Fakhran Dyra Suwandi,author
Abstrak :
Dalam dunia yang saling terhubung, produsen sering mengembangkan rantai pasokan global. Artinya, produk mungkin sebenarnya tidak diproduksi di mana merek itu lahir. Banyak produk, tak terkecualikan mobil, outsourcing produksi ke negara-negara berkembang, seperti Indonesia, dan mengambil keuntungan dari pengurangan biaya tenaga kerja, antara lain. Terlepas dari asal-usul merek, muncul pertanyaan apakah lokasi perakitan suatu produk menjadi sebuah faktor kunci bagi konsumen untuk dipertimbangkan. Penelitian ini akan melakukan menelaah tentang hubungan antara COA dan penilaian produk, dimediasikan oleh etnosentrisitas konsumen. Dalam survei ini, responden dibagi menjadi dua kelompok akan mengevaluasi produk yang sama, dengan spesifikasi yang sama, hanya dengan COA yang berbeda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada efek signifikan diantara COA dan evaluasi produk, maupun dengan moderasi oleh etnosentrisme konsumen.
...... In a world that is becoming more interconnected, producers often develop globalized supply chains. That is, a product may not actually be produced where its brand had originated. Many products, especially automobiles, have outsourced their production to developing countries like Indonesia to take advantage of lower labor costs among other reasons. That being said, questions emerge on whether where a product is assembled, regardless of its brand origin, will be a major factor for consumers to consider. The research will perform a study into the relationship between COA and product evaluation moderated by consumer ethnocentrism. The study will divide respondents into four groups based on the stimuli they will receive. The stimuli will be based on the corresponding COA. They will then answer questions pertaining to the evaluation of the product given in the stimulus, their consumer ethnocentrism, and their demographics. The results show that there is a no significant correlation between a product's COA and their product evaluation. Furthermore, consumer ethnocentrism has no significant effects toward the relationship between COA and product evaluation.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library