"The significance of employment for people with disabilities has gained interest among researchers.
The successful inclusion of people with disabilities in the employment settings depends on the employers?
perspective towards their integration in the mainstream workforce. This review examines
literature over the past 25 years with an attempt to assess the employers? perspective and specifically,
the factors influencing their perspective towards inclusion of people with disabilities in employment.
A search of electronic databases has resulted in the selection and analysis of 44 articles.
The literature indicates that employers? perspective plays an important role in providing and maintaining
employment opportunities for people with disabilities. A number of factors including type
of disability and demographic variables affecting employers? perspective have been identified and
Pentingnya mempekerjakan tenaga kerja penyandang disabilitas telah menjadi perhatian para
peneliti. Kesuksesan melibatkan karyawan difabel dalam ketenagakerjaan bergantung pada sudut
pandang pemberi kerja terhadap integrasi mereka di dalam lingkup pekerjaan. Artikel ini meneliti
literatur sepanjang 25 tahun terakhir yang bertujuan untuk menilai sudut pandang pemberi kerja
terhadap inklusi karyawan difabel di dalam pekerjaan. Pencarian database elektronik telah menghasilkan
seleksi dan analisis terhadap 44 artikel. Literatur mengindikasikan bahwa sudut pandang
pemberi kerja memainkan peran penting dalam menyediakan dan melestarikan kesempatan kerja
bagi para penyandang disabilitas. Sejumlah faktor telah diidentifikasikan dan didiskusikan termasuk
tipe disabilitas dan variabel demografis yang mempengaruhi sudut pandang pemberi kerja."