error yang mencapai 17% untuk lapangan B dan 90% untuk lapangan A yang berukuran lebih kecil dari lapangan B. Dalam penelitian ini juga dilakukan pengambilan data penumbra untuk mengetahui batas kemampuan kalkulasi TPS yang dimiliki.

Verification of TPS`s (Treatment Planning System) dose calculation is necessary as a program of quality assurance (QA) for radiotherapy. Most proccess of QA are infield, while evaluation for organ-at-risk (OAR) dose is outfield. Based on that, verification of TPS`s dose had been done for OAR (kidney, femoral head, ovary, and vagina) using linac and TPS at RSPP. Simulation for dose measurement was done by giving pelvic area radiotherapy (box field, SAD 100 cm, photon 10 MV) to rando phantom and using TLD as a dosimetry. Simulation`s dose would be used as the reference to verify TPS`s dose. Based on that, the result show that dose calculation of TPS was appropriate for femoral head, ovary, and vagina, that`s because percent error was less than 5%. Whereas for kidney, the calculation wasn`t appropriate because percent error reached 17% for field B and 90% for field A that has size smaller than field B. Penumbra`s data also had been taken in this research, to find out the limit of TPS`s calculation."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Deny Prasetyanto
"Praktek residensi keperawatan pada sistem neurologi dituntut mampu memberikan asuhan keperawatan secara komperhensif, menerapkan Evidence Based Nursing (EBN) serta mampu berperan sebagai innovator di ruang perawatan. Pemberi asuhan keperawatan dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan model adaptasi Roy pada pasien stroke hemoragik dan 30 pasien lainnya dengan berbagai gangguan system neurologi. Perilaku maladaptif paling banyak adalah mode adaptasi fisiologi. Penerapan EBN Pelvis Stability Training (PST) pada lima pasien stroke menunjukkan keefektifan dalam  meningkatkan kontrol pergerakan, kekuatan otot panggul, kecepatan berjalan, dan ADL melalui kestabilan keseimbangan panggul pada pasien stroke. Program inovasi keperawatan berupa penerapan program pencegahan kejadian jatuh pada pasien neurologi di rawat inap.
......Nursing residency practice in the neurology system is demanded to be able to provide comprehensive nursing care, implementation of Evidence Based Nursing (EBN) and be able to act as an innovator in the treatment room. Nursing care was performed using Roy's adaptation model approach in hemorrhagic stroke patients and 30 other patients with various neurological system disorders. Maladaptive behavior is the most common mode of physiological adaptation. The implementation of EBN Pelvis Stability Training (PST) in five stroke patients showed effectiveness in increasing movement control, pelvic muscle strength, walking speed, and ADL through stability in pelvic balance in stroke patients. The nursing innovation program is in the form of a fall prevention program in neurology patients hospitalized."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library