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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"Investigating Terrorism takes a look behind the closed doors of terrorist cases, and at the entire judicial process of these cases from heated debates in both Houses of Parliament, through arrest, prosecution and imprisonment. In doing so, it confronts many of the crucial political, enforcement, legal and psychological issues currently influencing major decision-makers in this arena. --
Specialist contributors discuss recently released research into the effectiveness of front-line counter-terrorism officers in their dealings with terrorist suspects, including the findings from a study commissioned by New Scotland Yard into the effectiveness of police interviews with terrorist suspects. Also included are strategic reviews of many of the major legislative changes and subsequent high-profile legal challenges that have repeatedly undermined government policy. Contributors provide a clear psychological understanding of aspects of terrorist behaviour, including insights into what drives individuals to become suicide bombers. --
Contributions come from leading barristers, senior police officers and psychologists. Contributors Lord Carlile, the former HMG's Independent Reviewer of Terrorist Legislation, and Peter Clarke, the recently retired head of the Anti-Terrorist Branch for the UK, combine academic credentials and understanding with substantial policy or practitioner experience. This combination of perspectives ensures a holistic and richly informed view of the subject and issues"
Malden, MA : Wiley Balckwell, 2015
363.325 INV
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa, Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 1989
499.2 POL
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ariasa Hadibroto
"Tesis ini berupaya menjelaskan bagaimana pemerintah melakukan langkahlangkah dalam menghadapi terorisme di dalam negeri dimana fenomena terorisme ini sudah menggejala secara global. Penekanan penelitian ini difokuskan pada langkah konkret dari pemerintah untuk menghadapi terorisme dilihat dari aspek ketahanan nasional. Temuan dalam penelitian ini adalah aspek politik lebih dominan dibandingkan dengan aspek lain yang tak kalah pentingnya.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptis ancilitis dengan menggunakan data primer yang diperoleh dari basil wawancara dari para pakar di bidang yang berkorelasi dengan masalah terorisme series data sekunder yang diperoleh dari studi kepustakaan. Untuk mendukung analisis digunakan metode analisis Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Hasil dari perhitungan AHP-menjelaskan bahwa aspek politik iebih dominan dibandingkan dengan aspek lain meskipun aspek lain juga berpengaruh.
Dari langkah-langkah yang sudah dilakukan oleh pemerintah menunjukkan bahwa koordinasi antar instansi yang terkait dalam memberantas terorisme dan perm serta mosyarakat perlu ditingkatkan diikuti dengan meningkatkan kesejahteraan warga negara di seluruh nusantara dan menjalin hubungan yang baik dengan negara lain dalam kaftan pemberantasan terorisme. Sehingga diharapkan di masa yang akan datang peluang terjadinya aksi terorisme akan berkurang.

This thesis the author had attempted to describe how far the government had got steps to fight terrorism in the country in which it had spread all over the word. This research is focused on concrete steps by the government for fighting against terrorism based on national resilience. Predominantly, this research findings is more political aspects than others being not less important
This research uses analytical descriptive approach using both primary data obtained from some interviews with experts having correlation with terrorism problems and secondary data from library studies. To support this analysis had been applied Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. Its results explained that political aspect is more dominant than other influential aspects.
From steps which had been taken by the government had indicated that coordination among related inter institutions in fighting against terrorism and large public participation necessarily, it should be increased and accompanied with all citizens welfare in the country as well as to have good relations with other countries in fighting against terrorism. By doing so, it is wished in the future opportunity of terrorism actions will be decreased or even eliminated.
Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nandang Burhanudin
"Tumbangnya orde baru membawa berkah bagi kader-kader dakwah yang dikenal dengan sebutan jamaah Tarbiyah. Berdasarkan hasil musyawarah, sebagian besar sepakat mensosialisasikan program dakwah melalui jalur partai yang kemudian dinamai Partai Keadilan. Mengingat partai sebagai kepanjangan dakwah, maka apa pun aktifitas dan kebijakan partai tak lepas dari dakwah yang merupakan urat nadi kader-kader yang masih relatif muda dan idealis ini. Sehingga program partai pun, benar-benar merupakan penjabaran dari misi visi dakwah yang dikemas dalam format yang lebih membumi dan modern. Membumi karena senantiasa menjauhi target-target politik yang mengawang serta lebih membaca realitas. Modern, sebab kendati yang diperjuangkan adalah Islam dan syariatnya, Partai Keadilan sama sekali tidak mengkultuskan warisan masa lalu sebagai bagian yang harus dihadirkan masa sekarang. Justru yang diperjuangkan Partai Keadilan adalah nilai-nilai universal Islam yang tercermin dalam keadilan, persamaan hak dan kewajiban, supremasi hukum, memerangi kezhaliman atas dalih apa pun dan memberantas kesewenangan yang kuat terhadap yang lemah atau tirani mayoritas kepada minoritas dan sebaliknya.
