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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Muhammad Abduh
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Pada pasien dengan penyakit jantung, gangguan pada fungsi paru dapat memperburuk kondisi jantung dengan menyebabkan terjadinya dekompensasi. Infeksi virus SARS-CoV-2 berpotensi mengakibatkan terjadinya fibrosis paru dan gangguan fungsi paru lainnya yang dapat dinilai dengan pemeriksaan spirometri dan kadar ST2 terlarut dalam darah. Infeksi COVID-19 varian Omicron mengakibatkan luaran yang relatif lebih baik dibandingkan varian Delta namun jumlah kasusnya lebih banyak dan tetap dapat mengakibatkan komplikasi tersebut. Oleh sebab itu, penelitian ini akan membandingkan kedua parameter tersebut pada pasien pasca infeksi COVID-19 varian Omicron dan Delta. Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan kadar ST2 terlarut dan luaran spirometri pada pasien pasca COVID-19 varian Omicron dibandingkan varian Delta pada pasien dengan penyakit kardiovaskular serta perbedaan pada kedua populasi. Metode: Studi observasional potong lintang pada 76 pasien dengan penyakit jantung yang terinfeksi COVID-19 varian Omicron dan Delta dilakukan pemeriksaan spirometri dan kadar ST terlarut 12 minggu pasca konfirmasi negatif. Analisis statistik dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kadar ST2 terlarut pada varian Omicron dibandingkan dengan Delta terhadap gangguan fungsi paru menggunakan spirometri dan perbedaan luaran kedua varian. Hasil: Dari 76 subjek penelitian, proporsi pasien dengan varian Omicron lebih banyak dibandingkan Delta (53 orang berbanding 23 orang), dengan perbedaan pada proporsi pasien dengan gagal jantung, penyakit jantung koroner, penerima vaksin dan distres pernafasan akut pada admisi. Kadar ST2 terlarut (p=0.026, OR 1.01 (95% CI 1.00-1.01)) dan kondisi gagal jantung (p=0.019, OR 6.07 (95% CI 1.34-27.47)) memiliki hubungan terhadap kejadian luaran gambaran spirometri abnormal khususnya gambaran restriksi terutama pada varian Omicron, namun hubungan ini lemah dan kemaknaan klinis tidak signifikan. Hasil studi ini mengindikasikan bahwa kadar ST2 terlarut, meskipun lemah, mungkin memiliki asosiasi terhadap kelainan spirometri pada penyintas COVID-19, namun temuan ini terbatasi oleh perbedaan pada masing-masing populasi dari studi ini. ......Background: In patients with heart disease, impaired lung function can exacerbate cardiac conditions due to decompensation. Infection by the SARS-CoV-2 virus has the potential to cause pulmonary fibrosis and other lung impairment which could be assessed by spirometry and measurement of soluble ST2 levels. Omicron infection resulted in a relatively better outcome than the Delta variant but higher number of cases and it could still cause these complications. Therefore, this study aims to compare these two parameters in survivors of COVID-19 infected by Omicron and Delta variant. Objective: To determine the relationship between soluble ST2 levels and spirometry outcomes in patients with cardiovascular disease after COVID-19 infection by Omicron variant as compared to the Delta variant and the differences in the two populations. Methods: A cross-sectional observational study on 76 patients with heart disease who were infected by Omicron and Delta variant of COVID-19 underwent spirometry and blood sampling for soluble ST levels at the Outpatient clinic in 12 weeks after confirmed negative. Statistical analysis will be performed to find out the association between soluble ST2 levels in the Omicron variant compared to Delta and impairment of lung function using spirometry and the difference in the outcomes of the two variants.


Results: From 76 study subjects, the proportion of survivor of Omicron variant was higher than Delta (53 versus 23), with differences in the proportion of patients with heart failure, coronary artery disease, recipients of vaccine and acute respiratory distress syndrome on admission. Soluble ST2 levels (p=0.026, OR 1.01 (95% CI 1.00-1.01)) and heart failure (p=0.019, OR 6.07 (95% CI 1.34-27.47)) have a significant association to abnormal spirometry pattern, especially the restrictive pattern in the Omicron variant, however this relationship may be weak and the clinical implication might be insignificant. Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that soluble ST2 levels, although weak, may have an association with spirometry abnormalities in COVID-19 survivors, but these findings may be limited by differences in each population and study design.

Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andi Rismunandar
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang : Prevalensi ansietas dan depresi serta faktor risiko pada penyintas COVID-19 di seluruh dunia dan Indonesia masih tinggi dan berbeda beda dari setiap negara. Di Indonesia faktor risiko ansietas dan depresi belum pernah diteliti. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menentukan prevalensi dan faktor risiko gejala ansietas dan depresi pasca rawat inap COVID-19 di rumah sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo. Metode : Desain penelitian ini adalah Kohort retrospektif. Subjek penelitian diambil dari pasien pasca perawatan inap COVID-19 pada periode Januari 2022 sampai Maret 2023. Gejala ansietas dan depresi dinilai menggunakan Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale. Analisa bivariat digunakan menentukan faktor risiko dari variabel kategorik dan dilanjutkan ke analisa multivariat regresi logistik sampai didapatkan nilai P: 0,05. Hasil : Terdapat 209 subjek yang dilibatkan dalam penelitian ini dengan prevalensi gejala ansietas 20,57% dan gejala depresi 13,40%. Faktor risiko gejala ansietas adalah wanita RR (IK95%) 1,805 (1,017 – 3,204), p=0,043, Dukungan sosial sedang dan rendah dengan RR (IK95%) 1,935 (1,028 – 3,643), p=0,041 untuk dukungan sosial sedang dan RR (IK95%) 3,325 (1,314 – 8,411), p=0,011 untuk dukungan sosial rendah, Komorbid dengan RR (IK95%) 1,742 (1,019 – 2,977), p=0,042, Anosmia atau hipogeusia dengan RR (IK95%) 1,894 (1,045 – 3,433), p=0,035, gejala menetap pasca COVID-19 dengan nilai RR (IK95%) 2,885 (1,553 – 5,359), p=0,001. Faktor risiko gejala depresi adalah gejala menetap pasca COVID-19 RR (IK95%) 2,738 (1,300 – 5,770), p=0,008, kedia adalah aktifitas fisik ringan RR (IK95%) 6,556 (1,577 - 27,244), p=0,010. Kesimpulan : Faktor risiko gejala ansietas pasca perawatan COVID-19 yang bermakna adalah wanita, dukungan sosial, komorbid, anosmia atau hipogeusia, gejala menetap sedangkan faktor risiko gejala depresi adalah gejala menetap pasca COVID-19 dan aktifitas fisik ringan. ......Background: The prevalence of anxiety and depression, as well as risk factors for COVID-19 survivors worldwide and in Indonesia, is still high and varies from country to country. In Indonesia, the risk factors for anxiety and depression have not been studied. This study was conducted to determine the prevalence and risk factors for symptoms of anxiety and depression after hospitalization for COVID-19 at Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital. Methods: The study design was a retrospective cohort. The study subjects were taken from post-hospitalized COVID-19 patients from January 2022 to March 2023. Symptoms of anxiety and depression were assessed using the Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale. Bivariate analysis was used to determine risk factors from categorical variables and proceeded to multivariate logistic regression analysis until a P value of 0.05 was obtained. Results: There were 209 subjects involved in this study, with a prevalence of 20.57% anxiety symptoms and 13.40% depressive symptoms. Risk factors for anxiety symptoms are women RR (95% CI) 1.805 (1.017 – 3.204), P=0.043, Medium and low social support with RR (95% CI) 1.935 (1.028 – 3.643), P=0.041 for moderate social support, RR (95% CI 3.325 (1.314 – 8.411), P=0.011 for low social support, Comorbid with RR (95% CI) 1.742 (1.019 – 2.977), P=0.042, Anosmia or hypogeusia with RR (95% CI) 1.894 (1.045 – 3.433 ), P=0.035, persistent symptoms after COVID-19 with a RR (95% CI) 2.885 (1.553 – 5.359), P=0.001. Risk factors for depressive symptoms are persistent symptoms after COVID-19, RR (95% CI) 2.738 (1.300 – 5.770), P=0.008, lastly light physical activity RR (95% CI) 6.556 (1.577 - 27.244), P=0.010. Conclusion: Significant risk factors for anxiety symptoms post hospitalization for COVID-19 are women, social support, comorbidities, anosmia or hypogeusia, and persistent symptoms, while risk factors for depressive symptoms are persistent symptoms after COVID-19 and light physical activity
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Regan Changa
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi perilaku pencarian informasi mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia sebelum dan sesudah pandemi COVID-19. Penelitian menggunakan jenis analisis deskriptif untuk menggambarkan pola perilaku pencarian informasi mahasiswa serta mengidentifikasi perubahan yang terjadi setelah pandemi. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah 100 mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia. Data dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner yang berisi pertanyaan tentang sumber-sumber informasi yang mereka akses sebelum dan sesudah pandemi COVID-19. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa sumber informasi yang digunakan oleh mahasiswa tidak mengalami perubahan signifikan sebelum dan sesudah pandemi. Meskipun demikian, terdapat kecenderungan bahwa mahasiswa lebih sering menggunakan perilaku pencarian aktif, seperti mencari informasi melalui internet atau bertanya kepada teman, daripada perilaku pencarian mendalam yang melibatkan analisis dan evaluasi lebih mendalam terhadap sumber informasi. Selain itu jenis kelamin juga menentukan jenis informasi apa yang mereka akses.Penemuan ini memberikan wawasan penting terkait pola perilaku pencarian informasi mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia pasca pandemi COVID-19. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah perlunya upaya pendidikan dan pengembangan kompetensi informasi bagi mahasiswa guna meningkatkan keterampilan mereka dalam melakukan pencarian informasi secara efektif dan kritis. ......This research aims to explore the information seeking behavior of University of Indonesia students before and after the COVID-19 pandemic. The study employs a descriptive analysis method to depict the patterns of students' information seeking behavior and identify any changes that occurred after the pandemic. The respondents for this research consist of 100 University of Indonesia students. Data were collected through questionnaires containing inquiries about the information sources they accessed before and after the COVID-19 pandemic. The analysis results indicate that the information sources used by the students did not undergo significant changes before and after the pandemic. However, there is a tendency for students to engage in more active information seeking behaviors, such as searching for information on the internet or asking their peers, rather than adopting deeper information seeking behaviors that involve analysis and more thorough evaluation of information sources. Additionally, the research finds that gender also influences the type of information accessed by students. These findings offer essential insights into the information seeking behavior patterns of University of Indonesia students in the post-COVID-19 era. The implications of this research highlight the necessity for educational efforts and information competency development for students to enhance their skills in conducting effective and critical information searches.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ni Luh Putu Diva Mahastra Putri
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang Di masa pandemi COVID-19, terjadi peningkatan suatu isu kesehatan yaitu swamedikasi obat bebas di kalangan masyarakat. Hal ini dikaitkan dengan persepsi sehat yang dimiliki oleh setiap individu sehingga memicu perilaku swamedikasi. Hingga saat ini, belum diketahui hubungan antara persepsi kesehatan umum dengan swamedikasi obat bebas pada subjek pasca COVID-19. Metode Di masa pandemi COVID-19, terjadi peningkatan suatu isu kesehatan yaitu swamedikasi obat bebas di kalangan masyarakat. Hal ini dikaitkan dengan persepsi sehat yang dapat diukur menggunakan The Short Form 36 Health Survei Questionnaire (SF-36) dan dimiliki oleh setiap individu sehingga memicu perilaku swamedikasi. Hingga saat ini, belum diketahui hubungan antara persepsi kesehatan umum dengan swamedikasi obat bebas pada subjek pasca COVID-19. Hasil Sebagian besar persepsi kesehatan umum pada subjek pasca COVID-19 di Kelurahan Panjunan, Cirebon adalah baik. Pada penelitian ini diketahui proporsi responden pasca COVID-19 yang pernah melakukan swamedikasi obat bebas selama 6 bulan terakhir adalah 61 responden (71,8%). Analisis antara persepsi kesehatan umum dan perilaku swamedikasi obat bebas subjek pasca COVID-19 di Kelurahan Panjunan Cirebon dan sekitarnya dengan Uji Fisher yang menunjukkan nilai p=0,029 (OR 5,647; 95% CI 0,693- 45,973) yang menunjukkan adanya hubungan signifikan. Kesimpulan Terdapat hubungan signifikan antara persepsi kesehatan umum dan perilaku swamedikasi obat bebas subjek pasca COVID-19 di Kelurahan Panjunan Cirebon dan sekitarnya dengan Uji Fisher yang menunjukkan nilai p=0,029 (OR 5,647; 95% CI 0,693-45,973). Alasan utama responden melakukan swamedikasi adalah karena hemat waktu. ......Introduction During the COVID-19 pandemic, an increasing of a health issue is detected which causes an increasing of self-medication behavior of over-the-counter drugs among the public. This is associated with the decreased quality of life in post COVID-19 patients which can be measured by The Short Form 36 Health Survei Questionnaire (SF-36) about the perception of health that each individual has, thus triggering self-medication behavior. Until now, there is no known relationship between general health perceptions and over- the-counter drug self-medication in post-COVID-19 subjects. Method This research was conducted by collecting samples using consecutive sampling method and cross-sectional methods with 85 respondents which fulfilled the inclusion criterias in Panjunan Village, Cirebon, and surrounding areas. Results In this study, it was found that the proportion of post-COVID-19 respondents who had self-medicated over-the-counter medications during the last 6 months was 61 respondents (71.8%). Analysis of general health perceptions and over-the-counter self-medication behavior of post-COVID-19 subjects in Panjunan Village Cirebon and its surroundings with Fisher's test showing a p value = 0.029 (OR 5.647; 95% CI 0.693-45.973) which indicates a significant relationship. Overall, the general health perceptions in Panjunan Village, Cirebon and its surroundings is good. Conclusion There is a significant relationship between general health perceptions and self-medication behavior of the post-COVID-19 subjects in Panjunan Village, Cirebon and its surroundings with the Fisher Test showing a value of p=0.029 (OR 5.647; 95% CI 0.693- 45.973). The main reason respondents carry out self-medication is because it saves time.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library