Dalam tataran perjuangan nilai-nilai tersebut, Partai Keadilan pun menempuh segala celah yang bisa dijadikan pintu masuk nilai-nilai Islam, mulai dari pembinaan pribadi, pendidikan, sosial, politik, hingga melalui perjuangan legislasi dan konstituisionalisasi perundang-undangan. Cara yang ditempuh pun menjauhi sikap anarkis, brutal, kekerasan apalagi tindakan teror. Bagi kader-kader PK, tujuan yang baik harus melalui cara dan jalan yang baik pula. Satu cara fundamental yang ditempuh PK dalam penerapan perjuangan syariat Islam adalah, yang pertama dan paling utama menerapkannya dulu dalam individu personal kader Partai Keadilan sebelum menyuarakannya pada orang lain. Oleh karena itu, syariat Islam bukanlah bualan politik. Ia adalah sebuah nilai yang harus diterapkan dalam kehidupan.
PK menyadari, jika syariat Islam benar-benar dipahami secara integral dan universal, maka tak kan ada kezhaliman terhadap wanita, non muslim atau praktek-praktek ketidakjujuran dalam segala tatarannya, baik dalam skala interaksi antar personal masyarakat maupun dalam skala negara. Sebaliknya, jika seseorang berbuat zalim apa pun itu, maka sebenarnya orang tersebut tidak sedang menjalankan syariat Islam, walaupun mungkin dalih yang digunakan berasal dari doktrin-doktrin suci agama. Sebuah pemahaman yang sangat diperlukan untuk menjadi solusi di tengah badai krisis moral di Indonesia dewasa.

The fail of the New Order Era has brought a blessing unto the cadres of missionary activities as known by the denomination Jamaah Tarbiyah. On the foundation of deliberations, the majority agreed to popularize the program for propagation trough the instrument of the Justice Party. Considering that the party as the extension means for propagation which being the nerve of the cadres who are relatively still youthful and idealistic. So that even the party program really conveys the realization of the missionary vision of propagation contained in a more popular and modem format. Popular since it keeps itself away from political targets floating in the air of uncertainties. Modern since what is being struggled for is Islam and its law.
The Justice Party never mad as cult of past heritance as a part of its presence in contemporary affairs. Whereas exactly what is being aimed for bay the Justice Party are the values of the universal Islam which is reflected in justice, equality in rights and obligations, the supremacy of the law, the fight against tyranny on the precepts of whatever case and the combat against despotism wrought by the powerful against the weak or the tyranny of the majority toward the minority and otherwise.
Within the concepts of such values the Justice Party even strides all openings which can serve as an avenue for the values of Islam, starting with the self-training, education, social-politic up to the struggle in the legislative ranks for constitutionalization of laws. The method to be adopted even distance anarchy, brutality, violence or even more terror. For the Justice Party cadres the good purposes should also be conducted by decent ways. One fundamental method which should be endeavored by the Justice Party in the struggle for the laws of Islam are, firstly and principally should done primarily among the individual cadres of the Justice Party before propagandizing it toward other people. Therefore, the Islamic Law should not be political big talking. This is one value that must be enacted in everyday life.
The Justice Party realizes that, if the Islamic Law is exactly integrally and universally comprehended, there will be no despotism against women, non-Muslims or unfair practices within its ranks. Whether on the level of internal interactions of the communal personality on the level of state affairs. Otherwise, if anyone conducts whatever despotic actions, he in fact does not follow the Islamic Law, event though under the pretences of the holy religious doctrines. A seriously needed understanding for the solution in the midst of the storm of moral crisis in Indonesia nowadays.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library